Friday, July 16, 2004
Well, I made it on all those buses and didn't even get lost! *pats self on back* And my interview was over, like, in less than ten minutes and all she asked me were the same questions she asked me on the phone!
Anyway, once it was over, I was back on the bus stop, waiting for the next bus which only comes about every hour. And it was freezing cold everytime a car zoomed by. I spent most of my time watching cars trying to navigate this sharp u-turn directly in front of the bus stop. I know how you feel!
I was just watching some space movie called supernova which had angela bassett, robin tunney (of craft and empire records fame!) and a whole bunch of guys with hot buff bodies that they display as they walk about naked on the space ship. Yummm...that's my kind of space show.
Farewell to Angel.
And speaking of shows, last night was a sad night for me because...yes that's right, it was the night that channel 7 screened the last episode of Angel!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOB. I can't believe there won't be any more episodes of Angel. What am I going to watch on TV? (apart from buff naked guys on a space ship). But they can't compare with ANGEL. They can't compare with an immortal vampire. WITH a soul.
As a way of saying good-bye, I will now run over the most heartbreaking points of the final episde - the memorable points which I will always cherish in my heart and will always replay on cold sad nights, the parts which makes my heart thump in my chest and only makes me even more aware of the finality of the show. Or, parts that I just love.
First one: when the Circle of Blackthorn asks Angel to sign away his right to the Shan-shu Prophecy. That is like THE ultimate sacrifice EVER made. He gave up his humanity, his one DREAM, which he has been striving for ever since the beginning of his personal series. The one goal which ought to have made the show complete at the final, but no! He sacrifices it for the greater good. And that is Angel all the way...and what the ultimate point in the show was about - never giving up the good fight no matter how much you give up for it. And to go down fighting for it.
Second! When Wesley dies! It was almost too much - I mean first Fred dies, and then now Wes! And the scene was never more poignant... with Illyria changing into Fred and holding Wes as he dies in her arms, talking to him, comforting him, telling him he will soon be with her. I mean, like, Wes is without a doubt the most TRAGIC character ever in the Buffy/Angel series, bad things keep happening to him, he is like Job. But unlike Job, his luck still doesn't turn at the end. He dies with his heart still broken. But at least he finally finds peace as he dies in Illyria/Fred's arms. And it's equally heartbreaking to see Illyria/Fred standing up and looking down at him, it just made me recall the whole Wes/Fred/Illyria love story. I swear, that is the most tragic love triangle ever in history. First, Fred breaks Wes's heart by choosing Gun (i have to admit at that time I was rooting for Gun), then she and Wes finally gets together, but almost immediately Fred is killed, then Wes has to cope with seeing her in Illyria, then Illyria falls for Wes who is still heartbroken over Fred (but I suspect he does feel for her a little) and then Wes dies and leaves Illyria all alone!!! Oh yeah, and it was SO COOL when the demon who killed Wes comes up behind her and says "take your best shot, girlie" and she spins around, changing into Illyria as she does so and smashing his head literally to bits.
Thirdly! When Illyria comes into the back alley (leaping in the way she did was also another cool part!) and she says "Wesley is dead. I feel much grief for him. I wish to do more violence." With the rain streaming down on her. She's already gone through so much, losing her army and her powers and now losing Wesley. She's left all alone now. Except for the Angel gang.
Fourth part! When Connor comes back to help Angel and father and son fight! It's so nice to finally see them get together like this after all the pain of the previous season. And Angel is good enough to make his son go before hell is unleashed upon them. Connor protests, saying "They'll destroy you." But Angel says, "As long as you're OK, they can't."
Fifth part! When Lorne kills Lindsey and casts one last look about him before he leaves. The green boy was seriously in a state of gloom. But then you would be too if you never saw Angel again! But for Lorne, that was officially when the curtain falls on his act. That was also the killing off of Lindsey, the kind-of eternal thorn in the side villian, which really wrapped things up. And you feel kind of bad for Eve, even though she's also another major thorn in the side.
Sixth! The final scene where Angel and gang minus Wes stands in the rain in the alley, ready to take on the biggest battle of their lives. And Angel goes, "Personally, I kind of want to slay the dragon." He steps forward, camera zooms in on him. "Let's go to work." And swings his sword towards the screen. And then it blacks out. And it ends.
But before I fall to tears again, allow me to add a few more points which I just loved in the final episode!
First one! Or should I say seventh! When Angel says "one of you will betray me" and Spike raises his hand. Angel says "Wes" and Spike goes "Oh. Do I get to deny you three times?" I don't know why, I just found that so funny.
Second! Again, Spike gets the best lines in the show. The part where he tells Angel right off "First off, I'm not wearing any amulets. No bracelets, broaches, beads, pendants, pins, or rings." Lol. Anyone who's seen the finale of Buffy will get this one.
Thirdly! The part where Illyria says to Gunn "Try not to die. You are not unpleasant to my eyes." Which, I feel, is sweet, because I see it as a sort of throwback to the time where Fred and Gunn were once a couple.
Fourthly, this is a kind of blooper thing. Angel goes to see Connor one last time at a coffeeshop with daylight shining in through the windows. Er...did the producers forget that Angel will die in sunlight unless he's shielded by special Wolfram and Hart glass? I think it would have been more appropriate in some nice dark library or something. ;)
SOB. I can't believe Angel is over! But at least they went down still fighting the good fight, and as the title of the final episode says it all, NOT FADE AWAY.
After it was over, I was just like kind of in shock. I couldn't believe it was over, just like that. But then, I also felt, not just the sense of something finally ending, and the start of something new beginning.
Angel! I will always love you!
Listen to me. I sound like I've become one of those crazy people who become obsess with a TV show.
Oh well. If I were to get obsessed over anything, I'm glad it's something like Angel.
Farewell, Angel! We will always keep fighting the good fight.
All pictures taken from WB -
except for the fred/gunn pic which came from:
City of Angelus -
and the buffy/angel pic which came from:
Buffy Vs. Angel (buffy/angel pic)
Sorry, I got a little lazy at the link part. Will re-do that part later. ;)
Anyway, once it was over, I was back on the bus stop, waiting for the next bus which only comes about every hour. And it was freezing cold everytime a car zoomed by. I spent most of my time watching cars trying to navigate this sharp u-turn directly in front of the bus stop. I know how you feel!
I was just watching some space movie called supernova which had angela bassett, robin tunney (of craft and empire records fame!) and a whole bunch of guys with hot buff bodies that they display as they walk about naked on the space ship. Yummm...that's my kind of space show.
Farewell to Angel.

And speaking of shows, last night was a sad night for me because...yes that's right, it was the night that channel 7 screened the last episode of Angel!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOB. I can't believe there won't be any more episodes of Angel. What am I going to watch on TV? (apart from buff naked guys on a space ship). But they can't compare with ANGEL. They can't compare with an immortal vampire. WITH a soul.

As a way of saying good-bye, I will now run over the most heartbreaking points of the final episde - the memorable points which I will always cherish in my heart and will always replay on cold sad nights, the parts which makes my heart thump in my chest and only makes me even more aware of the finality of the show. Or, parts that I just love.
First one: when the Circle of Blackthorn asks Angel to sign away his right to the Shan-shu Prophecy. That is like THE ultimate sacrifice EVER made. He gave up his humanity, his one DREAM, which he has been striving for ever since the beginning of his personal series. The one goal which ought to have made the show complete at the final, but no! He sacrifices it for the greater good. And that is Angel all the way...and what the ultimate point in the show was about - never giving up the good fight no matter how much you give up for it. And to go down fighting for it.

Second! When Wesley dies! It was almost too much - I mean first Fred dies, and then now Wes! And the scene was never more poignant... with Illyria changing into Fred and holding Wes as he dies in her arms, talking to him, comforting him, telling him he will soon be with her. I mean, like, Wes is without a doubt the most TRAGIC character ever in the Buffy/Angel series, bad things keep happening to him, he is like Job. But unlike Job, his luck still doesn't turn at the end. He dies with his heart still broken. But at least he finally finds peace as he dies in Illyria/Fred's arms. And it's equally heartbreaking to see Illyria/Fred standing up and looking down at him, it just made me recall the whole Wes/Fred/Illyria love story. I swear, that is the most tragic love triangle ever in history. First, Fred breaks Wes's heart by choosing Gun (i have to admit at that time I was rooting for Gun), then she and Wes finally gets together, but almost immediately Fred is killed, then Wes has to cope with seeing her in Illyria, then Illyria falls for Wes who is still heartbroken over Fred (but I suspect he does feel for her a little) and then Wes dies and leaves Illyria all alone!!! Oh yeah, and it was SO COOL when the demon who killed Wes comes up behind her and says "take your best shot, girlie" and she spins around, changing into Illyria as she does so and smashing his head literally to bits.

Thirdly! When Illyria comes into the back alley (leaping in the way she did was also another cool part!) and she says "Wesley is dead. I feel much grief for him. I wish to do more violence." With the rain streaming down on her. She's already gone through so much, losing her army and her powers and now losing Wesley. She's left all alone now. Except for the Angel gang.

Fourth part! When Connor comes back to help Angel and father and son fight! It's so nice to finally see them get together like this after all the pain of the previous season. And Angel is good enough to make his son go before hell is unleashed upon them. Connor protests, saying "They'll destroy you." But Angel says, "As long as you're OK, they can't."

Fifth part! When Lorne kills Lindsey and casts one last look about him before he leaves. The green boy was seriously in a state of gloom. But then you would be too if you never saw Angel again! But for Lorne, that was officially when the curtain falls on his act. That was also the killing off of Lindsey, the kind-of eternal thorn in the side villian, which really wrapped things up. And you feel kind of bad for Eve, even though she's also another major thorn in the side.
Sixth! The final scene where Angel and gang minus Wes stands in the rain in the alley, ready to take on the biggest battle of their lives. And Angel goes, "Personally, I kind of want to slay the dragon." He steps forward, camera zooms in on him. "Let's go to work." And swings his sword towards the screen. And then it blacks out. And it ends.

But before I fall to tears again, allow me to add a few more points which I just loved in the final episode!
First one! Or should I say seventh! When Angel says "one of you will betray me" and Spike raises his hand. Angel says "Wes" and Spike goes "Oh. Do I get to deny you three times?" I don't know why, I just found that so funny.
Second! Again, Spike gets the best lines in the show. The part where he tells Angel right off "First off, I'm not wearing any amulets. No bracelets, broaches, beads, pendants, pins, or rings." Lol. Anyone who's seen the finale of Buffy will get this one.
Thirdly! The part where Illyria says to Gunn "Try not to die. You are not unpleasant to my eyes." Which, I feel, is sweet, because I see it as a sort of throwback to the time where Fred and Gunn were once a couple.

Fourthly, this is a kind of blooper thing. Angel goes to see Connor one last time at a coffeeshop with daylight shining in through the windows. Er...did the producers forget that Angel will die in sunlight unless he's shielded by special Wolfram and Hart glass? I think it would have been more appropriate in some nice dark library or something. ;)
SOB. I can't believe Angel is over! But at least they went down still fighting the good fight, and as the title of the final episode says it all, NOT FADE AWAY.
After it was over, I was just like kind of in shock. I couldn't believe it was over, just like that. But then, I also felt, not just the sense of something finally ending, and the start of something new beginning.
Angel! I will always love you!
Listen to me. I sound like I've become one of those crazy people who become obsess with a TV show.
Oh well. If I were to get obsessed over anything, I'm glad it's something like Angel.
Farewell, Angel! We will always keep fighting the good fight.

All pictures taken from WB -
except for the fred/gunn pic which came from:
City of Angelus -
and the buffy/angel pic which came from:
Buffy Vs. Angel (buffy/angel pic)
Sorry, I got a little lazy at the link part. Will re-do that part later. ;)
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