Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Hello and welcome again. You're looking a bit sad today. Lost a friend...or a love? Would you like to seek another love? Perhaps try one of our love potions? No? Then what are you looking for? Oh, I are seeking sure of what you want...
So I have been researching death's my latest hobby...
And so there are many ways of getting rid of the body when you're dead...I used to discuss ways to die and ways to be buried with my friends....oh, those were the days in high school...and which was the best way to go and which was the best way to be buried...buried in a coffin, cremated, your ashes in an urn, thrown into the ocean (for some reason, a lot of people like being thrown in the ocean, but to me it always seemed a bit cold), or being frozen, which was costly, or having bits of you blessed and placed in stupas or little buddhist statues like the Tibetans, or have your organs donated to hospitals, or your body frozen for cheap by having it thrown down some icy crevasse in the high mountains...
A lot of people I know don't go for the coffin burial. Some don't mind it if they are put in a tomb, like a Romeo and Juliet thing, but most people get creeped out about being buried six feet underground because you're just lying there and rotting away and your juices seep out and worms get into you....urrrhhh...and a lot of people I know want to be cremated. I wanted to be cremated too, but I wasn't sure what I wanted done with my ashes...and then I discovered the Zoroastrian ritual of putting the body in a huge pit and leaving it there for the vultures to eat and the soil to take back because if they buried it or cremated it or threw it in a river the body would contaminate the elements of the world - fire, water, earth, air - which they hold sacred or something, so instead they leave it in a pit and let the body return to the elements that nothing would be wasted...I kind of like that idea of not contaminating any of the elements...but i don't know where you're going to get a pit...well, we'll see...
So have you decided on what you want to purchase yet? No? You'll come back another day? You have more thinking to do? Well, don't rush it... and Darkschunt will always be here...where what you want is what you get...well, have a nice day.
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So I have been researching death's my latest hobby...
And so there are many ways of getting rid of the body when you're dead...I used to discuss ways to die and ways to be buried with my friends....oh, those were the days in high school...and which was the best way to go and which was the best way to be buried...buried in a coffin, cremated, your ashes in an urn, thrown into the ocean (for some reason, a lot of people like being thrown in the ocean, but to me it always seemed a bit cold), or being frozen, which was costly, or having bits of you blessed and placed in stupas or little buddhist statues like the Tibetans, or have your organs donated to hospitals, or your body frozen for cheap by having it thrown down some icy crevasse in the high mountains...
A lot of people I know don't go for the coffin burial. Some don't mind it if they are put in a tomb, like a Romeo and Juliet thing, but most people get creeped out about being buried six feet underground because you're just lying there and rotting away and your juices seep out and worms get into you....urrrhhh...and a lot of people I know want to be cremated. I wanted to be cremated too, but I wasn't sure what I wanted done with my ashes...and then I discovered the Zoroastrian ritual of putting the body in a huge pit and leaving it there for the vultures to eat and the soil to take back because if they buried it or cremated it or threw it in a river the body would contaminate the elements of the world - fire, water, earth, air - which they hold sacred or something, so instead they leave it in a pit and let the body return to the elements that nothing would be wasted...I kind of like that idea of not contaminating any of the elements...but i don't know where you're going to get a pit...well, we'll see...
So have you decided on what you want to purchase yet? No? You'll come back another day? You have more thinking to do? Well, don't rush it... and Darkschunt will always be here...where what you want is what you get...well, have a nice day.
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Shopkeeper is on a please come back...
The chill of the night is falling over the heat of the's really desert weather now.
I am now listening to Day One's Bedroom Dancing...for some reason I am suddenly hooked on that song and can't get it out of my head...and my Cruel Intentions soundtrack competing with someone's RnB in the flat below and the country music coming from my room mate's window...strains of different music wafting in the warm air of the afternoon earlier...
Relevation of Marcus's bloody tooth came about last night...Gary Toa showed up at the door and tried to beat the heck out of me but I was too worried about the furniture (it's a rented flat, y'know) so we went down to the basketball court instead...and I suppose that has something to do about Marcus and the tooth...
And anyway it's not Marcus's tooth, it's someone else's, and it was just sent to me to tell me that he was all right...what a cryptic friend...
Finally saw Love Actually the other night. So sweet...
Right now I am talking to a friend on MSN messenger and she's like a couple of hours ahead of my time zone so now we're making jokes about how she is in the future...and i am in the eerie...hahaha...
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The chill of the night is falling over the heat of the's really desert weather now.
I am now listening to Day One's Bedroom Dancing...for some reason I am suddenly hooked on that song and can't get it out of my head...and my Cruel Intentions soundtrack competing with someone's RnB in the flat below and the country music coming from my room mate's window...strains of different music wafting in the warm air of the afternoon earlier...
Relevation of Marcus's bloody tooth came about last night...Gary Toa showed up at the door and tried to beat the heck out of me but I was too worried about the furniture (it's a rented flat, y'know) so we went down to the basketball court instead...and I suppose that has something to do about Marcus and the tooth...
And anyway it's not Marcus's tooth, it's someone else's, and it was just sent to me to tell me that he was all right...what a cryptic friend...
Finally saw Love Actually the other night. So sweet...
Right now I am talking to a friend on MSN messenger and she's like a couple of hours ahead of my time zone so now we're making jokes about how she is in the future...and i am in the eerie...hahaha...
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Welcome to Darkschunt. Is this your first time here? Feel free to browse around and don't be afraid to ask for what you came here for. Would you like an elixer of life?
Let’s talk about life...
Once I was sitting in a dark corner of the world…okay, I was sitting in my brightly-lit biology class at the unearthly hour of eight o’clock in the morning. Anyway, we were learning about evolution and Darwin’s theory and all that shit, really, and my Christian friend was sitting next to me and rolling her eyes because she’s Christian and believes that God made everything and therefore Darwin’s theory of evolution is falsified propaganda.
Okay, on one hand we have that religious belief that God made everything on one hand and on the other hand we have the scientific theory which can’t really be ignored because it’s scientifically proven, as in logically, without a doubt, or at least without most doubts.
So who do we believe: the religious fanatics or the logical scientists?
Well, in my opinion, both are right.
(By the way, I apologize to the religious fanatics for my biased way of putting out these two theories and for making the scientific theory seem like the more fair one, but in truth I have personally been struggling with this theory myself a while back because I’d rather believe the religious one but common sense dictated that I should believe the scientific theory and I felt really bad that I felt the scientific one made more sense than the religious one. And, anyway, I don’t really like religious fanatics and take every opportunity to poke fun at them. Sorry. That doesn’t mean I don’t respect religion, just that one of my vices are being easily irritated by fanatics of any kind. Oh no, now I’m becoming one of those superior I-don’t-make-apologies-for-my-stinking-opinions kind of people. Sorry about that. I’m just as normal as anyone else. Honest. I like Pop Tarts too.).
Okay, now putting aside all disclaimers, apologies, and digressions, back to the theory of which is right: the religious theory of how life began or the scientific theory of how life began.
Like I said, both are right.
Okay, so according to science, all objects first came from the ocean, and that our earliest ancestors were totally microscopic bacteria or something like that, right? And from then on we slowly evolved from these bacteria things to boneless (sorry, I forgot the correct word) creatures then on to fish or whatever fossils we see lying around, and slowly became creatures who crawled out onto the shore and were like reptiles before going on to orang-utan like mammals (well, for the ones who eventually evolved into humans or mammals anyway) before finally becoming on to becoming Neanderthals before finally evolving into human beings. More or less, this is the scientific theory of evolution and how life began in a vague sort of way without any real scientific references and my vague memories of science evolution lesions and readings and movies, with all that stuff thrown in about survival of the fittest and gene pools and all that shit. And, oh yeah, we were kind of latecomers to earth because dinosaurs came first.
Now, according to religion, and for this I will use the basic beginning of life as taught in Christian, Muslim, and Jewish religions with apologies to other religions such as Buddhism or Hinduism or etc., for the simple reason that I am more familiar with the beginning of life taught in those religions than in the others. God made everything in seven days and he also made man and woman and gave them power over everything else (another difference with the scientific theory which reminds us that we are not the all-powerful in the world of nature), and the first man and woman made were Adam and Eve and they were not Neanderthals or reptiles but human beings like the ones we are now, so that means human beings ruled over everything from the start and did not have to go through an evolution process.
Now, first of all, who is to say that just because God made everything, there wasn’t an evolution process? I mean, even when we create a painting, we have to start somewhere, don’t we, there’s always that first line to be drawn. So the first drawn line in a painting is like that first microscopic bacteria in the ocean. The Bible or Koran or whatever says that God made everything in seven days and that the water creatures and birds were created all in the fifth day while land creatures and human beings were made on the sixth day. But one day for God may be a completely different time concept from our one day. If God is truly powerful, then surely he could have created a human being or some animal in a day. And all those evolution processes like the bacteria and the Neanderthal were like his rough drafts of the final complete picture. (And for a bit of thinking here, we may still be one of the final drafts and not yet a complete picture, since evolution is still going on).
After all, they do say that a day to us is like hundreds of years or something, I’m not sure of the exact math, to God, so you know, God could have gone through all those rough drafts of evolution processes in one day, it makes perfect sense. After all, God is God, with supercool powers!
So the conclusion is that both the scientific theory and the religious theory so far can co-exist in peace. And that gene pool thing. What’s this about random gene pools and survival of the fittest which caused that certain branch of creature life to evolve into human-like beings and eventually into real human beings instead of a bird or lizard or something else? How do we know that it was random and that God didn’t pick the genes which made a human on purpose? Or, if you want to include all possibilities, that God was the one who made the random choices of the gene pool which created a human being? So that’s another way the religious theory and the scientific theory could have worked together for evolution/creation of human beings/all creatures of life.
I hope I am making sense so far?
Now for another thing. My high school science teacher was once explaining the concept of how the body worked – you know, how every little organ or DNA or cell or whatever played a part in the major machine that is the human body, and she said something like, “Now, once you see how everything in the human body, even the most minor detail, is created with a purpose so that everything comes together and works so well together that when one looks at something like the human body, how can you deny the presence of a higher and much intelligent God who thought out every single detail of the body?”
Which is really true, you know. Surely there must have been someone out there in the beginning who thought out all these little parts of the body and worked them together in this fantastic way which enables us to breathe and eat and think and talk and so on and put it all together to become a living creature?
So, in conclusion, we are not denying that we breathe because that’s how our lungs or automatic system or cells or whatever worked and not because God wanted us to, but maybe God wanted us to breathe and so purposely created the lung and the auto system and all that so we would breathe automatically just the way God wanted us to.
Now, for another thing. That Adam and Eve coming out of the garden thing. According to religion, God drove Adam and Eve out of the garden and they had to go live without all the good pleasures of heaven and all that. Now, I know Eve is suppose to be the mother of all human beings, but how did Cain and her third son, Seth, get their wives and how did their children get their husbands and wives? It surely couldn’t be all through incestuous marriage because, well if you follow the recordings chronologically, Cain got married before Eve gave birth to Seth and all the rest of their children. So there must be other human beings living outside the Garden of Eden, which God made, who ended up marrying Cain and Seth and all their kids. Anyway, I think that perhaps Adam and Eve were mainly the forbearers of all Jewish people. Maybe some of their kids or grandkids (after all, the Adam and Eve line had a lot of children) migrated over the ocean or lands or whatever and had their children with other people that God had made and thus created other different races, or married other people who were of other races. And besides, when God sent Cain away because he had killed Abel, he said that if he had to go wandering through other lands, other people might kill him. So there you go: there’s proof there were other human beings around besides Adam and Eve and their kids.
And for the finale, one thing which both science and religion got right. That fish thing. Science says the first creatures came from life. Well, according to the recordings, the water creatures were made on the fifth day, before the birds (which came after the water creatures on the fifth day) and the humans and animals (who were made on the sixth day). So both theories had it right about creatures coming from the water first. Although I’m not so sure about the plant part. I’m not sure if science agrees with religion that the plants came before the water creatures. I’m no botanist. That’s for someone else to figure out.
So that’s my theory of how the real creation of life as it is now came about, with a mix of both religious and scientific theories and all my vagueness and non-referencing and possibly some mistakes and assumptions which might rile up a few religious or scientific fanatics (yeah, I don’t like ‘em scientific fanatics much either) and probably several other extra points left out like how this all ties in with Noah and the ocean and the dinosaurs’ extinction and all the rest but I’ll get to it later. When I feel like it. Now let's go breath some opium or drink some Love.
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Let’s talk about life...
Once I was sitting in a dark corner of the world…okay, I was sitting in my brightly-lit biology class at the unearthly hour of eight o’clock in the morning. Anyway, we were learning about evolution and Darwin’s theory and all that shit, really, and my Christian friend was sitting next to me and rolling her eyes because she’s Christian and believes that God made everything and therefore Darwin’s theory of evolution is falsified propaganda.
Okay, on one hand we have that religious belief that God made everything on one hand and on the other hand we have the scientific theory which can’t really be ignored because it’s scientifically proven, as in logically, without a doubt, or at least without most doubts.
So who do we believe: the religious fanatics or the logical scientists?
Well, in my opinion, both are right.
(By the way, I apologize to the religious fanatics for my biased way of putting out these two theories and for making the scientific theory seem like the more fair one, but in truth I have personally been struggling with this theory myself a while back because I’d rather believe the religious one but common sense dictated that I should believe the scientific theory and I felt really bad that I felt the scientific one made more sense than the religious one. And, anyway, I don’t really like religious fanatics and take every opportunity to poke fun at them. Sorry. That doesn’t mean I don’t respect religion, just that one of my vices are being easily irritated by fanatics of any kind. Oh no, now I’m becoming one of those superior I-don’t-make-apologies-for-my-stinking-opinions kind of people. Sorry about that. I’m just as normal as anyone else. Honest. I like Pop Tarts too.).
Okay, now putting aside all disclaimers, apologies, and digressions, back to the theory of which is right: the religious theory of how life began or the scientific theory of how life began.
Like I said, both are right.
Okay, so according to science, all objects first came from the ocean, and that our earliest ancestors were totally microscopic bacteria or something like that, right? And from then on we slowly evolved from these bacteria things to boneless (sorry, I forgot the correct word) creatures then on to fish or whatever fossils we see lying around, and slowly became creatures who crawled out onto the shore and were like reptiles before going on to orang-utan like mammals (well, for the ones who eventually evolved into humans or mammals anyway) before finally becoming on to becoming Neanderthals before finally evolving into human beings. More or less, this is the scientific theory of evolution and how life began in a vague sort of way without any real scientific references and my vague memories of science evolution lesions and readings and movies, with all that stuff thrown in about survival of the fittest and gene pools and all that shit. And, oh yeah, we were kind of latecomers to earth because dinosaurs came first.
Now, according to religion, and for this I will use the basic beginning of life as taught in Christian, Muslim, and Jewish religions with apologies to other religions such as Buddhism or Hinduism or etc., for the simple reason that I am more familiar with the beginning of life taught in those religions than in the others. God made everything in seven days and he also made man and woman and gave them power over everything else (another difference with the scientific theory which reminds us that we are not the all-powerful in the world of nature), and the first man and woman made were Adam and Eve and they were not Neanderthals or reptiles but human beings like the ones we are now, so that means human beings ruled over everything from the start and did not have to go through an evolution process.
Now, first of all, who is to say that just because God made everything, there wasn’t an evolution process? I mean, even when we create a painting, we have to start somewhere, don’t we, there’s always that first line to be drawn. So the first drawn line in a painting is like that first microscopic bacteria in the ocean. The Bible or Koran or whatever says that God made everything in seven days and that the water creatures and birds were created all in the fifth day while land creatures and human beings were made on the sixth day. But one day for God may be a completely different time concept from our one day. If God is truly powerful, then surely he could have created a human being or some animal in a day. And all those evolution processes like the bacteria and the Neanderthal were like his rough drafts of the final complete picture. (And for a bit of thinking here, we may still be one of the final drafts and not yet a complete picture, since evolution is still going on).
After all, they do say that a day to us is like hundreds of years or something, I’m not sure of the exact math, to God, so you know, God could have gone through all those rough drafts of evolution processes in one day, it makes perfect sense. After all, God is God, with supercool powers!
So the conclusion is that both the scientific theory and the religious theory so far can co-exist in peace. And that gene pool thing. What’s this about random gene pools and survival of the fittest which caused that certain branch of creature life to evolve into human-like beings and eventually into real human beings instead of a bird or lizard or something else? How do we know that it was random and that God didn’t pick the genes which made a human on purpose? Or, if you want to include all possibilities, that God was the one who made the random choices of the gene pool which created a human being? So that’s another way the religious theory and the scientific theory could have worked together for evolution/creation of human beings/all creatures of life.
I hope I am making sense so far?
Now for another thing. My high school science teacher was once explaining the concept of how the body worked – you know, how every little organ or DNA or cell or whatever played a part in the major machine that is the human body, and she said something like, “Now, once you see how everything in the human body, even the most minor detail, is created with a purpose so that everything comes together and works so well together that when one looks at something like the human body, how can you deny the presence of a higher and much intelligent God who thought out every single detail of the body?”
Which is really true, you know. Surely there must have been someone out there in the beginning who thought out all these little parts of the body and worked them together in this fantastic way which enables us to breathe and eat and think and talk and so on and put it all together to become a living creature?
So, in conclusion, we are not denying that we breathe because that’s how our lungs or automatic system or cells or whatever worked and not because God wanted us to, but maybe God wanted us to breathe and so purposely created the lung and the auto system and all that so we would breathe automatically just the way God wanted us to.
Now, for another thing. That Adam and Eve coming out of the garden thing. According to religion, God drove Adam and Eve out of the garden and they had to go live without all the good pleasures of heaven and all that. Now, I know Eve is suppose to be the mother of all human beings, but how did Cain and her third son, Seth, get their wives and how did their children get their husbands and wives? It surely couldn’t be all through incestuous marriage because, well if you follow the recordings chronologically, Cain got married before Eve gave birth to Seth and all the rest of their children. So there must be other human beings living outside the Garden of Eden, which God made, who ended up marrying Cain and Seth and all their kids. Anyway, I think that perhaps Adam and Eve were mainly the forbearers of all Jewish people. Maybe some of their kids or grandkids (after all, the Adam and Eve line had a lot of children) migrated over the ocean or lands or whatever and had their children with other people that God had made and thus created other different races, or married other people who were of other races. And besides, when God sent Cain away because he had killed Abel, he said that if he had to go wandering through other lands, other people might kill him. So there you go: there’s proof there were other human beings around besides Adam and Eve and their kids.
And for the finale, one thing which both science and religion got right. That fish thing. Science says the first creatures came from life. Well, according to the recordings, the water creatures were made on the fifth day, before the birds (which came after the water creatures on the fifth day) and the humans and animals (who were made on the sixth day). So both theories had it right about creatures coming from the water first. Although I’m not so sure about the plant part. I’m not sure if science agrees with religion that the plants came before the water creatures. I’m no botanist. That’s for someone else to figure out.
So that’s my theory of how the real creation of life as it is now came about, with a mix of both religious and scientific theories and all my vagueness and non-referencing and possibly some mistakes and assumptions which might rile up a few religious or scientific fanatics (yeah, I don’t like ‘em scientific fanatics much either) and probably several other extra points left out like how this all ties in with Noah and the ocean and the dinosaurs’ extinction and all the rest but I’ll get to it later. When I feel like it. Now let's go breath some opium or drink some Love.
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Thursday, April 22, 2004
Went down to the city today to get my student work permit done...the other day at the international visa office in the line some israeli guy behind me was flirting with some blonde english lady in front of me and as he was busy flirting he started shuffling back and forth and then edged his way in front of me!!! Bloody bastard!!! I was there first! Go flirt on your own bloody time!!! I hope his dick shrivels up and falls off and that he grows sores all over his body and catches a dozen incurable diseases before someone mugs him and stabs him and leaves him to bleed to death in a dark alley full off piss.
I've been shopping and shopping and shopping nonstop. Bought two new lip glosses from Red Earth and a new white top from some boutique (i wanted to buy two but my sis forced me to leave the other one behind, aaargh) and some jelly crystals to make gelatine. Yum yum. ;)
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I've been shopping and shopping and shopping nonstop. Bought two new lip glosses from Red Earth and a new white top from some boutique (i wanted to buy two but my sis forced me to leave the other one behind, aaargh) and some jelly crystals to make gelatine. Yum yum. ;)
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Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Today i went over to the perth institute of contemporary arts to check out guy vinciguerra's cosplay exhibition - photos of Japanese teens cosplaying (for those who don't know, cosplaying is dressing up as anime characters). It was way cool; my favourite was the girl with long blonde hair in a pink ruffled little girl's dress and clutching a furry little pink teddy bear, like some demonic little girl. It reminded me of this little Italian girl that i saw in church the other day - she had all this curly brown hair and wore this little dark dress and looked like one of those little European porcelain dolls, or something like a dark-haired version of Claudia from Anne Rice's Interview with a Vampire. And as the prayers started, the girl and her little brother/sister (i couldn't tell, it was just a baby) just started screaming their heads off and her mother had to take her out of the church, so it was like, whoa, their little inner demon's protesting.
picture courtsey of pica
While at pica, we also checked out the exhibition by Dutch textile designer Maria Blaisse and Nat Paton's Punt. Blaisse's exhibition was all black and white, very Issey Miyake and also very like his protege, whose name i can't remember now because i don't have my Vogue magazine with me at the moment, while Punt was all about gambling, very Las Vegas-ish. Then after that, we went over to the West Australia, I forgot what it's called, but something like West Australia gallery or national gallery, I think. The one by pica and across from the west australian library, by the fountain anyway.
Oh yeah, it was an artsy-fartsy day.
Went to Conca's for dinner today. Everyone had chili mussels while I had spag and stole a couple of chili mussels. Enough for me to reach for the water and go back to my spag.
Right now am watching the Dissociatives (daniel johns of silverchair and paul mackel) oerforming on Rove Live. Rove is funny, but it's not as cool as Letterman. ;)
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Today i went over to the perth institute of contemporary arts to check out guy vinciguerra's cosplay exhibition - photos of Japanese teens cosplaying (for those who don't know, cosplaying is dressing up as anime characters). It was way cool; my favourite was the girl with long blonde hair in a pink ruffled little girl's dress and clutching a furry little pink teddy bear, like some demonic little girl. It reminded me of this little Italian girl that i saw in church the other day - she had all this curly brown hair and wore this little dark dress and looked like one of those little European porcelain dolls, or something like a dark-haired version of Claudia from Anne Rice's Interview with a Vampire. And as the prayers started, the girl and her little brother/sister (i couldn't tell, it was just a baby) just started screaming their heads off and her mother had to take her out of the church, so it was like, whoa, their little inner demon's protesting.

picture courtsey of pica
While at pica, we also checked out the exhibition by Dutch textile designer Maria Blaisse and Nat Paton's Punt. Blaisse's exhibition was all black and white, very Issey Miyake and also very like his protege, whose name i can't remember now because i don't have my Vogue magazine with me at the moment, while Punt was all about gambling, very Las Vegas-ish. Then after that, we went over to the West Australia, I forgot what it's called, but something like West Australia gallery or national gallery, I think. The one by pica and across from the west australian library, by the fountain anyway.
Oh yeah, it was an artsy-fartsy day.
Went to Conca's for dinner today. Everyone had chili mussels while I had spag and stole a couple of chili mussels. Enough for me to reach for the water and go back to my spag.
Right now am watching the Dissociatives (daniel johns of silverchair and paul mackel) oerforming on Rove Live. Rove is funny, but it's not as cool as Letterman. ;)
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Monday, April 19, 2004
Still no meaning of the bloody tooth.
On the other hand, my lower gum on the left side is swollen and I think my wisdom tooth on the same side might be ready to fall out. About time!
What was Friday night - depression night? Now, it wasn't just me and ee lin who were down on that night, but joy too! Was there like some depression cloud spreading over the world that night?
Went clubbing the other night with e and k again. I forgot the name of the club we went to but it was definitely one of the better clubs we've been to in Perth. And the music was good - a mix of RnB and techno. Finally.
Even if I don't love you enough, but I still do love you. Maybe that is enough.
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On the other hand, my lower gum on the left side is swollen and I think my wisdom tooth on the same side might be ready to fall out. About time!
What was Friday night - depression night? Now, it wasn't just me and ee lin who were down on that night, but joy too! Was there like some depression cloud spreading over the world that night?
Went clubbing the other night with e and k again. I forgot the name of the club we went to but it was definitely one of the better clubs we've been to in Perth. And the music was good - a mix of RnB and techno. Finally.
Even if I don't love you enough, but I still do love you. Maybe that is enough.
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Saturday, April 17, 2004
Something came in the mail for me. An old tooth with what looked like bloodstains on it??? It's got Mx carved on the side and came from Europe so it can only be from one person...Marcus. What's that supposed to signify? What is he up to now? Is that his fang? It can't be...they were just regrowing when I last saw him...
Just saw ee lin online. As it turns out, we both were feeling down last night, we both wished we could have spoken with each other, and we both had nightmares last night!!! Psychic skeptics, get your kits out!
The weather is getting colder and my feet are like ice. Even when I put on my pair of red fluffy brushed bedsocks (and they are sooo cute! my first pair! i look like some character out of houshin engi in them!) they're still cold. I need one of those hot water bottles.
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Just saw ee lin online. As it turns out, we both were feeling down last night, we both wished we could have spoken with each other, and we both had nightmares last night!!! Psychic skeptics, get your kits out!
The weather is getting colder and my feet are like ice. Even when I put on my pair of red fluffy brushed bedsocks (and they are sooo cute! my first pair! i look like some character out of houshin engi in them!) they're still cold. I need one of those hot water bottles.
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Thursday, April 15, 2004
I'm afraid that I can't live my life without you, but at the same time, I'm also afraid that I don't love you enough.
Ever since I came here, I've spent most of my time online writing letters to friends...I never thought I'd be busy writing's almost got a Jane Austen feel to it, you know, when people would devote a good part of their day to "reading and writing their letters"...except of course that I write mine on e-mail and Friendster and not on thick vellum paper with a feather quill dipped in ink on a Victorian wooden writing-desk. ;) Although, that's more romantic.
A Love Affair with the Foreign
I think my favourite channel here is SBS. Yesterday I was watching this really edgy cool movie called The Suzhou River about this guy who was a photographer and how he got entangled in this love mess with this girl that this other guy thought was his former girlfriend whom he had kidnapped before and had thrown herself into the Suzhou River in Shanghai. Anyway, it was a pretty damn cool movie and the way they filmed it was pretty cool too. And after that was a Brazilian movie called Bossa Nova which is a romantic comedy, I think, and it was pretty sweet.
You know what? I think i really like living here after all. I like my freedom. I really do.
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Ever since I came here, I've spent most of my time online writing letters to friends...I never thought I'd be busy writing's almost got a Jane Austen feel to it, you know, when people would devote a good part of their day to "reading and writing their letters"...except of course that I write mine on e-mail and Friendster and not on thick vellum paper with a feather quill dipped in ink on a Victorian wooden writing-desk. ;) Although, that's more romantic.
A Love Affair with the Foreign
I think my favourite channel here is SBS. Yesterday I was watching this really edgy cool movie called The Suzhou River about this guy who was a photographer and how he got entangled in this love mess with this girl that this other guy thought was his former girlfriend whom he had kidnapped before and had thrown herself into the Suzhou River in Shanghai. Anyway, it was a pretty damn cool movie and the way they filmed it was pretty cool too. And after that was a Brazilian movie called Bossa Nova which is a romantic comedy, I think, and it was pretty sweet.
You know what? I think i really like living here after all. I like my freedom. I really do.
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Wednesday, April 14, 2004
The Church was pretty happening last night, although the dj wasn't too good...sometimes he played dance-able music but other times, well, it wasn't too dance-able, hahaha...
These days I try to get bartenders to recommend me something strong to drink because I'm sick of drinking whiskey coke or cosmopolitans all the limes or tequila shots or beer just isn't enough for me and certain bars just don't have the drinks I'm looking for...the other day this bartend-ress poured me a drink which was pretty good but I couldn't catch the name...damn....and last night this other bartend-ress got me a shot of chartreuse. When i first downed it, i was like, "whoa", but after it went down it was like...urhhhh....nothing. What a letdown.
So right now...we will be on the search for drinks that can get me going with one glass!
There was also an *adult show* (well, that's what they call 'em!) last night...two blonde strippers dressed in fluffy bunny ears and little school girl outfits...all the guys were crowding in the front so it was kind of impossible to see anything but their boobs when they took off their clothes. Kelvin got loads of pics on his camera phone though, but they were mostly blurry. Awww....
And I saw my stalker last night! Does this means he hangs out at The Church all the time? Hopefully, he forgot how I looked like...I didn't even recognize him until E told me. Luckily Kelvin was there to provide a decoy...hahahah...
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These days I try to get bartenders to recommend me something strong to drink because I'm sick of drinking whiskey coke or cosmopolitans all the limes or tequila shots or beer just isn't enough for me and certain bars just don't have the drinks I'm looking for...the other day this bartend-ress poured me a drink which was pretty good but I couldn't catch the name...damn....and last night this other bartend-ress got me a shot of chartreuse. When i first downed it, i was like, "whoa", but after it went down it was like...urhhhh....nothing. What a letdown.
So right now...we will be on the search for drinks that can get me going with one glass!
There was also an *adult show* (well, that's what they call 'em!) last night...two blonde strippers dressed in fluffy bunny ears and little school girl outfits...all the guys were crowding in the front so it was kind of impossible to see anything but their boobs when they took off their clothes. Kelvin got loads of pics on his camera phone though, but they were mostly blurry. Awww....
And I saw my stalker last night! Does this means he hangs out at The Church all the time? Hopefully, he forgot how I looked like...I didn't even recognize him until E told me. Luckily Kelvin was there to provide a decoy...hahahah...
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Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Last night was a girl's night in.
Spent the night watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and Sex and the City episodes while munching on Belgium chocolates in grungy sweats and hair in a mess and my new dragon candles burning.
It rained last night and there's a definite chill in the air. Smells of winter coming.
The sky is very Simpsons-sky like - puffy white clouds in a vivid blue sky.
Bought sunscreen today - the sun will destroy me soon.
I'm in a definite clubbing mood tonite. Will be going to The Church (a trance club) tonight! Hope that loads of people will be there...tuesday isn't really a clubbing night but since it's easter break...
I'm in the mood to redecorate my room!
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Spent the night watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and Sex and the City episodes while munching on Belgium chocolates in grungy sweats and hair in a mess and my new dragon candles burning.
It rained last night and there's a definite chill in the air. Smells of winter coming.
The sky is very Simpsons-sky like - puffy white clouds in a vivid blue sky.
Bought sunscreen today - the sun will destroy me soon.
I'm in a definite clubbing mood tonite. Will be going to The Church (a trance club) tonight! Hope that loads of people will be there...tuesday isn't really a clubbing night but since it's easter break...
I'm in the mood to redecorate my room!
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Monday, April 12, 2004
It's the first Monday of Easter break and the flat is completely empty. Everyone else has gone off for Easter. I am enjoying complete peace and quiet with the freedom to turn up my music and my TV as loud as I want to and leave my bedroom door wide open and my chocolates out in the open and sing as loud as I want to without worrying that my other flatmates are sniggering at my off-key voice. The carpark below is conspicuously empty of most cars and I think the laundry house should be pretty empty too but I don't have the change to do my laundry and besides, I'm too lazy anyway.
Went to a barbeque yesterday at Mill Point, by the river. The weather during the past couple of days has been really good, nice and windy, not too cold or too hot, and no glaring sunlight. Clouds are my friends.
The barbeque lasted until the evening, as the sky turned pink and lavender with muted shades of gold over the river, and lights winked on one by one across the city skyline on the other side of the river and you could see car headlights up and down the road.
Went to see a doctor on Thursday at the university but was told to come back after Easter because they were fully booked that day and wouldn't open until after the break. After Easter!!! I might be dead by that time if I was sick.
Chivas in Australia is just as expensive as back home. With the currency rate, actually, even more expensive. No wonder everyone here drinks either beer or wine. Rip-offs. Just like their taxicabs.
Watched The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind the other night. The one word to describe this movie is bittersweet.
Friends are really the most important thing in the world.
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Went to a barbeque yesterday at Mill Point, by the river. The weather during the past couple of days has been really good, nice and windy, not too cold or too hot, and no glaring sunlight. Clouds are my friends.
The barbeque lasted until the evening, as the sky turned pink and lavender with muted shades of gold over the river, and lights winked on one by one across the city skyline on the other side of the river and you could see car headlights up and down the road.
Went to see a doctor on Thursday at the university but was told to come back after Easter because they were fully booked that day and wouldn't open until after the break. After Easter!!! I might be dead by that time if I was sick.
Chivas in Australia is just as expensive as back home. With the currency rate, actually, even more expensive. No wonder everyone here drinks either beer or wine. Rip-offs. Just like their taxicabs.
Watched The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind the other night. The one word to describe this movie is bittersweet.
Friends are really the most important thing in the world.
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Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Got my nike shoes!!!
Went back to the Nike Factory today and swarmed up and down the aisles. Suddenly, this pair of dark red (they say the shade is nightshade/team red-shark) Nike Dunk Low Pro SB sneakers caught my eye. Saw the red laces. Walked closer. Looked at it. Took down one shoe and tried it on. Then tried on the other pair. Stood in front of the mirror. Ran back to the other pair of Nikes that I originally planned to buy and tried on both pairs. Indecision. Irritated friends by constantly asking which one they preferred. Decided on the Dunk Low Pro SB. Debated the price. BOUGHT them.
But even though I finally have a decent awesome pair of Nikes (my second pair! the first one has sort of disintegrated after so many years of wear), I can't even go jogging, well, at least not for very long distances, because when I broke in my new Nikes today, my left foot started hurting again!!! I thought the pain was finally going away!!! I am so going to see a doctor tomorrow. Even if it's nothing, at least I can set my mind at ease.
Since this place seems to be deprived of Milo in packet drinks (they only sell them in powder form in cans, but I think they have bottles, I'm not sure and I'm sure not gonna go to all the trouble of making my own Milo), I have been forced to switch to Mocha Chill, which isn't too bad. Not as good as Milo, in my admittedly and happily biased opinion, but it'll do. Nyaksnyaks.
Today's Words of Wisdom: If you can't swim, don't try to dive.
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Went back to the Nike Factory today and swarmed up and down the aisles. Suddenly, this pair of dark red (they say the shade is nightshade/team red-shark) Nike Dunk Low Pro SB sneakers caught my eye. Saw the red laces. Walked closer. Looked at it. Took down one shoe and tried it on. Then tried on the other pair. Stood in front of the mirror. Ran back to the other pair of Nikes that I originally planned to buy and tried on both pairs. Indecision. Irritated friends by constantly asking which one they preferred. Decided on the Dunk Low Pro SB. Debated the price. BOUGHT them.
But even though I finally have a decent awesome pair of Nikes (my second pair! the first one has sort of disintegrated after so many years of wear), I can't even go jogging, well, at least not for very long distances, because when I broke in my new Nikes today, my left foot started hurting again!!! I thought the pain was finally going away!!! I am so going to see a doctor tomorrow. Even if it's nothing, at least I can set my mind at ease.
Since this place seems to be deprived of Milo in packet drinks (they only sell them in powder form in cans, but I think they have bottles, I'm not sure and I'm sure not gonna go to all the trouble of making my own Milo), I have been forced to switch to Mocha Chill, which isn't too bad. Not as good as Milo, in my admittedly and happily biased opinion, but it'll do. Nyaksnyaks.
Today's Words of Wisdom: If you can't swim, don't try to dive.
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Tuesday, April 06, 2004
Did anyone check out the full moon last night? It was totally massive. No wonder the wolves are out in full force.
Can't wait for Easter break. The last week before the holidays are always the worst...
Just got mail from Farah...God, I miss you, babe, and your constant flying when you're drunk! You'd better watch out before you seriously injure yourself one of these days!
I was just thinking about this poem today that I once saw written on my school desk and it kind of stuck in my mind because it was soo true. It went something like this (excuse the bad grammar as I repeat it exactly as I rememebr it):
When you love that somebody,
That somebody doesn't love you
When somebody loves you
You don't love that somebody.
Sooo true and sooo tragic!
I think I must have annoyed sooo many shop assistants while searching for my dream pair of red sneakers yesterday. I didn't find my dream pair (sniff) but in the end it was a toss up between Converse and Nike. Finally decided to get the Nike ones (will be heading back to the Nike warehouse on Wednesday). The only bad thing is that these are more of casual wear shoes than sneakers so I won't be able to use them for serious running and basketball. I couldn't find any decent red proper sneakers but I plan to buy these shoes first and get a job and save up money and bid my time until I find my dream pair.
Today is half-price day at Gelares so me, s, and k plan to drive over for dessert. Yum yum, waffles, can't wait. I never really liked eating waffles but the ones at Gelares here aren't so bad.
I am subdued in a pleasant twilight of melancholiness and dreams...
and no, I am not high. Not until I get my shisha anyway.
On the newsfront, Greece is facing a union strike which is hampering their rush to fix up Athens in time for the Olympics because of discontent with the new Democratic party ruling.
Also, President Jacques Chirac is retaining his prime minister but demands a new government after disastrous resuls from France's latest polls.
Riots are rife in Baghdad and USA is declaring Shi'ite cleric Moktadar Sadr an outlaw for leading the uprising of the Mehdi army.
On to showbiz, Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson are pairing up again, this time in the movie Starsky and Hutch, based on the 1970s cop show...
Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill Volume 2 coming out soon! Can't wait! So square! *wink*
Also can't wait for The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, starring Kate Winslet and Jim Carrey. I'm not a fan of Jim Carrey's slapstick movies but I liked The Truman Show, which was really sweet and Spotless Mind sounds just as good...
Did anyone check out Gwyneth Paltrow all pregnant in her greeny-gold dress and blue ballet-like shoes? I'm the last person to admit that I'm a fan of Now I'm one of the biggest criticizers of Gwyneth Paltrow but even I can admit that she does look good there...
and David Beckham has been named Britain's Best-Dressed Man. But I still can't forgive him for causing that shaved-head trend where all the cute guys I knew in school shaved their heads too. A bald head is kind of cute but not when a guy already had a great hairstyle. Whyyyyy...
And on the music scene:
Utada Hikaru's released SINGLE COLLECTION VOL I., a collection of her hits like Automatic and Can You Keep A Secret...
And there's a rumor floating around that Janet Jackson's new album Damita Jo isn't doing so well...
Plus Kelly Osbourne's checked herself into drug rehabilation...
And more news from Tibet:
Anyone interested in working for Tibetan Freedom in Canada might be interested in their 2nd annual SFT Canada Conference from May 7 to 9 at the University of Toronto. More information can be found at Students for a Free Tibet
Also, SFT Week is going on right now, from April 4 to 6, where supporters can raise awareness or funds for Tibet's cause. SFT will be concentrating particularly on Tenzin Delek Rinpoche's cause (see below at Saturday, 20th March for details) this week.
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Can't wait for Easter break. The last week before the holidays are always the worst...
Just got mail from Farah...God, I miss you, babe, and your constant flying when you're drunk! You'd better watch out before you seriously injure yourself one of these days!
I was just thinking about this poem today that I once saw written on my school desk and it kind of stuck in my mind because it was soo true. It went something like this (excuse the bad grammar as I repeat it exactly as I rememebr it):
When you love that somebody,
That somebody doesn't love you
When somebody loves you
You don't love that somebody.
Sooo true and sooo tragic!
I think I must have annoyed sooo many shop assistants while searching for my dream pair of red sneakers yesterday. I didn't find my dream pair (sniff) but in the end it was a toss up between Converse and Nike. Finally decided to get the Nike ones (will be heading back to the Nike warehouse on Wednesday). The only bad thing is that these are more of casual wear shoes than sneakers so I won't be able to use them for serious running and basketball. I couldn't find any decent red proper sneakers but I plan to buy these shoes first and get a job and save up money and bid my time until I find my dream pair.
Today is half-price day at Gelares so me, s, and k plan to drive over for dessert. Yum yum, waffles, can't wait. I never really liked eating waffles but the ones at Gelares here aren't so bad.
I am subdued in a pleasant twilight of melancholiness and dreams...
and no, I am not high. Not until I get my shisha anyway.
On the newsfront, Greece is facing a union strike which is hampering their rush to fix up Athens in time for the Olympics because of discontent with the new Democratic party ruling.
Also, President Jacques Chirac is retaining his prime minister but demands a new government after disastrous resuls from France's latest polls.
Riots are rife in Baghdad and USA is declaring Shi'ite cleric Moktadar Sadr an outlaw for leading the uprising of the Mehdi army.
On to showbiz, Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson are pairing up again, this time in the movie Starsky and Hutch, based on the 1970s cop show...
Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill Volume 2 coming out soon! Can't wait! So square! *wink*
Also can't wait for The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, starring Kate Winslet and Jim Carrey. I'm not a fan of Jim Carrey's slapstick movies but I liked The Truman Show, which was really sweet and Spotless Mind sounds just as good...
Did anyone check out Gwyneth Paltrow all pregnant in her greeny-gold dress and blue ballet-like shoes? I'm the last person to admit that I'm a fan of Now I'm one of the biggest criticizers of Gwyneth Paltrow but even I can admit that she does look good there...
and David Beckham has been named Britain's Best-Dressed Man. But I still can't forgive him for causing that shaved-head trend where all the cute guys I knew in school shaved their heads too. A bald head is kind of cute but not when a guy already had a great hairstyle. Whyyyyy...
And on the music scene:
Utada Hikaru's released SINGLE COLLECTION VOL I., a collection of her hits like Automatic and Can You Keep A Secret...
And there's a rumor floating around that Janet Jackson's new album Damita Jo isn't doing so well...
Plus Kelly Osbourne's checked herself into drug rehabilation...
And more news from Tibet:
Anyone interested in working for Tibetan Freedom in Canada might be interested in their 2nd annual SFT Canada Conference from May 7 to 9 at the University of Toronto. More information can be found at Students for a Free Tibet
Also, SFT Week is going on right now, from April 4 to 6, where supporters can raise awareness or funds for Tibet's cause. SFT will be concentrating particularly on Tenzin Delek Rinpoche's cause (see below at Saturday, 20th March for details) this week.
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Sunday, April 04, 2004
Just went onto Friendster and was clearing out my message inbox when i discovered a zillion messages from people that I completely forgot to reply. Some of them were over two months old! Hurriedly replying all of them now! What the heck is wrong with me? If I keep this up, it'll be a wonder if I have any friends left...
What has happened to me since I came here??? I've got cuts on my hands, my heels are cracked and bleeding, my left foot hurts when I walk, my elbows are bruised and scabbed and my shoulders and back are aching!!! What have I been doing to myself??? If this keeps up I will be in hospital soon...
Am listening to Britney Spears's new album, In The Zone. Personally, I like it. Well, I like Toxic and Me Against the Music anyway. I hated her when she first came out before everyone else started hating her because it was fashionable to hate her, and I only hated her because I thought her songs were sooo boring but the new ones are definitely better. See, I'm objective enough to like a Britney song if it's a decent song. I don't just say "eeeuuurgh! Britney!" just because everyone else says so and you'll look like some slutty little girl wuss if you admit you were a fan. No-o. Uh-uh. Or maybe it's just that I've entered into a pop kind of mood. I'm feeling all...pop-ish. Like a flower full of opium. I'm on a hiiiiiggghhhhhhhh...
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What has happened to me since I came here??? I've got cuts on my hands, my heels are cracked and bleeding, my left foot hurts when I walk, my elbows are bruised and scabbed and my shoulders and back are aching!!! What have I been doing to myself??? If this keeps up I will be in hospital soon...
Am listening to Britney Spears's new album, In The Zone. Personally, I like it. Well, I like Toxic and Me Against the Music anyway. I hated her when she first came out before everyone else started hating her because it was fashionable to hate her, and I only hated her because I thought her songs were sooo boring but the new ones are definitely better. See, I'm objective enough to like a Britney song if it's a decent song. I don't just say "eeeuuurgh! Britney!" just because everyone else says so and you'll look like some slutty little girl wuss if you admit you were a fan. No-o. Uh-uh. Or maybe it's just that I've entered into a pop kind of mood. I'm feeling all...pop-ish. Like a flower full of opium. I'm on a hiiiiiggghhhhhhhh...
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Sick to death of studying...
This girl was never meant for studying...
It's Palm Sunday today! Churches are selling hot cross buns and my sis was reminiscing about our childhood and those custard-covered hot cross buns we used to eat when we were little and how she loved the custard so much that she'd pick it off my buns before handing them to me. I was like "what?!?" I never remembered that! I was cheated of my custard by my sister!!!
It's a cloudy overcast day. There are finally clouds in the sky!!! I was beginning to get really sick of those clear blue skies with migraine-inducing sunlight. I miss cloudy skies. Today is definitely my kind of weather. And it's neither too hot nor too cold. About time.
Overheard my flatmate talking in malay last night. It kind of surprised me because I didn't realize that the way mainland Malaysians and the Borneo side spoke Malay was different. The Borneo side's accent is nicer, smoother, more melodic than the mainland. I almost thought she was speaking Japanese at first. It seems that malay everywhere has its differences, sort of like how the Indonesians speak the same language but use certain different words and speak way faster too. It's almost sort of like different dialects, except without as much difference as there would be with Chinese language dialects.
Hooray - Glay is back with a new album, called The Frustrated. It's time to shell out money again! Damn, most of my Glay CDs are back home. Come to think of it, I left a lot of stuff at home. CDs, jewelry, books, all the essentials of life...
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This girl was never meant for studying...
It's Palm Sunday today! Churches are selling hot cross buns and my sis was reminiscing about our childhood and those custard-covered hot cross buns we used to eat when we were little and how she loved the custard so much that she'd pick it off my buns before handing them to me. I was like "what?!?" I never remembered that! I was cheated of my custard by my sister!!!
It's a cloudy overcast day. There are finally clouds in the sky!!! I was beginning to get really sick of those clear blue skies with migraine-inducing sunlight. I miss cloudy skies. Today is definitely my kind of weather. And it's neither too hot nor too cold. About time.
Overheard my flatmate talking in malay last night. It kind of surprised me because I didn't realize that the way mainland Malaysians and the Borneo side spoke Malay was different. The Borneo side's accent is nicer, smoother, more melodic than the mainland. I almost thought she was speaking Japanese at first. It seems that malay everywhere has its differences, sort of like how the Indonesians speak the same language but use certain different words and speak way faster too. It's almost sort of like different dialects, except without as much difference as there would be with Chinese language dialects.

Hooray - Glay is back with a new album, called The Frustrated. It's time to shell out money again! Damn, most of my Glay CDs are back home. Come to think of it, I left a lot of stuff at home. CDs, jewelry, books, all the essentials of life...
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Saturday, April 03, 2004
I am sitting at my desk. The only light in my room is the light of my desk lamp, a ruddy glow which mixes with the light of the vanilla candles by my window. The vanilla scent mingles with the fragrance of warm lemon tea arising from the cup beside the open crimson notebooks. Light glimmers off the scarlet ribbon intertwined around the black pen that lies on the open white pages. Night lingers at my window, a complete darkness with the exception of a single street lamp with its white twinkle.
Words and words and words and more beautiful words flow off page after page after page, mingling with sketches and dreams and harmonious notes of music disappearing off into the night, in search of the worlds beyond. The air of a town stuck between a desert and the ocean is cool and dry tonight and the singing of the crickets are loud and clear.
The sky is wide open and the moon is full. Tonight is a night where doorways to the past and the future, to other dreams and other worlds, are thrown wide open. Pathways meet and people...sometimes
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Words and words and words and more beautiful words flow off page after page after page, mingling with sketches and dreams and harmonious notes of music disappearing off into the night, in search of the worlds beyond. The air of a town stuck between a desert and the ocean is cool and dry tonight and the singing of the crickets are loud and clear.
The sky is wide open and the moon is full. Tonight is a night where doorways to the past and the future, to other dreams and other worlds, are thrown wide open. Pathways meet and people...sometimes
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Friday, April 02, 2004
Woke up at an unearthly 5:20 am today to get my ass down to Faulkner Park (made dirty jokes last night about it being Fucker Park). The cab fare was a crazy fifteen bucks but the cab driver was pretty friendly and he was kind of a war veteran so that was pretty cool. And I don't even get reimbursed for my cab fare the way I would if I was working for NST. Damn student labour.
Faulkner Park was pretty nice. I didn't expect it to look so pretty with ponds and ducks and black swans everywhere, which was cool. The old people from the physiotherapist group were also pretty nice, which was a relief because I had been harboring this secret fear that they might be racist, anti-youth, elderly people who would glare at me and tell me to fuck off and refuse to answer my questions. But they weren't like that at all; the total opposite actually.
Since cabs are so expensive, I took a bus back from Faulkner Park to the city. The bus I had to take from the city back to my place wasn't due in another hour so I went shopping - yes, even in the early morning, Marilyn can find places to shop :). Note to self - MUST stop spending and get a job!!! And then...I lost track of time and missed the next bus so went shopping some more. Did the whole walking around with a coffee cup and newspaper in hand thing. And by that time, most of the stores were open, so i had to tear myself away from the stores so i wouldn't miss the next bus. I love shopping with friends, but sometimes it's nice to go shopping by myself and browse extra long at the shops i like.
God, am I turning into a loner again?
This hot guy was staring at me as I passed him by on the bus. Since he couldn't have been staring at my beautiful face or my McDonald's Breakfast, he must have been jealous of my fluffy pink jacket. *smug smirk* everyone wants my jacket.
Listening to: What If by Kate Winslet
Weather: Entering Autumn
Reading: "The Lost World" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Everytime I pass the rivers on the way to and from the city, they make me think of that part in the Belgariad where Belgarath finally sobered up from his drunken grief over his wife's "death" and then threw himself into the river and swam across it and "washed off a multitude of sins" whole doing so.
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Faulkner Park was pretty nice. I didn't expect it to look so pretty with ponds and ducks and black swans everywhere, which was cool. The old people from the physiotherapist group were also pretty nice, which was a relief because I had been harboring this secret fear that they might be racist, anti-youth, elderly people who would glare at me and tell me to fuck off and refuse to answer my questions. But they weren't like that at all; the total opposite actually.
Since cabs are so expensive, I took a bus back from Faulkner Park to the city. The bus I had to take from the city back to my place wasn't due in another hour so I went shopping - yes, even in the early morning, Marilyn can find places to shop :). Note to self - MUST stop spending and get a job!!! And then...I lost track of time and missed the next bus so went shopping some more. Did the whole walking around with a coffee cup and newspaper in hand thing. And by that time, most of the stores were open, so i had to tear myself away from the stores so i wouldn't miss the next bus. I love shopping with friends, but sometimes it's nice to go shopping by myself and browse extra long at the shops i like.
God, am I turning into a loner again?
This hot guy was staring at me as I passed him by on the bus. Since he couldn't have been staring at my beautiful face or my McDonald's Breakfast, he must have been jealous of my fluffy pink jacket. *smug smirk* everyone wants my jacket.
Listening to: What If by Kate Winslet
Weather: Entering Autumn
Reading: "The Lost World" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Everytime I pass the rivers on the way to and from the city, they make me think of that part in the Belgariad where Belgarath finally sobered up from his drunken grief over his wife's "death" and then threw himself into the river and swam across it and "washed off a multitude of sins" whole doing so.
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