Saturday, November 19, 2005
So I've been spending most of my time lounging around watching everyone else study! On Monday, I went down to the city with the Duchess where we arranged our flight tickets. I then walked the Duchess to her workplace and sat around in an empty classy restaurant for five minutes before running off. I was going to have lunch with my sister so I had about two hours to kill, most of which I spent browsing through books and CDs at Dymocks and JB Hi-Fi. My sister called me about half an hour before our lunch date and told me to get her some tapestry thread at Lincraft, which I have never set foot in before. WOW, look at the place! I have to go back there and get some beads and bead string and start making jewelry for everyone! It's so cool.
The family's gone off to Turkey right now. Lucky them! I hope Mom comes back with lots of cool stuff!
And someone has been trying to turn my tagboard into a matchmaking spot. Lol, please, please don't! Go on friendster or Hifi or partyface or something but not here! (otherwise we might just start making terrible prank calls to you at three in the morning on pay phones and make your life UNBEARABLE) arrite?!?
Last night I was over at the Brothel Boys' Flat. The Philosopher from the Gutter had some friends from Seychelles who were studying in Melbourne visiting, so there was a whole gathering of Seychellois on the balcony having beer and wine and talking about home. And, to my own guys back home, it made ME think about home and it made me miss ya so much! You all - ScreamingSour, Bundles, Potatoes and Carrots, Backstabbed, Kelly-Mandy, Mary, Dizzy Lizzy, Alleya, Mad Adelaide Dentist, SweetRhapsody and all the rest of you!!! I miss you guys!!!!!!
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The family's gone off to Turkey right now. Lucky them! I hope Mom comes back with lots of cool stuff!
And someone has been trying to turn my tagboard into a matchmaking spot. Lol, please, please don't! Go on friendster or Hifi or partyface or something but not here! (otherwise we might just start making terrible prank calls to you at three in the morning on pay phones and make your life UNBEARABLE) arrite?!?
Last night I was over at the Brothel Boys' Flat. The Philosopher from the Gutter had some friends from Seychelles who were studying in Melbourne visiting, so there was a whole gathering of Seychellois on the balcony having beer and wine and talking about home. And, to my own guys back home, it made ME think about home and it made me miss ya so much! You all - ScreamingSour, Bundles, Potatoes and Carrots, Backstabbed, Kelly-Mandy, Mary, Dizzy Lizzy, Alleya, Mad Adelaide Dentist, SweetRhapsody and all the rest of you!!! I miss you guys!!!!!!
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Saturday, November 12, 2005
I watched the sun rise this morning!
I couldn't sleep so I lay in bed and just watched the sky grow brighter and lighter, then got up and switched on my pc.
Today was a brilliant, brilliant day, bright and sunny and perfect. Too bad everyone else is busy studying for finals...hahaha...
Last night the Lost Smoker and I headed down to Blockbuster and rented Wes Craven's Don't Look Down (not worth it, not the slightest bit scary) and Anchorman. I wanted to get all kinds of funny chick stuff like D.E.B.S. and the Mexican and Coyote Ugly but the Lost Smoker nixed all of my ideas. Pah...
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I couldn't sleep so I lay in bed and just watched the sky grow brighter and lighter, then got up and switched on my pc.
Today was a brilliant, brilliant day, bright and sunny and perfect. Too bad everyone else is busy studying for finals...hahaha...
Last night the Lost Smoker and I headed down to Blockbuster and rented Wes Craven's Don't Look Down (not worth it, not the slightest bit scary) and Anchorman. I wanted to get all kinds of funny chick stuff like D.E.B.S. and the Mexican and Coyote Ugly but the Lost Smoker nixed all of my ideas. Pah...
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Friday, November 11, 2005
By the time the Duchess and I got back it was probably around midnight or clos to midnight, maybe. We ran screaming through EUH, I think the Turbanator and his RA friends must have thought we were drunk. When we got back, we bumped into Tom Thumb Hairdryer, who apparently hadn't gone to work yesterday because of Margeux on Wednesday, lol. Mystery Wolf also came out of her room to return the ever-so-popular hairdryer to the Duchess, lol. Speaking of Mystery Wolf, I have finally added her website to my list of links over there on the sidebar, just click on her name - Mystery Wolf. I know, I know, gurl, it's about time I got around to that! :P
I headed on home and flopped down on the bed with the TV turned on. There weren't an impresive shows on TV that night - some really weird Japanese movie whose characters erupted into song and dance was on the foreign channel and which really freaked me out so I turned the TV off right away. I tried to get to bed but I couldn't - there was a super-annoying grain of sand or something in my eye and no matter what I did, I couldn't get it out of my eye. It just pissed the hell out of me! Finally, I decided to ignore it and just go to sleep, but do you know how hard it is to do that when you can just FEEL something in your eye? Gaaah... well I woke up this morning and it's gone, thank goodness.
It's a beautiful day today! There were also bees buzzing outside my window just now, but they're gone now. In a movie, that is always an ominous sign. Bees are never a good sign in movies. Hollywood producers must hate them.
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I headed on home and flopped down on the bed with the TV turned on. There weren't an impresive shows on TV that night - some really weird Japanese movie whose characters erupted into song and dance was on the foreign channel and which really freaked me out so I turned the TV off right away. I tried to get to bed but I couldn't - there was a super-annoying grain of sand or something in my eye and no matter what I did, I couldn't get it out of my eye. It just pissed the hell out of me! Finally, I decided to ignore it and just go to sleep, but do you know how hard it is to do that when you can just FEEL something in your eye? Gaaah... well I woke up this morning and it's gone, thank goodness.
It's a beautiful day today! There were also bees buzzing outside my window just now, but they're gone now. In a movie, that is always an ominous sign. Bees are never a good sign in movies. Hollywood producers must hate them.
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Last night, the Duchess, Baby Brother, Prawn Cousin and I headed to Carousel to have dinner. We ended up eating at the Box 3 restaurant which was a pretty nice place with purple walls. The Duchess had a fish fillet in a peanut chili sauce, a slice of Malteaser chocolate cake (which was yummy!!!) and a strawberry dacquiri. The Prawn Cousin had eaten already and just had a whiskey coke and tiramisu. Baby Brother's vegetarian so he had the vegetarian stir-fry and steamed rice, and he shared an Illusion with me. I had Steak Mushroom, which is a slice of steak in (as you can pretty much guess from the name) mushroom sauce, with yummy mushrooms and salad and fries. It was delish! I feel hungry just writing about it!
After dinner, we drove over to the Smiling Baboon's house to visit him. It seems that the Smiling Baboon has been in hospital for an operation for - are you ready for this? - he has been in major pain because his ass hair has grown too long and is causing major pain to the base of his spine. Poor Smiling Baboon - he can't even sit down now and he has to endure the pain (and probably embarassment, but I doubt SB embarasses easily) of a nurse who herself has to endure the sight of Baboon's ass as she changes his dressing every day. He will be bleeding from the ass for the next six weeks. It will be like six weeks of nonstop menstruation for him lol! Dear, dear SB... he's been having a lot of bad luck this month. Let's hope that he has better luck next month...awww...
Anyway, we ended up standing outside his house as his aunt's in-laws are in, visiting. His aunt tried to get us to come in and wanted to serve us drinks but we insisted we were fine. The Duchess and the Prawn Cousin, who seemed to have reverted into children, raced around screaming and hitting one another while Baby Brother, who is actually the youngest of us all, just groaned and admonished them in a very fatherly-like way. After a while, Mandesh showed up as well, after straightening out the directions to SB's house out over the phone (They were telling her to turn right at the first roundabou. "There IS no right!" we hear her shouting over the phone.) Later on, R, U, and Y showed up as well and we basically stood around smoking until the BAby Brother got tired of standing around in the cold and dragged the Prawn Cousin back into the car. (By this time, the Duchess, who was wiped out, was lying in the back of the car, in the trunk, actually, almost fast asleep).
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After dinner, we drove over to the Smiling Baboon's house to visit him. It seems that the Smiling Baboon has been in hospital for an operation for - are you ready for this? - he has been in major pain because his ass hair has grown too long and is causing major pain to the base of his spine. Poor Smiling Baboon - he can't even sit down now and he has to endure the pain (and probably embarassment, but I doubt SB embarasses easily) of a nurse who herself has to endure the sight of Baboon's ass as she changes his dressing every day. He will be bleeding from the ass for the next six weeks. It will be like six weeks of nonstop menstruation for him lol! Dear, dear SB... he's been having a lot of bad luck this month. Let's hope that he has better luck next month...awww...
Anyway, we ended up standing outside his house as his aunt's in-laws are in, visiting. His aunt tried to get us to come in and wanted to serve us drinks but we insisted we were fine. The Duchess and the Prawn Cousin, who seemed to have reverted into children, raced around screaming and hitting one another while Baby Brother, who is actually the youngest of us all, just groaned and admonished them in a very fatherly-like way. After a while, Mandesh showed up as well, after straightening out the directions to SB's house out over the phone (They were telling her to turn right at the first roundabou. "There IS no right!" we hear her shouting over the phone.) Later on, R, U, and Y showed up as well and we basically stood around smoking until the BAby Brother got tired of standing around in the cold and dragged the Prawn Cousin back into the car. (By this time, the Duchess, who was wiped out, was lying in the back of the car, in the trunk, actually, almost fast asleep).
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
Water Fight!
Aaaah I was shivering wet and cold last night! Myself, Mystery Wolf, the Lost Smoker, Tom Thumb Hairdryer and his friend S had gone to Margeux. The Mystery Wolf and I had cosmopolitans which I have missed sorely! We also had Long Island Teas, Smirnoff Ices, Smirnoff Ice Orange Twists, and the Mystery Wolf and I had a shot of sambuca each. I have never had sambuca straight up before, only mixed with other things like Baileys, and I have to say it tastes dastardly by itself, like cough syrup. When we had gotten home after clubbing, that evil Tom Thumb threw a bowl of water over me which erupted into one big water fight and we ended up running around and screaming and throwing water at each other. I got the Lost Smoker pretty good - every time he changed his shirt to a dry one, I threw water all over him again! And Mystery Wolf ran out of the flat and clear out of firing target and she ended up grabbing handsful of lavender and throwing it all over S's car. I got totally drenched! Unfair! I didn't even live in the flat so I had to head out in the cold, cold night soaking wet! We were pretty noisy, I guess. The Duchess has complained and apparently after I left, for some reason the Lost Smoker was screaming in the hallway, causing the Duchess to have to yell back at him to keep it down. Poor girl, she was awakened out of her much-needed sleep by a bunch of drunken maniacs!
Cute blogs
Been reading a couple of cute blogs. One is, which is a blog by someone pretending to be Zahara, Angelina Jolie's adoted daughter! I wanted to read the Maddox one too, but I can't seem to access it right now. According to Zahara, "Maddox has been grounded from his blog!" Lol, what the hell.
Hammies and ponies.
Ooh, and I want a hamster right now. It got stuck in my head after I read about how Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas realized how bad her (now-cured) addiction to crystal meth was when she found herself talking to her hamster for eight hours. Even though crystal meth is, like, bad, I thought the hamster thing was adorable. I haven't thought about hamsters for ages.
Ooh, and police riding on ponies (all right, horses) have been spotted around EUH! I saw a brown one and a white one. They were adorable! I guess it's for added security. I wanted to take carrots and feed them. The Tall One wanted to flick rubber bands at them so that they can kick the policemen off them.
Got any tobbaco?
Have been watching a couple of movies over the past few days. The Lost Smoker had rented Dead Man starring Johnny Depp and a whole bunch of other famous names that just made everyone go "Oooh! I know him! And him! And him!" when they flashed the cast names in the beginning of the movie. It was in black and white, which turned out to be better than I thought. I liked the movie, although it was a little too draggy towards the end and made me sleepy. But then I've been on a sleeping kick these past few days - I sleep everywhere and anywhere. I'm getting lazy! But the movie was cool. The new line of the month: "Got any tobacco on you?" and "Stupid fucking white man!"
Shoot 'em up!
And also watched Doom the other day with the Gutter Philosopher. He was all excited because he used to play all the Doom games. But he ended up missing the beginning of the fun part when Samantha injected her brother with the genome and he became all superhuman and video game like. That was fun - it made me think of playing House of the Dead with ScreamingSour. Girl, I miss those times!
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Aaaah I was shivering wet and cold last night! Myself, Mystery Wolf, the Lost Smoker, Tom Thumb Hairdryer and his friend S had gone to Margeux. The Mystery Wolf and I had cosmopolitans which I have missed sorely! We also had Long Island Teas, Smirnoff Ices, Smirnoff Ice Orange Twists, and the Mystery Wolf and I had a shot of sambuca each. I have never had sambuca straight up before, only mixed with other things like Baileys, and I have to say it tastes dastardly by itself, like cough syrup. When we had gotten home after clubbing, that evil Tom Thumb threw a bowl of water over me which erupted into one big water fight and we ended up running around and screaming and throwing water at each other. I got the Lost Smoker pretty good - every time he changed his shirt to a dry one, I threw water all over him again! And Mystery Wolf ran out of the flat and clear out of firing target and she ended up grabbing handsful of lavender and throwing it all over S's car. I got totally drenched! Unfair! I didn't even live in the flat so I had to head out in the cold, cold night soaking wet! We were pretty noisy, I guess. The Duchess has complained and apparently after I left, for some reason the Lost Smoker was screaming in the hallway, causing the Duchess to have to yell back at him to keep it down. Poor girl, she was awakened out of her much-needed sleep by a bunch of drunken maniacs!
Cute blogs
Been reading a couple of cute blogs. One is, which is a blog by someone pretending to be Zahara, Angelina Jolie's adoted daughter! I wanted to read the Maddox one too, but I can't seem to access it right now. According to Zahara, "Maddox has been grounded from his blog!" Lol, what the hell.
Hammies and ponies.
Ooh, and I want a hamster right now. It got stuck in my head after I read about how Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas realized how bad her (now-cured) addiction to crystal meth was when she found herself talking to her hamster for eight hours. Even though crystal meth is, like, bad, I thought the hamster thing was adorable. I haven't thought about hamsters for ages.
Ooh, and police riding on ponies (all right, horses) have been spotted around EUH! I saw a brown one and a white one. They were adorable! I guess it's for added security. I wanted to take carrots and feed them. The Tall One wanted to flick rubber bands at them so that they can kick the policemen off them.
Got any tobbaco?
Have been watching a couple of movies over the past few days. The Lost Smoker had rented Dead Man starring Johnny Depp and a whole bunch of other famous names that just made everyone go "Oooh! I know him! And him! And him!" when they flashed the cast names in the beginning of the movie. It was in black and white, which turned out to be better than I thought. I liked the movie, although it was a little too draggy towards the end and made me sleepy. But then I've been on a sleeping kick these past few days - I sleep everywhere and anywhere. I'm getting lazy! But the movie was cool. The new line of the month: "Got any tobacco on you?" and "Stupid fucking white man!"
Shoot 'em up!
And also watched Doom the other day with the Gutter Philosopher. He was all excited because he used to play all the Doom games. But he ended up missing the beginning of the fun part when Samantha injected her brother with the genome and he became all superhuman and video game like. That was fun - it made me think of playing House of the Dead with ScreamingSour. Girl, I miss those times!
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Friday, November 04, 2005
I would have posted this yesterday but was unable to.
Yesterday was the last day of classes for this semester - at least for me! Completed my last four hours of radio shift. It was a big surprise that it was my most productive shift as well, despite my lack of sleep as I had been up on Tuesday night attending a Diwali dinner with the Duchess, Prawn Cousin, Baby Brother, M & U, Mystery Wolf, the Lost Smoker, Tom Thumb Hairdryer, A., Baboon, Rayan, and a whole bunch of other people. It was pretty fun - we sat at a long table full of people and ate and drank and talked and later on there was dancing - a bit like a Monsoon Wedding kind of thing.
Anyway, was a little exhausted on Wednesday morning at 8am, but to my surprise, I managed to rewrite four news stories in the first hour. When I checked back on the time I submitted each story, I realized I had managed to rewrite each story in about ten minutes. Hooray - we're getting faster! Later on, I rewrote two more AAP stories, two BBC stories (they used my story about George Bush's bird flu strategy on the news!) and managed to get a phone interview and made that into a story. I was done just in time for noon and said my goodbyes and took off into the brilliant sunshine!
Had lunch at George's Kebabs with Mystery Wolf and the Lost Smoker after that. Tom Thumb Hairdryer's colleague, S, also had lunch with us - we had bumped into him at the market stalls on campus, where I had dragged Mystery Wolf and the Lost Smoker along to browse through with me. I wanted to buy some more jewelry for everyone back home but there wasn't much that I liked and Mystery Wolf and the Lost Smoker were getting restless. I bought Famished Road by Ben Okri at the book stalls - it was recommended to me by the Porn Star. It's okay so far - nothing that really catches my attention but it's pretty good writing, I guess. I'll tell you more about it when I'm done reading - I've just reached the twelth chapter. The person I like best so far is Azaro's mother and Madame Koto, the woman in charge of the palm-wine bar, but I've only just met Madame Koto and from what I've gleaned through a quick flip of the pages ahead, the mother may or may not die soon, so more on that later! ;)
Later after lunch, S headed off to work (he's studying a PhD and doing an internship, as how Tom Thumb Hairdryer is too) and myself, MW and LS headed home. We walked across the oval and around the duck pond and saw lots of little ducks, a mother duck and her most adorable little baby duckling that was having a little trouble swimming against the current, and a couple of fat drakes that were just sitting and having a sort of silent chat. There were loads of water lilies in full bloom on the duck pond - they were gorgeous and I wanted some of them but the most frustrating thing was that they were blooming just out of arm's reach from the banks! Bah! There was also this purple tree that I thought was blooming with purple leaves but on closer look it was full of little purple flowers that looked a little like bouganvillas (i can't remember how to spell that, always having trouble with that particular word). I picked one and immediately the petals fell off one by one and danced away in the wind, almost like a big purple dandelion.
I've been having a really terrible mouth ulcer that hurts like hell and makes it next to impossible to smile and talk. Urgh! The Philosopher from the Gutter wants to put a knife into it and burst it or whatever, insisting it would make it better. I'm kind of afraid of allowing him to do that. But I've gotten Listerine to gargle with, because that really works. I hope it goes away soon! I really hate it!
Today, I went shopping in Coles to pick up some conditioner and stuff and I got a bouquet of red flowers for Moon Von. She's been busy studying hard for her exams and stressing out about certain problems again and jsut lost one of a pair of her favourite earrings last night, so she's a little upset. So I thought I'd cheer her up with some flowers! When I gave them to her just now, her whole face just lit up and she was so happy! It just made me happy as well :) and I've done my good deed for today, making someone else happy!
Speaking of earrings, I bought a pair of cute orange dangly earrings yesterday too. A couple of girls studying jewelry design in uni came around selling the stuff they've been making. Some of the things are pretty cute and they were pretty cheap too.
Is a flower a spell of something more magical and beautiful than it really is? Or is it just pretty because it is the bearer of the secrets of life?
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Yesterday was the last day of classes for this semester - at least for me! Completed my last four hours of radio shift. It was a big surprise that it was my most productive shift as well, despite my lack of sleep as I had been up on Tuesday night attending a Diwali dinner with the Duchess, Prawn Cousin, Baby Brother, M & U, Mystery Wolf, the Lost Smoker, Tom Thumb Hairdryer, A., Baboon, Rayan, and a whole bunch of other people. It was pretty fun - we sat at a long table full of people and ate and drank and talked and later on there was dancing - a bit like a Monsoon Wedding kind of thing.
Anyway, was a little exhausted on Wednesday morning at 8am, but to my surprise, I managed to rewrite four news stories in the first hour. When I checked back on the time I submitted each story, I realized I had managed to rewrite each story in about ten minutes. Hooray - we're getting faster! Later on, I rewrote two more AAP stories, two BBC stories (they used my story about George Bush's bird flu strategy on the news!) and managed to get a phone interview and made that into a story. I was done just in time for noon and said my goodbyes and took off into the brilliant sunshine!
Had lunch at George's Kebabs with Mystery Wolf and the Lost Smoker after that. Tom Thumb Hairdryer's colleague, S, also had lunch with us - we had bumped into him at the market stalls on campus, where I had dragged Mystery Wolf and the Lost Smoker along to browse through with me. I wanted to buy some more jewelry for everyone back home but there wasn't much that I liked and Mystery Wolf and the Lost Smoker were getting restless. I bought Famished Road by Ben Okri at the book stalls - it was recommended to me by the Porn Star. It's okay so far - nothing that really catches my attention but it's pretty good writing, I guess. I'll tell you more about it when I'm done reading - I've just reached the twelth chapter. The person I like best so far is Azaro's mother and Madame Koto, the woman in charge of the palm-wine bar, but I've only just met Madame Koto and from what I've gleaned through a quick flip of the pages ahead, the mother may or may not die soon, so more on that later! ;)
Later after lunch, S headed off to work (he's studying a PhD and doing an internship, as how Tom Thumb Hairdryer is too) and myself, MW and LS headed home. We walked across the oval and around the duck pond and saw lots of little ducks, a mother duck and her most adorable little baby duckling that was having a little trouble swimming against the current, and a couple of fat drakes that were just sitting and having a sort of silent chat. There were loads of water lilies in full bloom on the duck pond - they were gorgeous and I wanted some of them but the most frustrating thing was that they were blooming just out of arm's reach from the banks! Bah! There was also this purple tree that I thought was blooming with purple leaves but on closer look it was full of little purple flowers that looked a little like bouganvillas (i can't remember how to spell that, always having trouble with that particular word). I picked one and immediately the petals fell off one by one and danced away in the wind, almost like a big purple dandelion.
I've been having a really terrible mouth ulcer that hurts like hell and makes it next to impossible to smile and talk. Urgh! The Philosopher from the Gutter wants to put a knife into it and burst it or whatever, insisting it would make it better. I'm kind of afraid of allowing him to do that. But I've gotten Listerine to gargle with, because that really works. I hope it goes away soon! I really hate it!
Today, I went shopping in Coles to pick up some conditioner and stuff and I got a bouquet of red flowers for Moon Von. She's been busy studying hard for her exams and stressing out about certain problems again and jsut lost one of a pair of her favourite earrings last night, so she's a little upset. So I thought I'd cheer her up with some flowers! When I gave them to her just now, her whole face just lit up and she was so happy! It just made me happy as well :) and I've done my good deed for today, making someone else happy!
Speaking of earrings, I bought a pair of cute orange dangly earrings yesterday too. A couple of girls studying jewelry design in uni came around selling the stuff they've been making. Some of the things are pretty cute and they were pretty cheap too.
Is a flower a spell of something more magical and beautiful than it really is? Or is it just pretty because it is the bearer of the secrets of life?
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Thursday, November 03, 2005
Bloggers in trouble?
I just settled down on the couch in my lounge, the blinds drawn back to allow late morning sunshine to flood into the room, an apple in a hand and my new Cleo mag in my hand. And I flip the mag open and it falls to an article that reads "Can a blog get you fired?"
What's this? The article's about a few chicks who got fired because of their blogs. For example, there's one about an airline employee who got fired because she had uploaded photos of herself posing in a plane in her uniform. And another one was the beauty editor of the mag Jolie in NYC, who had wrote her observations about celebrities and the perks she got from her job. She quit her job but from what the article says, she couldn't get another job because her other future employers had heard about what had happened as well.
Blogging's not safe! LOL. Well, that should be pretty obvious since just about anyone can read the stuff you're putting out. This is why I put nicknames for most people that I write about - because I know some of them may not appreciate having other people read about them and know their real names, although knowing some of you guys, I know you won't mind having your real names on my blog! :p And there are also a bunch of things going on in my life that I would never put down in this blog because, erm, it's probably best not to! :p Who knows, we might get arrested because of our blog one day! And this other girl whose blog I visit a lot, has been deleting the names of some stuff like restaurants or street names or people names and replacing them with a dash or a false name because she had noticed that her blog was getting almost hundreds of visitors every day and she figured it was probably not a good idea to allow other people clues as to where she lived and so on in case one of these visitors is a psycho stalker that decides to stalk her or her friends! Which pretty much makes sense, really.
On the working side, which was the focus of the article I mentioned earlier, remember that blog that was on Blogger's top ten list of blogs for a while, Belle in the City or something like that? It was about a girl working in New York, and I was reading a post about one of her superiors having a coke habit. Like I said, it is really safe to write about such things on a blog?
Oh, well. To each their own!
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I just settled down on the couch in my lounge, the blinds drawn back to allow late morning sunshine to flood into the room, an apple in a hand and my new Cleo mag in my hand. And I flip the mag open and it falls to an article that reads "Can a blog get you fired?"
What's this? The article's about a few chicks who got fired because of their blogs. For example, there's one about an airline employee who got fired because she had uploaded photos of herself posing in a plane in her uniform. And another one was the beauty editor of the mag Jolie in NYC, who had wrote her observations about celebrities and the perks she got from her job. She quit her job but from what the article says, she couldn't get another job because her other future employers had heard about what had happened as well.
Blogging's not safe! LOL. Well, that should be pretty obvious since just about anyone can read the stuff you're putting out. This is why I put nicknames for most people that I write about - because I know some of them may not appreciate having other people read about them and know their real names, although knowing some of you guys, I know you won't mind having your real names on my blog! :p And there are also a bunch of things going on in my life that I would never put down in this blog because, erm, it's probably best not to! :p Who knows, we might get arrested because of our blog one day! And this other girl whose blog I visit a lot, has been deleting the names of some stuff like restaurants or street names or people names and replacing them with a dash or a false name because she had noticed that her blog was getting almost hundreds of visitors every day and she figured it was probably not a good idea to allow other people clues as to where she lived and so on in case one of these visitors is a psycho stalker that decides to stalk her or her friends! Which pretty much makes sense, really.
On the working side, which was the focus of the article I mentioned earlier, remember that blog that was on Blogger's top ten list of blogs for a while, Belle in the City or something like that? It was about a girl working in New York, and I was reading a post about one of her superiors having a coke habit. Like I said, it is really safe to write about such things on a blog?
Oh, well. To each their own!
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Wednesday, November 02, 2005
So, the other day was Halloween, Divali (the Indian New Year and festival of lights) and All Saints Day all rolled into one. It may also be Eidh, but I'm not too sure about that because one of my friends seem to be celebrating it right now but another tells me it's not till tomorrow, and I'm too lazy to go check the calendars.
Anyway, on Halloween's Eve, I was walking home from the Brothel Flat at night when I suddenly spy a horrible face at the sliding doors of Flat 28's balcony through their window and I froze in horror. Is that the Lost Smoker? I wonder. No, it isn't! Who is that? It's a terrible apparition! And then I suddenly realized it was Hallow's Eve, Samhain Night, the night where the veil between the living and the dead is the thinnest and ghosts come out and then I realize it's exactly MIDNIGHT.
I keep on walking steadily but everything suddenly seemed to change. It was as if the world around me had known that I had just realized it was Halloween. The wind suddenly whipped up into a frenzy, howling and whistling directly into my ear. The trees shook their dark branches spookily at me. I passed by the creepy little dark back alley behind Flat 28 and even though I told myself NOT to look down there, I couldn't help but turn my head and look directly at the alley disappearing into nothing but darkness and it was as if the wind was howling down the alley and rushing right at me. I keep on walking, telling myself not to run. I could feel the spirits and ghosts rushing all around me, the darkness shaking itself down on me...
Thank goodness most of my neighbors had their lights turned on, including my flat's lounge. If the entire block ahd been drenched in darkness, it could possibly be too much for me to handle. I continue walking up the steps, telling myself not to run. The moment I reached my front door, the wind suddenly ceased and the night seemed to still.
I opened my door as quickly as I could and stepped in, turning around as I shut the door, so no spirits would follow me in. I breathed a sigh of relief. I was home, safe and sound and warm in the bright lights. Whew.
That's the last time I ever go walking around on the exact stroke of midnight on All Hallow's Eve alone!
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Anyway, on Halloween's Eve, I was walking home from the Brothel Flat at night when I suddenly spy a horrible face at the sliding doors of Flat 28's balcony through their window and I froze in horror. Is that the Lost Smoker? I wonder. No, it isn't! Who is that? It's a terrible apparition! And then I suddenly realized it was Hallow's Eve, Samhain Night, the night where the veil between the living and the dead is the thinnest and ghosts come out and then I realize it's exactly MIDNIGHT.
I keep on walking steadily but everything suddenly seemed to change. It was as if the world around me had known that I had just realized it was Halloween. The wind suddenly whipped up into a frenzy, howling and whistling directly into my ear. The trees shook their dark branches spookily at me. I passed by the creepy little dark back alley behind Flat 28 and even though I told myself NOT to look down there, I couldn't help but turn my head and look directly at the alley disappearing into nothing but darkness and it was as if the wind was howling down the alley and rushing right at me. I keep on walking, telling myself not to run. I could feel the spirits and ghosts rushing all around me, the darkness shaking itself down on me...
Thank goodness most of my neighbors had their lights turned on, including my flat's lounge. If the entire block ahd been drenched in darkness, it could possibly be too much for me to handle. I continue walking up the steps, telling myself not to run. The moment I reached my front door, the wind suddenly ceased and the night seemed to still.
I opened my door as quickly as I could and stepped in, turning around as I shut the door, so no spirits would follow me in. I breathed a sigh of relief. I was home, safe and sound and warm in the bright lights. Whew.
That's the last time I ever go walking around on the exact stroke of midnight on All Hallow's Eve alone!
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