Monday, February 28, 2005 I making up for all those blogless days with all these blogs in one day? Hehehe. I was just wondering *again!* who reads my blog. Who actually points their mouse at my blog's name and clicks to enter. And why do they enter? What is it about the name Darkschunt that entices them? Is it just a random click? What do they think they will find when they click the name? What did you think this blog was about? Honestly I wonder what people think. Hey! You can help me out! Tell me why in the tagboard down in the sidebar okay? Why you choosed to flick through my blog and all. I'm cuuurious.
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The Hots and Colds!
I just put my music player on random and recently I've gotten in this order: an old school American band (Veruca Salt), a young opera guy (Josh Groban), a Japanese band (I can't remember who), the violin solo in Utada Hikaru's album, an Italian pop singer (Laura Pussini) and now a Chinese techno club dance mix (Kelly Chen).
I should start my own international radio station!
Just now as I was walking back to my flat from class I bumped into this guy who I met last semester and seems to be really popular. And he was really friendly but I never know what to expect from him. Sometimes he seems really friendly, other times he seems a little standoffish. He just blows hot and cold. He must be a Scorpio. Sometimes I wish people like that can get their act together. It's not good for sensitive people like me who, after every meeting with people like him, can be totally affected by said meeting. "OH, he is SOOO NICE! What a nice guy!!!!" or "I HATE YOU! Why are you so COLD to me? WHYYYYYY?"
Honestly. Pffht. He's just another person whom you should just stab and bury behind your flat. But then other times you just want to dig him up and dust him off and have a beer with him.
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I just put my music player on random and recently I've gotten in this order: an old school American band (Veruca Salt), a young opera guy (Josh Groban), a Japanese band (I can't remember who), the violin solo in Utada Hikaru's album, an Italian pop singer (Laura Pussini) and now a Chinese techno club dance mix (Kelly Chen).
I should start my own international radio station!
Just now as I was walking back to my flat from class I bumped into this guy who I met last semester and seems to be really popular. And he was really friendly but I never know what to expect from him. Sometimes he seems really friendly, other times he seems a little standoffish. He just blows hot and cold. He must be a Scorpio. Sometimes I wish people like that can get their act together. It's not good for sensitive people like me who, after every meeting with people like him, can be totally affected by said meeting. "OH, he is SOOO NICE! What a nice guy!!!!" or "I HATE YOU! Why are you so COLD to me? WHYYYYYY?"
Honestly. Pffht. He's just another person whom you should just stab and bury behind your flat. But then other times you just want to dig him up and dust him off and have a beer with him.
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I just went for my first class - Media Ethics Lecture - about an hour and a half ago. And it was so boring. And I just discovered who my tutor is. It's one of those scary women who are never satisfied with any of your work. I have just been warned to try to get out of her tutorial as fast as possible! But the only other tute that's available to me is the one with the boring post grads in it! And the tute with the angry tutor woman has a really cute goth guy in it! Which one should I pick? I have only tonight to choose! Aaaargh!
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Well, everyone at this flat has shown up, and while the guys have totally disappointed myself and Moon Von - Booooo! not a single good-looking guy in our flat this semester! But two of them seem pretty nice. The other one is just plain weird. He kind of stone stares me everytime I say hi to him or try to smile at him. Blech. We should just kill him and bury him behind our flat.
And Ting has finally arrived! (And hopefully, with her toaster. Yay!) So we are now six. And I think this sem our flat is going to be pretty clean because all the guys seem kind of anal retentive. Such a big difference from last year!
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And Ting has finally arrived! (And hopefully, with her toaster. Yay!) So we are now six. And I think this sem our flat is going to be pretty clean because all the guys seem kind of anal retentive. Such a big difference from last year!
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Boys with Towels on Your Doorstep!
Let me tell you amusing stories about my life!
The other night, I was watching TV with the Curly Pumpkin (whom sometimes I name the Orange Pumpkin because I have a bad memory) in my room when suddenly the doorbell rings. So I run out and open the door and who should be standing right in front of me but two tall cute guys in t-shirts and shorts and holding towels.
"Hi," they say. "We're from next door and we were just wondering....if we could....change?"
CHANGE? Are they saying they want to change in my flat? Like as in shower and change? Right away, I think, SURE! Come on in! And at the same time, I'm like, erm....two strange guys changing in my flat? But, SURE, come on in!
Anyway, my totally bewildered expression must have made them realize I need more clarification and one of them adds, "I mean, change for the laundry room? Coin change?"
And right away understanding and disappointment sets in. "Oh, you want coin change for the washing machines? Oh, sure, hang on."
And I slam the door in their faces and go to my room where I throw myself down on the bed, laughing, and tell Curly Pumpkin what had just happened before I go knock on my other flatmate's door and told him to go dispense some change to the two guys standing on our doorstep since we didn't have any ourselves.
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Let me tell you amusing stories about my life!
The other night, I was watching TV with the Curly Pumpkin (whom sometimes I name the Orange Pumpkin because I have a bad memory) in my room when suddenly the doorbell rings. So I run out and open the door and who should be standing right in front of me but two tall cute guys in t-shirts and shorts and holding towels.
"Hi," they say. "We're from next door and we were just wondering....if we could....change?"
CHANGE? Are they saying they want to change in my flat? Like as in shower and change? Right away, I think, SURE! Come on in! And at the same time, I'm like, erm....two strange guys changing in my flat? But, SURE, come on in!
Anyway, my totally bewildered expression must have made them realize I need more clarification and one of them adds, "I mean, change for the laundry room? Coin change?"
And right away understanding and disappointment sets in. "Oh, you want coin change for the washing machines? Oh, sure, hang on."
And I slam the door in their faces and go to my room where I throw myself down on the bed, laughing, and tell Curly Pumpkin what had just happened before I go knock on my other flatmate's door and told him to go dispense some change to the two guys standing on our doorstep since we didn't have any ourselves.
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The other day I wrote this in my notebook:
When you're away, alone, living by yourself, all emotions suddenly seem so much more intense. Everything seems so much more powerful, more able to touch you, able to reach out in the middle of the night and touch you with a chilly finger running down your spine. Love, grief, confusion, heartache. Craziness, madness. Bitersweetness, happiness. You're so much more susceptible to them, so much more liable to lose yourself to them, to be influenced by them, without the safety of a roof over your head. And then...and do reckless things. Things you'll never thought you'd do.
Crazy, no?
And it all depends on what your idea of which crazy it is I'm talking about. ;)
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When you're away, alone, living by yourself, all emotions suddenly seem so much more intense. Everything seems so much more powerful, more able to touch you, able to reach out in the middle of the night and touch you with a chilly finger running down your spine. Love, grief, confusion, heartache. Craziness, madness. Bitersweetness, happiness. You're so much more susceptible to them, so much more liable to lose yourself to them, to be influenced by them, without the safety of a roof over your head. And then...and do reckless things. Things you'll never thought you'd do.
Crazy, no?
And it all depends on what your idea of which crazy it is I'm talking about. ;)
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Today's the first day of classes! I have only one lecture...which is at four to I'm in no big hurry to's only a lecture anyway.
I remember my first day of classes here....I was so worried and nervous and was all prepared to run into the arms of Ms Banana and K later for comfort... and then I arrived at the big hall for the lecture and it was like...oh, is that all? Hahahahaha.
And now it's like...oh, I have this lecture. Okay, whatever. There's still plenty of time to eat. :D
And none of the peeps whom I turned over my resume to have called me back. Aaaargh! I need a job!
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I remember my first day of classes here....I was so worried and nervous and was all prepared to run into the arms of Ms Banana and K later for comfort... and then I arrived at the big hall for the lecture and it was like...oh, is that all? Hahahahaha.
And now it's like...oh, I have this lecture. Okay, whatever. There's still plenty of time to eat. :D
And none of the peeps whom I turned over my resume to have called me back. Aaaargh! I need a job!
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Sunday, February 27, 2005
I feel like it's been ages since I've blogged!
Well, I've got my old room back and everything's been unpacked and feeling like usual again... new flatmates are in and they seem pretty fact there doesn't seem to be anyone remotely fun or interesting around...what is a girl suppose to do?
Classes are starting tomorrow and I have absolutely no idea where my classes are....I suppose I should have to go find out from someone...sigh...unfortunately I have classes everyday instead of three days a week like last sem...but the good thing is that I only have about an hour each day...
The only good thing is that there seems to be more beer then usual lately.
We watched Original Sin the other day! Angelina Jolie and Antonio Banderas make such a good couple together! The only thing that ruined the movie was that Shuddup and the Dervish were making so much noise that we could barely concentrate. We ended up reading subtitles instead. I know I did. Lol.
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Well, I've got my old room back and everything's been unpacked and feeling like usual again... new flatmates are in and they seem pretty fact there doesn't seem to be anyone remotely fun or interesting around...what is a girl suppose to do?
Classes are starting tomorrow and I have absolutely no idea where my classes are....I suppose I should have to go find out from someone...sigh...unfortunately I have classes everyday instead of three days a week like last sem...but the good thing is that I only have about an hour each day...
The only good thing is that there seems to be more beer then usual lately.
We watched Original Sin the other day! Angelina Jolie and Antonio Banderas make such a good couple together! The only thing that ruined the movie was that Shuddup and the Dervish were making so much noise that we could barely concentrate. We ended up reading subtitles instead. I know I did. Lol.
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Listening to: George "Fortunate Smile" :)
Well I haven't been writing much because I've been busy packing and catching flights and unpacking and unloading and shopping for necessities....but... I'll do my best to fill you all in as quick as I can!!!
The last few days before I left were so sad.... meeting with old friends again for that "last good-bye". One thing which I have realized for the first time in my magical life is that saying good-bye to old friends after being together for just three months is harder then saying goodbye to old friends after being together for your entire life. Last year when I left for the first time, it seemed somehow easier. This year, when I left for the second time after coming home for three months, it was so much harder. I was on the verge of tears and felt sick to my stomach. Of course, that might have been the wine and Chivas or the fact that I was deathly worried that my stuff might exceed the weight limit at the airport. My stupid weighing scales lied to me and told me that my suitcases and boxes weighed about SEVENTY KG when they only weighed about twenty something or so. Bah! I should have packed more stuff.
Maybe it was because when I came home for only three months, me and my friends made a point to get together as much as possible and every moment seemed poignant, while when I left the first time, we kind of took it for granted because we had been together our entire lives. This time, when I returned, we kind of realized we only had three months, and after that, some of us may be going to other countries and we might never see each other again for much longer then just nine months. SOB. I hate this changing point in life where everyone goes their separate ways and it's not just separate ways like separate colleges or separate high schools but truly separate ways in life. It's magical, but it's sad too.
And Kelly-Mandy, Laughing Liz and I went to Kelly-Mandy's college where we ate at this cafe where there were tons of college boy waiters, some of which were pretty cute, and where the food totally sucked so I passed my time by writing HELP ME with the seafood lasagna tomato sauce on my plate. As we were leaving, Kelly-Mandy started flirting with ALL the waiters and they were like surrounding her the same way Scarlett O'Hara was surrounded by all those guys at that party scene before the war and everything. You should have seen her - she was really killing! And it turns out we pretty much made an impression on those guys - as we do on most guys, hehehe - and they all wanted our numbers. Ah...but I was leaving that very weekend! What bad timing...sigh...Liz and Kelly-Mandy would just have to date them for me.
And me, Bundles and Alleya ran off to grab my sister's shoes (which took up so much of my luggage along with MY shoes) and...piece of news...Bundles is in mourning as her darling Jay has hooked up with a TV presenter! Who is apparently perfect in every which way! Nevermind Bundles, she HAS to have a major flaw, and if she doesn't...we'll kill her!
And on my very last night, Potatos, ScreamingSour, Backstabbed, the model, and me went to BK for dinner, our usual :), and then headed over to Potato's house where we raided Carrot's DVD collection and then swept on over to ScreamingSour's, where we settled down with Chivas, Coke, ice, and wine to watch Unborn and The Girl Next Door.
Whoops, the Orange Pumpkin just called so I gotta go, but more later!
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Well I haven't been writing much because I've been busy packing and catching flights and unpacking and unloading and shopping for necessities....but... I'll do my best to fill you all in as quick as I can!!!
The last few days before I left were so sad.... meeting with old friends again for that "last good-bye". One thing which I have realized for the first time in my magical life is that saying good-bye to old friends after being together for just three months is harder then saying goodbye to old friends after being together for your entire life. Last year when I left for the first time, it seemed somehow easier. This year, when I left for the second time after coming home for three months, it was so much harder. I was on the verge of tears and felt sick to my stomach. Of course, that might have been the wine and Chivas or the fact that I was deathly worried that my stuff might exceed the weight limit at the airport. My stupid weighing scales lied to me and told me that my suitcases and boxes weighed about SEVENTY KG when they only weighed about twenty something or so. Bah! I should have packed more stuff.
Maybe it was because when I came home for only three months, me and my friends made a point to get together as much as possible and every moment seemed poignant, while when I left the first time, we kind of took it for granted because we had been together our entire lives. This time, when I returned, we kind of realized we only had three months, and after that, some of us may be going to other countries and we might never see each other again for much longer then just nine months. SOB. I hate this changing point in life where everyone goes their separate ways and it's not just separate ways like separate colleges or separate high schools but truly separate ways in life. It's magical, but it's sad too.
And Kelly-Mandy, Laughing Liz and I went to Kelly-Mandy's college where we ate at this cafe where there were tons of college boy waiters, some of which were pretty cute, and where the food totally sucked so I passed my time by writing HELP ME with the seafood lasagna tomato sauce on my plate. As we were leaving, Kelly-Mandy started flirting with ALL the waiters and they were like surrounding her the same way Scarlett O'Hara was surrounded by all those guys at that party scene before the war and everything. You should have seen her - she was really killing! And it turns out we pretty much made an impression on those guys - as we do on most guys, hehehe - and they all wanted our numbers. Ah...but I was leaving that very weekend! What bad timing...sigh...Liz and Kelly-Mandy would just have to date them for me.
And me, Bundles and Alleya ran off to grab my sister's shoes (which took up so much of my luggage along with MY shoes) and...piece of news...Bundles is in mourning as her darling Jay has hooked up with a TV presenter! Who is apparently perfect in every which way! Nevermind Bundles, she HAS to have a major flaw, and if she doesn't...we'll kill her!
And on my very last night, Potatos, ScreamingSour, Backstabbed, the model, and me went to BK for dinner, our usual :), and then headed over to Potato's house where we raided Carrot's DVD collection and then swept on over to ScreamingSour's, where we settled down with Chivas, Coke, ice, and wine to watch Unborn and The Girl Next Door.
Whoops, the Orange Pumpkin just called so I gotta go, but more later!
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Thursday, February 17, 2005
Oh yeah, I forgot! New updates to my website - Darkschunt - which you can visit in that link in the sidebar, just enter the portal! ;) Have finally revamped everything and added some new pics (more to come later) and finally added some more chapters to one of my stories, A Reason to Fight! Chapters Twelve and Thirteen have finally come in! More to come later! And the poetry page is up too! Come see! :)
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Today I saw Constantine with Joey! And it was so fun...I love love love movies like these with demons and angels sashaying around earth as if they were an occult group of vampires who write goth poetry and dress really well. Like Gabriel/Tilda Swinton and Midnite/Djimon Hounsou, both of whom also go around talking as if they were in a Shakespeare movie. Especially Gabriel/Tilda Swinton, who is totally androgynous and looks a little like Meryl Streep's angel character from Angels in America and appears in one scene in a gorgeous suit that I want and in another scene in a white outfit that looks half like Luke Skywalker and half like some flower child hippie from Forest Gump or something. And has cool blackish wings that I want too. And I also want Rachel Weisz's and Keanu Reeves's black and white suits too! And I want them both too...they're both me, any movie that lets you gaze on either Keanu Reeves's face or Rachel Weisz's face 95% percent of the time is a movie worth watching. And Keanu when he was young was just yummy. Like a troubled Johnny Depp. OH wait. Johnny Depp always was troubled. Nevermind.
But they should have explained things a bit more, like why did Rachel's twin commit suicide? I mean, there has to be some better reason then demons are chasing her, because they always did that her whole life anyway, and what's up with that talisman thing that the priest had, and then was given to Rachel, like WHY does it have the power to protect her? And why did the priest die???? What did he see???? And how did Keanu escape from hell that first time anyway? Just coming back to life like that doesn't really cut it for me. Lots of people come back to life after committing suicide. It's called Not Killing Yourself Properly.
And then, biggest surprise of all, Satan came to the Rescue in the end! Dressed in white and looking like some rich old Californian businessman, yakking about family and all.
And make sure you stay until all the credits have finished rolling because there was a surprise bit at the end! I heard about it on the radio today and I told Joey and Joey's friend and made them stay to watch it all the while hoping that the DJ was right and everyone had left by then except a few other people who had probably been listening to the radio as well this morning and the cinema workers were trying to get us to leave but we wouldn't leave and then - the credits came to an end and the surprise came! I won't tell you what it is - you have to go watch for yourself! ;)
And after the show was over, we sat outside Joey's house yakking, and two cats came by and I glanced out my window at them and they just stopped and stared back at me and I turned back to Joey and said, "hey look at the cats" and then I turned back and they were still staring and they just kept on staring at us with those eyes and at first Joey was like, "Where? What cats?" and I'm like "Right in front of you! C'mon, don't make me think I'm seeing things now, because those cats are downright creepy just staring at us like that! I don't want to be Constantine! Or Halle Berry in Catwoman! And most definitely not Catwoman!" And finally Joey spotted the cats. And they just kept staring at us until we ignored them and they disappeared.
Anyway, the whole time I was watching Constantine, I was like, "Does he have some kind of third eye or something?!???" His affliction sounds like a third eye like those Chinese who grow up their whole lives seeing ghosts and stuff like Haley Joel Osmont because their third eye was opened (apparently we all have third eyes only most of us have third eyes which are closed) and if they want to live a normal life they can pay a sensei or some traditional healer loads of money to close their third eye or subscribe them a strict diet or something to keep them from seeing the third eye. I know loads of people with opened third eyes and they live perfectly normal lives. They don't go killing themselves like Constantine!
There are an awful lot of fireworks these days! Everyday, nonstop! Are they going to blast them off throughout the entire fifteen days of Chinese New Year? I mean, fireworks are nice and all but everyday is just too much! And it gets kind of annoying after a while because we would be like watching TV indoors and suddenly all these blasts go off and we're just too lazy to go outside to check it out and besides, we're watching TV!!!! Fireworks everyday is pretty much... annoying.
And today's some sort of day of honor for the Head God or someone in Heaven. My next door neighbors who are from Taiwan had a whole roasted pig delivered to their house today and when I got back home after watching Constantine they had like these red candles and a whole display of stuff on a red clothed table outside their house and they were burning things. It's really cool, everytime there's a Chinese celebration they go all out on decorations and rituals and stuff. They all looked up as I came roaring in with my old Ford under the tree outside my house, and my other neighbor had left a whole pile of tree branches beside the tree so I just sort of rammed my car over the tree branches and one green branch got stuck in the bumper like a Druid broomstick and I had to bend over and yank it out and hope there was no pesticide on it!
Oh, apparently today the Hokkiens honor the God of the heavens because apparently he saved them, from who or what or how, I don't know but Bundles is finding out for me. And they have to put out offerings as well as sugarcane outside their door. And that's why there are so many fireworks today too. Pah, but there have been fireworks everyday since last week. I should have started an illegal firework business this year. Did you hear about the poor guy who got killed by a gigantic firework a couple of weeks ago? It was, like, huge, like bigger than a baby. And it didn't go off so he went over to inspect it and it blew up in his face. Lesson learnt: never go up to inspect a firework which may or may not go off. Spray it with water from miles away.
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But they should have explained things a bit more, like why did Rachel's twin commit suicide? I mean, there has to be some better reason then demons are chasing her, because they always did that her whole life anyway, and what's up with that talisman thing that the priest had, and then was given to Rachel, like WHY does it have the power to protect her? And why did the priest die???? What did he see???? And how did Keanu escape from hell that first time anyway? Just coming back to life like that doesn't really cut it for me. Lots of people come back to life after committing suicide. It's called Not Killing Yourself Properly.
And then, biggest surprise of all, Satan came to the Rescue in the end! Dressed in white and looking like some rich old Californian businessman, yakking about family and all.
And make sure you stay until all the credits have finished rolling because there was a surprise bit at the end! I heard about it on the radio today and I told Joey and Joey's friend and made them stay to watch it all the while hoping that the DJ was right and everyone had left by then except a few other people who had probably been listening to the radio as well this morning and the cinema workers were trying to get us to leave but we wouldn't leave and then - the credits came to an end and the surprise came! I won't tell you what it is - you have to go watch for yourself! ;)
And after the show was over, we sat outside Joey's house yakking, and two cats came by and I glanced out my window at them and they just stopped and stared back at me and I turned back to Joey and said, "hey look at the cats" and then I turned back and they were still staring and they just kept on staring at us with those eyes and at first Joey was like, "Where? What cats?" and I'm like "Right in front of you! C'mon, don't make me think I'm seeing things now, because those cats are downright creepy just staring at us like that! I don't want to be Constantine! Or Halle Berry in Catwoman! And most definitely not Catwoman!" And finally Joey spotted the cats. And they just kept staring at us until we ignored them and they disappeared.
Anyway, the whole time I was watching Constantine, I was like, "Does he have some kind of third eye or something?!???" His affliction sounds like a third eye like those Chinese who grow up their whole lives seeing ghosts and stuff like Haley Joel Osmont because their third eye was opened (apparently we all have third eyes only most of us have third eyes which are closed) and if they want to live a normal life they can pay a sensei or some traditional healer loads of money to close their third eye or subscribe them a strict diet or something to keep them from seeing the third eye. I know loads of people with opened third eyes and they live perfectly normal lives. They don't go killing themselves like Constantine!
There are an awful lot of fireworks these days! Everyday, nonstop! Are they going to blast them off throughout the entire fifteen days of Chinese New Year? I mean, fireworks are nice and all but everyday is just too much! And it gets kind of annoying after a while because we would be like watching TV indoors and suddenly all these blasts go off and we're just too lazy to go outside to check it out and besides, we're watching TV!!!! Fireworks everyday is pretty much... annoying.
And today's some sort of day of honor for the Head God or someone in Heaven. My next door neighbors who are from Taiwan had a whole roasted pig delivered to their house today and when I got back home after watching Constantine they had like these red candles and a whole display of stuff on a red clothed table outside their house and they were burning things. It's really cool, everytime there's a Chinese celebration they go all out on decorations and rituals and stuff. They all looked up as I came roaring in with my old Ford under the tree outside my house, and my other neighbor had left a whole pile of tree branches beside the tree so I just sort of rammed my car over the tree branches and one green branch got stuck in the bumper like a Druid broomstick and I had to bend over and yank it out and hope there was no pesticide on it!
Oh, apparently today the Hokkiens honor the God of the heavens because apparently he saved them, from who or what or how, I don't know but Bundles is finding out for me. And they have to put out offerings as well as sugarcane outside their door. And that's why there are so many fireworks today too. Pah, but there have been fireworks everyday since last week. I should have started an illegal firework business this year. Did you hear about the poor guy who got killed by a gigantic firework a couple of weeks ago? It was, like, huge, like bigger than a baby. And it didn't go off so he went over to inspect it and it blew up in his face. Lesson learnt: never go up to inspect a firework which may or may not go off. Spray it with water from miles away.
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Guess what! Tenzin Delek Rinpoche's life has been saved!!!!!
If you haven't been reading my earlier posts, Tenzin Delek is a Tibetan monk who was arrested by the Chinese government in 2002 and accused of being involved in certain bombings. He was sentenced to death with a suspension of two years without being given a fair trial nor with any credible evidence.
This next part I'll quote from the Students for a Free Tibet website:
"According to Human Rights Watch, 'For more than 10 years, Tenzin Delek struggled to develop social, medical, educational and religious institutions for the impoverished nomadic Tibetan communities in Sichuan province. He also worked to preserve the area’s fragile ecological balance in the face of unbridled logging and mining activities.' Rinpoche was also an advocate of the Dalai Lama's philosophy of nonviolence.
"Because of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche's influence in his community, and his efforts to preserve Tibetan identity, the Chinese authorities view him as a threat to their control in the region. Over the course of a decade, he was the target of increasing harassment, intimidation, and control by Chinese officials."
Tenzin Delek was sentenced to death with a two year suspension. His death sentence was supposed to have been carried out on Dec 2nd 2004. There has been an international campaign going on to try to save his life, and the Students for A free Tibet association have been campaigning as well and that's how I found out about it and I tried to get up a petition as well because, basically, that was the only thing I could do by my cashless self.
And the campaign worked! On Dec 2nd, the day his death sentence was supposed to be carried out, he was granted a reprieve, and then, on January 26th, his death sentence was commuted and reduced to life imprisonment!
A while back, while I was trying to get (okay, harassing :) ) people to sign the petition to save his life, I get a lot of hassle from certain people who asked me: "What use do you think this petition is? Do you really think that it can change anything? It's just a petition, no one's going to listen to you. It won't changed anything."
Well, my dear friends, HAH! It has CHANGED things! (and thank you for signing the petition, see, you HAVE made a difference! And what a difference - saving an innocent man's life!
You know, even if you don't think it would make a difference, you HAVE to try. I mean, this is an innocent man's life we're talking about. Just think about how you would feel if you were stuck in a lonely old jail cell, slowly watching the days slip by before the day of your death setence, knowing you were going to die, and not knowing if anyone outside was trying to help you, and knowing you were innocent.
I feel SO excited and happy about this! You know, deep down in my heart, I thought the petition wouldn't work either. I had my serious doubts that it could really change things, but I thought, hell, it wouldn't hurt to try, right? I mean, you just HAD to keep trying. I kept thinking about how it must feel to be alone in that jail cell, even if you thought things wouldn't change, you would want people outside to keep trying no matter what, right?
And things did change! His life was saved. It felt so good to read about this!
A couple of nights ago, I was feeling depressed, like suddenly, something struck me that this world was just shit, you know, no matter what we do, there's always people hurting other people, and worse, WE hurt other people as well, even if we don't mean to. It doesn't matter, even if you were a saint, you inevitably ended up hurting some one else sometime in your life, intentional or not. And I just felt so depressed over that, like, the world IS a terrible place, and there's no help for it.
But this has made me feel a thousand times better! If something like this can happen, then, well, there truly is hope! No matter that other people hurt other people, that YOU end up hurting other people whether you want to or not, you gotta keep up your pluck and keep on trying to change things for the better, right?
I'm so, so, so happy.
And now, there's a campaign going on to try to free Tenzin Delek as well as other political prisoners in Tibet. If you're interested in finding out more about it, go to, which is the Students for a Free Tibet website. Who knows, we might get him freed next!
Speaking of all things Tibetan, it was the Tibetan New Year on Febraury 9! Losar Tashi Delek! According to the Tibetan calender, it is the year 2132, the year of the Wood Bird.
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Guess what! Tenzin Delek Rinpoche's life has been saved!!!!!
If you haven't been reading my earlier posts, Tenzin Delek is a Tibetan monk who was arrested by the Chinese government in 2002 and accused of being involved in certain bombings. He was sentenced to death with a suspension of two years without being given a fair trial nor with any credible evidence.
This next part I'll quote from the Students for a Free Tibet website:
"According to Human Rights Watch, 'For more than 10 years, Tenzin Delek struggled to develop social, medical, educational and religious institutions for the impoverished nomadic Tibetan communities in Sichuan province. He also worked to preserve the area’s fragile ecological balance in the face of unbridled logging and mining activities.' Rinpoche was also an advocate of the Dalai Lama's philosophy of nonviolence.
"Because of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche's influence in his community, and his efforts to preserve Tibetan identity, the Chinese authorities view him as a threat to their control in the region. Over the course of a decade, he was the target of increasing harassment, intimidation, and control by Chinese officials."
Tenzin Delek was sentenced to death with a two year suspension. His death sentence was supposed to have been carried out on Dec 2nd 2004. There has been an international campaign going on to try to save his life, and the Students for A free Tibet association have been campaigning as well and that's how I found out about it and I tried to get up a petition as well because, basically, that was the only thing I could do by my cashless self.
And the campaign worked! On Dec 2nd, the day his death sentence was supposed to be carried out, he was granted a reprieve, and then, on January 26th, his death sentence was commuted and reduced to life imprisonment!
A while back, while I was trying to get (okay, harassing :) ) people to sign the petition to save his life, I get a lot of hassle from certain people who asked me: "What use do you think this petition is? Do you really think that it can change anything? It's just a petition, no one's going to listen to you. It won't changed anything."
Well, my dear friends, HAH! It has CHANGED things! (and thank you for signing the petition, see, you HAVE made a difference! And what a difference - saving an innocent man's life!
You know, even if you don't think it would make a difference, you HAVE to try. I mean, this is an innocent man's life we're talking about. Just think about how you would feel if you were stuck in a lonely old jail cell, slowly watching the days slip by before the day of your death setence, knowing you were going to die, and not knowing if anyone outside was trying to help you, and knowing you were innocent.
I feel SO excited and happy about this! You know, deep down in my heart, I thought the petition wouldn't work either. I had my serious doubts that it could really change things, but I thought, hell, it wouldn't hurt to try, right? I mean, you just HAD to keep trying. I kept thinking about how it must feel to be alone in that jail cell, even if you thought things wouldn't change, you would want people outside to keep trying no matter what, right?
And things did change! His life was saved. It felt so good to read about this!
A couple of nights ago, I was feeling depressed, like suddenly, something struck me that this world was just shit, you know, no matter what we do, there's always people hurting other people, and worse, WE hurt other people as well, even if we don't mean to. It doesn't matter, even if you were a saint, you inevitably ended up hurting some one else sometime in your life, intentional or not. And I just felt so depressed over that, like, the world IS a terrible place, and there's no help for it.
But this has made me feel a thousand times better! If something like this can happen, then, well, there truly is hope! No matter that other people hurt other people, that YOU end up hurting other people whether you want to or not, you gotta keep up your pluck and keep on trying to change things for the better, right?
I'm so, so, so happy.
And now, there's a campaign going on to try to free Tenzin Delek as well as other political prisoners in Tibet. If you're interested in finding out more about it, go to, which is the Students for a Free Tibet website. Who knows, we might get him freed next!
Speaking of all things Tibetan, it was the Tibetan New Year on Febraury 9! Losar Tashi Delek! According to the Tibetan calender, it is the year 2132, the year of the Wood Bird.
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Up till last week I was going through a horror movie phase where i ended up watching nothing but horror movies without planning to and now i've ended up in a period phase where i end up watching nothing but period movies without planning to either! So far I've seen Timeline, Vanity Fair and The Merchant of Venice, the one with Joseph Fiennes and Jeremy Irons in it!
Vanity Fair kind of reminds me of that Uma Thurman movie The Golden Bowl. And it's like both movies are saying, you can be this woman with all this spirit and fire and charm and fight for all you want but in the end you have to bow to society's demands and not get what you want! And the quiet women who don't do anything and just lie around and have no willpower get everything they want! Boo!
Tonight the lights went out TWICE and i was like "nooo!" because it's so hot and i need my air-con! Anyway I went around lighting all the candles I could find in my room... and that was when I realized, gosh, i DO have a lot of candles.
And then I danced around the room singing "Yyyyyy-MCA!" while Marcus looked on in horror!
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Vanity Fair kind of reminds me of that Uma Thurman movie The Golden Bowl. And it's like both movies are saying, you can be this woman with all this spirit and fire and charm and fight for all you want but in the end you have to bow to society's demands and not get what you want! And the quiet women who don't do anything and just lie around and have no willpower get everything they want! Boo!
Tonight the lights went out TWICE and i was like "nooo!" because it's so hot and i need my air-con! Anyway I went around lighting all the candles I could find in my room... and that was when I realized, gosh, i DO have a lot of candles.
And then I danced around the room singing "Yyyyyy-MCA!" while Marcus looked on in horror!
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Monday, February 14, 2005
Whenever I see that poster advertising the movie about Ray Charles, my first impression is always: "Hey, look! A poster for Ray Bans!"
Hahahahahaaha. Just because Jamie Foxx is wearing a pair of shades and the first headline you see on the poster is RAY.
Like, ray bans!
My favourite ray bans advertisement will always be the one with the group of cool kids standing on top of the steps decked out in leather and shades and this guy racing up the steps to join them as the sun is rising and then he gets fried just as the sun comes up. And then the leader goes, "Oh, he must have forgotten to put on his raybans."
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Whenever I see that poster advertising the movie about Ray Charles, my first impression is always: "Hey, look! A poster for Ray Bans!"
Hahahahahaaha. Just because Jamie Foxx is wearing a pair of shades and the first headline you see on the poster is RAY.
Like, ray bans!
My favourite ray bans advertisement will always be the one with the group of cool kids standing on top of the steps decked out in leather and shades and this guy racing up the steps to join them as the sun is rising and then he gets fried just as the sun comes up. And then the leader goes, "Oh, he must have forgotten to put on his raybans."
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Medieval Husband, Here I Come!
Today I watched Timeline! And I loved the book and I loved the movie! Even though the movie didn't completely follow the book but i loved loved loved it anyway! I loved everything! The period, the adventure, the fighting, the romance, the chivalry, the mighty men with broadswords....*giggle*
And everytime Gerard Butler/Andre Marek is with Anna Friel/Lady Claire, doesn't the romantic music swelling in the background sound like it was stolen from the Mask of Zorro or something?
You know, that so totally settles it. I know who I want to marry now. No, no, i'm no longer settling for any pasty-faced Wall Street stockbroker who wears boring old ties and gets a belly by the time he's 30. I'm not going for any steamingly sexy rock star with smoldering eyes who just gets wrinkles and looks like Rod Stewart when he's much older, or some hot actor who'll end up looking like Bill Murray in Lost in Translation when he is older. NONO. I am going to wait until I get my HERO! I want someone with muscles and longish dark curls and piercing dark eyes and basically looks like Gerard Butler/Andre Marek and who rides up on a steed, wearing shining armor and carrying a sword! I want to be tied to a stake and recued by him! Someone who goes fighting wars and killing people (and no, not George Bush, I want a HERO, a KNIGHT, and no, not SIR ELTON JOHN) and who slays people with a single stroke of a sword and says "m'lady" and kisses my hand softly with his lips while he douses his enemies with Greek Fire and wades around the river with water up to his chest while pushing me around the river in a basket and loses an ear in a battle for me and has to train all the time to keep fit right until the day he dies in case our huge old drafty keep gets ambused by the barbarian warriors! YEAH!
Isn't that so much more exciting then your average modern guy?
I have to get me some medieval dresses and a time-traveling device.
Medieval Times, here I come!
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Today I watched Timeline! And I loved the book and I loved the movie! Even though the movie didn't completely follow the book but i loved loved loved it anyway! I loved everything! The period, the adventure, the fighting, the romance, the chivalry, the mighty men with broadswords....*giggle*
And everytime Gerard Butler/Andre Marek is with Anna Friel/Lady Claire, doesn't the romantic music swelling in the background sound like it was stolen from the Mask of Zorro or something?
You know, that so totally settles it. I know who I want to marry now. No, no, i'm no longer settling for any pasty-faced Wall Street stockbroker who wears boring old ties and gets a belly by the time he's 30. I'm not going for any steamingly sexy rock star with smoldering eyes who just gets wrinkles and looks like Rod Stewart when he's much older, or some hot actor who'll end up looking like Bill Murray in Lost in Translation when he is older. NONO. I am going to wait until I get my HERO! I want someone with muscles and longish dark curls and piercing dark eyes and basically looks like Gerard Butler/Andre Marek and who rides up on a steed, wearing shining armor and carrying a sword! I want to be tied to a stake and recued by him! Someone who goes fighting wars and killing people (and no, not George Bush, I want a HERO, a KNIGHT, and no, not SIR ELTON JOHN) and who slays people with a single stroke of a sword and says "m'lady" and kisses my hand softly with his lips while he douses his enemies with Greek Fire and wades around the river with water up to his chest while pushing me around the river in a basket and loses an ear in a battle for me and has to train all the time to keep fit right until the day he dies in case our huge old drafty keep gets ambused by the barbarian warriors! YEAH!
Isn't that so much more exciting then your average modern guy?
I have to get me some medieval dresses and a time-traveling device.
Medieval Times, here I come!
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The Spikes
Sometimes, when I see a picture of Spike Jonze, I think, "Hey, I thought he was black" and then I realize, "Oh wait, that's Spike Jonze, not Spike Lee."
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Sometimes, when I see a picture of Spike Jonze, I think, "Hey, I thought he was black" and then I realize, "Oh wait, that's Spike Jonze, not Spike Lee."
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Sunday, February 13, 2005
The other day I was looking for pictures of Proserpina (or maybe it was Persephone, I can't remember, because I searched for both) on Yahoo Search Images and among the weird and scary things that came up was the very same picture of the sleeping lady in that gorgeous orange dress that's further down this blog right above my Mystery Notes tagboard. (By the way, darling readers, do drop me a note on the tagboard. I'm very cur-rious to know who reads my blog. Curious as a camel, curious like a cat. I'm like the black cat with green eyes that crosses your path right before the bucket of paint sitting on top of the ladder above you drops on your head.) Clears throat. *Ahem*. Drinks glass of whiskey advocated by Bill Murray on Lost in Translation. Anyway, the picture of the Orange Lady was captioned by the title Proserpina (or Persephone) and I'm like, *indignantly* "That's not Proserpina! (Or maybe Persephone). That's Flaming June! That's a picture by that artist whose name I can't remember! It ain't no daughter of a Greek Goddess!"
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The other day I was watching Wicker Park, and the first names I see are Rose Byrne and Diane Kruger and I start laughing because, it's like, "Look! It's Troy set in Wicker Park!" And then, "Look! Matthew Lilliard! It's Shaggy from Scooby Doo!"
It wasn't too bad a show but I don't know, I just don't like Josh Hartnett. Maybe it's because he plays such assholes. Like how he steals the girlfriend of his dead best friend in Pearl Harbor, and he was honestly such a meanie in O. And I just don't like his voice either. I like deep voices but there's something about his voice that irritates me. *Giggles* I hope Bundles doesn't read this or she'll kill me. She's madly in love with Josh Hartnett. Sorry, Bundles!
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It wasn't too bad a show but I don't know, I just don't like Josh Hartnett. Maybe it's because he plays such assholes. Like how he steals the girlfriend of his dead best friend in Pearl Harbor, and he was honestly such a meanie in O. And I just don't like his voice either. I like deep voices but there's something about his voice that irritates me. *Giggles* I hope Bundles doesn't read this or she'll kill me. She's madly in love with Josh Hartnett. Sorry, Bundles!
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So, anyway, after I left ScreamingSour's place, I was driving on the left lane and I had to switch to the middle lane but this car was coming up fast, so I'm like, Ok, I'll slow down and let them pass me first. But they start slowing down themselves and I see they're in the right lane plus they're not signalling to switch lanes, and I'm like, OK, so maybe they're keeping to the right lane, so I'll go to the middle lane and I put on my signal and just as I switch lanes, they try to switch to the middle lane too, but I'm there first so they blast their horn at me instead.
And I'm like, bitch, I gave you plenty of time to switch lanes if you had wanted to, plus I was signalling and you weren't so obviously I have the right of the way. And me, being the Queen of Peace and Kindness - (stop laughing, guys!) - I didn't, like, blast my horn back or anything. And as they speed past me on the right lane, I note they're a whole bunch of Indian guys in the car and they're all like glaring at me. Even though they were obviously morons just out of driving school who don't know how to signal.
And so there's this traffic light up ahead and I'm like, Jeez, there's only the two of us and I don't want to have to stop next to them and endure their shouting or whatever so I slow down and sto behind them and I can see the guys at the back looking over their shoulders at me. Like, whatever. And suddenly, the light turns green, and guess what? They don't move! Instead, you can see the guy in the front leaning back and putting his arm up on his seat like, "I'm not gonna move so you can just stay where you are to teach you a lesson" (erm, I think he's the one who needs lessons about signalling when you're driving!) and I'm like, "whatever, I don't have time to screw with you" and so I turned my car onto the middle lane and drive past them. Only, being the screwballs that they are, they start their car in a hurry and speed by me again.
And I'm like, yeah, yeah, go ahead and try to play games with me, I don't give a damn. I'm not going to play your little games with you. So I slow down again and let them move on ahead, and you could see them like turning to look at me again and I just smile pleasantly and give them the finger. Don't mess with me, kid! I had my hair all tied back and I'm wearing my white shirt and wrist bands - I looked very like Angelina Jolie on a death wish mission. Stop me and I'll get out of the car and drive a beer bottle through your heads, the way Devon Sawa did to Seth Green in Idle Hands! *giggles* And, maybe they realized just how close to death they were because they turn onto a different road from me.
Honestly, there are like a thousand and one road bullies on the streets here and it's like, jeez, half the time they lose their temper over the smallest trivial thing or over something that they're obviously to blame for, and it's like, go get therapy or something. Please. Do the rest of the world a favour.
And do you ever notice that most road bullies are men? Like, probably 99.9% of them. That shows you one thing doesn't it? Men shouldn't be allowed to drive on the road!
Road bullies. Pah. I spit on them. Ptui. I hope they get run over by a truck.
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And I'm like, bitch, I gave you plenty of time to switch lanes if you had wanted to, plus I was signalling and you weren't so obviously I have the right of the way. And me, being the Queen of Peace and Kindness - (stop laughing, guys!) - I didn't, like, blast my horn back or anything. And as they speed past me on the right lane, I note they're a whole bunch of Indian guys in the car and they're all like glaring at me. Even though they were obviously morons just out of driving school who don't know how to signal.
And so there's this traffic light up ahead and I'm like, Jeez, there's only the two of us and I don't want to have to stop next to them and endure their shouting or whatever so I slow down and sto behind them and I can see the guys at the back looking over their shoulders at me. Like, whatever. And suddenly, the light turns green, and guess what? They don't move! Instead, you can see the guy in the front leaning back and putting his arm up on his seat like, "I'm not gonna move so you can just stay where you are to teach you a lesson" (erm, I think he's the one who needs lessons about signalling when you're driving!) and I'm like, "whatever, I don't have time to screw with you" and so I turned my car onto the middle lane and drive past them. Only, being the screwballs that they are, they start their car in a hurry and speed by me again.
And I'm like, yeah, yeah, go ahead and try to play games with me, I don't give a damn. I'm not going to play your little games with you. So I slow down again and let them move on ahead, and you could see them like turning to look at me again and I just smile pleasantly and give them the finger. Don't mess with me, kid! I had my hair all tied back and I'm wearing my white shirt and wrist bands - I looked very like Angelina Jolie on a death wish mission. Stop me and I'll get out of the car and drive a beer bottle through your heads, the way Devon Sawa did to Seth Green in Idle Hands! *giggles* And, maybe they realized just how close to death they were because they turn onto a different road from me.
Honestly, there are like a thousand and one road bullies on the streets here and it's like, jeez, half the time they lose their temper over the smallest trivial thing or over something that they're obviously to blame for, and it's like, go get therapy or something. Please. Do the rest of the world a favour.
And do you ever notice that most road bullies are men? Like, probably 99.9% of them. That shows you one thing doesn't it? Men shouldn't be allowed to drive on the road!
Road bullies. Pah. I spit on them. Ptui. I hope they get run over by a truck.
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I've got Smashing Pumpkin's Adore in my head.
So today myself, ScreamingSour, and Backstabbed had dinner at Burger King where we saw Gwen Stefani's Pirates of the Carribeanish Rich Girl music video and ate burgers whose sizes have shrunk and prices have rose.
Then Backstabbed disappeared and me and ScreamingSour headed back to her house to watch DVDs! She found Lost in Translation which we both had been wanting to watch but we only endured about forty minutes of it. Like, neither of us likes Scarlett Johansson and Bill Murray just looks a little retarded most of the time. But then, according to ScreamingSour, he looks a little retarded in every movie. In my opinion, he looks like Tom Hanks. Especially the way Tom Hanks looks in The Terminal. *Giggles*. But I love it everytime he says his whiskey commercial lines. That's probably the only time he truly shines.
Anyway, we got bored with watching, as ScreamingSour says, two people who don't appreciate the fact that they have this exciting chance to go traveling to a different country and experience a different culture and instead just mainly mooch around like the losers they are, and even when it started to pick up a little as the two boring heros met up with some fun Japanese party people, we decided to switch to Idle Hands and Devon Sawa holding knitting needles.
Virgin Suicides was a whole lot better.
Maybe we could have finished it if we had had some munchies and if it weren't so hot. And if we had alcohol.
You know, speaking of alcohol, I think wine has spoiled me for hard liqcour. Like, I used to consume copious amounts of Jack Daniels and Chivas Regal but then I turned to wine because it was a whole lot cheaper and now I think I can't do, like, lots of Chivas anymore. I mean, I used to drink it like water. Now, it's more like, I drink it like it's Chivas.
Anyway, Idle Hands was a whole lot funnier. I've never seen the show before - I know, I know! Everyone else has seen it except for me! And it had loads of people in it! Like Vivica A. Fox! And Jessica Alba! And Seth Green! And Devon Sawa holding knitting needles!
And Jessica Alba is so hot, like usual. Yay... like the part where she and her friend get stuck in the sewer and she riggs up this thing to stop the huge ventilator fan and a rope to get through the blades and I'm just like, "yeah, Max! Go, Max! Go 4477! Or, erm, I mean, 4422! Or 4545! Er...whatever!"
LOL...and check out the way she dances at the Halloween dance scene. Like, that is a far cry from Honey.
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So today myself, ScreamingSour, and Backstabbed had dinner at Burger King where we saw Gwen Stefani's Pirates of the Carribeanish Rich Girl music video and ate burgers whose sizes have shrunk and prices have rose.
Then Backstabbed disappeared and me and ScreamingSour headed back to her house to watch DVDs! She found Lost in Translation which we both had been wanting to watch but we only endured about forty minutes of it. Like, neither of us likes Scarlett Johansson and Bill Murray just looks a little retarded most of the time. But then, according to ScreamingSour, he looks a little retarded in every movie. In my opinion, he looks like Tom Hanks. Especially the way Tom Hanks looks in The Terminal. *Giggles*. But I love it everytime he says his whiskey commercial lines. That's probably the only time he truly shines.
Anyway, we got bored with watching, as ScreamingSour says, two people who don't appreciate the fact that they have this exciting chance to go traveling to a different country and experience a different culture and instead just mainly mooch around like the losers they are, and even when it started to pick up a little as the two boring heros met up with some fun Japanese party people, we decided to switch to Idle Hands and Devon Sawa holding knitting needles.
Virgin Suicides was a whole lot better.
Maybe we could have finished it if we had had some munchies and if it weren't so hot. And if we had alcohol.
You know, speaking of alcohol, I think wine has spoiled me for hard liqcour. Like, I used to consume copious amounts of Jack Daniels and Chivas Regal but then I turned to wine because it was a whole lot cheaper and now I think I can't do, like, lots of Chivas anymore. I mean, I used to drink it like water. Now, it's more like, I drink it like it's Chivas.
Anyway, Idle Hands was a whole lot funnier. I've never seen the show before - I know, I know! Everyone else has seen it except for me! And it had loads of people in it! Like Vivica A. Fox! And Jessica Alba! And Seth Green! And Devon Sawa holding knitting needles!
And Jessica Alba is so hot, like usual. Yay... like the part where she and her friend get stuck in the sewer and she riggs up this thing to stop the huge ventilator fan and a rope to get through the blades and I'm just like, "yeah, Max! Go, Max! Go 4477! Or, erm, I mean, 4422! Or 4545! Er...whatever!"
LOL...and check out the way she dances at the Halloween dance scene. Like, that is a far cry from Honey.
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Friday, February 11, 2005
The other day Kelly-Mandy and I watched Saw. We were late for the movie and I was pretty grumpy about that to Kelly-Mandy because of my lack of sleep and her extreme slowness but when we rushed into the theatre during the first fifteen minutes or so, i totally forgot about being pissed because of the HORROR.
Let me announce right now that Saw is one of the sickest, most horrible, most gruesome movies i have ever, ever, ever seen!!!!!! And this is the girl who gets her kicks off watching horror movies!
Halfway through the movie, both Kelly-Mandy and me were covering our faces with our hands and watching through our fingers. And we never, never, never do that! And halfway through I was thinking, "OMG, WHY am I watching this show? Why did I insist on running in fifteen minutes late instead of just going to watch Racing Stripes?????"
And trust me, I never, never, never think that, unless I'm watching some ultra-boring show.
And probably the scariest part of it was seeing how fat and middle-aged Cary Elwes has become! This was the gorgeous gloomy Prince-of-Darkness-esque guy from Lady Jane! The slim-as-a-reed Robin Hood from Robin Hood: Man in Tights! *Sob*
And me and Kelly-Mandy both agreed that it was such a shame that we didn't drag Laughing Liz along. Because, that girl is so afraid of horror movies that she refuses to watch any, with the exception of the time we dragged her along to watch Ring O. Imagine if we had made her come to watch this one. She'd be traumatized for life. *grins*
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Let me announce right now that Saw is one of the sickest, most horrible, most gruesome movies i have ever, ever, ever seen!!!!!! And this is the girl who gets her kicks off watching horror movies!
Halfway through the movie, both Kelly-Mandy and me were covering our faces with our hands and watching through our fingers. And we never, never, never do that! And halfway through I was thinking, "OMG, WHY am I watching this show? Why did I insist on running in fifteen minutes late instead of just going to watch Racing Stripes?????"
And trust me, I never, never, never think that, unless I'm watching some ultra-boring show.
And probably the scariest part of it was seeing how fat and middle-aged Cary Elwes has become! This was the gorgeous gloomy Prince-of-Darkness-esque guy from Lady Jane! The slim-as-a-reed Robin Hood from Robin Hood: Man in Tights! *Sob*
And me and Kelly-Mandy both agreed that it was such a shame that we didn't drag Laughing Liz along. Because, that girl is so afraid of horror movies that she refuses to watch any, with the exception of the time we dragged her along to watch Ring O. Imagine if we had made her come to watch this one. She'd be traumatized for life. *grins*
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So it's the second day of Chinese New Year and i've had to endure many boring stifling visits to see all the relatives which I usually do my best not to see for the rest of the year. Except my maternal grandmother. I love her because she's so adorable. Even her slowness doesn't lesson my love for her. Nor the fact that she used to wreck the toilet. Or the fact that we hardly understand what each other says and just smiles and pretends that we do.
And apparently it's a good year for the Rats so yay me!
Already when the whole family - okay, just my family and my mom's brother's family - sat down to play blackjack, i got blackjack in the first two rounds! And I made money this time! This rarely happens whenever we gamble. Hooray for luck.
It's the year of the Rooster so it's my sister's year. Chickens are running around everywhere. Disney's Chicken Little movie is coming out this year.
And I've been gorging myself for the past week on food. Food, food, food. Must...stop...eating...
I've been mainly stuffing myself with mushrooms, which everybody is serving all kinds of this year for some reason, and loads of prawns and pork chops, that vegetable dish that we always get on CNY but i don't really know what it's called, tofu, roast duck, smoked duck (which i only took one piece of and then couldn't figure out how to eat it because i couldn't figure out where the bone left off and the meat began), all these different kinds of noodles and cookies and chips... but so far there has only been one of those four season dish thingies that they always serve on CNY too but I have no idea what goes in it but I love it anyway. Boooooo......
And since the first day of Chinese New Year coincides with Ash Wednesday, people like my mom are torn between their race and their religion. Luckily for them, the bishop has announced that we can gorge ourselves on Ash Wednesday and fast on Friday instead. So when my uncle, my mom's brother, announced that he was giving a dinner on Friday night, my mom made him change it to today. Hahaha.
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And apparently it's a good year for the Rats so yay me!
Already when the whole family - okay, just my family and my mom's brother's family - sat down to play blackjack, i got blackjack in the first two rounds! And I made money this time! This rarely happens whenever we gamble. Hooray for luck.
It's the year of the Rooster so it's my sister's year. Chickens are running around everywhere. Disney's Chicken Little movie is coming out this year.
And I've been gorging myself for the past week on food. Food, food, food. Must...stop...eating...
I've been mainly stuffing myself with mushrooms, which everybody is serving all kinds of this year for some reason, and loads of prawns and pork chops, that vegetable dish that we always get on CNY but i don't really know what it's called, tofu, roast duck, smoked duck (which i only took one piece of and then couldn't figure out how to eat it because i couldn't figure out where the bone left off and the meat began), all these different kinds of noodles and cookies and chips... but so far there has only been one of those four season dish thingies that they always serve on CNY too but I have no idea what goes in it but I love it anyway. Boooooo......
And since the first day of Chinese New Year coincides with Ash Wednesday, people like my mom are torn between their race and their religion. Luckily for them, the bishop has announced that we can gorge ourselves on Ash Wednesday and fast on Friday instead. So when my uncle, my mom's brother, announced that he was giving a dinner on Friday night, my mom made him change it to today. Hahaha.
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Monday, February 07, 2005
"We will either find a way, or make one." - Hannibal.
That quote came from one of those little diary notebooks that companies always give out at the beginnng of the year and that I always have a stack of but never bother using. The notebook had motivation quotes for every month and Hannibal was November's. Heheheh. I'm so glad that we're getting inspiration from cannibals these days.
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That quote came from one of those little diary notebooks that companies always give out at the beginnng of the year and that I always have a stack of but never bother using. The notebook had motivation quotes for every month and Hannibal was November's. Heheheh. I'm so glad that we're getting inspiration from cannibals these days.
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Sunday, February 06, 2005
Dead Rats - the New Pencil Cases, Handbags, and Test of Friendship.
Today me and Laughing Liz met up with Viv and the Army Girl for drinks (Kelly-Mandy couldn't come because she was doing suspicious jobs for old men in hotel rooms on Saturday nights. She says it's an advertising job where she is working at a copywriter but we won't believe her. The hours are just too suspicious. And her college friends are the ones who had gotten her the job. They're suspicious too). Laughing Liz had to go home early so we headed back to my car...and that was when we saw this huge dead rat lying in the middle of the road. And my first reaction was like, "did i run over it earlier?" because it was lying at this angle where I would have probably gone over it while parking my car, and at once I peered under my car but there weren't any blood or guts on the tires! It looks really squashed and we're not sure if it had been there when we first arrived! And I was like, "oh, gross, what if I run over it while reversing my car back out on the road? Liz, go pick it up with your bare hands and throw it aside!"
And she refused.
Gee, what kind of a friend is she?
But it was one huge rat. It looks like it could be skinned and made into a nice furry handbag. Or a pencilcase. "Back to School - the New Pencilcase. 101% Authentic Rat Fur."
Anyway, I made her stick her face against the window to watch the rat for me while I put my car into reverse (while turning the wheel close to the right and coming very close to scraping the car on my right) just so that I could avoid the rat on the left.
And I was telling Lou about it later and she was like, "gee what a friend!" And we agreed that we should make it a Test of Friendship - like, your friend isn't a real friend unless she picks up a dead rat for you. Lou's Test of Friendship - heheheh.
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Today me and Laughing Liz met up with Viv and the Army Girl for drinks (Kelly-Mandy couldn't come because she was doing suspicious jobs for old men in hotel rooms on Saturday nights. She says it's an advertising job where she is working at a copywriter but we won't believe her. The hours are just too suspicious. And her college friends are the ones who had gotten her the job. They're suspicious too). Laughing Liz had to go home early so we headed back to my car...and that was when we saw this huge dead rat lying in the middle of the road. And my first reaction was like, "did i run over it earlier?" because it was lying at this angle where I would have probably gone over it while parking my car, and at once I peered under my car but there weren't any blood or guts on the tires! It looks really squashed and we're not sure if it had been there when we first arrived! And I was like, "oh, gross, what if I run over it while reversing my car back out on the road? Liz, go pick it up with your bare hands and throw it aside!"
And she refused.
Gee, what kind of a friend is she?
But it was one huge rat. It looks like it could be skinned and made into a nice furry handbag. Or a pencilcase. "Back to School - the New Pencilcase. 101% Authentic Rat Fur."
Anyway, I made her stick her face against the window to watch the rat for me while I put my car into reverse (while turning the wheel close to the right and coming very close to scraping the car on my right) just so that I could avoid the rat on the left.
And I was telling Lou about it later and she was like, "gee what a friend!" And we agreed that we should make it a Test of Friendship - like, your friend isn't a real friend unless she picks up a dead rat for you. Lou's Test of Friendship - heheheh.
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So anyway....the other day Bundles, Alleya and I went over to Alleya's house to watch Windstruck! And it was soooo sad...we were all crying by the time the show was over!
Windstruck is about this girl who's a policewoman...and my god...she's I think she could teach that gal from The Taming of The Shrew a few lessons in ferocity. One day, she comes out of a shop to find that a woman has just been robbed and she starts chasing the thief...only she ends up chasing the wrong guy and hauling him into the police station. And that's how she met the guy whom she falls in love with. And honestly, he's such a sweet guy... anyway, he often calls her up on her handphone and she would be like, "I'm chasing a criminal right now, I can't talk, I'll be a little late for dinner, see ya." And once he tried to help her out with her criminal-chasing activities only to end up getting stuck between two walls and almost getting killed. Or getting into the middle of a drug exchange and ending up with almost everyone getting killed. And then one day she's chasing a notorious criminal when he tries to help her out again, only he ends up getting shot...
Anyway it's a really funny show but it's really sad at the end! Sniff!
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Windstruck is about this girl who's a policewoman...and my god...she's I think she could teach that gal from The Taming of The Shrew a few lessons in ferocity. One day, she comes out of a shop to find that a woman has just been robbed and she starts chasing the thief...only she ends up chasing the wrong guy and hauling him into the police station. And that's how she met the guy whom she falls in love with. And honestly, he's such a sweet guy... anyway, he often calls her up on her handphone and she would be like, "I'm chasing a criminal right now, I can't talk, I'll be a little late for dinner, see ya." And once he tried to help her out with her criminal-chasing activities only to end up getting stuck between two walls and almost getting killed. Or getting into the middle of a drug exchange and ending up with almost everyone getting killed. And then one day she's chasing a notorious criminal when he tries to help her out again, only he ends up getting shot...
Anyway it's a really funny show but it's really sad at the end! Sniff!

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Let's take a look at Hot 97, number one shittiest radio station in the world.
The other day I watched the MTV Asia Aid Concert! And it was pretty good and it even made me feel a little, oooh! oooh! South-East Asia! That's where I'm from! Yaaaay! Just look at how strong and optimistic we are!
And you know, this all just reminds me of my recent post about Hot 97, the New York hip hop radio station, which must also be one of the dumbest radio stations in the world. Like I said earlier, they have absolutely no idea where South East Asia is, so maybe if they watched this concert they'd finally realize, oh, China is not in South East Asia! So that little song we used to play on our morning show which basically slammed the tsunami victims and made jokes about chinamen being washed out to sea and losing their country is totally wrong! We were slamming the wrong country! Oh, darn, how hard it is to be racist!
Well, let's hope they finally realize that now. It's no wonder they got it wrong. I suppose the only channel the Hot 97 staff ever watched is MTV. Channels like CNN are probably too difficult for them to comprehend. "Oh, you mean, Korea and Japan aren't the same country?" Gawd, and this is the radio station that claims to be the #1 radio station for hip hop and rnb. I wouldn't want anyone as stupid as that to represent me as number one. And apparently they've always been this insensitive. They've been critized for tasteless jokes before, like making fun of Aaliyah's death. Some people say that this is like a publicity stunt for them.
DJ Todd Lynns, one of the Bitches of the Universe, apologized for his stupidity by saying, "that was one of the biggest mistakes of my life" (you got that right, Toddy boy), and then goes on to say "but none of us are bigots." Hmmm, making fun of people's deaths from Aaliya to tsunami victims, using that as a publicity stunt tool, i would say you are definitely bigots. Not just bigots. Entertainment whores, much bigger entertainment whores than even Britney Spears. She's a saint compared to you guys. Just goes to show that everything that comes out of Todd Lynn's mouth is shit. Just like him.
By the way, I found out who wrote and produced their song. It was Hot 97 morning show producer Rick Del Gado, who has now been fired. Let's hope he never gets a job again and ends up living in ditches and gets beaten up daily before finally being forced to drink petrol and then being set on fire.
Gawd, this is the number one hip hop radio station in New York? And here I thought New York was a civilized place, one of the so-called greatest cities in the world. I think rural villages are more civilized than them.
Okay, anyway, I digress. Back to the MTV Asia Aid Show.
We got treated to a fashion show by host Alicia Keys who looked very serious most of the time but I guess she has to since it's suppose to be an aid concert for a tragedy and all... and what the hell was Jay Chou wearing? Like he has a pretty good wardrobe most of the time and all of a sudden he has to go and wear that! But me and Laughing Liz agreed that he looked so cool, just sitting there at his piano, and then walking off after that...and the way he moved from one song to another on the piano too...
Hmmm...I'm very much in a Jay Chou mood these days! It must be the fact that he just had a concert here and Bundles is walking around in ecstacy because she's seen her hero in the flesh and my watching all his video clips and the Taipei concert with her, not to mention the fact that when I went karaoke-ing with Potatos and Carrots the other day we kept playing the Jay Chou tunes over and over again because that was the only thing Potatos would sing and because we just liked watching his music videos.
And speaking of karaoke, gawd, can we please have the singers' authentic video clips on the TV screen while we're singing along? I don't know how I put up with all those karaoke video clips of really ugly white women sitting on park benches or beside a dock or sailing along some random river in really ugly clothes that even my grandmother would have declared are waaay out of season while smiling and flipping their hair at the camera and basically doing nothing else. They were really awful. I thought those kind of videos went out of fashion, like, years ago. Ew.
I say give Hot 97 over to the South-East Asians. We'll punish them right. You'll see. We'll torture them all the way. Put bamboo shoots under their fingernails, make them drink petrol and hot water with chilis in them, the works. The Japanese invasion didn't go by without teaching us a thing or two.
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The other day I watched the MTV Asia Aid Concert! And it was pretty good and it even made me feel a little, oooh! oooh! South-East Asia! That's where I'm from! Yaaaay! Just look at how strong and optimistic we are!
And you know, this all just reminds me of my recent post about Hot 97, the New York hip hop radio station, which must also be one of the dumbest radio stations in the world. Like I said earlier, they have absolutely no idea where South East Asia is, so maybe if they watched this concert they'd finally realize, oh, China is not in South East Asia! So that little song we used to play on our morning show which basically slammed the tsunami victims and made jokes about chinamen being washed out to sea and losing their country is totally wrong! We were slamming the wrong country! Oh, darn, how hard it is to be racist!
Well, let's hope they finally realize that now. It's no wonder they got it wrong. I suppose the only channel the Hot 97 staff ever watched is MTV. Channels like CNN are probably too difficult for them to comprehend. "Oh, you mean, Korea and Japan aren't the same country?" Gawd, and this is the radio station that claims to be the #1 radio station for hip hop and rnb. I wouldn't want anyone as stupid as that to represent me as number one. And apparently they've always been this insensitive. They've been critized for tasteless jokes before, like making fun of Aaliyah's death. Some people say that this is like a publicity stunt for them.
DJ Todd Lynns, one of the Bitches of the Universe, apologized for his stupidity by saying, "that was one of the biggest mistakes of my life" (you got that right, Toddy boy), and then goes on to say "but none of us are bigots." Hmmm, making fun of people's deaths from Aaliya to tsunami victims, using that as a publicity stunt tool, i would say you are definitely bigots. Not just bigots. Entertainment whores, much bigger entertainment whores than even Britney Spears. She's a saint compared to you guys. Just goes to show that everything that comes out of Todd Lynn's mouth is shit. Just like him.
By the way, I found out who wrote and produced their song. It was Hot 97 morning show producer Rick Del Gado, who has now been fired. Let's hope he never gets a job again and ends up living in ditches and gets beaten up daily before finally being forced to drink petrol and then being set on fire.
Gawd, this is the number one hip hop radio station in New York? And here I thought New York was a civilized place, one of the so-called greatest cities in the world. I think rural villages are more civilized than them.
Okay, anyway, I digress. Back to the MTV Asia Aid Show.
We got treated to a fashion show by host Alicia Keys who looked very serious most of the time but I guess she has to since it's suppose to be an aid concert for a tragedy and all... and what the hell was Jay Chou wearing? Like he has a pretty good wardrobe most of the time and all of a sudden he has to go and wear that! But me and Laughing Liz agreed that he looked so cool, just sitting there at his piano, and then walking off after that...and the way he moved from one song to another on the piano too...
Hmmm...I'm very much in a Jay Chou mood these days! It must be the fact that he just had a concert here and Bundles is walking around in ecstacy because she's seen her hero in the flesh and my watching all his video clips and the Taipei concert with her, not to mention the fact that when I went karaoke-ing with Potatos and Carrots the other day we kept playing the Jay Chou tunes over and over again because that was the only thing Potatos would sing and because we just liked watching his music videos.
And speaking of karaoke, gawd, can we please have the singers' authentic video clips on the TV screen while we're singing along? I don't know how I put up with all those karaoke video clips of really ugly white women sitting on park benches or beside a dock or sailing along some random river in really ugly clothes that even my grandmother would have declared are waaay out of season while smiling and flipping their hair at the camera and basically doing nothing else. They were really awful. I thought those kind of videos went out of fashion, like, years ago. Ew.
I say give Hot 97 over to the South-East Asians. We'll punish them right. You'll see. We'll torture them all the way. Put bamboo shoots under their fingernails, make them drink petrol and hot water with chilis in them, the works. The Japanese invasion didn't go by without teaching us a thing or two.
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Thursday, February 03, 2005
Today Bundles woke me up at the unearthly hour of 1 something in the afternoon and I went over to her house to watch Taegukgi which is this Korean war movie which is absolutely touching. I nearly cried while watching it! You must go watch it...even if you don't understand Korean! Because I don't understand Korean either!
The english name for this movie is Brotherhood or The Brotherhood of War although Bundles says Taegukgi is the South Korean flag and it's all about these two brothers who had to go fight in the war between South and North Korea fought. And the older brother like, really really really loves his younger brother, he's unbelievably good to his younger brother. The kind of brotherly love shown in this movie puts all other kinds of brotherly love to shame. And you know all those stories about brothers who hate each other like venom? This movie so totally puts them to complete shame.
Anyway, the older brother is desperate to get his younger brother out of the war so he goes and volunteers for all these risky missions because his commander had promised him that if he earns a medal he can send his brother home. And then all sorts of things happen after that - like his brother finding out about his plan and getting mad at him for risking his life for him and his fiance getting accused of being a communist and his meeting a good friend who has gone to fight for the other side...and, well, things just get complicated...
Anyway, it's a really good movie! Go watch it!
And on Friday, we're going over to Alleya's house to watch Windstruck! This week is Korean Movie Week!
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The english name for this movie is Brotherhood or The Brotherhood of War although Bundles says Taegukgi is the South Korean flag and it's all about these two brothers who had to go fight in the war between South and North Korea fought. And the older brother like, really really really loves his younger brother, he's unbelievably good to his younger brother. The kind of brotherly love shown in this movie puts all other kinds of brotherly love to shame. And you know all those stories about brothers who hate each other like venom? This movie so totally puts them to complete shame.
Anyway, the older brother is desperate to get his younger brother out of the war so he goes and volunteers for all these risky missions because his commander had promised him that if he earns a medal he can send his brother home. And then all sorts of things happen after that - like his brother finding out about his plan and getting mad at him for risking his life for him and his fiance getting accused of being a communist and his meeting a good friend who has gone to fight for the other side...and, well, things just get complicated...
Anyway, it's a really good movie! Go watch it!
And on Friday, we're going over to Alleya's house to watch Windstruck! This week is Korean Movie Week!
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Aaand Marcus is back! I was just so sick and tired of him coming and going and trying to haunt the streets that I told him he might as well just come stay in the basement again. And to my surprise, he accepted the offer. And now it's like old times again. Yaaay. *waves peace sign in the air.*
And now he's wandering around the house at night, eating everything in the refrigerator and singing old ballads under his breath like the retard he is.
Oops. He just read that over my shoulder. See? Sneaking peeks over my shoulder again! *slaps him away*.
Technically all Marcus needs is blood to survive but since he's such a glutton he has to go and eat all my food as well. Even though he doesn't need it but I do. Bah, I say. I'm beginning to regret my invitation.
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And now he's wandering around the house at night, eating everything in the refrigerator and singing old ballads under his breath like the retard he is.
Oops. He just read that over my shoulder. See? Sneaking peeks over my shoulder again! *slaps him away*.
Technically all Marcus needs is blood to survive but since he's such a glutton he has to go and eat all my food as well. Even though he doesn't need it but I do. Bah, I say. I'm beginning to regret my invitation.
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Wednesday, February 02, 2005
So tonight I saw Marcus again. And we spoke together in the garden.
About what? About life, about how it feels the first time you get cut off from everyone and realize that sometimes, in life, there are times when you have no one to depend on except for yourself and you had better be strong or else you won't survive.
I asked Marcus if he ever felt lonely in his long lifetime around this world. And he said sometimes he did. "But then," he says, "who doesn't? Even the happiest person in the world, even the darkest devil, does. Why do you think Hades wanted Persephone? He felt lonely. He thought that she could chase away that loneliness."
"Did she ever?" I wondered.
Marcus shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe Hades was just delusional. Maybe she did for a while, but there has to be times when the same old cold feeling comes back to his heart when she's still around."
"Just like a guy," I said dismissively. "You are all the same. It's really the thrill of the hunt that you're after."
"Which is probably why her mother had the right idea," Marcus chuckled. "Take her daughter away from Hades for at least six months of the year. That way he'll appreciate her a lot more."
"I bet Hades never appreciated the things his mother-in-law did for him," I said, sighing.
"I doubt any guy ever does," Marcus said.
"That's so stereotypical," I say.
"So is Hades," Marcus said.
We kept quiet for a while.
"Do you think Hades is ever mad at you for cheating him?" I asked him.
"You mean of my life?" Marcus shrugged. "Who knows?"
"You cheated life too, I think." I stared out over the flowers drenched in moonlight and darkness. "You cheated everyone."
He laughed. "That's me, the universal cheater." He paused. "Sooner or later, he'll get me though."
"That's what I like about you, Marcus," I say. "You're such a realist."
I don't think he liked that. He left again soon after. Marcus, the unpredictable realist.
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About what? About life, about how it feels the first time you get cut off from everyone and realize that sometimes, in life, there are times when you have no one to depend on except for yourself and you had better be strong or else you won't survive.
I asked Marcus if he ever felt lonely in his long lifetime around this world. And he said sometimes he did. "But then," he says, "who doesn't? Even the happiest person in the world, even the darkest devil, does. Why do you think Hades wanted Persephone? He felt lonely. He thought that she could chase away that loneliness."
"Did she ever?" I wondered.
Marcus shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe Hades was just delusional. Maybe she did for a while, but there has to be times when the same old cold feeling comes back to his heart when she's still around."
"Just like a guy," I said dismissively. "You are all the same. It's really the thrill of the hunt that you're after."
"Which is probably why her mother had the right idea," Marcus chuckled. "Take her daughter away from Hades for at least six months of the year. That way he'll appreciate her a lot more."
"I bet Hades never appreciated the things his mother-in-law did for him," I said, sighing.
"I doubt any guy ever does," Marcus said.
"That's so stereotypical," I say.
"So is Hades," Marcus said.
We kept quiet for a while.
"Do you think Hades is ever mad at you for cheating him?" I asked him.
"You mean of my life?" Marcus shrugged. "Who knows?"
"You cheated life too, I think." I stared out over the flowers drenched in moonlight and darkness. "You cheated everyone."
He laughed. "That's me, the universal cheater." He paused. "Sooner or later, he'll get me though."
"That's what I like about you, Marcus," I say. "You're such a realist."
I don't think he liked that. He left again soon after. Marcus, the unpredictable realist.
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Today we went to watch Elektra! It wasn't too bad....much better than Daredevil, even though it wasn't as exciting as I expected it to be. But, hey, it's got Jennifer Garner and it's got cool red outfits, what more can I ask for? Love her red wristbands. And it's got Will Yun Lee too and he looks pretty hot too. Chris Ackerman looked pretty hot too, but he doesn't do much and died pretty easily. Bah.
And ScreamingSour said something which made me laugh. Poor Elektra keeps getting beaten by all these blind men. First she got defeated by Ben Affleck in Daredevil, then she gets beaten by her blind teacher in this movie. Wouldn't be surprised if she develops a prejudice against all blind men. "I'll take away your cane, I will, I swear I will!!!!" But then she loves them anyway. Maybe she feels sorry for them and lets them beat her on purpose. Hahaha.
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And ScreamingSour said something which made me laugh. Poor Elektra keeps getting beaten by all these blind men. First she got defeated by Ben Affleck in Daredevil, then she gets beaten by her blind teacher in this movie. Wouldn't be surprised if she develops a prejudice against all blind men. "I'll take away your cane, I will, I swear I will!!!!" But then she loves them anyway. Maybe she feels sorry for them and lets them beat her on purpose. Hahaha.
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Phew. I really got heated up in that last entry didn't I? I don't know why it bothered me so much. Maybe it's because they were such idiots. :D
And speaking of all things Asian, it seems like some guy named Gavin Menzies has made the discovery that it was the Chinese who discovered America long before Christopher Columbus. It's actually kind of interesting. And one of the guys who sailed to America then, a guy named Zheng He, is actually in my high school's history book, so he's actually a real guy! How cool... that guy must be a Sinbad-like guy, sailing everywhere. According to Menzies, he's been everywhere - America, Aztec, Peru, etc. For a time when they had no airplanes he sure got around a lot. Whew. If you wanna check out more, click here.
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And speaking of all things Asian, it seems like some guy named Gavin Menzies has made the discovery that it was the Chinese who discovered America long before Christopher Columbus. It's actually kind of interesting. And one of the guys who sailed to America then, a guy named Zheng He, is actually in my high school's history book, so he's actually a real guy! How cool... that guy must be a Sinbad-like guy, sailing everywhere. According to Menzies, he's been everywhere - America, Aztec, Peru, etc. For a time when they had no airplanes he sure got around a lot. Whew. If you wanna check out more, click here.
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