The Mercenary       The Soul          The Fire          Welcome to Darkschunt...      Fire Poppies        Power             The Warrior      The House   The Guardian 
& The Lover                                                                                                                                   & Grief                                       of Justice            of Fire         

Saturday, April 30, 2005

I just heard the sound of the toilet flushing. It may be the other residents of SweetRhapsody's flat. Or it may be the Duchess flushing the cake down the toilet. She really doesn't know what to do with cake.

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Phew - it's been a long time since I've blogged.
In my last post, SweetRhapsody was sick, and then she infected everyone else, and I got sick too. But I battled it out and took pills and Strepsils and slept and now I'm wonderful again!
A lot has happened - on Sunday night we went to the Playerz Ball at the Ruby Room in the casino and it wasn't too bad...the music wasn't too bad and the Philosopher, from hereon known as the Philosopher from the Gutter, gave us a bunch of drinks which weren't too bad except for one shot of nasty grass which I spat out. Gah. But those drinks came from the same boys who drink whiskey neat. Who do they think are, a bunch of old English gentlemen in their libraries?
What else? I wormed a lot of secrets out from some people but I can't remember half of them now. And there was that one night where the Duchess forced me to stay up till sunrise even though everything had become boring then. The only thing I got from that night was the knowledge that breakfasts from Subway sucks.
Mmm...I braved the outdoors even while I was sick and watched The Interpreter and White Noise on Tuesday with SweetRhapsody and the Duchess. The Interpreter was pretty good. In White Noise I just wanted to kill the guy - what a doofus.
The Duchess just came into the room while I was trying to scribble in this blog. She seems a little lost and a little hurt that I'm refusing to talk to her. She asked me the same questions my mother asks which I always ignores. There is one exception - she asked me what should she do with the cake SweetRhapsody has baked for the Colored Fringe. I'm not sure why she asked me that because I have no idea what to do and have no idea why she should think that I know what to do. The only thing I do with cake is eat and have food fights.
She has left - with the cake! I think she is a little peeved at me but I am feeling so pleased with myself I don't care. When I am happy with myself the rest of the world ceases to matter.
SweetRhapsody and the DESIs should be back soon with the Colored Fringe and pizza and lots of booze. I kind of suspect that they're not buying any pineapple pizzas for me. So I won't open the door for them when they ring the doorbell. I love this world.

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Saturday, April 23, 2005

SweetRhapsody is sick, the poor princess. She lies on her bed, covered to her chin, suffering from a fever and a cough. It is ironic, I find, that the only nonsmoker among us has been subjected to a cough. I cut her apples and tell her princess stories and watch 13 Ghosts and I Still Know What You Did Last Summer with her and was frightened so badly that when that horribly mischevious Von jumped out behind the corner and gave me a heart attack in my flat last night, I was so freaked out and angry that I made her accompany me to brush my teeth. Lol.
Last night Von badly needed de-stressing after her assignments so she made me accompany her clubbing and I took the Duchess and the Snap Queen along as well. We went to Rise but they were playing techno which Von didn't like so we went to Varga Lounge instead. And as I was having a drink and yakking with the Duchess, some chick in a short skirt and a hat brushed past me and I turned around to look for the bathroom right after she brushed past me and noticed her smiling at me and apologizing for having bumped into me. I guess she must have thought I turned around because she bumped into me so I was like, "oh, no problem." And right after that, a fight broke out, and they took it out on the street, and so we were all pressing our faces against the glass window to watch the fight, and two guys with pretty hot bodies took off their shirts and the bouncers came running out and then police cars came speeding down and we got to see police on horsies too! It was all very exciting, and stranger still, as I was pressing my face against the window to see the horsies, the Duchess said, "some girl is taking your picture." and I turn to look and I saw the same chick in the hat and short skirt out on the street. That was strange... was she taking my picture? Or the whole window? Or what?
After that we went to Paramount where I entertained very scary ideas where I wondered, "Am I getting old? Why do I tire so easily these days?!?" But it may just be the fact that I had a very huge meal just before we came out and filling yourself till the point of exploding and then having alcohol right after that may explain why I'm so tired, but still! What the hell is wrong with me? I feel sixty! This isn't right! Nooo! I'm still young! Still in my prime! I just won't eat before I go clubbing anymore! I blame it all on the Tall One and the Soft-Spoken Socializer and the Philosopher who made me eat so much. The Soft-Spoken Socializer also commented on how this was the first time he had ever heard me talk so much and how much better it was than when I was quiet. Pfft. As if he's some loud person or something.

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Dreams of Babboons and Ruins.
I've had two very vivid, very strange dreams in the past two nights.
The first one was when I was in a car driving with my mother and my sister and we were turning a corner and there were some about four or five slender old ladies practicing Tai Chi on the road and I was thinking they were going to get hit by a car soon, although they had very kindly left half the road clear for drivers to pass through.
And after that, we saw all these babboons, really exotic babboons, black and white babboons with huge heads of fine fur, brilliant colored babboons, and they were all really aggressive, and we were like "They're all getting aggressive and violent!" so we turned the car around while rolling up the windows so they wouldn't be able to get at us in the car. And then I think I must have gotten mixed-up between my bears and monkeys because I was thinking "All the bears have gone mad!" and the babboons were leaping after us, and so was a giant koala bear and a mad little sunbear...And I remember turning the corner and thinking, "the bears are going to come after the old Tai Chi ladies!"
And then I woke up.
And then last night, I had a dream about how I was part of this group of people leaving on the top of this mountain, at the edge of this mountain cliff where there was this amazing old ruins, like the ruins of a temple or mosque or church, or maybe all of it combined into one amazing building. Anyway, it was just known as the ruins, and we were all standing at the edge of the mountain cliff where a small jungle in the valley below us separated us from the city. And some of the people had already gone into the city, for what I can't remember, but they had never come back for some weeks, they just disappeared into the city, and we were all fearful and wondering if they had been identified as people from the ruins and were snatched by the people from the city and held capture or if they were just lost or were just still wandering the city and had not yet returned, or if they had just decided they love the city more than the ruins and never wanted to return. And I knew I wanted to go into the city to find them and discover what had happened to them and bring them back, but I was also afraid that I might become one of them and never return and suffer their fate of being captured or whatever, but I also remember that my biggest fear was that I might decide I love the city more than the ruins.
And then I woke up.

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BREAKING NEWS! this is one is even better than the last breaking news!
The Crazed Dentist from Adelaide has a boyfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am spining, turning somersaults, flying!
We are all so excited for her. Our little girl!
I guess throwing rocks at boys works after all...hahaha...
And now she owes myself, Bundles, and Alleya Baskin Robbins ice cream!
And she was extremely secretive about it all....and she hasn't even told us all the details, like what he looks like, how she met him, what is he like...
We are holding our breath waiting for details!

*Twenty minutes later, topples off the chair, face too blue, oxygen-deprived.*

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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Breaking News!!!
They just announced a new pope about an hour ago!
Myself and SweetRhapsody had just finished the first outline of our TV News report when suddenly the Duchess messaged us with the news! It's the German cardinal, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the one who said the homily for Pope John Paul's funeral! The conservative one! He is now known as Pope Benedict the sixteenth! He is also the eleventh German pope and the 265th Pope!
Erm...I have mixed feelings about this...I was actually kind of hoping that they wouldn't pick him because he was so conservative. Plus we just saw his picture online as he came out on the balcony and he looked a little evil.
He is also only six years younger than Pope John Paul was when he died so we may be getting another pope pretty soon. I remember reading in the Da Vinci code that popes are often worked to death because they're always so busy...busier than celebrities and royalty.
I was just watching the footage on TV - breaking news footage. Now David Letterman is on.
But I suppose he will be nice in his own way...I just hope he wouldn't change too much of what Pope John Paul has done...sigh...Pope John Paul was so sweet and funny and nice...but he's the new pope so I guess we must all back him on. Go Pope Benedict!

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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Take me to the cleaners!
I forgot to write about our cleaning inspection!
Today all the flats were inspected for cleanliness. Might I add that last year, my flat NEVER passed a single cleaning inspection, we were always given a first warning. Sometimes a second. Occasionally a third. We don't know what comes after the third because we've never gotten that far but I think that's when they throw us all into the dungeons of hell to scrub forever as lowly servants. Na. Actually that's when they make us all pay for the services of a very expensive cleaning crew to clear up our mess so the thought of having to dig into our pockets always makes us all straighten up and grab our brooms.
Anyway! This year, so far, my new flatmates have proven to be efficient housemaids who clean so well that thus far we have passed our first two inspections. But this time I think everyone forgot about the inspection so when I came home last night, the kitchen was still in a liddle mess and nobody had bothered to do anything. I was kind of hoping that if I kept quiet about it, we wouldn't have to clean that night and I could just do it the next morning because I had bathroom duty and I HATE cleaning bathrooms.
Unfortunately, as I was sneaking in and thinking no one was around and doing a gleeful dance, I twirled, and mid-twirl, I stopped and screamed and almost had a heart attack because Moon Von was lying on the sofa, watching me.
Anyway, we started talking and I mentioned the flat inspection thing, hoping that she would back me up in pretending it wasn't going to happen, but for some reason she got all energetic and started taking out the vaccum cleaner and the brooms. She even offered to do the bathroom for me! I would have gladly accepted if it wasn't for the fact that I'd probably have to repay the favor some other day so sadly I took out the mop and some weird all-surface-spray thing that Moon Von had bought. By that time we had awaken the rest of the flat so all the guys were forced to come out as well and clean. The anti-social flatmate came out and just started doing his work without a sound. Aik came out dressed all in black like some gangster and moaned and cursed just like I was doing (great minds think alike!) and then took his bicycle away - the kitchen has sort of become a parking garage for it - and started cleaning. Poor James was woken up by the vaccum and started vaccuming the lounge with half-closed eyes, like he was still half-asleep. T didn't do much, the cunning fox, she just moved her shoes back into her room so that Moon Von could vaccumm outside her door and hid in there for the rest of the night. I think she must have had external cleaning duties, which is what everyone always wants because you never have anything to do. And I mopped up the bathroom floor and accidentally sprayed myself in the face with the stupid all-surface-spray thing which led me to curse and shout and run into the kitchen where everyone else was cleaning and grab some paper towels to prevent myself from growing blind. I tried telling everyone the spray-in-the-face incident today but I tried to tell the story four times and got interrupted just as I reached the climax every single time! It was oh so annoying. And three out of the four times I was interrupted by the Duchess and I just got so annoyed I refused to continue with the story, leaving her to beg after me to tell it to her. And when I finally tried to tell it to her again, she would interrupt me again! Grrr...I should have pushed her into the oven when I had my chance.
Anyway, we finished cleaning and I left the soapsuds on the bathroom floor to dry up and we all went to bed. And I woke up at sunrise and did some script work and was half-frightened by the sound of a bird trying to commit suicide against my window. Then I went back to bed again.
And oh! That reminds me! The fun that SweetRhapsody and I had frightening the Duchess! Last night we snuck over to her flat, which is on the ground level, and sneaked through the bushes to her window and started rapping on the window and making scary noises. The silence coming from behind the curtains was deafening. Finally, we moaned her name. There was a short pause. And then, "You assholes!!!"
You'd think she would have wised up to it after the first time we did it but she didn't. Heeheehee. Darling Duchess.
And finally, I would like to inform all of you, that my flat passed its cleaning inspection today! Our record this year is spotless! Cheers...

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Pink Ribbons on Trees That End Up as Sandal Straps.
Today SweetRhapsody and I spent most of our time in the newsroom editing! And then we went grocery shopping and bought these yummy wasabi and soy flavoured kettle chips and sat in my room watching I Know What You Did Last Summer. Gawd, I hate Jennifer Love Hewitt even more than ever. Would she ever stop screaming! Freddie should have just stuck a hook into her to shut her up. And what clothes she wore! Not to mention that everyone had such high-waisted pants. Was it only in high school that the movie first came out? Gosh...
We went back to the uni at night again with the Duchess to do more editing. The soft-spoken socializer and the philosopher very kindly walked us to the uni. They were very rural-villagers-impressed-like with the talking elevator and our newsroom full of Apple Macs and photocopy machines and a lounge/kitchen and TVs, which kind of made us wonder which rock did they crawl out from under. Lol...
Anyway, the soft-spoken socializer and the philosopher finally left and we settled down to do our work...well, SweetRhapsody and I did...the Duchess was supposed to do her reading assignments but I turned once and caught her inspecting her nails instead!
And we finished our work in about an hour and a half and trudged home. SweetRhapsody had broken her sandal strap and was walking slowly for once (she either walks too fast or too slow, it seems). There was a tree nearby, which for some reason, had always been fenced around with a yellow rope, and on the yellow rope were tied pink ribbons. Don't ask me why. Anyway I stole one of the pink ribbons and fixed her sandal for her and then we were happily traisping off again. Until tonight, when the ghost of the tree comes and sits on the end of her bed and demands its ribbon back! Hohoho! Just like all those Malay ghost of the tree stories that you always hear about.

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Psycho Murderers.
Last night SweetRhapsody and I went to the uni at night to do some editing in the newsroom. It was kind of fun, being in the newsroom all by ourselves! But it was probably a good thing you could only enter the newsroom with a swipe card - so we could be sure nobody else is hiding in the newsroom - like a psycho murderer!
After that we walked home, and as we were reaching the dark woods before the road, we saw some guy walking through the field next to us. And he was only dressed in a sleeveless top, like a wifebeater or something and we were thinking, "What kind of weirdo is this?!?" And we slowed down so he would walk in front of us but he slowed down as well and we were like, "Omg, omg! What do we do now?" and I started fishing around in my bag and all I came up with was a stapler, so I was like, "I'll use this to staple his eye if he comes near us!" And SweetRhapsody could hit him with Adrian's file!
But then as we came out onto the road we suddenly saw two things at once 1) he was not wearing a wifebeater and 2) he was a cute guy who was wearing a sleeveless shirt which showed off his very nice muscly arms.
That was when I quickly popped my stapler back into my bag, ignoring all those cases of good-looking murderers like Ted Bundy.
All kinds of things happened yesterday! There were a couple of fights by the library, I heard, and SweetRhapsody and I were very disappointed that we didn't get to see the fights. But the Duchess fainted in the middle of the afternoon and was taken to the medical centre at the same time that the beaten-up guys were carted in. Poor Duchess... she hadn't been feeling too well and what with all the stress we've been put through, especially by those idiots on Saturday night! Exhausting all of us...bah... SweetRhapsody and I were in my flat watching Barbie!!!! but when she finally got home, we tucked her into bed with some hot soup and coffee. But the restless Duchess that she is, she got out of bed and was running around making demands and being her usual Duchess-y self by the time we got home from the uni that night. And no wonder she felt weak today. We should have sentenced her to bedrest! A day in bed, handcuffed to the bedposts!

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Monday, April 18, 2005

We were just watching Road to Perdition...which was so sad...and sweet...and Tom Hanks was such a gangster...whoot...
Some people who read my last entry are demanding to know why I didn't write about the bad events which happened last night! Well, I told you, I don't want to degrade my blog by writing about certain rubbish people! And second of all, there were so many things I wouldn't know where to start, and third of all, everyone knows my blog so let's not embarass some people who have already embarassed themselves! Finally, this is all giving me a headache! Let's not waste my time thinking about such migraine-inducing things! Let's not drive me to popping painkillers! I already have enough trouble keeping my hands off the hash brownies!
It's currently about 10 Celsius tonight, which is pretty cold for right now. Soon I would get to wear my beige corduroy jacket with the fur collar again! Faux fur, mind you. PETA people, get off me right now or I'll make nuggets out of you! Grrr!
The Duchess is over at Flat 21 right now, socializing while SweetRhapsody is, ahem, rhapsodizing it up right now. The Duchess asked me to come with her but I'm in kind of a quiet mood right now so I said I'd pass. I just feel like sitting in my room right now. My sanctuary! That's how I think of my bedroom at home, my sanctuary, with all the lights and my comfy bed and books and music and everything, safe from everything else. While the rest of the house sometimes makes me a little creeped out, especially the stairway! It's my house, I love it, but I just get so nervous in it sometimes at night when I'm the only one prowling about!
Mmm...I'm really in a stay-at-home mood right now. I know! What I'll do is get out my instant chicken soup and put on some socks and just snuggle up in bed! Lalala...shutting out the cold world...

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Sunday, April 17, 2005

Happy Sunday evening!
*whew* what a saturday night it was last night.
Last night had its ups and downs - the Duchess and I went to a party at this guy's house... it was a really nice house, very beachhouse-like with fairy lights and tea lights and palm trees and a pool table, and the people there were pretty nice too. SweetRhapsody stayed behind because she was hanging out with the Colored Fringe then. Anyway, the party ended pretty early round one am and then we went over to SweetRhapsody's flat because I had left my keys in her flat and, let's just say, the scene that was going in in that flat was not pretty. I won't degrade this blog by writing down what happened but let's just say people who can't handle their drink shouldn't drink. And they shouldn't talk so much either and embarass themselves.
When I finally roused myself out of bed today, it was a beautiful first day of winter kind of day. I sat myself in front of my pc and wrote a short story, Opal. It's a sweet, sad story... I wrote it while listening to the song Excuse by Jay Chou. Anyway, go read the story! It's in my website, just step into the portal through the flame to go into Darkschunt by the sidebar and go to Fiction. The story is there! If you do read it, tell me what you think! ;)

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Saturday, April 16, 2005

Last night we had an all-girls sheesha-smoking chardonnay-drinking party on my balcony/walkway. Of course, as we are all girls and all very pretty and great fun *ahem* the party didn't stay an all-girl party for too long as guys flocked to us. In particular, the swedes living next door. And they were sweet and funny and scared SweetRhapsody with tales about tigersnake sightings in the neighborhood and offered us the use of their friend's car!
Today the Duchess and her groupmates had to shoot a short film about baking a cake so SweetRhapsody and I got to be on camera! We baked a chocolate cake and I must say, baking is exhausting. Or maybe I mean baking and filming at the same time is exhausting. All those hot lights! But the weather outside was cloudy and drizzly and after we finished filming, we went for a walk and sat in the gazebo and saw a huge beautiful bright rainbow!
I'm sitting at SweetRhapsody's laptop right now, blogging, while she is in the shower trying to drown a clown trying to come out of the pipes, and a message just came on her cellphone for her from the Colored Fringe. Naturally I picked up the cellphone up at once and read the message. He spouts lots of insincere garbage and ends it all with "I miss you sooo much." Now he just saw her yesterday so in all probality that is a load of bull. Am contemplating messaging back: "Darling, I hardly miss you at all. Hope you don't get run over by the train though. Hugs and kisses." But I'm not sure if she has any credit left on her phone.
SweetRhapsody has just entered the room! I read his message aloud and she asks me to ask him if he's coming over. So I wrote: "I miss you too, darling. Are you coming over? Hugs and kisses, marilyn."

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Friday, April 15, 2005

Today is one of these days where you know you just shouldn't get out of bed but stay in, with your nice warm comforter wrapped around you in your nice safe coccoon, with the drapes closed and a wonderful beautiful dreamland is waiting for you. But because the Duchess can't stop calling your phone and she's extra chirpy today and you feel that you should at least make an effort to go to class after all that hard work you spent last night on those stupid assignments, you drag yourself out. And you go to class. And get pissed off by ranting bitches who think they're the only ones who know loads about English history and you just know... you should just have stayed in bed.
I should be back in bed right now but I can't seem to go back to bed. So right now I'm in SweetRhapsody's bedroom. We were making a list of potential guys we can have casual sex with here. So far we've come up with five guys. We need more. Mmm. Heeheehee.
I'm still trying to find out who Jennifer is. Fez is still in the middle of nowhere. I've left him about seven messages in his voicebox.

First Message: Fez, where are you? Who's Jennifer? Do you want me to cut her throat for you?
Second message: Fez, where are you? I hope you're being trampled by a camel in the middle of the desert somewhere.
Third message: Fez, are you being eaten by polar bears or mating with giraffes? I've looked up about a thousand Jennifers in the phone book. Which do you want?
Fourth message: Fez, I'm starting to get really attached to this knife. It's really pretty. Can I keep it and can you send me another knife for Jennifer?
Fifth message: Is Jennifer your girlfriend?
Sixth message: Fez, where are you? I'll tell you where I am right now. I'm slicing up oranges with your knife. It's really good for cutting fruit into little flower patterns.
Seventh message: Fez... are you gay?

It's hopeless. Fez is probably buried alive somewhere in a rotting tomb in the middle of the earth. He'll never get to Jennifer or to this knife. I might as well just keep it.

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Thursday, April 14, 2005

What is this?
Fez has just sent me a knife! It's a pretty knife. It came with a note. It says "Tell Jennifer that I will cut her throat with this." I would pass the message, but I have absolutely no idea who Jennifer is. And I have no way of getting hold of Fez because he is in some godforsaken territory that makes it impossible to get his cell. Again.

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Whew! What a week it's been.
I never want to do interviews again. I did FIVE interviews this week and I scuffed up all of them. What I really want to do is just lie in bed and watch TV and a roast beef sandwich. But there's little chance of that happening anytime soon. *sigh*
SweetRhapsody, the Duchess and I watched Guess Who on Tuesday. It wasn't as funny as I thought it would be but, hey, any movie with Ashton Kutcher is a good movie. :D And Theresa's mother's name is Marilyn so I got to hear Bernie Mac shouting my name throughout the whole movie. If only it was Ashton shouting my name and not Bernie.
The weather is playing havoc with me.
I am watching TV as I am typing this and an ad for Garbage's newest album, Bleed Like Me, was just on! Garbage is back! Hooray!
Mmm...someone in my flat is cooking noodles. It smells really good. It's making me hungryyy.
Speaking of flatmates, one of my flatmates, the really weird one who always gives monosyllabic answers until you corner him with open-ended questions, has displayed more weirdness. I don't know if I've mentioned this before but he always locks his bedroom door everytime he leaves his room. Even when it's just to go to the bathroom. I don't know what he's on about. Does he think we're going to rob him when his back is turned for two minutes? He wears the lousiest clothes and plays the lousiest music. If his back was turned I wouldn't rob him, I'd stab him in the back. And then I'll bury him behind the flat.
All the good movies are being shown on TV this weekend. I may just decide to save money and just stay home to watch them with a glass of wine and some shisha!
Today some guy in my TVnews class was wearing pinstripe cut offs. I was in awe. Pinstrip cut offs! Whoever heard of that? A whole new dimension to casual-classy. I want those cutoffs too!!!
Right I'm tired and I have work to do!

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Monday, April 11, 2005

Today is a bright and sunny day!
But I had a bad night.... I kept waking up and I had the weirdest dreams and my aching arm kept bothering me. :(
I woke up this morning with a craving for Veruca Salt...note to self: must go steal sister's CD.
No, actually, come to think of it, the song playing in my head is from Nina Gordon's solo album. But who cares... I'll steal BOTH CDs.
Marcus woke me up today with a phone call from Haiti! Our conversation went something like this:
Marcus: How's life over there?
Me (pulling the curtains apart and looking outside): It's a beautiful warm sunny day! It's gorgeous out here! How's Haiti?
Marcus: Urgh. Totally depressing.
Me: I thought that Haiti's an island with lots of sun. You should be getting the same happy weather over there.
Marcus: Yes. And that's what's depressing me even more.
Me: Oh, you poor thing. Such a change from your usual gloom, huh?
Marcus (suspiciously): Is this your way of making me feel better? Because if it is, you've changed and I don't like it.
Me: I would never dream of making you feel better, Marcus. My goal is always to carve your heart out and stamp it into the dust and squeeze the rest of the juices out of it with my bootheel and then spit on it. Daily.
Marcus: (exhales a long happy sigh) That's wonderful to hear. You've just made my day.
Me: If I had the time and cash, I'd come over with my trusty blades and take your teeth out one by one. Without whiskey.
Marcus: That brings back old memories. Listen, I've gotta go. Just wanted to hear your voice. I'll send you a postcard or something soon.
Me: Yeah, sure, whatever. I miss the postcards. I hate your voice.
Marcus: I love you too, kiddo. Catch you later.
Me: Okay, bye.

It's really a day for renewing old acquintances. I've been chatting with K whom I haven't spoken to in ages and he sent me a couple of pictures of me - one of myself lounging on Screamingsour's bed surrounded by all her pharaphernalia of sex and God and paganism and her Handcuffs of Luuurve and with what looks like a Carebear on my lap. The other is of myself and Screamingsour. Awww...the old days...

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Sunday, April 10, 2005

Aching arms, left-handed killers, faux Woodstocks, and freezing balconies
Woke up this morning with my entire right arm aching. I could barely raise my arm to brush my teeth! I tried brushing my teeth with my left arm today but it didn't really work out. Note to self: gain ambidextrous skills. And not tell anyone about it. That way, when I kill someone with my left arm, the CSI people will fail to include me in their list of possible suspects since everyone will think that I am right-handed and therefore could not have embedded the unscrewed bedpost into poor Grissom's head a la Neville Strange at Agatha Christie's. They *might* suspect me of a backhand swing but my backhand is very weak and that is why I lost to Venus Williams in the final match at Wimbledon.
Why is my right arm aching? Because yesterday I went for my very first kendo training session in four months. And oh, it was bad. I have nearly forgotten everything and I got wiped to pieces by everyone. Not to mention the fact that my armor has disappeared and therefore I had to wear some guy's armor, which was too big, and the headpiece/helmet, known as the men, kept slipping over my face because it was just too huge. And all the beginners stared.
What's more, it was my first lesson right before the next grading examination! We went straight from practice to the grading. I had my doubts I would pass but miracle of miracles I did.
And right after the grading, I rushed back to EUH to see the faux Woodstock event they were holding. I arrived in time to see arms and legs trashing in the mudwrestling tub, then went for lunch with the Duchess, SweetRhapsody, Colored Fringe (and the Loner who showed up later). Then we walked back to EUH in time to see Smiling Matsumoto singing and playing his gee-tar and throwing his handphone off the stage. We screamed and whistled and applauded and didn't throw any rotten tomatoes because we didn't have them. Then we spent the rest of the day lazing on the grass in sunshine and jumping around in the bouncy castle and munching on food and watched the Cowboy and his friends put on a fire twirling show. It was nice to see all that fire but whenever they tried to juggle three flaming batons at once they kept dropping the batons and once or twice the flaming batons landed dangerously close to us! I was smart - I stood behind SweetRhapsody and peeked out over her shoulder. That way, if a flaming baton flies our way, she would be the first to explode into flames while I make a run for it. Of course, I would also be kind and run to turn the sprinklers on. I'm not *that* evil.
Anyway, the fire show came on as we slipped into a dusky evening and the tiki torches flared to life and the Duchess took a picture of me with a tiki torch, pretending i was a member of Survivor. (The Tribe has spoken! You're dead!) And I had a very good idea that, for added drama, if I should ever get onto Survivor and somehow, unbelievably, not win, I would scream "Nooooooo!" in a very heart-breaking manner when Jeff caps out my fire and fall to the floor and cling onto my Tiki torch and refuse to leave and be dragged out screaming and kicking. That would up the ratings very much, don't you think?
After that, we lay on the grass looking up at the stars and shivered in the cold and listened to the last two bands. They were pretty good - the first one was the band in which both the Guatemalan EggShaker and the Sarcastic Refugee were playing in. The Guatemalan EggShaker played the guitar and the Sarcastic Refugee played the drums (he played the drums for three bands! I suggested to him that he should change outfits and maybe try a hat with attached faux braids so that people would think he was three different drummers. He didn't take the hat suggestion but he did change T-shirts haha). And the band also had an Aussie guy who also had a solo on the piano which was a beautiful heartbreaking song that he wrote although I wondered if he hit the wrong chords at the end of the song or if the jangly part was on purpose. And there was also some other Mauritian guy who sang most of the songs and had a pretty good voice. After that they had a band whom I think is also from Mauritius although I'm not sure, and they sang in French and their songs were really great. But my mother called then and I ran off into the trees to talk to her so I missed most of the set, although I could still hear them playing.
After the last band, the Duchess and I went up to the Tall One's flat/bar where we sat on the freezing balcony and chatted with the Tall One, the Soft-spoken Socializer, and a bunch of other people who came and went and had a few drinks and smokes and chips and some shisha and listened to Bob Marley and Buddha Bar and basically just chilled out. Though once or twice i went back and forth between the Tall One's flat and SweetRhapsody's flat to grab cigarettes and prawn crackers and met strange people like the two headless guys behind the lamplight who told me to take good care of my mother. The Tall One's balcony has a great view of the entire EUH and you can see everyone walking and we kept seeing the Loner walking alone and Shuddup and the Dervish walking about like lost souls (they're probably lost because Bones is away being a Mother Hen to some children that he's babysitting for, the poor kids). Finally, exhaustion from being up since seven thirty and being attacked and graded and bouncing around in castles took over and the Duchess and I went home to our warm beds. And now it is a bee-yoo-tiful Sunday afternoon and I have just had McDonald's while watching The Sweetest Thing (I never did catch the ending the first time I saw it) and now I'm off to SweetRhapsody's so good-bye!

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Friday, April 08, 2005

"Adam's such a nancy boy. I passed him!"
I was watching Lost and Amazing Race on TV just now! I was watching the episode in Sri Lanka where Freddy passed Adam on the stairs and says to Kendra, "Adam's such a nancy boy. I passed him!" And that just made me laugh so much!
Honestly, they're such a sweet couple. I'm so glad they won the whole race!
Today is the Duchess's birthday. Happy birthday to the Duchess!
Erm, actually it was her birthday *yesterday* since it's already one thirty on Friday morning but I think we'll officially extend her birthday to last forty two hours since we're REALLY celebrating her birthday tonight when we go on a clubbing spree where SweetRhapsody and I plan to get her roaring drunk!
All my assignments for this week are officially done and I just have to hand up one tomorrow and endure a horribly early class at the shocking hour of nine. I just wonder if I'll be awake enough to contribute to any discussions tomorrow, let alone be able to keep my eyes open.
Which is why I'm going to bed right now. Goodnight!
Oh, by the way, an update on the last entry. The security guy who unlocked Moon Von's door was NOT the cute one. It made me and Moon Von very sad.

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Thursday, April 07, 2005

Prose, Philosophy of Life, and Moon Von.
The Question which I am asking now is this: Do we need anyone? In our lost and lonely lives wandering through the journey of Life itself, do we NEED anyone?
And then I'm wandering down paths of sweet-smelling honeysuckle and the answer is: Who needs anyone when you're wandering down paths of honeysuckle?
Today I judged someone through the testimonies of Judgment and Justice and the answer was: I am right and he is wrong. And I should know, as a student of both Judgment and Justice, what right and wrong is. Yet that doesn't make me feel any happier. And as both Judgment and Justice told me, sometimes the decision has outcomes like this.
And you can't escape that.
And I just wish that I could escape into the stars and release myself and turn back into fire, because when you're fire you can do anything you want but when you're human you have to abide by the prescriptions of all that is Life but I cannot because it is my duty to be human and fire at the same time and I know I wouldn't have wanted it any other way in the way of Life.
But, oh, it is so hard to be human.
Beauty is, as is, as it is, as it should always be. And we can never live or die otherwise. In life, in death, beauty is as it is human.
HAHAHAHAHAHA something has happened to cheer me up!
Just as I was writing all that prose above, Moon Von has just entered my room in nothing but a yellow towel, fresh from a shower. She has locked herself out of her room!
And now we are calling security and she is running around in her towel and borrowing my clothes. Hopefully it is the hot security guard - mmmm!
And she washed her hair thrice in the shower just now!
Poor Moon Von... she is losing her mind and cheering me up at the same time!
Just for that, she deserves to be in the title of today's post.

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Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Well today is a warm and sunshiny day and a perfect day to roll around on the green grass or go to the beach...but nooo...today I'm trying to finish up all my assignments and thinking of taking a nap right now...mmm...
Came home to find the desis using my shisha bottle...apparently they've changed it for one which "works better" so they say, but I haven't tried it out yet and probably won't get to for the rest of this week until I'm done with all my assignments. Now instead of having a green shisha bottle with flowers painted on it I have a blue one with tiny pinpoint stars on it. I wish I could have a red one...and Shuddup has become addicted to his own shisha bottle and smokes it every day.
Today is Bones's birthday and myself, the Duchess and SweetRhapsody gave him a bottle of wine but he didn't seem too appreciative of it... lol he's still a mother hen no matter what, I heard that during his birthday party while we were away last weekend he still ran around cleaning up the place even while he was roaring drunk...even being drunk doesn't stop him from cleaning! I need a maid like that...
My grandmother went for her liver treatment and they've gotten about 45% of the tumor so far! They won't be able to operate on her til next month again because she needs time to recover or something. But apparently by the next day she was up and about and seemed more cheerful - she even wanted to go traveling but they wouldn't let her, hahaha. That's my grandmother - she's strong, nothing can bring her down for long! *beams fondly at her*
I think I've been bitten by the traveling bug! Ever since I got back home on Sunday I've been doing nothing but thinking about just packing a bag and taking off down the road. Makes note to self - get job, get cash, leave town. All we need is cash...
I swear I can just hear Louise shouting at me right now: "You ARE abroad right now, stupid!!!" But then SHE comes from the town that doesn't let people leave it.

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Monday, April 04, 2005

Our Last Day!
We set our alarms to nine but it took a few hits of the snooze buttons (for all three of us) before I finally emerged from the covers and dragged SweetRhapsody and the Duchess out as well. After breakfast, we checked out, saying goodbye to our lovely backpackers inn with the showers that go from boiling hot to freezing cold every few minutes (the inn we'll miss, the showers we won't). Our first stop was the fudge factory where we sampled some fudge pieces and bought some as well, then we went looking for caves! At breakfast the German girl, Francesca, had told me about a cave which cost only ten bucks to explore but she couldn't remember the name. Unfortunately we couldn't find that cave so we settled for exploring Mammoth Cave by ourselves. The Duchess didn't want to go so we left her in the car looking through the window after us like a lost child being left behind while SweetRhapsody braved her fear of darkness to go cave-exploring with me, the sweet darling (she also gets extra applause because she was a little frightened after having a dream about being bitten by a snake the night before. FYI, no snakes were bitten in the cave). We paid the 16 dollar entrance fee to a nice woman who gave us audio sets full of voices which spoke too much and then we entered the cave! It was gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!! It was huge and amazing and there were stalactites and stalagmites everywhere and it was totally beautiful. We were a little afraid when we first entered because we were the only ones there and it was so dark and SweetRhapsody was clinging so tightly to my arm but it was truly gorgeous as well. I wanted to take pictures but I didn't dare to because it was so amazing. I didn't feel I should take any pictures there. But the moment we got out we took pics of the front and the back of the cave and of ourselves by a huge tree and on top of a huge log!
Next we went to Cape Lavender where we rolled around on the grass and took pictures of ducks and ourselves by the lavender, the water and a couple of willowy trees and sniffed in all that lavender. I wish we could come back in October or something where apparently that's when the lavender is in full bloom. There were lots of little old ladies enjoying the grounds and having tea and we sampled lavender wine and port and the nice guy who served us the wine helped me pick out a pot of lavender for my sister.
Cape Lavender was our last stop and we left the place after that. It was a little sad leaving so fast but we had a great time driving back and singing to practically every song on SweetRhapsody's mp3 disc until our throats were way hoarse! And we stopped to wash the country road dust off the car at a gas station where this very nice cute car wash boy helped us out. And we also tailed a cute but arrogant-ish guy in his car on the freeway!
Anyway, we finally got back to Perth, dropped the lavender pot off at my sister's, picked up Laurine's darling up from his house before dropping the two of them plus all our stuff at EUH, and finally, the Duchess and I took the car back to the city to drop it off at the car rental. But BEFORE we even got to the city, we took TWO wrong turns! The first happened because I was supposed to direct the Duchess through the roads - but I started fumbling around in my bag to grab my camera to snap a gorgeous pic of the sun setting over the river and looked up just in time to see her speeding down the wrong road. The second was caused by a misleading signboard, pah. But we finally got the car back safe and sound, took a bus home, sang like maniacs through the campus, and tore into Flat 11 like hurricanes!
And there endeth our trip and I'm exhausted, so goodnight!
*Blows the candle out*

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The Second Day!
We woke up to a day where the weather was on a hormonal cycle - she would be bright and sunshiny one moment and freezingly drizzly the next. And it went on like that the whole day. But it was fun because we got to see a rainbow in the sky! The Duchess has a good picture of that which I will put up when she sends it to me.
Like usual, the three of us overslept! We finally emerged at elevenish, grabbed a map from the tourism bureau across the road, and then off we went!
We drove through loads of country roads and saw lots of nice fat cows (yay!) and a few off-colored sheep and went to a couple of wineries where we sampled wines and I bought this semillon which had this really great taste which I've been looking for forever in wines - it is truly one of the few Tastes Which I Have Been Looking For My Entire Life. I don't know how to describe it, but only to say it tastes like goose to me. Don't ask me why. The perfect goose, I might add. Just ask Jerry Steingarten.
And SweetRhapsody bought wine for Her Own Special Desires and cried over the bitter fact that Jack Johnson was playing in Margaret River on the very same day we were leaving.
Next we stopped at a couple of cheese factories where we sampled loads of yummy cheeses - cheeses with peppercorn, port, garlic and parsley, farmhouse cheeses, etc., etc., etc. The Duchess was in heaven over her favourite dairy products and we bought some cheeses and cows peeked at me from behind the trees!
We also stopped by the chocolate factory but the prices were such a rip-off that we left very quickly.
Next we got a little lost on the country roads while searching for Simo's ice cream factory. But all was good because we got to see lots of beautiful countryside scenes and we kept stopping the car to take pictures. And we also got to see lots of kangaroos for which we also stopped the car for so that the Duchess could take pictures of them! And we finally got to the ice cream factor where we had whiskey and prune, tiramisu and pecan caramel crunch ice cream. But sadly, there were no ice-cream eating emus to be seen anywhere.
Finally, we tore down Caves Road towards Augusta to catch a glimpse of the lighthouse which we tried to find last night in the last dying rays of the sunlight. And when we arrived on the coast, it was gorgeous! We threw ourselves out of the car into the raging wind and took pictures of ourselvevs by the roaring ocean and drove up to the lighthouse - or at least as close as we could get to the lighthouse with that huge fence around it. But the fence didn't stop us from taking a quadrillion pictures with the lighthouse as you will soon see in the pictures that I will soon upload!
Anyway, we roared back to our little Backpackers Inn where I had a smoke and talked to some nice German people (This is a good time to confirm the fact that wherever I go I always meet interesting people while smoking) while SweetRhapsody and the Duchess asked the nice innkeeper man about restaurants. We ended up eating at a Chinese restaurant down the road where our waitress was a nice woman with two blonde braids who looked like she should be working at a Norwegian Viking restaurant rather then a Chinese restaurant and where we sneaked peeks at the kitchen where some rather tasty boys were working hard! Yumyum.
After dinner, we took the car for a little spin around the dark country roads and played Matchbox 20's Rest Stop over and over again because it is such a good song to listen to while driving around on dark country roads. And we didn't know but it was around the same time when the pope died.
After that, we came back to the inn to shower. The older british woman who roomed with us last night had departed on the seven am bus this morning, only to be replaced with yet another older british woman who also spoke to the Duchess about India and was also leaving on the seven am bus the next morning. That bed must be cursed to be slept on by people who are fated to wake up at seven am, the poor things. But this older british woman was much nicer then the other older british woman, and she told us about her children and told us about her life and was impressed by how well we spoke english when she heard us yelling at one another in the showers!
So anyway, we talked her ears off until she was ready to go to bed and that was when we ran off to the kitchen to make tuna on toast and startled backpackers sitting by the window by the toaster while SweetRhapsody ran outside to the car to phone up her darling. I thought of blogging on one of the Internet booth things but decided to be money-savvy (it costs about a dollar for every twelve minutes or so, five bucks for a whole hour) and wait until I got home to blog. Going to bed was a bit of a drama because SweetRhapsody was afraid of the dark and made the Duchess sleep with her and they tried to make me sleep with them as well but by then I was already all warm and tucked up in my bunk and couldn't be bothered to get out and we communicated in whispers which I am sure are loud enough to have woken up our nice british woman bunkmate!
And there endeth the second day!

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Sunday, April 03, 2005

The First Day!
We've just returned from Margaret River!
And it was soooo much fun! From the very start when SweetRhapsody and myself braved the pouring cold gray rain at eight am in the morning to rent a car in the city while the Duchess dozed comfortably under her warm duvet to an hour later when we returned and screamed outside her window in the drizzle to come out to two hours later when we finally started off on our very own road trip in our very own rented car (ONE BARTENDER 120 DOLLARS!!!)! And we took loads of pictures and a few videos and saw lots of scrub bushes and trees and Australian-ish landscapes and ended up in a town which refused to let us leave til SweetRhapsody and I used our wits to outsmart it and the Duchess slept a lot while I took pictures of her and we sang our voices off and then we arrived in Margaret River!
And boy is that a tiny town and we stayed at the Backpacker's Inn, which was pretty cool because it was full of backpackers from all kinds of places. We had a four-bed dorm which we shared with some older British woman who spoke loads to the Duchess about India. Our dorm has a floor which looks like the inside of a tree which has been chopped down and had two bunk beds - Duchess and I snagged the top beds while SweetRhapsody took a bottom bunk. Of course, immediately, those two wanted to go shopping. By that time it was almost six so we took refuge from the bitter cold gray weather in a nice restaurant where we had a monstrously expensive dinner and were served by a cute Scottish waiter who has the best personality ever! And he was nice enough to take loads of pictures of us while we all smiled sweetly at him. Heehee. The monstrously expensive dinner consisted of: - hot chocolate, lamb, a giant bowl of french fries and snapper fish, and SweetRhapsody and the Duchess had cranberry crush cocktails while I had some wine - I can't remember what I had though. But it was good with the fish and lamb! And everything tastes good with a touch of Scotsman on the side. *winkwink*
So after that monstrously expensive dinner we trudged our way back to the Backpackers Inn but we got bored there and decided to try driving down to Augusta, this town a little way down, at the very end of the coast where there is this lighthouse. What we didn't realize though was how freakingly dark real proper rural country roads are! All the bushes created sooo many illusions like rockfaces or corners. We *almost* made it, but like about ten minutes before we reached the coastline the road reflectors gave out and we got a little uncertain and the darkness was just closing in so we just turned back! And the towns we passed were like dead ghost towns and the bushes were closing in again and we thought we saw something on the roadside which shall remain a secret between the three of us forever!
But we made it back safe and sound and took hot showers in the middle of the freezing night just because old habits die hard and hung out in the nice warm common room where I watched Collateral on TV and the Duchess flipped through GQ magazines, the perv, and SweetRhapsody went to bed alone, the poor thing, especially since she is afraid of the dark and was all by her wittle self! Poor thing...but the Duchess and I soon came along after that because we were so tired anyway (though I don't see how the Duchess can be, sometimes I think she's got sleeping sickness, lol) and we went to bed then!
And that was the first day!

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Friday, April 01, 2005

Today I got my very own personal shisha bottle! Yay! It's green with painted flowers and we've named it Manson...but it's a little wonky and crooked so the guy who got it for me is going to take it back to the shop and see if he can get a better one or something so yay!
Last night we went to Margeux to go clubbing and the line was waaay long - we spent more time waiting in the line then we did in the club. I introduced everyone to the wonders of Illusion and some random guy pursued SweetRhapsody and all the DESIS ran after us like mother hens as if we're helpless girls who need taking care of (like, does a girl who used to carry knives around with her back home NEED to be taken care of? I think not) and football players from Indonesia fought over who got to light my cigarette for me and the Duchess looked very lovely and gothic!
The weather is definitely much colder now. While practically every other country in the world is saying goodbye to winter, we're saying hello. That is so not right.
And we're going down to Margaret River tomorrow so we'll have to wake up tomorrow early to rent a car - aaargh - and I have to pack and finish my assignments by tonight so bye!

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