The Mercenary       The Soul          The Fire          Welcome to Darkschunt...      Fire Poppies        Power             The Warrior      The House   The Guardian 
& The Lover                                                                                                                                   & Grief                                       of Justice            of Fire         

Monday, February 28, 2005

Hmm...am I making up for all those blogless days with all these blogs in one day? Hehehe. I was just wondering *again!* who reads my blog. Who actually points their mouse at my blog's name and clicks to enter. And why do they enter? What is it about the name Darkschunt that entices them? Is it just a random click? What do they think they will find when they click the name? What did you think this blog was about? Honestly I wonder what people think. Hey! You can help me out! Tell me why in the tagboard down in the sidebar okay? Why you choosed to flick through my blog and all. I'm cuuurious.

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