Monday, January 31, 2005
Don't you love it when people willingly demonstrate how stupid they are?
This was in the paper the other day.
In New York, a hip-hop station called Hot 97 was forced to apologize after airing a song which used racial slurs to mock the tsunami victims. The song was played by the morning DJ, an African-American lady called Miss Jones, real name Tarsha Jones, and has stuff in it like "screaming chinks" and "little Chinamen being swept away" and how the tsunmai "washed your whole country away."
Points finger at Miss Jones and whoever came up with that song.
Has Miss Jones forgot her geography lessons? I didn't bother to read up too much about the tsunami but from what I heard the worst of it hit Indonesia, not China! I don't even know if the tsunami touched Chinese shores, but if it did, I doubt it was as huge an impact as in Indo. Indonesia and China are two different countries with different races living in them! True, there are Chinese living in Indonesia but I think the real damage was done to the non-Chinese people not the Chinese. Come on, you people want to make fun of helpless victims who have lost their homes and practically everything they loved and cherished not to mention their loved ones, then please make sure you make fun of the right victims. At least get their race correct, if you wanna make racist slurs. I think that Miss Jones and Co have just won the award of proving themselves the most stupid racists in the world, formerly beating the KKK"Oh we're not promoting violence, we're just promoting hatred".
And that's not just it. Miss Jones, as well as her co-host Todd Lyn, whose own race is not mentioned in the newspaper, are not just done demonstrating how dumb they are.
According to the article, one of the station's newsreaders, Miss Info, who is of Asian descent, objected to the song, only to be told by Tarsha Jones: "I know you feel you are superior because you're Asian but you're not."
Right. Brilliant comeback, Tarsha. You're slurring her part of the world, her roots, not to mention you probably dissed the wrong Asian people. (I bet you think Korea and Japan are the same country too). What do you want her to do, cheer you and you stupidity on? And what kind of a comeback is that anyway? It makes absolutely no sense to the issue being discussed here. I mean, really. All I can say is that New York is lucky that you're only a DJ and not a lawyer. Case closed!
And that's not the end of it, folks! Jones's co-host, Todd Lyn, is not satisfied with this so far and feels the need to enter the limelight of embarassment as well! The article I read also quotes Todd Lyn saying: "I'm going to start shooting Asians."
Well, the one thing we can give Todd is his ambiguous usage of the word "Asians" so we won't pick up on the fact that he too is probably unsure of exactly which Asian countries the tsunami actually hit. (Oh, too late, Toddy! It didn't work. Oh well. Better luck next time.) And let's run that quote again: "I'm going to start shooting Asians."
Hel-lo, these people just lost their homes, just lost their loved ones and all their belongings, they didn't attack you! Sure, right, that's what any rational person would do. "Oh, you lost all your belongings? Right, I think I'll add to your misery by shooting you as well!" Really, this is so big of Todd, doesn't that demonstrate his total macho-ness, his amazing intelligence, the possibility that he is probably secretly a member of the KKK or one of those lunatic criminals you always see on Law & Order? I mean, I thought those allegations of George Bush ordering attacks on innocent Afghan wedding parties were bad enough. Now America (or at least the Todd Lyns of America) want to shoot Asians too. At least George Bush could claim it was because he thought the Afghan bride attacked the Twin Towers. Todd Lyn's possible excuse? "Oh, I thought I'd start shooting down Asians because, you know, the tsunami washed over their country. It's an evil thing. You don't know when these Asians might start launching any more tsunamis at us. The new natural weapon of mass destruction, you know."
Thanks, Todd, let's hope you don't become State Secretary of Defense anytime soon.
Russia, watch out. You may be next. Or maybe France. Or even England. With Hot 97's Todd Lyn Version 2.0 of American Intelligence, you never know what kind of bogus reasons they might come up with for shooting your people. If a tsunami which didn't even touch their shores can offend them, all I can say is, you never know!
The only good news is that with their bad sense of direction, they'll probably miss your people altogether and end up shooting themselves in the foot instead.
Come to think of it, Americans are not exactly reknown for their navigation skills are they? What with all the could-be-true rumors I heard about even their current President mistaking Australia for Afghanistan on a globe and hitting the wrong targets in Middle East all the time. Okay, that's enough George Bush hits for the moment. I didn't mean to get into a whole Let's-Attack-America moment. I'm big enough to acknowledge that not all Americans are idiots like the members of Hot 97.
The article I read goes on to further state: "Jones and the station's programme director John Dimick both read on-air apologies yesterday."
I don't know about this John Dimick, but I guess Jones obviously had to read her apology because I highly doubt she's sincerely apologetic enough or smart enough to string together a decent sentence that doesn't highlight the fact that she was obviously dropped on the head as an infant. From a very great height. Who knows, they were probably afraid that, if left alone to write her own apology, she might say something like: "I'm truly sorry to have broadcasted material which mocked the tragic events happening in Asia. I just want to say I never meant to treat this lightly, I mean, Asia's my number one favourite country in all of China. There's nothing like Asia. If I could, I'd get my ass down to Japan to help all the poor Indonesians who lost their lives in the earthquake."
And, you know, honestly, this was so uncalled for. It's not even about ignorance. I didn't get hit by no tsunami nor do I personally know anyone whose lives were affected by the tsunami and I wasn't all teary-eyed or whatever and I don't think I donated anything for the victims even but you don't see me going around making geographical mistakes or mocking any victims on national radio. And furthermore, when the Twin Towers were hit by airplanes, you didn't see Asia radio stations broadcasting any songs about "screaming niggers" or "screaming white foreign devils" and "little foreign devils tumbling to their deaths." We never said anything like that. But then a tsunami happens in Asia and suddenly this radio station called Hot 97 runs eagerly on its little doggy legs to broadcast things like "screaming chinks" and "little Chinamen being swept away" and don't even stop to think, "You know, by broadcasting all this, we're acting like real arses."
And the worst part of it all? It's not even the insults. They didn't even manage to insult the correct people! No, no, no, as far as I'm concerned, these people should be found guilty and banished to some godforsaken little island with their hands and feet bound and their heads dangling in shark-infested waters because the other option of allowing them to inflict such idiocy on the rest of the world is really too unpardonable a crime.
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This was in the paper the other day.
In New York, a hip-hop station called Hot 97 was forced to apologize after airing a song which used racial slurs to mock the tsunami victims. The song was played by the morning DJ, an African-American lady called Miss Jones, real name Tarsha Jones, and has stuff in it like "screaming chinks" and "little Chinamen being swept away" and how the tsunmai "washed your whole country away."
Points finger at Miss Jones and whoever came up with that song.
Has Miss Jones forgot her geography lessons? I didn't bother to read up too much about the tsunami but from what I heard the worst of it hit Indonesia, not China! I don't even know if the tsunami touched Chinese shores, but if it did, I doubt it was as huge an impact as in Indo. Indonesia and China are two different countries with different races living in them! True, there are Chinese living in Indonesia but I think the real damage was done to the non-Chinese people not the Chinese. Come on, you people want to make fun of helpless victims who have lost their homes and practically everything they loved and cherished not to mention their loved ones, then please make sure you make fun of the right victims. At least get their race correct, if you wanna make racist slurs. I think that Miss Jones and Co have just won the award of proving themselves the most stupid racists in the world, formerly beating the KKK"Oh we're not promoting violence, we're just promoting hatred".
And that's not just it. Miss Jones, as well as her co-host Todd Lyn, whose own race is not mentioned in the newspaper, are not just done demonstrating how dumb they are.
According to the article, one of the station's newsreaders, Miss Info, who is of Asian descent, objected to the song, only to be told by Tarsha Jones: "I know you feel you are superior because you're Asian but you're not."
Right. Brilliant comeback, Tarsha. You're slurring her part of the world, her roots, not to mention you probably dissed the wrong Asian people. (I bet you think Korea and Japan are the same country too). What do you want her to do, cheer you and you stupidity on? And what kind of a comeback is that anyway? It makes absolutely no sense to the issue being discussed here. I mean, really. All I can say is that New York is lucky that you're only a DJ and not a lawyer. Case closed!
And that's not the end of it, folks! Jones's co-host, Todd Lyn, is not satisfied with this so far and feels the need to enter the limelight of embarassment as well! The article I read also quotes Todd Lyn saying: "I'm going to start shooting Asians."
Well, the one thing we can give Todd is his ambiguous usage of the word "Asians" so we won't pick up on the fact that he too is probably unsure of exactly which Asian countries the tsunami actually hit. (Oh, too late, Toddy! It didn't work. Oh well. Better luck next time.) And let's run that quote again: "I'm going to start shooting Asians."
Hel-lo, these people just lost their homes, just lost their loved ones and all their belongings, they didn't attack you! Sure, right, that's what any rational person would do. "Oh, you lost all your belongings? Right, I think I'll add to your misery by shooting you as well!" Really, this is so big of Todd, doesn't that demonstrate his total macho-ness, his amazing intelligence, the possibility that he is probably secretly a member of the KKK or one of those lunatic criminals you always see on Law & Order? I mean, I thought those allegations of George Bush ordering attacks on innocent Afghan wedding parties were bad enough. Now America (or at least the Todd Lyns of America) want to shoot Asians too. At least George Bush could claim it was because he thought the Afghan bride attacked the Twin Towers. Todd Lyn's possible excuse? "Oh, I thought I'd start shooting down Asians because, you know, the tsunami washed over their country. It's an evil thing. You don't know when these Asians might start launching any more tsunamis at us. The new natural weapon of mass destruction, you know."
Thanks, Todd, let's hope you don't become State Secretary of Defense anytime soon.
Russia, watch out. You may be next. Or maybe France. Or even England. With Hot 97's Todd Lyn Version 2.0 of American Intelligence, you never know what kind of bogus reasons they might come up with for shooting your people. If a tsunami which didn't even touch their shores can offend them, all I can say is, you never know!
The only good news is that with their bad sense of direction, they'll probably miss your people altogether and end up shooting themselves in the foot instead.
Come to think of it, Americans are not exactly reknown for their navigation skills are they? What with all the could-be-true rumors I heard about even their current President mistaking Australia for Afghanistan on a globe and hitting the wrong targets in Middle East all the time. Okay, that's enough George Bush hits for the moment. I didn't mean to get into a whole Let's-Attack-America moment. I'm big enough to acknowledge that not all Americans are idiots like the members of Hot 97.
The article I read goes on to further state: "Jones and the station's programme director John Dimick both read on-air apologies yesterday."
I don't know about this John Dimick, but I guess Jones obviously had to read her apology because I highly doubt she's sincerely apologetic enough or smart enough to string together a decent sentence that doesn't highlight the fact that she was obviously dropped on the head as an infant. From a very great height. Who knows, they were probably afraid that, if left alone to write her own apology, she might say something like: "I'm truly sorry to have broadcasted material which mocked the tragic events happening in Asia. I just want to say I never meant to treat this lightly, I mean, Asia's my number one favourite country in all of China. There's nothing like Asia. If I could, I'd get my ass down to Japan to help all the poor Indonesians who lost their lives in the earthquake."
And, you know, honestly, this was so uncalled for. It's not even about ignorance. I didn't get hit by no tsunami nor do I personally know anyone whose lives were affected by the tsunami and I wasn't all teary-eyed or whatever and I don't think I donated anything for the victims even but you don't see me going around making geographical mistakes or mocking any victims on national radio. And furthermore, when the Twin Towers were hit by airplanes, you didn't see Asia radio stations broadcasting any songs about "screaming niggers" or "screaming white foreign devils" and "little foreign devils tumbling to their deaths." We never said anything like that. But then a tsunami happens in Asia and suddenly this radio station called Hot 97 runs eagerly on its little doggy legs to broadcast things like "screaming chinks" and "little Chinamen being swept away" and don't even stop to think, "You know, by broadcasting all this, we're acting like real arses."
And the worst part of it all? It's not even the insults. They didn't even manage to insult the correct people! No, no, no, as far as I'm concerned, these people should be found guilty and banished to some godforsaken little island with their hands and feet bound and their heads dangling in shark-infested waters because the other option of allowing them to inflict such idiocy on the rest of the world is really too unpardonable a crime.
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
So today I was thinking of tomorrow's bash where we plan to get together and simultaneously celebrate all our 21st birthdays even though three quarts of us wouldn't actually turn 21 until much later this year. And it's suppose to be a potluck kind of thingy where everyone has to bring a dish each and I can't really bring much because Clarence is bringing chips and potatos is bringing all the alcohol and I don't really know what else I can bring. Lol. So I decided to do a Better Crocker thing and bake an apple pie because it looks like the easiest thing in the cookbook.
My first pie! And I think my dad is going to stand like a really close guard over me to make sure I don't burn the kitchen or anything. Tsk. My parents have absolutely no faith in me.
And I called Mellie to tell her about the bash and give her directions to Screaming Sour's house and I was giving her really good directions, I really was, like "When you're on that bridge-thingy going past the San Francisco Steakhouse, keep to your l- no, I mean, right, yeah, keep to your right, and the road will divide into two, separated by those little red cone thingies, and make sure you keep your l - no, I mean, right, right, because the left road goes past the Muslim graveyard and you don't want to go that way, you want to go right, and there will be a U-turn but don't go there, there will be traffic lights and turn right there, and you'll see a Shell petrol station so turn left right after the station, and the road will go all the way down the end and it'll turn right, but you want to go left, and there's this cute little candy cane bar thingy which you'll go under..."
And i think she stopped me there and said, "nevermind, what's the address?" But I don't know the adress, I only know my way there, so I told her to go call Screaming Sour and get the address from her. But honestly, my directions were pretty good! I mean I gave proper landmarks and all!
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My first pie! And I think my dad is going to stand like a really close guard over me to make sure I don't burn the kitchen or anything. Tsk. My parents have absolutely no faith in me.
And I called Mellie to tell her about the bash and give her directions to Screaming Sour's house and I was giving her really good directions, I really was, like "When you're on that bridge-thingy going past the San Francisco Steakhouse, keep to your l- no, I mean, right, yeah, keep to your right, and the road will divide into two, separated by those little red cone thingies, and make sure you keep your l - no, I mean, right, right, because the left road goes past the Muslim graveyard and you don't want to go that way, you want to go right, and there will be a U-turn but don't go there, there will be traffic lights and turn right there, and you'll see a Shell petrol station so turn left right after the station, and the road will go all the way down the end and it'll turn right, but you want to go left, and there's this cute little candy cane bar thingy which you'll go under..."
And i think she stopped me there and said, "nevermind, what's the address?" But I don't know the adress, I only know my way there, so I told her to go call Screaming Sour and get the address from her. But honestly, my directions were pretty good! I mean I gave proper landmarks and all!
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Sheep in the Pharmacy.
Last night, as I lay me down to sleep, I tried the time-old method of counting sheep to go to sleep. And it was really working - it really was! The sheep were flowing faster and faster into a white stream and I was just about to drop off to sleep when - suddenly - a thought flashed through my mind - "I'd like to rip your throats out with my bare hands." The sheeps' throats, I mean. And that suddenly jolted me awake and I think the sheep got scared and ran away.
And tonight me, Potatos, Screaming Sour, and the Ah Lian Model went out on a la-dees night. First, we went to The Pharmacy, formally known as Voyuer, which went through its transformation while myself and Screaming Sour were away so this was the first time we went there since it has become The Pharmacy. And God, that place has transformed from a club full of beautiful (some of them) happy young people of our age to, like, a kinky old men's club. It was full of these sexy young nurses who had all the old men customers all over them and they'd do very strip-esque dances for them and pout and all that. It was all very interesting but at the same time, that kind of place just has that sleazy aura thing which feels like it's rubbing off on you and you have to get away and take a shower to get rid of it. Plus, there were no hot waiters (I think they did on purpose so that none of the old men would feel threatened) and there is no way you can meet a cute guy there. So after a drink or two we headed down to Flam where we were served by this muscular gay-looking bartender with wavy hair who I suspected totally watered down our drinks which were so horrible that none of us finished the first round. Then we went home because Potatos had work tomorrow. It was a relatively boring albeit slightly interesting night.
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Last night, as I lay me down to sleep, I tried the time-old method of counting sheep to go to sleep. And it was really working - it really was! The sheep were flowing faster and faster into a white stream and I was just about to drop off to sleep when - suddenly - a thought flashed through my mind - "I'd like to rip your throats out with my bare hands." The sheeps' throats, I mean. And that suddenly jolted me awake and I think the sheep got scared and ran away.
And tonight me, Potatos, Screaming Sour, and the Ah Lian Model went out on a la-dees night. First, we went to The Pharmacy, formally known as Voyuer, which went through its transformation while myself and Screaming Sour were away so this was the first time we went there since it has become The Pharmacy. And God, that place has transformed from a club full of beautiful (some of them) happy young people of our age to, like, a kinky old men's club. It was full of these sexy young nurses who had all the old men customers all over them and they'd do very strip-esque dances for them and pout and all that. It was all very interesting but at the same time, that kind of place just has that sleazy aura thing which feels like it's rubbing off on you and you have to get away and take a shower to get rid of it. Plus, there were no hot waiters (I think they did on purpose so that none of the old men would feel threatened) and there is no way you can meet a cute guy there. So after a drink or two we headed down to Flam where we were served by this muscular gay-looking bartender with wavy hair who I suspected totally watered down our drinks which were so horrible that none of us finished the first round. Then we went home because Potatos had work tomorrow. It was a relatively boring albeit slightly interesting night.
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Please get a room!!!
I just realized that although I haven't seen the Tiny Athlete for ages, I realize I can keep up with everything that's going on in her life through her MSN nick. Like, for example, I know she has a new boyfriend now, that they just got together before he left for manila, and that she misses him a lot.
And for heaven's sakes! Like, does she have to write everything down on her nick for everyone to read? Why not take out a newspaper ad? It's kind of like pretty obvious she wants everyone to know all about it!
And for the record, I really don't understand people who write these kind of things on their MSN nicks or their Friendster pages or whatever. It's like "I'll miss you my darling" or "Feeling so loved because of someone..." Darling, we all know who that someone is, don't be afraid to write his/her name! And for godsakes, you've probably already told that person you miss them or love them or whatever, you don't have to leave it on your nick for them to read it later or to tell the rest of the world how you feel. If you really have to, put it all down in a note for your loved one. Or a memo and circulate it.
I understand people who add things on their MSN nick like "Busy doing assignments" or "I'm at class". If it's something like that, I get. But the thing about people who advertise their relationships, there's just something too, I don't know, like they're village people or something. I'm not saying that because I'm jealous of their relationships, it's that I feel there's something unrefined or undignified or whatever about them. It's like the difference between J Lo's and Jennifer Garner's relationships with Ben Affleck.
I mean, if my boyfriend ever wrote a bunch of gushy testimonials about me on Friendster, something that goes along the lines of "I love her so much, she is the sunshine of my life, the sun that rises in the morning, seas will ebb but my love for her will never fade away, my sweetheart, my boo" and all that kind of shit, I will LAUGH. Then i will delete his testimonials as swiftly as I can. Then i will call him to LAUGH at him. Because, even if those testimonials are sweet as hell and romantic and sentimental, I hardly doubt that any of those are sincere. These kind of words sound like they could be uttered to anyone. You n otice that people who write that kind of shit always feels that way about every boyfriend/girlfriend they have, so it's obvious they ain't very sincere people. I'd prefer something like "My girlfriend is so cool, she always gives me this feeling like she could bite off my head and suck the blood out of me if I disagree with her." Something like that. Let's conduct our luuurve in private, folks. My boyfriend and I will look cool and hip when we're out in public, like the fantastic good-looking couple who couldn't care less about one another because our hands are only just resting on one another's hips, not in each other's pants. We smile and flirt with other people as we are out about, not fondle one another and tell each other "oh, honey buns, you are so sweet" in front of all our other friends. Then we tear each other's clothes off in private. Now that's love.
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I just realized that although I haven't seen the Tiny Athlete for ages, I realize I can keep up with everything that's going on in her life through her MSN nick. Like, for example, I know she has a new boyfriend now, that they just got together before he left for manila, and that she misses him a lot.
And for heaven's sakes! Like, does she have to write everything down on her nick for everyone to read? Why not take out a newspaper ad? It's kind of like pretty obvious she wants everyone to know all about it!
And for the record, I really don't understand people who write these kind of things on their MSN nicks or their Friendster pages or whatever. It's like "I'll miss you my darling" or "Feeling so loved because of someone..." Darling, we all know who that someone is, don't be afraid to write his/her name! And for godsakes, you've probably already told that person you miss them or love them or whatever, you don't have to leave it on your nick for them to read it later or to tell the rest of the world how you feel. If you really have to, put it all down in a note for your loved one. Or a memo and circulate it.
I understand people who add things on their MSN nick like "Busy doing assignments" or "I'm at class". If it's something like that, I get. But the thing about people who advertise their relationships, there's just something too, I don't know, like they're village people or something. I'm not saying that because I'm jealous of their relationships, it's that I feel there's something unrefined or undignified or whatever about them. It's like the difference between J Lo's and Jennifer Garner's relationships with Ben Affleck.
I mean, if my boyfriend ever wrote a bunch of gushy testimonials about me on Friendster, something that goes along the lines of "I love her so much, she is the sunshine of my life, the sun that rises in the morning, seas will ebb but my love for her will never fade away, my sweetheart, my boo" and all that kind of shit, I will LAUGH. Then i will delete his testimonials as swiftly as I can. Then i will call him to LAUGH at him. Because, even if those testimonials are sweet as hell and romantic and sentimental, I hardly doubt that any of those are sincere. These kind of words sound like they could be uttered to anyone. You n otice that people who write that kind of shit always feels that way about every boyfriend/girlfriend they have, so it's obvious they ain't very sincere people. I'd prefer something like "My girlfriend is so cool, she always gives me this feeling like she could bite off my head and suck the blood out of me if I disagree with her." Something like that. Let's conduct our luuurve in private, folks. My boyfriend and I will look cool and hip when we're out in public, like the fantastic good-looking couple who couldn't care less about one another because our hands are only just resting on one another's hips, not in each other's pants. We smile and flirt with other people as we are out about, not fondle one another and tell each other "oh, honey buns, you are so sweet" in front of all our other friends. Then we tear each other's clothes off in private. Now that's love.
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Shop Music: "Pain" by Jimmy Eat World, "Look What You've Done" by Jet, "I Dare You to Move" by Switchfoot.
Dentists are Scary People.
I went to the dentist last weekend. He was very mean and put all kinds of sharp objects in my mouth and, not satisfied with the amount of torture he subjected me to, is forcing me to come back next week so he can torture me further. And he is making me pay absurd amounts of cash for this torture.
His little daughter runs around the office and stares at me as I lie on the torture chair. I think she likes me because of my hair color, but it may be that she is also be fascinated by the torture devices her father uses on innocent young women like myself. Oh, what terrible influences young children are subjected to these days!
As I was lying there on the seat with the light flashing into my eyes and his rubber-gloved fingers in my mouth, listening to him talk about calluses or whatever to me as if I was his daughter's age and needed to be humored by a joke about how calluses are not to be mistaken with school calculus (torturers have very strange senses of humor), I just had this sudden urge to clamp down my teeth and bite his fingers. And the urge continued throughout the entire session. I have no idea how I managed to restrain myself. I wonder what he would have done if I had really bit him. I'm guessing it's not a good idea to bite your dentist. Not unless you were planning to switch to a new dentist.
And you know, whenever I think about dentists, I think about the Crazed Dentist from Adelaide who is not yet a dentist but still tudying to be one and whom I dedicated the limerick about novocaine to, and I think, God, I will never let her get near me with any of those dentist tool things. Hahaha!
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Dentists are Scary People.
I went to the dentist last weekend. He was very mean and put all kinds of sharp objects in my mouth and, not satisfied with the amount of torture he subjected me to, is forcing me to come back next week so he can torture me further. And he is making me pay absurd amounts of cash for this torture.
His little daughter runs around the office and stares at me as I lie on the torture chair. I think she likes me because of my hair color, but it may be that she is also be fascinated by the torture devices her father uses on innocent young women like myself. Oh, what terrible influences young children are subjected to these days!
As I was lying there on the seat with the light flashing into my eyes and his rubber-gloved fingers in my mouth, listening to him talk about calluses or whatever to me as if I was his daughter's age and needed to be humored by a joke about how calluses are not to be mistaken with school calculus (torturers have very strange senses of humor), I just had this sudden urge to clamp down my teeth and bite his fingers. And the urge continued throughout the entire session. I have no idea how I managed to restrain myself. I wonder what he would have done if I had really bit him. I'm guessing it's not a good idea to bite your dentist. Not unless you were planning to switch to a new dentist.
And you know, whenever I think about dentists, I think about the Crazed Dentist from Adelaide who is not yet a dentist but still tudying to be one and whom I dedicated the limerick about novocaine to, and I think, God, I will never let her get near me with any of those dentist tool things. Hahaha!
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Sunday, January 23, 2005
Okay, I think at the moment I am going into a total revamp moment. I don't know why, but I'm suddenly in the mood to tear up my blogs and give them a Total Makeover! So watch this space - pictures are coming in and fonts are changing!
It all started when I started putting pics in my poetry blog - the Forest of Red Leaves! Now it looks so pretty - check it out on the sidebar! And now I'm in the mood for hunting for pics and stuff and tearing up my blogs and site (which truly deserves a makeover) and giving them a total rehaul! Watch this space! Now I'm repeating myself over and over again. Right, must go hunt for pictures!
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It all started when I started putting pics in my poetry blog - the Forest of Red Leaves! Now it looks so pretty - check it out on the sidebar! And now I'm in the mood for hunting for pics and stuff and tearing up my blogs and site (which truly deserves a makeover) and giving them a total rehaul! Watch this space! Now I'm repeating myself over and over again. Right, must go hunt for pictures!
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So lots of things have been happening like Momentous Moments in one of my friend's lives...
And i couldn't get a ticket on the 16th! So now I have to go back on the 19th and most likely fly alone. Boo....
And tonight the Saturday Night Gang all got together with the exception of The Pope! And we did the usual things like having dinner at BK and watched movies and drinking at Jelutong and I made everyone promise to watch Elektra with me on Wednesday night!
And Marcus came by again and this time he gave me his fang (the one we yanked out the last time) and I get to wear it on a necklace to remember him by. Oh, isn't that so romantic of him?
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And i couldn't get a ticket on the 16th! So now I have to go back on the 19th and most likely fly alone. Boo....
And tonight the Saturday Night Gang all got together with the exception of The Pope! And we did the usual things like having dinner at BK and watched movies and drinking at Jelutong and I made everyone promise to watch Elektra with me on Wednesday night!
And Marcus came by again and this time he gave me his fang (the one we yanked out the last time) and I get to wear it on a necklace to remember him by. Oh, isn't that so romantic of him?
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Friday, January 21, 2005
So anyway tonight Potatos and I tried out this new pub down by The Curve. And it looks like a nice place, with all that running water and fishes and leafy plants and big curvy rattan chairs that you can sink into so that you're eye-to-eye with the table and have to manuever your drinks before you can take a sip.
Well, that was the outside, because we didn't really step foot in the pub. We just flopped ourselves down on the rattan chairs outside and called our slave...I mean our serve us.
And speaking of our waiter, he's a weird guy. I mean, he looks like a nice person and he's friendly (like REALLY friendly) and all, but then he'll stand on the steps outside the pub and start dancing strangely. Then he'll go over to a table full of people and start dancing in front of them, like he's their hired bar dancer or something. Then he'll come over to us and lean over the empty chair beside Potatos and stare at us while we try to keep on talking and ignore him.
Then he tells us twice that some guys at the table behind me want us to come over and join them at their table. And we're like, "Na, tell them we said no." And he'll ask, "But why? They'll buy you free drinks, you know!" And i'm like, "I can buy my own drinks." And when he drifts away, I say to Potatos, "What do we look like? Table hostesses? GROs?" (Government relations officers - another name for bargirls) And Potatos giggles and says, "No, we're SPGs." And I say, "What, do we look like a *insert name of this chick we knew from high school*?" And she giggles and looks over at the guys and says, "Na, I don't think so." Pause. "Because, you see, there are no old men at that table." *Evil giggle.* Hehehe. I think only those who know who the chick we're referring to is can get the joke.
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Well, that was the outside, because we didn't really step foot in the pub. We just flopped ourselves down on the rattan chairs outside and called our slave...I mean our serve us.
And speaking of our waiter, he's a weird guy. I mean, he looks like a nice person and he's friendly (like REALLY friendly) and all, but then he'll stand on the steps outside the pub and start dancing strangely. Then he'll go over to a table full of people and start dancing in front of them, like he's their hired bar dancer or something. Then he'll come over to us and lean over the empty chair beside Potatos and stare at us while we try to keep on talking and ignore him.
Then he tells us twice that some guys at the table behind me want us to come over and join them at their table. And we're like, "Na, tell them we said no." And he'll ask, "But why? They'll buy you free drinks, you know!" And i'm like, "I can buy my own drinks." And when he drifts away, I say to Potatos, "What do we look like? Table hostesses? GROs?" (Government relations officers - another name for bargirls) And Potatos giggles and says, "No, we're SPGs." And I say, "What, do we look like a *insert name of this chick we knew from high school*?" And she giggles and looks over at the guys and says, "Na, I don't think so." Pause. "Because, you see, there are no old men at that table." *Evil giggle.* Hehehe. I think only those who know who the chick we're referring to is can get the joke.
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A mosquito just flew past me right in front of my face and I had no time to squish it out of existence!
I am holding a raging battle with mosquitos! I vow to kill as many as I can! I chase them with electric rackets and my bare hands! I stop typing every few words or so in this blog so that I can chase after another!
Ms Banana will be shocked to hear this.
Kelly-Mandy tells me to wear long pants to keep the mozzies away. I tell her she is crazy. We're in the tropics, not in Alaska. I'll overheat and explode. And anyway, mozzies can attack every last inch of the flesh. They'll get the soles of my feet then. She tells me to wear socks and tuck the pants into the socks.
There are worse things than being attacked by mosquitos.
I REFUSE to ever be seen at my pc with pants tucked into socks! What if a cute robber breaks into our house? What if a tabloid photographer sneaks into the house across the street and takes pictures through his distant-lens camera? What if the FBI, CIA, ISA, Scotland Yard, SIS (is there such a thing as SIS?), and the Russian Mafia have installed hidden CCTV cameras in my house????????
No. I will not tuck my pants into my socks.
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I am holding a raging battle with mosquitos! I vow to kill as many as I can! I chase them with electric rackets and my bare hands! I stop typing every few words or so in this blog so that I can chase after another!
Ms Banana will be shocked to hear this.
Kelly-Mandy tells me to wear long pants to keep the mozzies away. I tell her she is crazy. We're in the tropics, not in Alaska. I'll overheat and explode. And anyway, mozzies can attack every last inch of the flesh. They'll get the soles of my feet then. She tells me to wear socks and tuck the pants into the socks.
There are worse things than being attacked by mosquitos.
I REFUSE to ever be seen at my pc with pants tucked into socks! What if a cute robber breaks into our house? What if a tabloid photographer sneaks into the house across the street and takes pictures through his distant-lens camera? What if the FBI, CIA, ISA, Scotland Yard, SIS (is there such a thing as SIS?), and the Russian Mafia have installed hidden CCTV cameras in my house????????
No. I will not tuck my pants into my socks.
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
So today I was driving screamingsour (welcome back home, gurl!) back to her house, it was all raining and foggy and misty, and I remarked on how apropros the weather was just as we were getting to her neighborhood because it's so reminiscent of how creepy her neighborhood is whenever I drive her home really late at night. And then we go by the park where the streetlight shining on the grass makes it look all foggy and I yak about how it looks like zombies are going to suddenly rise up out of the earth and screamingsour reminds me that I'll be the one driving by herself past this park on the way home after dropping her off.
And so after kicking her out at her house and throwing her purse after her (just kidding, I let her get out by herself safely and with her purse! ;D) I made a nice three point turn and let the car roll back out of her cul-de-sac. And as I was happily rolling past the zombie park when I reach up with one hand to check if I had hit the auto door lock when suddenly I feel this cold hand on top of mine.
And before I could shriek or send the car flying off the road, this voice whispers in my ear.
"It's been a long time."
And YES, it has been! It was Marcus!!!!!!!!
Yes, long-lost Marcus last seen heading to Europe or wherever, who promised he would be back by Christmas or New Year's at the least and then never showed up!
Still the same old enigmatic Marcus. Offers no excuses whatsoever for his lateness. Instead he goes, "You've changed. You're changing, everything's changing. I'm changing. We're all changing. I don't know if we can ever go back to the old times."
And I'm like "What???? Now what's all that about??? So you change and I change. Big deal. Everyone's constantly changing. You of all people should know that."
And so it goes on, his avoiding my questions and giving me loads of crap answers. And in the end he admits he's been in some trouble (which involves burying a dead fetus and no, it's no normal human's fetus nor is it Marcus's or mine, and having some rituals and us arguing like usual and exchanging some blood which at first just gets washed away in the rain). And so we solve it and by the time we finish everything, it's time for him to go and maybe he'll hang around for a couple of days and maybe he won't. We'll see how things go. Things are changing around here. And we'll just have to see how it goes.
And by the way his fang has regrown very nicely and it just makes me want to rip it off again. Giggle. But I won't because he's feeling especially bleak these days, by which I mean even bleaker than he usually is, so I'll be nice to him now, poor Marcus.
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And so after kicking her out at her house and throwing her purse after her (just kidding, I let her get out by herself safely and with her purse! ;D) I made a nice three point turn and let the car roll back out of her cul-de-sac. And as I was happily rolling past the zombie park when I reach up with one hand to check if I had hit the auto door lock when suddenly I feel this cold hand on top of mine.
And before I could shriek or send the car flying off the road, this voice whispers in my ear.
"It's been a long time."
And YES, it has been! It was Marcus!!!!!!!!
Yes, long-lost Marcus last seen heading to Europe or wherever, who promised he would be back by Christmas or New Year's at the least and then never showed up!
Still the same old enigmatic Marcus. Offers no excuses whatsoever for his lateness. Instead he goes, "You've changed. You're changing, everything's changing. I'm changing. We're all changing. I don't know if we can ever go back to the old times."
And I'm like "What???? Now what's all that about??? So you change and I change. Big deal. Everyone's constantly changing. You of all people should know that."
And so it goes on, his avoiding my questions and giving me loads of crap answers. And in the end he admits he's been in some trouble (which involves burying a dead fetus and no, it's no normal human's fetus nor is it Marcus's or mine, and having some rituals and us arguing like usual and exchanging some blood which at first just gets washed away in the rain). And so we solve it and by the time we finish everything, it's time for him to go and maybe he'll hang around for a couple of days and maybe he won't. We'll see how things go. Things are changing around here. And we'll just have to see how it goes.
And by the way his fang has regrown very nicely and it just makes me want to rip it off again. Giggle. But I won't because he's feeling especially bleak these days, by which I mean even bleaker than he usually is, so I'll be nice to him now, poor Marcus.
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Apparently decapitation is the number one subject being searched on Yahoo.
Should we be worried about this?
So I've been struck by food poisoning for the past couple of days and let me tell you, it's HORRIBLE. It feels labour contractions and morning sickness at the same time. And it didn't help that I had been watching Alien vs. Predator the night before at Potato's house and then had to spend the next morning wondering if a baby Alien was going to tear through my stomach and rear its acidic head. It was so bad that I missed my dentist appointment (well, that should be considered a plus) AND the Rockets game live on TV this weekend. AAAAAAArgh!
Well the good news is that they won!
BUT the bad news is that since then they've lost to the Memphis Grizzlies AND the Indiana Pacers since then! AAAAAArgh!
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Should we be worried about this?
So I've been struck by food poisoning for the past couple of days and let me tell you, it's HORRIBLE. It feels labour contractions and morning sickness at the same time. And it didn't help that I had been watching Alien vs. Predator the night before at Potato's house and then had to spend the next morning wondering if a baby Alien was going to tear through my stomach and rear its acidic head. It was so bad that I missed my dentist appointment (well, that should be considered a plus) AND the Rockets game live on TV this weekend. AAAAAAArgh!
Well the good news is that they won!
BUT the bad news is that since then they've lost to the Memphis Grizzlies AND the Indiana Pacers since then! AAAAAArgh!
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Saturday, January 15, 2005
Bitten alive by mosquitoes!
Blood, blood
Red blood in my hands
Red it is
My color shampoo!
So today I went to see Bridget Jones's Diary II (although I have never seen the first one) with the Laughing Lizard and Kelly-Mandy and it was pretty funny as it should be and so sweet and just makes me feel worse about my single state. LOl! You know, actually I don't feel at all bad about being single, I think I'm much happier being single actually and the only time i ever feel bad is when people ask me "why don't you have a boyfriend?" or when all my cousins bring their boyfriends to the family reunions, that's pretty much it! Which goes to show, I could be perfectly happily single if everyone else would just lay off me! Please!
By the way, did anyone who saw Bridget Jones notice that at the end of the movie, as she went into the room full of lawyers to find Colin Firth, she was carrying a little purse, and then when he hurried her out of the room she was no longer carrying it?
Anyway we saw lots of great previews as well, like Lemony Snickets's A series of Unfortunate Events, which is finally coming to town! After Christmas! And Elektra! Oh, and I remember what her poster was like after all. At the top it said JENNIFER GARNER and below it says something like "Trained to kill. Born to die." Or something like that, haha, and then at the bottom of the poster it says Elektra. So if you didn't know better, you'd think the show was about Jennifer Garner, Trained to Die, Born to Kill, rather than Jennifer Garner starring in a movie about Elektra! Or maybe I mean Tainted by Tragedy, Trained to Kill.
Oh, by the way, does anyone notice that the guy in the preview who goes "But then, the second life is never easy" sounds kind of like one of the guys from Alias? I can't remember who though. And I only saw the preview but some of those fight scenes looked like they came right out of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
I just peeked into the Elektra website to see if I got the "Tained by Tragedy, Trained to Kill slogan right. And the production notes said that this show is influenced by Crouching Tiger, Kill Bill and Hero. Well that explains everything.
Anyway, Bridget Jones's Diary ended at around eleven tonight when the mall was closing, but we had to hurry to the bathroom first. And when we finally get out, the entire hallway is pitch dark AND in front of us there's this huge metal shutter in our way and we all SCREAM! We're cut off! We're stuck in the mall! We lose our minds and start running! And suddenly we bump into other people waiting just around the corner and they're completely silent except for this guy shouting in his handphone, "I'm trapped! I can't get out! The elevator isn't working!"" and then we become even more hysterical until we realize that the elevator IS working and everyone else is being perfectly calm except us and the guy. LOL. And then the lift finally comes and it's crammed with people who just stared at us and didn't even have the courtesey to hold the lift while we all got in so I ended up being squashed between the doors for a second or two. Then later, we get to another floor where the handphone guy gets out and he realizes he's on the wrong floor and turns around but the doors are already closing and again no one bothers to hold the door! I turned and I saw this fat girl just standing by the buttons and she just looks back at me with no expression on her face and I just felt like punching her face out for 1) letting me get squashed by the doors and 2) not letting the poor guy get back in. We ended up getting out in the carpark but it's the wrong carpark in the old wing and my car's parked in the new wing on the other side of the road but no way are we going back in the mall which is honestly like a Maze of Death at closing time because I think the guards just slam down the metal shutters that shut off one section of othe mall from the others without even bothering to check if anyone's been left behind. Actually, I KNOW that because I used to work at one of the shops in that mall and me and my co-workers usually had to make a mad run for it if we didn't want to get locked in.
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Blood, blood
Red blood in my hands
Red it is
My color shampoo!
So today I went to see Bridget Jones's Diary II (although I have never seen the first one) with the Laughing Lizard and Kelly-Mandy and it was pretty funny as it should be and so sweet and just makes me feel worse about my single state. LOl! You know, actually I don't feel at all bad about being single, I think I'm much happier being single actually and the only time i ever feel bad is when people ask me "why don't you have a boyfriend?" or when all my cousins bring their boyfriends to the family reunions, that's pretty much it! Which goes to show, I could be perfectly happily single if everyone else would just lay off me! Please!
By the way, did anyone who saw Bridget Jones notice that at the end of the movie, as she went into the room full of lawyers to find Colin Firth, she was carrying a little purse, and then when he hurried her out of the room she was no longer carrying it?
Anyway we saw lots of great previews as well, like Lemony Snickets's A series of Unfortunate Events, which is finally coming to town! After Christmas! And Elektra! Oh, and I remember what her poster was like after all. At the top it said JENNIFER GARNER and below it says something like "Trained to kill. Born to die." Or something like that, haha, and then at the bottom of the poster it says Elektra. So if you didn't know better, you'd think the show was about Jennifer Garner, Trained to Die, Born to Kill, rather than Jennifer Garner starring in a movie about Elektra! Or maybe I mean Tainted by Tragedy, Trained to Kill.
Oh, by the way, does anyone notice that the guy in the preview who goes "But then, the second life is never easy" sounds kind of like one of the guys from Alias? I can't remember who though. And I only saw the preview but some of those fight scenes looked like they came right out of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
I just peeked into the Elektra website to see if I got the "Tained by Tragedy, Trained to Kill slogan right. And the production notes said that this show is influenced by Crouching Tiger, Kill Bill and Hero. Well that explains everything.
Anyway, Bridget Jones's Diary ended at around eleven tonight when the mall was closing, but we had to hurry to the bathroom first. And when we finally get out, the entire hallway is pitch dark AND in front of us there's this huge metal shutter in our way and we all SCREAM! We're cut off! We're stuck in the mall! We lose our minds and start running! And suddenly we bump into other people waiting just around the corner and they're completely silent except for this guy shouting in his handphone, "I'm trapped! I can't get out! The elevator isn't working!"" and then we become even more hysterical until we realize that the elevator IS working and everyone else is being perfectly calm except us and the guy. LOL. And then the lift finally comes and it's crammed with people who just stared at us and didn't even have the courtesey to hold the lift while we all got in so I ended up being squashed between the doors for a second or two. Then later, we get to another floor where the handphone guy gets out and he realizes he's on the wrong floor and turns around but the doors are already closing and again no one bothers to hold the door! I turned and I saw this fat girl just standing by the buttons and she just looks back at me with no expression on her face and I just felt like punching her face out for 1) letting me get squashed by the doors and 2) not letting the poor guy get back in. We ended up getting out in the carpark but it's the wrong carpark in the old wing and my car's parked in the new wing on the other side of the road but no way are we going back in the mall which is honestly like a Maze of Death at closing time because I think the guards just slam down the metal shutters that shut off one section of othe mall from the others without even bothering to check if anyone's been left behind. Actually, I KNOW that because I used to work at one of the shops in that mall and me and my co-workers usually had to make a mad run for it if we didn't want to get locked in.
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
Help me help me help me...everything is rushing in so fast! Tonight alone so many signs of the coming semester are hitting me with their little fists...
First, my friend tells me that the timetables for our new semester are up and reminds me that we have to sign up by friday, which I had absolutely no idea of if she had never told me that.
So I go online to check the timetable and my student e-mail which I have NOT checked since last semester ended and that's when I realized my tuition fees invoice has arrived.
And not to mention the fact that I just opened my normal e-mail and there's a letter from the head of my student housing confirming the rent for my flat for next semester has been received. All the signs telling me that the next semester is coming!
Aaaah! But it's not suppose to begin until march! We still have over a month more!
Holidays are still here!
Gosh...all these preparations!
We can't be free of them even when we're on break!
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First, my friend tells me that the timetables for our new semester are up and reminds me that we have to sign up by friday, which I had absolutely no idea of if she had never told me that.
So I go online to check the timetable and my student e-mail which I have NOT checked since last semester ended and that's when I realized my tuition fees invoice has arrived.
And not to mention the fact that I just opened my normal e-mail and there's a letter from the head of my student housing confirming the rent for my flat for next semester has been received. All the signs telling me that the next semester is coming!
Aaaah! But it's not suppose to begin until march! We still have over a month more!
Holidays are still here!
Gosh...all these preparations!
We can't be free of them even when we're on break!
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
I'm in a slightly hyper mood right now! A little crazed, a little charmed, but all's well, eh?
They're going to be screening a rockets game live on saturday at 11 am and i just remembered that i have a dentist appointment at 10:15. I hope that forty five minutes is enough time for the dentist to murder my cavities. It doesn't help that I haven't been to a dentist in almost two years. He may be so horrified at the state of my teeth that he might just push a revolver in my mouth and shoot me for such lack of care for my pearlies.
Tomorrow I'm meeting up with Bundles, Alleya and the Crazed Dentist from Adelaide (yet another dentist!) I can't wait - I have totally missed teasing and bullying the Crazed Dentist. And that reminds me - I must tell her about the limerick i wrote about her in my creative writing class which can be found in my poetry forest just over on the sidebar!
All right, farewell, adieu.
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They're going to be screening a rockets game live on saturday at 11 am and i just remembered that i have a dentist appointment at 10:15. I hope that forty five minutes is enough time for the dentist to murder my cavities. It doesn't help that I haven't been to a dentist in almost two years. He may be so horrified at the state of my teeth that he might just push a revolver in my mouth and shoot me for such lack of care for my pearlies.
Tomorrow I'm meeting up with Bundles, Alleya and the Crazed Dentist from Adelaide (yet another dentist!) I can't wait - I have totally missed teasing and bullying the Crazed Dentist. And that reminds me - I must tell her about the limerick i wrote about her in my creative writing class which can be found in my poetry forest just over on the sidebar!
All right, farewell, adieu.
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Today I met up with Joey! Whom I have not seen for a long time and she's still the same as ever with her glowing flawless skin and curly hair! :D And it's good to meet up with old friends and also a little sad because it reminds you of all the other old friends who have kind of drifted away through lack of communication...
Carmen was just telling me about the subjects she was taking next semester, which, according to the enrollment form, states:
"students practice techniques on one another before being permitted to move into patient care. This requires that all students be suitably disrobed in a mixed class group throughout many of the laboratory sessions for the duration of the course."
Did you noticed the words "suitably disrobed in a mixed class"????
I want to take up physiotheraphy now too! Sign me up right away!
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Carmen was just telling me about the subjects she was taking next semester, which, according to the enrollment form, states:
"students practice techniques on one another before being permitted to move into patient care. This requires that all students be suitably disrobed in a mixed class group throughout many of the laboratory sessions for the duration of the course."
Did you noticed the words "suitably disrobed in a mixed class"????
I want to take up physiotheraphy now too! Sign me up right away!
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Monday, January 10, 2005
Today I moved extremely slowly through the mall as my grandmother clung to me, shuffling along as best as she could. We took the lift down while my mother took the escalators and went grocery shopping first and still she had to go looking for us because grandma was moving so slowly. I thought I would never make it to the exit before the mall closed. Honestly, this shows how patient i can be as i move through the mall with grandma on my arm like a burr. But she's a sweetpea, my grandma. ;) Even though she keeps wrecking my bathroom's toilet flush everytime she stays over for the weekend so that in the middle of the night I find myself having to flush the toilet out with buckets of water like I'm some peasant from China during water ration days.
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Sunday, January 09, 2005
Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt are separating!
Well, they were together for a considerably long time for a celebrity couple.
Speaking of celebs (and also speaking of celeb couples which makes me think of j lo and all her men and of ben affleck and of jennifer garner whom he is dating now), in today's paper there was a picture of a poster of the upcoming Elektra movie. Jennifer Garner is flying through the air or coming down from the air or something while holding her sharpish little blades. Mm, I've lost the paper so from what I can remember, they had printed ELEKTRA at the bottom of the poster or something in small block letters but put JENNIFER GARNER in huge block letters at the top so when you look at the poster, your first impression is that the movie is named JENNIFER GARNER and not ELEKTRA. And it doesn't help that her hair is tied back with a fringe in the front so she looks totally like Sydney in Alias! Lol! But she does look good and she's got a really great red outfit - you guys know how i feel about red.
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Well, they were together for a considerably long time for a celebrity couple.
Speaking of celebs (and also speaking of celeb couples which makes me think of j lo and all her men and of ben affleck and of jennifer garner whom he is dating now), in today's paper there was a picture of a poster of the upcoming Elektra movie. Jennifer Garner is flying through the air or coming down from the air or something while holding her sharpish little blades. Mm, I've lost the paper so from what I can remember, they had printed ELEKTRA at the bottom of the poster or something in small block letters but put JENNIFER GARNER in huge block letters at the top so when you look at the poster, your first impression is that the movie is named JENNIFER GARNER and not ELEKTRA. And it doesn't help that her hair is tied back with a fringe in the front so she looks totally like Sydney in Alias! Lol! But she does look good and she's got a really great red outfit - you guys know how i feel about red.
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This week i found myself talking to various friends about ah bengs and ah lians and I realized.... contrary to what they think and contrary to what they think i think... I don't hate ah bengs and ah lians! (Okay, I make fun of them a lot but I also make fun of grandmas, orphans and just about everyone else) I mean, I can think of a lot of reasons why I like having them around (this is mainly about the way they dressed, not their personalities)! Are you ready for the list?
1) You've got to give them credit for their guts to dress the way they dress.
2) has anyone noticed how retro they can be? just look at the way the ah bengs dress in their bellbottom pants and open necked shirts - they dress just the way my father and uncles used to dress when they were our age!
3) at least they're different. i mean, some of the people i see on the streets are so boring. plain t-shirts, plain jeans, blahblahblah, and some people who wear PAJAMAS on the STREET!!! and has anyone noticed the TON of people who simply make NO effort whatosever over their appearance? i mean, okay, so looks isn't everything and some people can really pull off that casual n simple thing but let's be honest, some can't, and that kind of ugliness is really not necessary. a touch of lip gloss or some conditioner can really make a difference. at least the ah bengs and ah lians make an effort, even though it's usually...sometimes...the wrong kind of effort. and they provide variety. and clothes and make up are there to have fun with, right? RIGHT? (which also brings me to the point of why i like to make fun of them, because honestly, these people are just setting themselves up to be mocked. But don't get me wrong! I'm not saying that's a bad thing!)
what number am i at now? 4) a lot of ah bengs and ah lians can be found around kl, in particular around sungai wang, and we all know that's where tourists can be found as well so we end up with the ah bengs and ah lians providing all kinds of picturesque entertainment for tourists to snap, then they go home and show their pictures to their friends and go, "look, malaysia is just like japan! sungai wang is crawling with these kids with their 'unique' fashion sense! They're just like harajuku and shibuya teens in japan without the goth make up! exceot that these kids take their cue from Taiwanese, Hong Kong, and Korean fashion as well so they're, er, like their tourism ads suggest, really a melting pot of Asia! Wow!" so in conclusion, ah bengs and ah lians provide some tourism entertainment for our country as well!
Anyway, i could go on and on but i'm losing interest quickly in this subject and my refrigerator is calling my name. Just let me add (and this bit is about their personalities, not their clothes) that despite the fact that ah bengs have really noisy souped-up cars that they can't stop showing off by gunning the engines while driving really slowly down the street and which can seem more than a tad lame and *most* ah lians tend to have really annoying high-pitched rough voices that sound like they're constantly nagging at you, *most* of them (well, I don't know THAT many, so i'm just going based on what i know) seem to be pretty nice n friendly people and they're not judgmental at all.
All right, that's the end of this post and we'll diss/support someone else next time! Ciao!
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1) You've got to give them credit for their guts to dress the way they dress.
2) has anyone noticed how retro they can be? just look at the way the ah bengs dress in their bellbottom pants and open necked shirts - they dress just the way my father and uncles used to dress when they were our age!
3) at least they're different. i mean, some of the people i see on the streets are so boring. plain t-shirts, plain jeans, blahblahblah, and some people who wear PAJAMAS on the STREET!!! and has anyone noticed the TON of people who simply make NO effort whatosever over their appearance? i mean, okay, so looks isn't everything and some people can really pull off that casual n simple thing but let's be honest, some can't, and that kind of ugliness is really not necessary. a touch of lip gloss or some conditioner can really make a difference. at least the ah bengs and ah lians make an effort, even though it's usually...sometimes...the wrong kind of effort. and they provide variety. and clothes and make up are there to have fun with, right? RIGHT? (which also brings me to the point of why i like to make fun of them, because honestly, these people are just setting themselves up to be mocked. But don't get me wrong! I'm not saying that's a bad thing!)
what number am i at now? 4) a lot of ah bengs and ah lians can be found around kl, in particular around sungai wang, and we all know that's where tourists can be found as well so we end up with the ah bengs and ah lians providing all kinds of picturesque entertainment for tourists to snap, then they go home and show their pictures to their friends and go, "look, malaysia is just like japan! sungai wang is crawling with these kids with their 'unique' fashion sense! They're just like harajuku and shibuya teens in japan without the goth make up! exceot that these kids take their cue from Taiwanese, Hong Kong, and Korean fashion as well so they're, er, like their tourism ads suggest, really a melting pot of Asia! Wow!" so in conclusion, ah bengs and ah lians provide some tourism entertainment for our country as well!
Anyway, i could go on and on but i'm losing interest quickly in this subject and my refrigerator is calling my name. Just let me add (and this bit is about their personalities, not their clothes) that despite the fact that ah bengs have really noisy souped-up cars that they can't stop showing off by gunning the engines while driving really slowly down the street and which can seem more than a tad lame and *most* ah lians tend to have really annoying high-pitched rough voices that sound like they're constantly nagging at you, *most* of them (well, I don't know THAT many, so i'm just going based on what i know) seem to be pretty nice n friendly people and they're not judgmental at all.
All right, that's the end of this post and we'll diss/support someone else next time! Ciao!
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Thursday, January 06, 2005
Me and my sis have been papering our bedroom wall with magazine ads - only the really good ones, the ones we love, and those which are considered iconic. Some of them are the allure perfume ads, the louis vutton bag ads, the kenzo flower ads (over my bedhead!), the kenzo ad with anouck, a whole row of the ralph lauren romance ads, the chanel no. 5 ad with estella warren, not nicole kidman, some older guess ads, some ads with kate moss, milla jovovich and shalom harlow...
Last night I was caught in total dramarama as my sis and her bf battled it out in the car on a lonely dark road. I was stuck in the driver's seat, pretending I couldn't hear a thing but listening avidly to everything. I would have gotten out but like I said, it's a lonely dark road and anyway it was raining outside. So bad that after we dropped the bf off and made our way home, i had a half-serious thought that there was a new tsunami and this one had already drowned the other states and reached mainland. We were driving real slowly and this other driver had turned on his hazard lights. It was actually kind of fun.
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Last night I was caught in total dramarama as my sis and her bf battled it out in the car on a lonely dark road. I was stuck in the driver's seat, pretending I couldn't hear a thing but listening avidly to everything. I would have gotten out but like I said, it's a lonely dark road and anyway it was raining outside. So bad that after we dropped the bf off and made our way home, i had a half-serious thought that there was a new tsunami and this one had already drowned the other states and reached mainland. We were driving real slowly and this other driver had turned on his hazard lights. It was actually kind of fun.
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Monday, January 03, 2005
Happy new year!!!!
I just realized that i followed my belated christmas post with my belated new year's post.
Anyway, did anyone think that new year's was kind of apocalyptic like? what with all the tsunamis and earthquakes preceding the event, and then on new year's day itself, at like two in the morning as me and kelly-mandy left my house there was some kind of apocalyptic air about the night and this strange wind just gushing down the empty quiet street...
the whole country is suppose to be in mourning and all new year's celebrations were cancelled (though there were still illegal fireworks going off everywhere) because we lost about sixty something people to the tsunami...thailand lost about four thousand over but they're still celebrating like crazy...i saw the pics in the papers today...nothing stops these party people, not even when half of phuket is drowned!
and my new year's was pretty was mostly just me watching kelly-mandy get drunk after one vodka cruiser and turn red as a lobster and start doing quiet cheers in the middle of my living room...and wondering if i should just haul her in my car and take her down to bangsar where the pope and the rest were partying...
But you could say it was in the stars because my horoscope told me i was doomed to spend a quiet new year's eve. I was like "nooooo! i'm too yooouuung!"
But me and Potatoes plan to have late new year's celebrations...okay, just an excuse for us to get drunk....because she too had a boring old time with her "future in-laws" down in dullsville. Serves her right for abandoning me for new year's.
By the way, I forgot to ask in the last post, does anyone else besides me think that the phantom from the phantom of the opera looks just like russell crowe in master and commander after they demask him? with the straggly ponytail and the white shirt and all...
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I just realized that i followed my belated christmas post with my belated new year's post.
Anyway, did anyone think that new year's was kind of apocalyptic like? what with all the tsunamis and earthquakes preceding the event, and then on new year's day itself, at like two in the morning as me and kelly-mandy left my house there was some kind of apocalyptic air about the night and this strange wind just gushing down the empty quiet street...
the whole country is suppose to be in mourning and all new year's celebrations were cancelled (though there were still illegal fireworks going off everywhere) because we lost about sixty something people to the tsunami...thailand lost about four thousand over but they're still celebrating like crazy...i saw the pics in the papers today...nothing stops these party people, not even when half of phuket is drowned!
and my new year's was pretty was mostly just me watching kelly-mandy get drunk after one vodka cruiser and turn red as a lobster and start doing quiet cheers in the middle of my living room...and wondering if i should just haul her in my car and take her down to bangsar where the pope and the rest were partying...
But you could say it was in the stars because my horoscope told me i was doomed to spend a quiet new year's eve. I was like "nooooo! i'm too yooouuung!"
But me and Potatoes plan to have late new year's celebrations...okay, just an excuse for us to get drunk....because she too had a boring old time with her "future in-laws" down in dullsville. Serves her right for abandoning me for new year's.
By the way, I forgot to ask in the last post, does anyone else besides me think that the phantom from the phantom of the opera looks just like russell crowe in master and commander after they demask him? with the straggly ponytail and the white shirt and all...
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