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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Breaking News!!!
They just announced a new pope about an hour ago!
Myself and SweetRhapsody had just finished the first outline of our TV News report when suddenly the Duchess messaged us with the news! It's the German cardinal, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the one who said the homily for Pope John Paul's funeral! The conservative one! He is now known as Pope Benedict the sixteenth! He is also the eleventh German pope and the 265th Pope!
Erm...I have mixed feelings about this...I was actually kind of hoping that they wouldn't pick him because he was so conservative. Plus we just saw his picture online as he came out on the balcony and he looked a little evil.
He is also only six years younger than Pope John Paul was when he died so we may be getting another pope pretty soon. I remember reading in the Da Vinci code that popes are often worked to death because they're always so busy...busier than celebrities and royalty.
I was just watching the footage on TV - breaking news footage. Now David Letterman is on.
But I suppose he will be nice in his own way...I just hope he wouldn't change too much of what Pope John Paul has done...sigh...Pope John Paul was so sweet and funny and nice...but he's the new pope so I guess we must all back him on. Go Pope Benedict!

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