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Tuesday, July 13, 2004

My Weekend Tracking down Indo-Europeans and Aryans.
In all my blabbering, I never told you what I did this weekend, did I?
Okay, so the other day I went hunting (this was before the antique display I was talking about earlier, in case anyone wanted to know). And during the hunt, one of my hunting mates and I got separated from the rest of the hunt while tracking down our prey and we came upon this quiet grove, when suddenly this huge horse came crashing out of the trees and there was this guy with long shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes on the horse. Needless to say, the first thing we started doing was arguing about exactly whose hunt this is. And this guy was totally belligerent, I mean, he just started yelling right from the start, and he was completely arrogant and all that. And he threatened to kill us if we didn't move off. Of course, like, this was our hunting ground and we were so not going to shove off, and we ended up arguing for ages until we heard the sound of the hunting horns, yelled abuse at one another one last time, and then moved off in opposite directions.
Anyway, the whole point of this story was that this guy was obviously a)Celtic and b)lost in time. Things happen in groves, you know. And, in case we ever ran into his kind again, I thought I'd better go check out his history and find out exactly who the Celts are and where they came from (essential background information if you ever mix with someone). And, naturally, this whole big search led up to an even bigger mess mixed up with Indo-Europeans and all, and this is what I found out...
First of all, Celtic people? Let's begin with physical appearances. Apparently, the Celts are fair of face, with the majority of their people having blue eyes and blonde or red hair, with the exception of one particular group in some place or other down in Europe which I can't remember, which has black curly hair and dark skin, sounds very Italian-ish to me. And they were pretty fierce warriors and got into tons of fights all over Europe, and especially had several pretty notable clashes with the Romans and the Greeks. Their typical method of fighting is to beat on their shields and roar and look frightening to their opponents and then charge. Usually, the other side would have gotten frightened by then and scatter and run off, which makes it easy for the Celts to chase them down and kill them off. Anyhow, loads of Celts migrated all over Europe and a majority found their way past England and settled in Ireland, which is pretty geographically cut off from most of Europe, and which is why nobody bothered to give them any trouble there and why there's a good concentration of Celtic people down in Ireland, who are prodigious drinkers and gave us Riverdance, Colin Farrell, and the IRA.
But, you know, I don't particularly care much about Celtic people now, I wanted to find out exactly where they came from. I wanted to hunt them down into the mists of antiquity and find out from what part of the world did they evolve from. Most of my sources were pretty vague and evasive when I questioned them, but what I did manage to find was that the Celts are part of a group of people called Indo-Europeans. Now I have been hearing this term for a long time and what the heck are Indo-Europeans? I always figured they were some mix of people from Indonesia and Europe, hahah, goodness knows how they'd ever get together, but it turns out, nope.
Anyway, some misconceptions about Indo-Europeans. The term Indo-European got popular real fast when Hitler and his Nazis were trying to, um, take over the world? Or at least the whole of Europe, and wanted to populate the world with the Aryan race, which it seems, to be everyone who is white, tall, blonde-haired and blue-eyed. (This, coming from a guy called Hitler who is short and dark? Uh, somebody definitely has issues here. Or is color-blind). And when I first heard about this, I was like, uh, okay, because, aren't Aryans Indians? Like, I may not know much, but I definitely know a Sanskrit word when I hear one! And it sure ain't sounding even remotely like German!
And so, determined to clear up all this bloody confusion, I dug my nails into my sources and forced them to give. And it turns out that Hitler wasn't just confused about his looks, he was confused about everything else too. Indo-European (which has absolutely nothing to do with Indonesia at all) refers to a group of people who are related because their languages all have similarities, which probably means that their languages evolved from one single parent language used in antiquity a long time ago. More specifically, it unified all European languages, which seem to have originated, as mentioned before, from one single parent language. What language is this? Apparently, the Aryan language, which was brought to Europe from a bunch of so-called Aryan people when they invaded the country back in about 4000 B.C. or so. And apparently, these light-skinned Aryan people are the same people who invaded North India around 1800 to 1500 B.C., which explains why Northern Indians are fairer than the Southern Indians.
Okay, this is confusing even me. The gist of all this Indo-European thing is that apparently all the Indo-Euro languages (German, Italian, Celtic, all European languages) came from two languages - Sanskrit (North India) and Avestan, the language from Persia, otherwise known as Iran, which so happens, Iran means "the land of the Aryans".
Okay, so what does this all mean? Where are the Aryans from then? Shouldn't that mean they come from India or Iran, since they speak the same language? Er, different theories say different things. Some say the Aryans come from somewhere beside the Black Sea and others say they're Russian nomads. O-kay...
But from all that rubbish I was reading about Aryans, I draw the conclusion from my own opinins. First of all, there is an agreement that North India and Iran have similar cultures and languages and that the languages they both spoke (Sanskrit and Avestan) are the parents of the Indo-European language group. Secondly, North India was apparently invaded by a bunch of people called the Aryans, who brought the Sanskrit language with them to India. Actually, there is a wider believe that these Aryans did not invade North India but just came by and intermarried and shared their culture with them, but that's a different story for another day. So, we know where North India got their Sanskrit from, from the Aryans. So, back to the same problem, who the heck are these Aryans and where did they come from?
The thing is, where did the Persians get their Avestan language from then? There doesn't seem to be any records of any "Aryans" invading their country or whatever, and from all records, it seemed to have been developed pretty much purely in Persia.
Therefore, it seems to me that Persia with its Avestan language was the main mother of all these Indo-European languages. Until now, nobody knows who the Aryans who invaded India and brought Sanskrit were, except that they were light skin and rode horses and called themselves Aryans (noble ones). You might say they were white people, like the German Nazis theorized, since they were light-skinned, but honestly, light skin could refer to anything, like a lighter shade of brown or whatever. I admit that the looks of the Northern Indians do have similarites in genes and stuff which point to the intermingling of white blood. But theories are doubtful that these Aryans were pure white people, more likely they were already a bunch of mix blooded people. They called themselves Aryans, but as many people have already pointed out, Aryan means "noble ones" and it wasn't suppose to refer to a single race, it just meant people who were noble! And, more likely than not, these Aryans came from Persia, and, as Wikipedia Encyclopedia says, "they were white after the manner of imperial-era, pre-Muslim Persians, and possibly the Circassians and southern Slavs, but certainly not the Nordic Germans and English." Which means the Germans then were pretty CONFUSED.
So, what do we have? Nobody still knows exactly WHO Aryans are or WHERE they came from. But they were probably a bunch of mix-blood people, who were probably related pretty closely with the pre-muslim Persians, and they were nomads brought their Avestan/Sanskrit language to North India, stayed long enough to integrate their culture there, then, I'm guessing they migrated back out over Europe, where they so influenced the development of all European languages. Grouped together, they are the Indo-European family. There are, as far as I can gather, no blood or gene links here, they are just linked through language. So, Hitler and his Germans were being very silly, trying to link a "master race" through language which didn't even originate from Germany. Rather, if you want to link Europe through language, you'd say they were children from Persia, which is, gasp, modern-day Iran! And, last of all, nope, the Aryans were not white and were not German, which means that most Nazis are probably turning in their graves now! Now, do you see how confused the Nazis were, and how their confusion messed up the world? Be evil, if you must, but please come up with more plausible reasons for being evil! And be cool and evil, not confused and evil! Sigh, evil people are never what you want them to be...

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