Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Oh, what a strange turn my love life has taken, snogging hot guys and meeting creepy guys all in the space of less than a week. At least there is SOMETHING happening, lol. I told the pope about a week ago that i was DETERMINED to make something of my love life for once instead of just sitting around and waiting for something to happen to me, and he was like encouraging me and offering me all kinds of tips. And LOOK, things are finally happening, even if some are less desirable than others!
Good news! I have finally discovered a shisha spot! At last. Things sure are looking up.
We have shifted our kendo class to a gymnasium in a high school. We practice in a huge red-brick monster of a room with basketball hoops hanging over our heads. I fear for our armor, which we are storing under the stage. Things cannot be safe in a place where they have grill doors over the bathrooms to prevent vandalization.
The kitchen is quickly detoriating into a big mess again now that we have five ppl living in the flat once more. But the good thing is that someone keeps taking out the garbage so there's always space in the bin to throw all my junk in. Yay!
Yesterday I couldn't go into a shop with C and these couple of guys because I was munching on chocolate frogs so I stayed outside and watched businessmen dressed in well-cut suits carrying, of all things, backpacks slung over their shoulders. They look like boys just out of school who haven't saved up enough from their paychecks to pay for their first Italian hand-tooled briefcase...hahaha.
Okay, must go. Have a magazine meeting to attend!
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Wednesday, July 21, 2004
The weather's gone all windy and rainy. I'm watching the trees battle against the wind from my window.
Went to watch King Arthur this weekend. It wasn't too bad...though it claimed to be sticking closer to the true facts than the legend, it was still kind of off-track muahahaha....and I thought Lancelot was suppose to be handsome!!! Why does Ion Gruffud look like some sleazy bar manager with his mustache??? He even acts like a sleazeball...peeping on Keira Knightly!
I got a better look at the round table! It's not as modern as it looks in the trailer lol but there's a big brazier in the center of the table so the knights can still have their steamboat...hahahah...
Pic taken from:
Yesterday I went book-trawling and cased practically every bookshop in Perth for Glenna McReynolds' novels. And would you believe it, not one of them have any of her books in her stock. What lousy bookshops this city has. They've got nuthin' on MPH and Kinokuniya. I had to order the book from Angus and Robertson.
After running through the rain around the city (i did not consider all that drizzle worthy of an umbrella) headed to my sister's house to dry out and munch on pizza for dinner while watching Big Fish. The trailer looked way more exciting.
When I reached my flat again, it was still windy but had stopped raining. I caught handfuls of wind while walking home. When I was hunting for my keys, I noticed some strange girl in the flat looking back at me through the window. Turns out she's the latest flatmate. She's pretty nice and seems fun too. We both chat a little, then she went to take a shower. Just got into my room when Joy calls and Mellie's with her!!!!! AND they were drinking! Without me!!! So what happens next but I end up on MSN with them, watching them drink JD on joy's webcam and me drinking along with them on my own JD in Perth and both of us blasting our music and talking all kinds of shit online. This is what technology does to you. Virtual partying. Later Joy goes off to walk Mellie home and I go out to chat with my new flatmate and her friend and we end up fagging and talking all kinds of nonsense....i was talking all kinds of shit anyway cuz I was already high.
After finally going to bed, what happens next but I wake up at six am with a mild hangover and intense craving for KFC. So what I do next is go into the kitchen and fry ham and eggs! The wind was still howling a gale outside and what with the smell and the sound of ham sizzling and the fire burning, I felt like I had been thrown back to the good old nomadic days where you get drunk at night, wake up early in the morning and start a fire and fry some ham while the desert wind screams all around you and the sun rises. Then after that I went back to bed.
Woke up a coupla hours later and dragged myself through the rain to sort out some stuff about my semester. Dragged myself back (my poor high heels!) in time to meet some new guy - the last flatmate to move in this sem. He's from Denmark. So we are all now six...
I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Ciaoz!
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Went to watch King Arthur this weekend. It wasn't too bad...though it claimed to be sticking closer to the true facts than the legend, it was still kind of off-track muahahaha....and I thought Lancelot was suppose to be handsome!!! Why does Ion Gruffud look like some sleazy bar manager with his mustache??? He even acts like a sleazeball...peeping on Keira Knightly!
I got a better look at the round table! It's not as modern as it looks in the trailer lol but there's a big brazier in the center of the table so the knights can still have their steamboat...hahahah...

Pic taken from:
Yesterday I went book-trawling and cased practically every bookshop in Perth for Glenna McReynolds' novels. And would you believe it, not one of them have any of her books in her stock. What lousy bookshops this city has. They've got nuthin' on MPH and Kinokuniya. I had to order the book from Angus and Robertson.
After running through the rain around the city (i did not consider all that drizzle worthy of an umbrella) headed to my sister's house to dry out and munch on pizza for dinner while watching Big Fish. The trailer looked way more exciting.
When I reached my flat again, it was still windy but had stopped raining. I caught handfuls of wind while walking home. When I was hunting for my keys, I noticed some strange girl in the flat looking back at me through the window. Turns out she's the latest flatmate. She's pretty nice and seems fun too. We both chat a little, then she went to take a shower. Just got into my room when Joy calls and Mellie's with her!!!!! AND they were drinking! Without me!!! So what happens next but I end up on MSN with them, watching them drink JD on joy's webcam and me drinking along with them on my own JD in Perth and both of us blasting our music and talking all kinds of shit online. This is what technology does to you. Virtual partying. Later Joy goes off to walk Mellie home and I go out to chat with my new flatmate and her friend and we end up fagging and talking all kinds of nonsense....i was talking all kinds of shit anyway cuz I was already high.
After finally going to bed, what happens next but I wake up at six am with a mild hangover and intense craving for KFC. So what I do next is go into the kitchen and fry ham and eggs! The wind was still howling a gale outside and what with the smell and the sound of ham sizzling and the fire burning, I felt like I had been thrown back to the good old nomadic days where you get drunk at night, wake up early in the morning and start a fire and fry some ham while the desert wind screams all around you and the sun rises. Then after that I went back to bed.
Woke up a coupla hours later and dragged myself through the rain to sort out some stuff about my semester. Dragged myself back (my poor high heels!) in time to meet some new guy - the last flatmate to move in this sem. He's from Denmark. So we are all now six...
I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Ciaoz!
(0) comments
Friday, July 16, 2004
Well, I made it on all those buses and didn't even get lost! *pats self on back* And my interview was over, like, in less than ten minutes and all she asked me were the same questions she asked me on the phone!
Anyway, once it was over, I was back on the bus stop, waiting for the next bus which only comes about every hour. And it was freezing cold everytime a car zoomed by. I spent most of my time watching cars trying to navigate this sharp u-turn directly in front of the bus stop. I know how you feel!
I was just watching some space movie called supernova which had angela bassett, robin tunney (of craft and empire records fame!) and a whole bunch of guys with hot buff bodies that they display as they walk about naked on the space ship. Yummm...that's my kind of space show.
Farewell to Angel.
And speaking of shows, last night was a sad night for me because...yes that's right, it was the night that channel 7 screened the last episode of Angel!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOB. I can't believe there won't be any more episodes of Angel. What am I going to watch on TV? (apart from buff naked guys on a space ship). But they can't compare with ANGEL. They can't compare with an immortal vampire. WITH a soul.
As a way of saying good-bye, I will now run over the most heartbreaking points of the final episde - the memorable points which I will always cherish in my heart and will always replay on cold sad nights, the parts which makes my heart thump in my chest and only makes me even more aware of the finality of the show. Or, parts that I just love.
First one: when the Circle of Blackthorn asks Angel to sign away his right to the Shan-shu Prophecy. That is like THE ultimate sacrifice EVER made. He gave up his humanity, his one DREAM, which he has been striving for ever since the beginning of his personal series. The one goal which ought to have made the show complete at the final, but no! He sacrifices it for the greater good. And that is Angel all the way...and what the ultimate point in the show was about - never giving up the good fight no matter how much you give up for it. And to go down fighting for it.
Second! When Wesley dies! It was almost too much - I mean first Fred dies, and then now Wes! And the scene was never more poignant... with Illyria changing into Fred and holding Wes as he dies in her arms, talking to him, comforting him, telling him he will soon be with her. I mean, like, Wes is without a doubt the most TRAGIC character ever in the Buffy/Angel series, bad things keep happening to him, he is like Job. But unlike Job, his luck still doesn't turn at the end. He dies with his heart still broken. But at least he finally finds peace as he dies in Illyria/Fred's arms. And it's equally heartbreaking to see Illyria/Fred standing up and looking down at him, it just made me recall the whole Wes/Fred/Illyria love story. I swear, that is the most tragic love triangle ever in history. First, Fred breaks Wes's heart by choosing Gun (i have to admit at that time I was rooting for Gun), then she and Wes finally gets together, but almost immediately Fred is killed, then Wes has to cope with seeing her in Illyria, then Illyria falls for Wes who is still heartbroken over Fred (but I suspect he does feel for her a little) and then Wes dies and leaves Illyria all alone!!! Oh yeah, and it was SO COOL when the demon who killed Wes comes up behind her and says "take your best shot, girlie" and she spins around, changing into Illyria as she does so and smashing his head literally to bits.
Thirdly! When Illyria comes into the back alley (leaping in the way she did was also another cool part!) and she says "Wesley is dead. I feel much grief for him. I wish to do more violence." With the rain streaming down on her. She's already gone through so much, losing her army and her powers and now losing Wesley. She's left all alone now. Except for the Angel gang.
Fourth part! When Connor comes back to help Angel and father and son fight! It's so nice to finally see them get together like this after all the pain of the previous season. And Angel is good enough to make his son go before hell is unleashed upon them. Connor protests, saying "They'll destroy you." But Angel says, "As long as you're OK, they can't."
Fifth part! When Lorne kills Lindsey and casts one last look about him before he leaves. The green boy was seriously in a state of gloom. But then you would be too if you never saw Angel again! But for Lorne, that was officially when the curtain falls on his act. That was also the killing off of Lindsey, the kind-of eternal thorn in the side villian, which really wrapped things up. And you feel kind of bad for Eve, even though she's also another major thorn in the side.
Sixth! The final scene where Angel and gang minus Wes stands in the rain in the alley, ready to take on the biggest battle of their lives. And Angel goes, "Personally, I kind of want to slay the dragon." He steps forward, camera zooms in on him. "Let's go to work." And swings his sword towards the screen. And then it blacks out. And it ends.
But before I fall to tears again, allow me to add a few more points which I just loved in the final episode!
First one! Or should I say seventh! When Angel says "one of you will betray me" and Spike raises his hand. Angel says "Wes" and Spike goes "Oh. Do I get to deny you three times?" I don't know why, I just found that so funny.
Second! Again, Spike gets the best lines in the show. The part where he tells Angel right off "First off, I'm not wearing any amulets. No bracelets, broaches, beads, pendants, pins, or rings." Lol. Anyone who's seen the finale of Buffy will get this one.
Thirdly! The part where Illyria says to Gunn "Try not to die. You are not unpleasant to my eyes." Which, I feel, is sweet, because I see it as a sort of throwback to the time where Fred and Gunn were once a couple.
Fourthly, this is a kind of blooper thing. Angel goes to see Connor one last time at a coffeeshop with daylight shining in through the windows. Er...did the producers forget that Angel will die in sunlight unless he's shielded by special Wolfram and Hart glass? I think it would have been more appropriate in some nice dark library or something. ;)
SOB. I can't believe Angel is over! But at least they went down still fighting the good fight, and as the title of the final episode says it all, NOT FADE AWAY.
After it was over, I was just like kind of in shock. I couldn't believe it was over, just like that. But then, I also felt, not just the sense of something finally ending, and the start of something new beginning.
Angel! I will always love you!
Listen to me. I sound like I've become one of those crazy people who become obsess with a TV show.
Oh well. If I were to get obsessed over anything, I'm glad it's something like Angel.
Farewell, Angel! We will always keep fighting the good fight.
All pictures taken from WB -
except for the fred/gunn pic which came from:
City of Angelus -
and the buffy/angel pic which came from:
Buffy Vs. Angel (buffy/angel pic)
Sorry, I got a little lazy at the link part. Will re-do that part later. ;)
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Anyway, once it was over, I was back on the bus stop, waiting for the next bus which only comes about every hour. And it was freezing cold everytime a car zoomed by. I spent most of my time watching cars trying to navigate this sharp u-turn directly in front of the bus stop. I know how you feel!
I was just watching some space movie called supernova which had angela bassett, robin tunney (of craft and empire records fame!) and a whole bunch of guys with hot buff bodies that they display as they walk about naked on the space ship. Yummm...that's my kind of space show.
Farewell to Angel.

And speaking of shows, last night was a sad night for me because...yes that's right, it was the night that channel 7 screened the last episode of Angel!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOB. I can't believe there won't be any more episodes of Angel. What am I going to watch on TV? (apart from buff naked guys on a space ship). But they can't compare with ANGEL. They can't compare with an immortal vampire. WITH a soul.

As a way of saying good-bye, I will now run over the most heartbreaking points of the final episde - the memorable points which I will always cherish in my heart and will always replay on cold sad nights, the parts which makes my heart thump in my chest and only makes me even more aware of the finality of the show. Or, parts that I just love.
First one: when the Circle of Blackthorn asks Angel to sign away his right to the Shan-shu Prophecy. That is like THE ultimate sacrifice EVER made. He gave up his humanity, his one DREAM, which he has been striving for ever since the beginning of his personal series. The one goal which ought to have made the show complete at the final, but no! He sacrifices it for the greater good. And that is Angel all the way...and what the ultimate point in the show was about - never giving up the good fight no matter how much you give up for it. And to go down fighting for it.

Second! When Wesley dies! It was almost too much - I mean first Fred dies, and then now Wes! And the scene was never more poignant... with Illyria changing into Fred and holding Wes as he dies in her arms, talking to him, comforting him, telling him he will soon be with her. I mean, like, Wes is without a doubt the most TRAGIC character ever in the Buffy/Angel series, bad things keep happening to him, he is like Job. But unlike Job, his luck still doesn't turn at the end. He dies with his heart still broken. But at least he finally finds peace as he dies in Illyria/Fred's arms. And it's equally heartbreaking to see Illyria/Fred standing up and looking down at him, it just made me recall the whole Wes/Fred/Illyria love story. I swear, that is the most tragic love triangle ever in history. First, Fred breaks Wes's heart by choosing Gun (i have to admit at that time I was rooting for Gun), then she and Wes finally gets together, but almost immediately Fred is killed, then Wes has to cope with seeing her in Illyria, then Illyria falls for Wes who is still heartbroken over Fred (but I suspect he does feel for her a little) and then Wes dies and leaves Illyria all alone!!! Oh yeah, and it was SO COOL when the demon who killed Wes comes up behind her and says "take your best shot, girlie" and she spins around, changing into Illyria as she does so and smashing his head literally to bits.

Thirdly! When Illyria comes into the back alley (leaping in the way she did was also another cool part!) and she says "Wesley is dead. I feel much grief for him. I wish to do more violence." With the rain streaming down on her. She's already gone through so much, losing her army and her powers and now losing Wesley. She's left all alone now. Except for the Angel gang.

Fourth part! When Connor comes back to help Angel and father and son fight! It's so nice to finally see them get together like this after all the pain of the previous season. And Angel is good enough to make his son go before hell is unleashed upon them. Connor protests, saying "They'll destroy you." But Angel says, "As long as you're OK, they can't."

Fifth part! When Lorne kills Lindsey and casts one last look about him before he leaves. The green boy was seriously in a state of gloom. But then you would be too if you never saw Angel again! But for Lorne, that was officially when the curtain falls on his act. That was also the killing off of Lindsey, the kind-of eternal thorn in the side villian, which really wrapped things up. And you feel kind of bad for Eve, even though she's also another major thorn in the side.
Sixth! The final scene where Angel and gang minus Wes stands in the rain in the alley, ready to take on the biggest battle of their lives. And Angel goes, "Personally, I kind of want to slay the dragon." He steps forward, camera zooms in on him. "Let's go to work." And swings his sword towards the screen. And then it blacks out. And it ends.

But before I fall to tears again, allow me to add a few more points which I just loved in the final episode!
First one! Or should I say seventh! When Angel says "one of you will betray me" and Spike raises his hand. Angel says "Wes" and Spike goes "Oh. Do I get to deny you three times?" I don't know why, I just found that so funny.
Second! Again, Spike gets the best lines in the show. The part where he tells Angel right off "First off, I'm not wearing any amulets. No bracelets, broaches, beads, pendants, pins, or rings." Lol. Anyone who's seen the finale of Buffy will get this one.
Thirdly! The part where Illyria says to Gunn "Try not to die. You are not unpleasant to my eyes." Which, I feel, is sweet, because I see it as a sort of throwback to the time where Fred and Gunn were once a couple.

Fourthly, this is a kind of blooper thing. Angel goes to see Connor one last time at a coffeeshop with daylight shining in through the windows. Er...did the producers forget that Angel will die in sunlight unless he's shielded by special Wolfram and Hart glass? I think it would have been more appropriate in some nice dark library or something. ;)
SOB. I can't believe Angel is over! But at least they went down still fighting the good fight, and as the title of the final episode says it all, NOT FADE AWAY.
After it was over, I was just like kind of in shock. I couldn't believe it was over, just like that. But then, I also felt, not just the sense of something finally ending, and the start of something new beginning.
Angel! I will always love you!
Listen to me. I sound like I've become one of those crazy people who become obsess with a TV show.
Oh well. If I were to get obsessed over anything, I'm glad it's something like Angel.
Farewell, Angel! We will always keep fighting the good fight.

All pictures taken from WB -
except for the fred/gunn pic which came from:
City of Angelus -
and the buffy/angel pic which came from:
Buffy Vs. Angel (buffy/angel pic)
Sorry, I got a little lazy at the link part. Will re-do that part later. ;)
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Thursday, July 15, 2004
Went jogging today, and, man, do I feel good. I didn't just JOG either, i RAN. And that felt even better. I started out late today so as I was jogging back, the sun had already set and I was running in the dark. And it was really beautiful, especially while I was running through this little wooded area near where I live.
I have a job interview tomorrow at Hulme Court at a bubble tea shop. Hope I get it! It's pretty ironic, considering the fact that I'm the only person I know who doesn't like bubble tea. All that access to bubble tea will be wasted on me! Hahahs!
The bad thing is that the shop which I'm going to for the interview is all the way in Hulme Court which is pretty far from where I'm staying. I've been checking bus schedules and every route involves walking and taking at least two buses. Aaaargh! And since I'm not even sure of the way, it's very likely that I might just get lost! Anthony, I miss you so much!
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I have a job interview tomorrow at Hulme Court at a bubble tea shop. Hope I get it! It's pretty ironic, considering the fact that I'm the only person I know who doesn't like bubble tea. All that access to bubble tea will be wasted on me! Hahahs!
The bad thing is that the shop which I'm going to for the interview is all the way in Hulme Court which is pretty far from where I'm staying. I've been checking bus schedules and every route involves walking and taking at least two buses. Aaaargh! And since I'm not even sure of the way, it's very likely that I might just get lost! Anthony, I miss you so much!
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Tuesday, July 13, 2004
My Weekend Tracking down Indo-Europeans and Aryans.
In all my blabbering, I never told you what I did this weekend, did I?
Okay, so the other day I went hunting (this was before the antique display I was talking about earlier, in case anyone wanted to know). And during the hunt, one of my hunting mates and I got separated from the rest of the hunt while tracking down our prey and we came upon this quiet grove, when suddenly this huge horse came crashing out of the trees and there was this guy with long shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes on the horse. Needless to say, the first thing we started doing was arguing about exactly whose hunt this is. And this guy was totally belligerent, I mean, he just started yelling right from the start, and he was completely arrogant and all that. And he threatened to kill us if we didn't move off. Of course, like, this was our hunting ground and we were so not going to shove off, and we ended up arguing for ages until we heard the sound of the hunting horns, yelled abuse at one another one last time, and then moved off in opposite directions.
Anyway, the whole point of this story was that this guy was obviously a)Celtic and b)lost in time. Things happen in groves, you know. And, in case we ever ran into his kind again, I thought I'd better go check out his history and find out exactly who the Celts are and where they came from (essential background information if you ever mix with someone). And, naturally, this whole big search led up to an even bigger mess mixed up with Indo-Europeans and all, and this is what I found out...
First of all, Celtic people? Let's begin with physical appearances. Apparently, the Celts are fair of face, with the majority of their people having blue eyes and blonde or red hair, with the exception of one particular group in some place or other down in Europe which I can't remember, which has black curly hair and dark skin, sounds very Italian-ish to me. And they were pretty fierce warriors and got into tons of fights all over Europe, and especially had several pretty notable clashes with the Romans and the Greeks. Their typical method of fighting is to beat on their shields and roar and look frightening to their opponents and then charge. Usually, the other side would have gotten frightened by then and scatter and run off, which makes it easy for the Celts to chase them down and kill them off. Anyhow, loads of Celts migrated all over Europe and a majority found their way past England and settled in Ireland, which is pretty geographically cut off from most of Europe, and which is why nobody bothered to give them any trouble there and why there's a good concentration of Celtic people down in Ireland, who are prodigious drinkers and gave us Riverdance, Colin Farrell, and the IRA.
But, you know, I don't particularly care much about Celtic people now, I wanted to find out exactly where they came from. I wanted to hunt them down into the mists of antiquity and find out from what part of the world did they evolve from. Most of my sources were pretty vague and evasive when I questioned them, but what I did manage to find was that the Celts are part of a group of people called Indo-Europeans. Now I have been hearing this term for a long time and what the heck are Indo-Europeans? I always figured they were some mix of people from Indonesia and Europe, hahah, goodness knows how they'd ever get together, but it turns out, nope.
Anyway, some misconceptions about Indo-Europeans. The term Indo-European got popular real fast when Hitler and his Nazis were trying to, um, take over the world? Or at least the whole of Europe, and wanted to populate the world with the Aryan race, which it seems, to be everyone who is white, tall, blonde-haired and blue-eyed. (This, coming from a guy called Hitler who is short and dark? Uh, somebody definitely has issues here. Or is color-blind). And when I first heard about this, I was like, uh, okay, because, aren't Aryans Indians? Like, I may not know much, but I definitely know a Sanskrit word when I hear one! And it sure ain't sounding even remotely like German!
And so, determined to clear up all this bloody confusion, I dug my nails into my sources and forced them to give. And it turns out that Hitler wasn't just confused about his looks, he was confused about everything else too. Indo-European (which has absolutely nothing to do with Indonesia at all) refers to a group of people who are related because their languages all have similarities, which probably means that their languages evolved from one single parent language used in antiquity a long time ago. More specifically, it unified all European languages, which seem to have originated, as mentioned before, from one single parent language. What language is this? Apparently, the Aryan language, which was brought to Europe from a bunch of so-called Aryan people when they invaded the country back in about 4000 B.C. or so. And apparently, these light-skinned Aryan people are the same people who invaded North India around 1800 to 1500 B.C., which explains why Northern Indians are fairer than the Southern Indians.
Okay, this is confusing even me. The gist of all this Indo-European thing is that apparently all the Indo-Euro languages (German, Italian, Celtic, all European languages) came from two languages - Sanskrit (North India) and Avestan, the language from Persia, otherwise known as Iran, which so happens, Iran means "the land of the Aryans".
Okay, so what does this all mean? Where are the Aryans from then? Shouldn't that mean they come from India or Iran, since they speak the same language? Er, different theories say different things. Some say the Aryans come from somewhere beside the Black Sea and others say they're Russian nomads. O-kay...
But from all that rubbish I was reading about Aryans, I draw the conclusion from my own opinins. First of all, there is an agreement that North India and Iran have similar cultures and languages and that the languages they both spoke (Sanskrit and Avestan) are the parents of the Indo-European language group. Secondly, North India was apparently invaded by a bunch of people called the Aryans, who brought the Sanskrit language with them to India. Actually, there is a wider believe that these Aryans did not invade North India but just came by and intermarried and shared their culture with them, but that's a different story for another day. So, we know where North India got their Sanskrit from, from the Aryans. So, back to the same problem, who the heck are these Aryans and where did they come from?
The thing is, where did the Persians get their Avestan language from then? There doesn't seem to be any records of any "Aryans" invading their country or whatever, and from all records, it seemed to have been developed pretty much purely in Persia.
Therefore, it seems to me that Persia with its Avestan language was the main mother of all these Indo-European languages. Until now, nobody knows who the Aryans who invaded India and brought Sanskrit were, except that they were light skin and rode horses and called themselves Aryans (noble ones). You might say they were white people, like the German Nazis theorized, since they were light-skinned, but honestly, light skin could refer to anything, like a lighter shade of brown or whatever. I admit that the looks of the Northern Indians do have similarites in genes and stuff which point to the intermingling of white blood. But theories are doubtful that these Aryans were pure white people, more likely they were already a bunch of mix blooded people. They called themselves Aryans, but as many people have already pointed out, Aryan means "noble ones" and it wasn't suppose to refer to a single race, it just meant people who were noble! And, more likely than not, these Aryans came from Persia, and, as Wikipedia Encyclopedia says, "they were white after the manner of imperial-era, pre-Muslim Persians, and possibly the Circassians and southern Slavs, but certainly not the Nordic Germans and English." Which means the Germans then were pretty CONFUSED.
So, what do we have? Nobody still knows exactly WHO Aryans are or WHERE they came from. But they were probably a bunch of mix-blood people, who were probably related pretty closely with the pre-muslim Persians, and they were nomads brought their Avestan/Sanskrit language to North India, stayed long enough to integrate their culture there, then, I'm guessing they migrated back out over Europe, where they so influenced the development of all European languages. Grouped together, they are the Indo-European family. There are, as far as I can gather, no blood or gene links here, they are just linked through language. So, Hitler and his Germans were being very silly, trying to link a "master race" through language which didn't even originate from Germany. Rather, if you want to link Europe through language, you'd say they were children from Persia, which is, gasp, modern-day Iran! And, last of all, nope, the Aryans were not white and were not German, which means that most Nazis are probably turning in their graves now! Now, do you see how confused the Nazis were, and how their confusion messed up the world? Be evil, if you must, but please come up with more plausible reasons for being evil! And be cool and evil, not confused and evil! Sigh, evil people are never what you want them to be...
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In all my blabbering, I never told you what I did this weekend, did I?
Okay, so the other day I went hunting (this was before the antique display I was talking about earlier, in case anyone wanted to know). And during the hunt, one of my hunting mates and I got separated from the rest of the hunt while tracking down our prey and we came upon this quiet grove, when suddenly this huge horse came crashing out of the trees and there was this guy with long shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes on the horse. Needless to say, the first thing we started doing was arguing about exactly whose hunt this is. And this guy was totally belligerent, I mean, he just started yelling right from the start, and he was completely arrogant and all that. And he threatened to kill us if we didn't move off. Of course, like, this was our hunting ground and we were so not going to shove off, and we ended up arguing for ages until we heard the sound of the hunting horns, yelled abuse at one another one last time, and then moved off in opposite directions.
Anyway, the whole point of this story was that this guy was obviously a)Celtic and b)lost in time. Things happen in groves, you know. And, in case we ever ran into his kind again, I thought I'd better go check out his history and find out exactly who the Celts are and where they came from (essential background information if you ever mix with someone). And, naturally, this whole big search led up to an even bigger mess mixed up with Indo-Europeans and all, and this is what I found out...
First of all, Celtic people? Let's begin with physical appearances. Apparently, the Celts are fair of face, with the majority of their people having blue eyes and blonde or red hair, with the exception of one particular group in some place or other down in Europe which I can't remember, which has black curly hair and dark skin, sounds very Italian-ish to me. And they were pretty fierce warriors and got into tons of fights all over Europe, and especially had several pretty notable clashes with the Romans and the Greeks. Their typical method of fighting is to beat on their shields and roar and look frightening to their opponents and then charge. Usually, the other side would have gotten frightened by then and scatter and run off, which makes it easy for the Celts to chase them down and kill them off. Anyhow, loads of Celts migrated all over Europe and a majority found their way past England and settled in Ireland, which is pretty geographically cut off from most of Europe, and which is why nobody bothered to give them any trouble there and why there's a good concentration of Celtic people down in Ireland, who are prodigious drinkers and gave us Riverdance, Colin Farrell, and the IRA.
But, you know, I don't particularly care much about Celtic people now, I wanted to find out exactly where they came from. I wanted to hunt them down into the mists of antiquity and find out from what part of the world did they evolve from. Most of my sources were pretty vague and evasive when I questioned them, but what I did manage to find was that the Celts are part of a group of people called Indo-Europeans. Now I have been hearing this term for a long time and what the heck are Indo-Europeans? I always figured they were some mix of people from Indonesia and Europe, hahah, goodness knows how they'd ever get together, but it turns out, nope.
Anyway, some misconceptions about Indo-Europeans. The term Indo-European got popular real fast when Hitler and his Nazis were trying to, um, take over the world? Or at least the whole of Europe, and wanted to populate the world with the Aryan race, which it seems, to be everyone who is white, tall, blonde-haired and blue-eyed. (This, coming from a guy called Hitler who is short and dark? Uh, somebody definitely has issues here. Or is color-blind). And when I first heard about this, I was like, uh, okay, because, aren't Aryans Indians? Like, I may not know much, but I definitely know a Sanskrit word when I hear one! And it sure ain't sounding even remotely like German!
And so, determined to clear up all this bloody confusion, I dug my nails into my sources and forced them to give. And it turns out that Hitler wasn't just confused about his looks, he was confused about everything else too. Indo-European (which has absolutely nothing to do with Indonesia at all) refers to a group of people who are related because their languages all have similarities, which probably means that their languages evolved from one single parent language used in antiquity a long time ago. More specifically, it unified all European languages, which seem to have originated, as mentioned before, from one single parent language. What language is this? Apparently, the Aryan language, which was brought to Europe from a bunch of so-called Aryan people when they invaded the country back in about 4000 B.C. or so. And apparently, these light-skinned Aryan people are the same people who invaded North India around 1800 to 1500 B.C., which explains why Northern Indians are fairer than the Southern Indians.
Okay, this is confusing even me. The gist of all this Indo-European thing is that apparently all the Indo-Euro languages (German, Italian, Celtic, all European languages) came from two languages - Sanskrit (North India) and Avestan, the language from Persia, otherwise known as Iran, which so happens, Iran means "the land of the Aryans".
Okay, so what does this all mean? Where are the Aryans from then? Shouldn't that mean they come from India or Iran, since they speak the same language? Er, different theories say different things. Some say the Aryans come from somewhere beside the Black Sea and others say they're Russian nomads. O-kay...
But from all that rubbish I was reading about Aryans, I draw the conclusion from my own opinins. First of all, there is an agreement that North India and Iran have similar cultures and languages and that the languages they both spoke (Sanskrit and Avestan) are the parents of the Indo-European language group. Secondly, North India was apparently invaded by a bunch of people called the Aryans, who brought the Sanskrit language with them to India. Actually, there is a wider believe that these Aryans did not invade North India but just came by and intermarried and shared their culture with them, but that's a different story for another day. So, we know where North India got their Sanskrit from, from the Aryans. So, back to the same problem, who the heck are these Aryans and where did they come from?
The thing is, where did the Persians get their Avestan language from then? There doesn't seem to be any records of any "Aryans" invading their country or whatever, and from all records, it seemed to have been developed pretty much purely in Persia.
Therefore, it seems to me that Persia with its Avestan language was the main mother of all these Indo-European languages. Until now, nobody knows who the Aryans who invaded India and brought Sanskrit were, except that they were light skin and rode horses and called themselves Aryans (noble ones). You might say they were white people, like the German Nazis theorized, since they were light-skinned, but honestly, light skin could refer to anything, like a lighter shade of brown or whatever. I admit that the looks of the Northern Indians do have similarites in genes and stuff which point to the intermingling of white blood. But theories are doubtful that these Aryans were pure white people, more likely they were already a bunch of mix blooded people. They called themselves Aryans, but as many people have already pointed out, Aryan means "noble ones" and it wasn't suppose to refer to a single race, it just meant people who were noble! And, more likely than not, these Aryans came from Persia, and, as Wikipedia Encyclopedia says, "they were white after the manner of imperial-era, pre-Muslim Persians, and possibly the Circassians and southern Slavs, but certainly not the Nordic Germans and English." Which means the Germans then were pretty CONFUSED.
So, what do we have? Nobody still knows exactly WHO Aryans are or WHERE they came from. But they were probably a bunch of mix-blood people, who were probably related pretty closely with the pre-muslim Persians, and they were nomads brought their Avestan/Sanskrit language to North India, stayed long enough to integrate their culture there, then, I'm guessing they migrated back out over Europe, where they so influenced the development of all European languages. Grouped together, they are the Indo-European family. There are, as far as I can gather, no blood or gene links here, they are just linked through language. So, Hitler and his Germans were being very silly, trying to link a "master race" through language which didn't even originate from Germany. Rather, if you want to link Europe through language, you'd say they were children from Persia, which is, gasp, modern-day Iran! And, last of all, nope, the Aryans were not white and were not German, which means that most Nazis are probably turning in their graves now! Now, do you see how confused the Nazis were, and how their confusion messed up the world? Be evil, if you must, but please come up with more plausible reasons for being evil! And be cool and evil, not confused and evil! Sigh, evil people are never what you want them to be...
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I forgot to add - KFC have announced their intention to not extend their chain of restaurants into Tibet. Pro-Tibet groups the world over are happy because they feared the chain extension might further erode traditional Tibetan culture which is already facing so many problems from the Chinese government, plus the fact that they've been trying to deter business investments in Tibet which promote the belief that Tibet is a part of China.
I've said it a zillion times and I'll say it again. Damnit! Just leave the Tibetans alone, will ya?
If you're interested in supporting the bid for Tibet's independence, hop down to my Tibet page (which, admittedly, isn't much owing to a sin of mine called sloth) through the portal of Darkschunt on the sidebar. At the very least, there are links to much better Tibet sites than mine.
Anyway, hurray for the fact that KFC didn't feel that Tibet was an "economically feasible" place to extend their chain. Mmm, I'm going to have to start eating more KFC. Yum yum. Talking about KFC, not to mention talking about Japanese food and desserts earlier with E, is making me hungry. But I've already brushed my teeth...and I'm not suppose to eat anymore...
Just went off to get a cherry yoghurt muesli bar. Damnit! Discipline broken. But hey, cherry and yoghurt and muesli - that's all healthy stuff, right? Right? At least I didn't reach for the blood...
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I've said it a zillion times and I'll say it again. Damnit! Just leave the Tibetans alone, will ya?
If you're interested in supporting the bid for Tibet's independence, hop down to my Tibet page (which, admittedly, isn't much owing to a sin of mine called sloth) through the portal of Darkschunt on the sidebar. At the very least, there are links to much better Tibet sites than mine.
Anyway, hurray for the fact that KFC didn't feel that Tibet was an "economically feasible" place to extend their chain. Mmm, I'm going to have to start eating more KFC. Yum yum. Talking about KFC, not to mention talking about Japanese food and desserts earlier with E, is making me hungry. But I've already brushed my teeth...and I'm not suppose to eat anymore...
Just went off to get a cherry yoghurt muesli bar. Damnit! Discipline broken. But hey, cherry and yoghurt and muesli - that's all healthy stuff, right? Right? At least I didn't reach for the blood...
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Time: Last five minutes of the witching hour
Shop Music: Black Eyed Peas "The Way You Make Me Feel"
Atmosphere: Leaving
Went to an antique display at UWA (which is itself, a whole big antique display) with my sister and her bf on sunday. They had a lot of great stuff - jacobean and king george furniture, lots of edwardian chests, windsor stuff, etc. My sister developed an obsession over teapots and teacups. They also had an antique book section and I felt like Johnny Depp in the Ninth Gate while browsing through the books. (Joy, I needed to borrow your drug-carrying Johnny Depp bag to steal some of those books! And don't worry - no black guy with platinum blonde hair was hanging around either - I checked! The Kate Winslet lookalike must have pushed him off the UWA clock tower!)
Ah...I miss running away from the servants of the devil and driving at hell-raising speed round dark corners where evil spirits lived in little temple houses!
The old days...lalala...
Speaking of my sister, apparently she likes my hair! Surprise, surprise. But then she's been exhibiting all kinds of weird signs lately, like wearing color for once. She's into green these days. She wears green and I wear red. We're going to look like Christmas lights. And her boyfriend likes yellow, so can you imagine, we're going to look like traffic lights...
I wish I could be like Miss Marple in Agatha Christie novels and be able to sense evil wherever I go (yes, I know, I already sense evil everywhere, but that's a general thing and her sense is so much more acute) and be able to walk into a murder case everywhere I go and be the only one to remain unaffected by it all.
The witching hour is over now and it's twenty-one minutes into the new day. Happy New Day. Let's hope nobody gets murdered now.
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Shop Music: Black Eyed Peas "The Way You Make Me Feel"
Atmosphere: Leaving
Went to an antique display at UWA (which is itself, a whole big antique display) with my sister and her bf on sunday. They had a lot of great stuff - jacobean and king george furniture, lots of edwardian chests, windsor stuff, etc. My sister developed an obsession over teapots and teacups. They also had an antique book section and I felt like Johnny Depp in the Ninth Gate while browsing through the books. (Joy, I needed to borrow your drug-carrying Johnny Depp bag to steal some of those books! And don't worry - no black guy with platinum blonde hair was hanging around either - I checked! The Kate Winslet lookalike must have pushed him off the UWA clock tower!)
Ah...I miss running away from the servants of the devil and driving at hell-raising speed round dark corners where evil spirits lived in little temple houses!
The old days...lalala...
Speaking of my sister, apparently she likes my hair! Surprise, surprise. But then she's been exhibiting all kinds of weird signs lately, like wearing color for once. She's into green these days. She wears green and I wear red. We're going to look like Christmas lights. And her boyfriend likes yellow, so can you imagine, we're going to look like traffic lights...
I wish I could be like Miss Marple in Agatha Christie novels and be able to sense evil wherever I go (yes, I know, I already sense evil everywhere, but that's a general thing and her sense is so much more acute) and be able to walk into a murder case everywhere I go and be the only one to remain unaffected by it all.
The witching hour is over now and it's twenty-one minutes into the new day. Happy New Day. Let's hope nobody gets murdered now.
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Thursday, July 08, 2004
Shop Music: Black-Eyed Peas Elephunk
Weather: Cold!
Sky Lantern: Tonight's a clear night so we can see the stars again; moon is entering last quarter (last half) tomorrow.
Got my hair trimmed and added a red streak today. I ended up going to two hair salons because the first one, Just Cuts, offered only, erm, just cuts. Their prices were pretty cheap - 19 bucks a cut. Then I got my hair colored at Antonios Hair Studio. It turned out pretty well and I think I may get a few more streaks. I love and hate going to hair salons. Hate 'em because I get so scared for my hair (after more than just a few disastrous visits to hair salons) and love 'em because all that massaging and blow-drying and beautifying just makes you feel like a queen. Just Cuts was pretty good and with such a good price too! i got a bit frightened when she started snipping the front part but she showed me that she was just shaping, not chopping off more than an inch, and i relaxed - hahah - and in the end it turned out pretty well. C went with me and after watching me, she wanted to cut her hair too and got a fringe, but it's a little one that she can tuck under her sides so you can't really see much of it. Then we headed off to Antonios but the hairdresser couldn't fit me in until three thirty so we went off for lunch, then C went shopping while I went to get my hair done. Their hair-washing seat (where they lean you back over the basin) is sooo comfortable, unlike this hair salon I once went to back home which was so damn uncomfortable I thought my neck was going to break plus the haircut wasn't even the one I wanted! That put me off hair salons for soo long. Anyway, verdict, loved both salons and the prices were good. ;)
I am not even going to say that this is too much about my hair. You can never talk too much about hair. Hair is very important.
I can't wait for my sister's reaction when she sees my streak. She will totally disapprove of it (too unnatural and freaky) and complain that it makes her feel unbalanced, the same way my ultra side parting several years back did.
Speaking of hair, Joy had her hair colored too! It's really scary how so us are connected. Hmmm, that last sentence doesn't sound right.
Speaking of Joy, I was just outlining my complains of the new King Arthur movie, apparently directed by Jerry Bruckheimer of Pirates of the Caribbean and one TV series on TV which I can't remember at the mo, and this is what I have noticed about King Arthur (and this is all just from the trailers I saw on TV and in cinemas so can you imagine how much more I have to say when I actually see the movie?
1) It's great that Hollywood is supporting feminism movements now but somehow I really can't see guinevere being all strong and powerful the way they depicted her in the movie. I thought she was supposed to be blonde and weak and all she does is seduce arthur and lancelot so we can all hate her. (which in that case, gwyneth palthrow would be perfect for the role)
2) When guinevere tells someone whom we can't see in the trailer "my father told me great tales of you", well, we're all suppose to assume it's arthur or at least lancelot, but honestly, do you really want to fall for a guy is so old that even your father looks up to him? It'll make sense if she was talking to Merlin. And while i was telling Joy this, I hit on a brainstorm: Guinevere actually ran off with Merlin who uses his magic powers to frame Lancelot to throw Arthur off his trail! That explains why Merl was missing in action in the usual King Arthur stories - Nimue didn't really lock him in a cave, she was covering for him!
The movie and my theories are busy tearing down all the old King Arthur legends.
3) I only caught a glimpse of it in the trailer so I may be wrong on further close inspection but why on earth does the Round Table in the movie look like a cross between Donald Trump's business room and a Star Wars Jedi meeting room? It looks so modern and futuristic and this is suppose to be a period movie! How come they have such cool lighting? And why is the table so huge with what looks like a big hole in the middle? No wonder the knights of the Round Table split up in the end, the table was so big they could barely recognize one another's faces from the distance. No room for intimacy there.
Btw, the new summer blockbuster movie trend this year seems to be robots, the way meteors were big a couple years back and also sailor movies.
Must go now. Angel is on!
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Weather: Cold!
Sky Lantern: Tonight's a clear night so we can see the stars again; moon is entering last quarter (last half) tomorrow.
Got my hair trimmed and added a red streak today. I ended up going to two hair salons because the first one, Just Cuts, offered only, erm, just cuts. Their prices were pretty cheap - 19 bucks a cut. Then I got my hair colored at Antonios Hair Studio. It turned out pretty well and I think I may get a few more streaks. I love and hate going to hair salons. Hate 'em because I get so scared for my hair (after more than just a few disastrous visits to hair salons) and love 'em because all that massaging and blow-drying and beautifying just makes you feel like a queen. Just Cuts was pretty good and with such a good price too! i got a bit frightened when she started snipping the front part but she showed me that she was just shaping, not chopping off more than an inch, and i relaxed - hahah - and in the end it turned out pretty well. C went with me and after watching me, she wanted to cut her hair too and got a fringe, but it's a little one that she can tuck under her sides so you can't really see much of it. Then we headed off to Antonios but the hairdresser couldn't fit me in until three thirty so we went off for lunch, then C went shopping while I went to get my hair done. Their hair-washing seat (where they lean you back over the basin) is sooo comfortable, unlike this hair salon I once went to back home which was so damn uncomfortable I thought my neck was going to break plus the haircut wasn't even the one I wanted! That put me off hair salons for soo long. Anyway, verdict, loved both salons and the prices were good. ;)
I am not even going to say that this is too much about my hair. You can never talk too much about hair. Hair is very important.
I can't wait for my sister's reaction when she sees my streak. She will totally disapprove of it (too unnatural and freaky) and complain that it makes her feel unbalanced, the same way my ultra side parting several years back did.
Speaking of hair, Joy had her hair colored too! It's really scary how so us are connected. Hmmm, that last sentence doesn't sound right.
Speaking of Joy, I was just outlining my complains of the new King Arthur movie, apparently directed by Jerry Bruckheimer of Pirates of the Caribbean and one TV series on TV which I can't remember at the mo, and this is what I have noticed about King Arthur (and this is all just from the trailers I saw on TV and in cinemas so can you imagine how much more I have to say when I actually see the movie?
1) It's great that Hollywood is supporting feminism movements now but somehow I really can't see guinevere being all strong and powerful the way they depicted her in the movie. I thought she was supposed to be blonde and weak and all she does is seduce arthur and lancelot so we can all hate her. (which in that case, gwyneth palthrow would be perfect for the role)
2) When guinevere tells someone whom we can't see in the trailer "my father told me great tales of you", well, we're all suppose to assume it's arthur or at least lancelot, but honestly, do you really want to fall for a guy is so old that even your father looks up to him? It'll make sense if she was talking to Merlin. And while i was telling Joy this, I hit on a brainstorm: Guinevere actually ran off with Merlin who uses his magic powers to frame Lancelot to throw Arthur off his trail! That explains why Merl was missing in action in the usual King Arthur stories - Nimue didn't really lock him in a cave, she was covering for him!
The movie and my theories are busy tearing down all the old King Arthur legends.
3) I only caught a glimpse of it in the trailer so I may be wrong on further close inspection but why on earth does the Round Table in the movie look like a cross between Donald Trump's business room and a Star Wars Jedi meeting room? It looks so modern and futuristic and this is suppose to be a period movie! How come they have such cool lighting? And why is the table so huge with what looks like a big hole in the middle? No wonder the knights of the Round Table split up in the end, the table was so big they could barely recognize one another's faces from the distance. No room for intimacy there.
Btw, the new summer blockbuster movie trend this year seems to be robots, the way meteors were big a couple years back and also sailor movies.
Must go now. Angel is on!
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Tuesday, July 06, 2004
C is moving out of the flat tomorrow! Gonna miss her!
We went down to cole's to stock up on food and stuff and i spend on loads because i needed to get essential kitchen stuff like a chopping board and colander since i won't be able to borrow her stuff anymore :p
I helped C move some stuff over to her new flat. It's by the main road so you can see across to the field and the woods so you've got a much better view than from our flat. But for some reason her flat seems a little creepy and darker. I mean like, yeah, our current flat hallway is haunted and all, but you're used to it and even though half the hallway lights don't work, those that do seem just a bit brighter.
Tonight is cold again but the sky is clear so you can see the stars in the velvet blue sky. The moon isn't so full anymore, and it's a little bloated and orange-y today.
We watched Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban tonight. Harry, Hermione and Ron have more outfits in this movie. They're becoming more fashionable!
The movie was pretty long - it was eleven something by the time it was over and when i went back to my room the curtains were ajar. I went over to pull them shut and that was when i saw Joaquinn and Tar-ga outside my window. It scared the shit out of me at first because they've got the most ghostly faces...all pale.
Anyway, they came to say hi, and they wanted either blood or a story. So i gave them the latter...
The ghost which lived under Willowy Bridge.
Have you ever heard of the ghost which lived under Willowy Bridge? It was the ghost of a woman who had a husband and three children. She also had a lover. She was to run away with her lover but then her husband found out about it and threatened to harm their children if she left him. She begged him to allow her to go meet her lover, who was waiting, just to bid him farewell forever. After much tears and pleading, he allowed her to go say good-bye but she must return within the hour or he would kill their children. She was also not to tell her lover the real reason why she was not running away with him.
So the woman went out to the spot where she had arranged to meet her lover and told him she would not be leaving with him. As she had promised her husband, she did not tell him the real reason why, saying instead that she could not leave her husband and her children. Her lover was wild with grief and refused to believe her, holding onto her and refusing to let her go. Heartbroken and at the same time, frightened for her children's safety, the woman begged him to release her and let her return to her family. But he refused to relinquish his hold on her and insisted that she come with him. Time passed by and still he refused to let her go. The woman begged over and over again for him to let her go, insisting that she had changed her mind and did not love him as she had said she did. At last, overcome by grief and heartache, her lover loosened his grip on her arm and she tore away from him and ran back to her house, tears streaming down her face and her heart pounding in her chest. She ran as fast as she could, but it was no use! She was only five minutes late - five fatal minutes.
As she burst through the kitchen door, she skidded to a stop and screamed. Because in front of her was her little Lizzy, headless in a pool of blood on the floor, little Robert hanging from the ceiling lamp, and baby Margret's face all blue and swollen from being smothered in her cradle. And her husband, sitting in the middle of all this, with his wrists slit and a ghastly mad look in his dead eyes.
Terrified, she turned and ran from the house, ran and ran and ran. She ran back to her lover, desperate and with nowhere to go and no one to comfort her with her loss. But when she returned to the spot where she had left her lover, she found him dead, hanging from a yew tree, where he had killed himself because he thought she did not love him.
This last discovery sent the already grieving woman completely out of her mind. Crazed and horrified, she wandered the cold streets until she came upon Willowy Bridge. As she stood upon the bridge, looking down at the cold river rushing below, she thought she could see the face of her lover below her, holding his hand out to her. And eagerly she held out her hand to touch him, and as she did so, she slipped from the bridge and tumbled into the river and was carried away to be dashed to pieces upon the rocks.
Now they say that those who cross the river can often hear her voice, crying out to her dead lover, as she reached out across the gulf which separates the dead and the alive, to hold him, to join him...
But was it her lover? Or was it the spirit of her dead husband, spiteful and vengeful even in death? Is she at peace now or does her spirit cry for release from the cold waters of the river below Willowy Bridge?
Joaquinn and Tar-ga left after the story. They had to go home before the moon's phase draws to an end. But it was nice to see them.
(0) comments
We went down to cole's to stock up on food and stuff and i spend on loads because i needed to get essential kitchen stuff like a chopping board and colander since i won't be able to borrow her stuff anymore :p
I helped C move some stuff over to her new flat. It's by the main road so you can see across to the field and the woods so you've got a much better view than from our flat. But for some reason her flat seems a little creepy and darker. I mean like, yeah, our current flat hallway is haunted and all, but you're used to it and even though half the hallway lights don't work, those that do seem just a bit brighter.
Tonight is cold again but the sky is clear so you can see the stars in the velvet blue sky. The moon isn't so full anymore, and it's a little bloated and orange-y today.
We watched Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban tonight. Harry, Hermione and Ron have more outfits in this movie. They're becoming more fashionable!
The movie was pretty long - it was eleven something by the time it was over and when i went back to my room the curtains were ajar. I went over to pull them shut and that was when i saw Joaquinn and Tar-ga outside my window. It scared the shit out of me at first because they've got the most ghostly faces...all pale.
Anyway, they came to say hi, and they wanted either blood or a story. So i gave them the latter...
The ghost which lived under Willowy Bridge.
Have you ever heard of the ghost which lived under Willowy Bridge? It was the ghost of a woman who had a husband and three children. She also had a lover. She was to run away with her lover but then her husband found out about it and threatened to harm their children if she left him. She begged him to allow her to go meet her lover, who was waiting, just to bid him farewell forever. After much tears and pleading, he allowed her to go say good-bye but she must return within the hour or he would kill their children. She was also not to tell her lover the real reason why she was not running away with him.
So the woman went out to the spot where she had arranged to meet her lover and told him she would not be leaving with him. As she had promised her husband, she did not tell him the real reason why, saying instead that she could not leave her husband and her children. Her lover was wild with grief and refused to believe her, holding onto her and refusing to let her go. Heartbroken and at the same time, frightened for her children's safety, the woman begged him to release her and let her return to her family. But he refused to relinquish his hold on her and insisted that she come with him. Time passed by and still he refused to let her go. The woman begged over and over again for him to let her go, insisting that she had changed her mind and did not love him as she had said she did. At last, overcome by grief and heartache, her lover loosened his grip on her arm and she tore away from him and ran back to her house, tears streaming down her face and her heart pounding in her chest. She ran as fast as she could, but it was no use! She was only five minutes late - five fatal minutes.
As she burst through the kitchen door, she skidded to a stop and screamed. Because in front of her was her little Lizzy, headless in a pool of blood on the floor, little Robert hanging from the ceiling lamp, and baby Margret's face all blue and swollen from being smothered in her cradle. And her husband, sitting in the middle of all this, with his wrists slit and a ghastly mad look in his dead eyes.
Terrified, she turned and ran from the house, ran and ran and ran. She ran back to her lover, desperate and with nowhere to go and no one to comfort her with her loss. But when she returned to the spot where she had left her lover, she found him dead, hanging from a yew tree, where he had killed himself because he thought she did not love him.
This last discovery sent the already grieving woman completely out of her mind. Crazed and horrified, she wandered the cold streets until she came upon Willowy Bridge. As she stood upon the bridge, looking down at the cold river rushing below, she thought she could see the face of her lover below her, holding his hand out to her. And eagerly she held out her hand to touch him, and as she did so, she slipped from the bridge and tumbled into the river and was carried away to be dashed to pieces upon the rocks.
Now they say that those who cross the river can often hear her voice, crying out to her dead lover, as she reached out across the gulf which separates the dead and the alive, to hold him, to join him...
But was it her lover? Or was it the spirit of her dead husband, spiteful and vengeful even in death? Is she at peace now or does her spirit cry for release from the cold waters of the river below Willowy Bridge?
Joaquinn and Tar-ga left after the story. They had to go home before the moon's phase draws to an end. But it was nice to see them.
(0) comments
Sunday, July 04, 2004
Sky Lantern: Moon still full
Shop Music: Black-Eyed Peas Elephunk
Burning: Dusk Vienna Candle, Dusk Harmony Candle
Wow, was the last entry like total emotional or what? I can hardly believe I wrote it. We were all so out of whack that night. I'm not like that all the time, I swear! ;p
Whoa, tonight is cold cold cold. And I hear it gets even colder as winter wears on. Aaargh.
I turned on my electric blanket last night and let it warm my bed up for a while before I got in. That was sooo nice, all those warm sheets as I slid in, mmmm.
Then I woke up the next morning and it was freezing cold.
All right, ladies and's time guessed it, SHOPPING LIST!!!
Today, I went to Harbortown and I got:
1) One red long sleeved sweater with attached white collar and cuffs, very Cher out of
2) One black sort-of cardigan with that funny square flap thing at the back that girls
in Australia seem to be so fond of
Personally, I'm not into the flap thing but I just wanted a comfy black sweater. I'm sick of color. It's time to blend in with the darkness again.
Okay, I've just updated the fiction page in my website again! To see, go enter the portal to Darkschunt in the sidebar! I really have to start adding more stuff there. I'm so lazy about this.
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Shop Music: Black-Eyed Peas Elephunk
Burning: Dusk Vienna Candle, Dusk Harmony Candle
Wow, was the last entry like total emotional or what? I can hardly believe I wrote it. We were all so out of whack that night. I'm not like that all the time, I swear! ;p
Whoa, tonight is cold cold cold. And I hear it gets even colder as winter wears on. Aaargh.
I turned on my electric blanket last night and let it warm my bed up for a while before I got in. That was sooo nice, all those warm sheets as I slid in, mmmm.
Then I woke up the next morning and it was freezing cold.
All right, ladies and's time guessed it, SHOPPING LIST!!!
Today, I went to Harbortown and I got:
1) One red long sleeved sweater with attached white collar and cuffs, very Cher out of
2) One black sort-of cardigan with that funny square flap thing at the back that girls
in Australia seem to be so fond of
Personally, I'm not into the flap thing but I just wanted a comfy black sweater. I'm sick of color. It's time to blend in with the darkness again.
Okay, I've just updated the fiction page in my website again! To see, go enter the portal to Darkschunt in the sidebar! I really have to start adding more stuff there. I'm so lazy about this.
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Saturday, July 03, 2004 emotions are all spinning out of control...I'm spinning out of control...I've felt like I'm flying all out of control for the past few nights...and everything is going crazy tonight...
And tonight is like the culmination of all drama and emotion and my friends, two of my closest friends, all three living separate lives in separate places, all having separate problems and our emotions spinning out of whack...
It's like out of a movie or something...
I need to go crazy...
I need to get extremely drunk but the problem is that I have absolutely NO drinking partners right now...
Here I have only three options: my sister, c, or e.
Well, I don't think my sister will tolerate me being extremely drunk.
I will not get drunk with c for fear of strangling her.
I cannot get drunk with e because she is my sister's friend and i don't know how she will react if i get superdrunk.
And besides, I need someone who will also get drunk with me (though not AS drunk, so that he or she can take care of me)
All my drinking partners are not here! Sob! I wish you were here!
I blame it all on the full moon.
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And tonight is like the culmination of all drama and emotion and my friends, two of my closest friends, all three living separate lives in separate places, all having separate problems and our emotions spinning out of whack...
It's like out of a movie or something...
I need to go crazy...
I need to get extremely drunk but the problem is that I have absolutely NO drinking partners right now...
Here I have only three options: my sister, c, or e.
Well, I don't think my sister will tolerate me being extremely drunk.
I will not get drunk with c for fear of strangling her.
I cannot get drunk with e because she is my sister's friend and i don't know how she will react if i get superdrunk.
And besides, I need someone who will also get drunk with me (though not AS drunk, so that he or she can take care of me)
All my drinking partners are not here! Sob! I wish you were here!
I blame it all on the full moon.
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Friday, July 02, 2004
Standing here in the rain,
letting the water pour down on me
Course down my face and onto my shoulders and body
And screaming my lungs out
Where did we go in life?
Old friends and new friends and regrets
Disillusioned so many times
New dreams replacing old dreams which have been smashed
Yet they are not the same
How many times do I have to say I am sorry?
How many times do I have to sink to my knees crying
Begging you to come out and take my hand
Look into my eyes and help me up
I am sorry, I am sorry!!!
God help me, I am so sorry!
I don't know what got into me
I don't know myself anymore
And I don't know people anymore
They disillusion me
And it frightens me because I don't want anymore of my dreams to shatter
I can't take it anymore!
I'm fighting mad!
Won't you come out and help me!
Help me understand you, understand them, understand the world
I can go no further
Please...(shivers in the pouring rain)
Won't you help me...
Won't you come help me...
(Whisper)I don't want to walk alone any longer...
I now know I am a walker of worlds
I still love to walk these worlds
But I want you there
I want to tell you of the worlds which I walk in
What I have experienced
The things I have seen
And heard
And done
We walk the worlds alone
But I just want to talk to you
And it's not just about you
God I miss everyone
The worlds are amazing places
But they can be scary...and unfriendly...and cold at the same time...
It's not just them
And it's not just me
It's a little of both of us...
(shrieking)God, won't you accept me for what I am?
softly, looking down at the puddlesAnd I must also accept myself for what I am
(looks up through the rain)So many secrets...
Waiting to be unlocked
And so many already unlocked
What are we to do?
We must continue to walk our worlds
As best as we can
And just keep on sloughing through
Imperfect and fighting mad as we are
I am still frightened
But at least I know I have no choice
I just have to keep going on
And I don't think there is a happy paradise
But at least I can run and laugh
And keep on laughing even when times are bad
And cry when I want to
And laugh and cry
Thank you everyone
I love you so much
What else is going to happen?
What else is happening now?
Sits in the rain, laughing and crying, watching the raindrops fall like crystals on hands, in each raindrop there is a memory of friends...
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Standing here in the rain,
letting the water pour down on me
Course down my face and onto my shoulders and body
And screaming my lungs out
Where did we go in life?
Old friends and new friends and regrets
Disillusioned so many times
New dreams replacing old dreams which have been smashed
Yet they are not the same
How many times do I have to say I am sorry?
How many times do I have to sink to my knees crying
Begging you to come out and take my hand
Look into my eyes and help me up
I am sorry, I am sorry!!!
God help me, I am so sorry!
I don't know what got into me
I don't know myself anymore
And I don't know people anymore
They disillusion me
And it frightens me because I don't want anymore of my dreams to shatter
I can't take it anymore!
I'm fighting mad!
Won't you come out and help me!
Help me understand you, understand them, understand the world
I can go no further
Please...(shivers in the pouring rain)
Won't you help me...
Won't you come help me...
(Whisper)I don't want to walk alone any longer...
I now know I am a walker of worlds
I still love to walk these worlds
But I want you there
I want to tell you of the worlds which I walk in
What I have experienced
The things I have seen
And heard
And done
We walk the worlds alone
But I just want to talk to you
And it's not just about you
God I miss everyone
The worlds are amazing places
But they can be scary...and unfriendly...and cold at the same time...
It's not just them
And it's not just me
It's a little of both of us...
(shrieking)God, won't you accept me for what I am?
softly, looking down at the puddlesAnd I must also accept myself for what I am
(looks up through the rain)So many secrets...
Waiting to be unlocked
And so many already unlocked
What are we to do?
We must continue to walk our worlds
As best as we can
And just keep on sloughing through
Imperfect and fighting mad as we are
I am still frightened
But at least I know I have no choice
I just have to keep going on
And I don't think there is a happy paradise
But at least I can run and laugh
And keep on laughing even when times are bad
And cry when I want to
And laugh and cry
Thank you everyone
I love you so much
What else is going to happen?
What else is happening now?
Sits in the rain, laughing and crying, watching the raindrops fall like crystals on hands, in each raindrop there is a memory of friends...
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Sky Lantern: Full Moon!
Burning: Dusk Mango & Grapefruit Candle and Dusk Vienna Candle
Weather: Windy, Raining, Cloudy.
Okay, I am now a proud member of the "I have watched Spiderman 2" club! And for all you members of the anti-summer-blockbuster-mainstream-why-must-every-movie-have-cgi-effects-i-am-a-proud-nonconformist conformists, i think the movie was great. I think that Spiderman is definitely the best marvel-comic-based movie. I don't think Daredevil was all that great, maybe because i bought a lousy movie copy, and the Punisher isn't out yet, but hell, I don't think anything can compete with Spiderman. Fact.
Today is possibly the coldest day of winter so far. The wind was like *whooosh*. I pulled out my fur-lined camel corduroy jacket today. It was cold enough.
I'm watching Oprah's 50th Birthday Bash and the cast of Sex and the City saying goodbye on Oprah right now. You know, I was just thinking about all that crap that Oprah used to have to endure like people making fun of her yo-yoing weight and how she always cries on her shows but you know, when you reach a certain age and you're still around, people are always bound to respect you. Like Madonna. Which means that one day, if Britney sticks around long enough, she might actually be respected. Oh dear.
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Burning: Dusk Mango & Grapefruit Candle and Dusk Vienna Candle
Weather: Windy, Raining, Cloudy.
Okay, I am now a proud member of the "I have watched Spiderman 2" club! And for all you members of the anti-summer-blockbuster-mainstream-why-must-every-movie-have-cgi-effects-i-am-a-proud-nonconformist conformists, i think the movie was great. I think that Spiderman is definitely the best marvel-comic-based movie. I don't think Daredevil was all that great, maybe because i bought a lousy movie copy, and the Punisher isn't out yet, but hell, I don't think anything can compete with Spiderman. Fact.
Today is possibly the coldest day of winter so far. The wind was like *whooosh*. I pulled out my fur-lined camel corduroy jacket today. It was cold enough.
I'm watching Oprah's 50th Birthday Bash and the cast of Sex and the City saying goodbye on Oprah right now. You know, I was just thinking about all that crap that Oprah used to have to endure like people making fun of her yo-yoing weight and how she always cries on her shows but you know, when you reach a certain age and you're still around, people are always bound to respect you. Like Madonna. Which means that one day, if Britney sticks around long enough, she might actually be respected. Oh dear.
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Thursday, July 01, 2004
Shop Music: Shivaree - Goodnight Moon
Weather: Raining, cold, dreary ;)
Burning: Dusk Mango & Grapefruit Candle.
I didn't plan to come online again but I had to check movie listings for Spiderman2 tomorrow. Just about everyone is talking about having just seen Spiderman2 on their blogs. After tomorrow I can talk about it too!
My sister just called me. Apparently, she had a fight with her boyfriend in the car. When they reached the mall, she got out and walked away and now she's waiting for her friend to pick her up. I said, why don't you take the car and let him get a ride home since you both have your own set of carkeys? But I guess she's taking the harder way in order to make him feel bad after fighting. Oh, the drama, the antagonization, the martyrdom of it all...
Watched Gothika with C today. During one scene, Halle Berry is in a dark cell by herself and turning in circles because she keeps sensing something behind her. When that scary blonde ghost girl suddenly showed up behind her, both c and i screeched and i actually jumped out of the chair i was sitting on and into c's bed. C was no better, she was all scrunched up in the corner of her bed! I blame it on the fact that I happened to be sitting directly in front of her bedroom door and kept expecting something to show up behind me in the hallway as well. Like I said before, our flat hallway is scar-y.
I have been infected with Eyelesbarrow disease. This time I really totally cleaned out my room today and rearranged everything. I vacuumed, I wiped out the desk, I rearranged all my candles. The place is totally spick and span. (oooh, i have never used that term "spick and span" before, that is sooo Enid Blyton-ish...aaaargh! Eyelesbarrow disease!) I think I may have inhaled a little too much Ajax.
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Weather: Raining, cold, dreary ;)
Burning: Dusk Mango & Grapefruit Candle.
I didn't plan to come online again but I had to check movie listings for Spiderman2 tomorrow. Just about everyone is talking about having just seen Spiderman2 on their blogs. After tomorrow I can talk about it too!
My sister just called me. Apparently, she had a fight with her boyfriend in the car. When they reached the mall, she got out and walked away and now she's waiting for her friend to pick her up. I said, why don't you take the car and let him get a ride home since you both have your own set of carkeys? But I guess she's taking the harder way in order to make him feel bad after fighting. Oh, the drama, the antagonization, the martyrdom of it all...
Watched Gothika with C today. During one scene, Halle Berry is in a dark cell by herself and turning in circles because she keeps sensing something behind her. When that scary blonde ghost girl suddenly showed up behind her, both c and i screeched and i actually jumped out of the chair i was sitting on and into c's bed. C was no better, she was all scrunched up in the corner of her bed! I blame it on the fact that I happened to be sitting directly in front of her bedroom door and kept expecting something to show up behind me in the hallway as well. Like I said before, our flat hallway is scar-y.
I have been infected with Eyelesbarrow disease. This time I really totally cleaned out my room today and rearranged everything. I vacuumed, I wiped out the desk, I rearranged all my candles. The place is totally spick and span. (oooh, i have never used that term "spick and span" before, that is sooo Enid Blyton-ish...aaaargh! Eyelesbarrow disease!) I think I may have inhaled a little too much Ajax.
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Burning: Grapefruit and Mango Candle
Sky Lantern: Full moon tomorrow night!
Shop Music: Lacuna Coil - Heaven's A Lie
Today I threw myself into cleaning the flat after being inspired by Lucy Eyelesbarrow in Agatha Christie's 4.50 From Paddington. However, I shall never be as efficient or as much a workaholic as Ms. Eyelesbarrow. I'm much too lazy...complacent for that.
All the guys have gone home so it's just me and c in the flat. It's strangely but peacefully quiet.
When I went running this evening I realized something. If I focus on the pavement before me and concentrate on nothing at all I can actually run better and longer. However, two difficulties - first of all, it's pretty hard to concentrate on virtually nothing because eventually something or other creeps into my mind and disturbs my concentration. Second of all, if I keep my eyes on the pavement direcly before me, sooner or later I'm bound to run into something.
I have never realized how troublesome it is to join a webring. Apparently nothing is easy when you're building blogs or websites. I thought modern technology was suppose to make things easier, you lousy bastards! Anyway, does anyone notice that in a majority of movies and books about the future, the future seems to resemble the ancient past more than anything else? Maybe it's because the past always seems more romantic. I'm not complaining, I like romantic antiquity with futuristic conveniences. Especially when it comes to plumbing. Plumbing reminds me of my grandmother's sort-of farm in my mom's hometown. Is it considered a farm when you have a few fruit trees, some chickens, dogs and cats and overgrown grounds? Anyway, when I was a kid it was cool to visit that house because it was full of old paintings and solid hard-rock antique furniture. The sofa, which is not really a sofa, and the chairs were made of solid black...I think it was marble. With white stone engravings, I'm not sure what it was. It looked crystal-ish. Patterns of flowers. That was cool furniture. I've been trying to get my mom to snag a couple of those chairs before they finally sell the place off. And we actually have a portrait of my great-grandfather and his two wives above the huge mirror in the, erm, I guess you'd call it the living room. They look serious and fierce in their paintings which spooked me out when I was a kid. And the rooms were lit by light bulbs! Single naked light bulbs hanging by a single cord. Me, Modern Kid, used to be sooo fascinated by that. And the kitchen had a sort-of well where you could scoop water out of, only thing it wasn't REALLY a well because it also had a tap in it. But, like I said, old-fashion has its plumbing inconveniences. I absolutely HATED going to the bathroom or taking a bath in that place. Sux, sux, sux.
Listen to me reminisce! I actually miss that place! And there was even an old family story about a supposedly buried hidden treasure somewhere on the grounds. I can't believe they're going to sell the place off without checking out that story first. Hmrph.
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Sky Lantern: Full moon tomorrow night!
Shop Music: Lacuna Coil - Heaven's A Lie
Today I threw myself into cleaning the flat after being inspired by Lucy Eyelesbarrow in Agatha Christie's 4.50 From Paddington. However, I shall never be as efficient or as much a workaholic as Ms. Eyelesbarrow. I'm much too lazy...complacent for that.
All the guys have gone home so it's just me and c in the flat. It's strangely but peacefully quiet.
When I went running this evening I realized something. If I focus on the pavement before me and concentrate on nothing at all I can actually run better and longer. However, two difficulties - first of all, it's pretty hard to concentrate on virtually nothing because eventually something or other creeps into my mind and disturbs my concentration. Second of all, if I keep my eyes on the pavement direcly before me, sooner or later I'm bound to run into something.
I have never realized how troublesome it is to join a webring. Apparently nothing is easy when you're building blogs or websites. I thought modern technology was suppose to make things easier, you lousy bastards! Anyway, does anyone notice that in a majority of movies and books about the future, the future seems to resemble the ancient past more than anything else? Maybe it's because the past always seems more romantic. I'm not complaining, I like romantic antiquity with futuristic conveniences. Especially when it comes to plumbing. Plumbing reminds me of my grandmother's sort-of farm in my mom's hometown. Is it considered a farm when you have a few fruit trees, some chickens, dogs and cats and overgrown grounds? Anyway, when I was a kid it was cool to visit that house because it was full of old paintings and solid hard-rock antique furniture. The sofa, which is not really a sofa, and the chairs were made of solid black...I think it was marble. With white stone engravings, I'm not sure what it was. It looked crystal-ish. Patterns of flowers. That was cool furniture. I've been trying to get my mom to snag a couple of those chairs before they finally sell the place off. And we actually have a portrait of my great-grandfather and his two wives above the huge mirror in the, erm, I guess you'd call it the living room. They look serious and fierce in their paintings which spooked me out when I was a kid. And the rooms were lit by light bulbs! Single naked light bulbs hanging by a single cord. Me, Modern Kid, used to be sooo fascinated by that. And the kitchen had a sort-of well where you could scoop water out of, only thing it wasn't REALLY a well because it also had a tap in it. But, like I said, old-fashion has its plumbing inconveniences. I absolutely HATED going to the bathroom or taking a bath in that place. Sux, sux, sux.
Listen to me reminisce! I actually miss that place! And there was even an old family story about a supposedly buried hidden treasure somewhere on the grounds. I can't believe they're going to sell the place off without checking out that story first. Hmrph.
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