Thursday, November 03, 2005
Bloggers in trouble?
I just settled down on the couch in my lounge, the blinds drawn back to allow late morning sunshine to flood into the room, an apple in a hand and my new Cleo mag in my hand. And I flip the mag open and it falls to an article that reads "Can a blog get you fired?"
What's this? The article's about a few chicks who got fired because of their blogs. For example, there's one about an airline employee who got fired because she had uploaded photos of herself posing in a plane in her uniform. And another one was the beauty editor of the mag Jolie in NYC, who had wrote her observations about celebrities and the perks she got from her job. She quit her job but from what the article says, she couldn't get another job because her other future employers had heard about what had happened as well.
Blogging's not safe! LOL. Well, that should be pretty obvious since just about anyone can read the stuff you're putting out. This is why I put nicknames for most people that I write about - because I know some of them may not appreciate having other people read about them and know their real names, although knowing some of you guys, I know you won't mind having your real names on my blog! :p And there are also a bunch of things going on in my life that I would never put down in this blog because, erm, it's probably best not to! :p Who knows, we might get arrested because of our blog one day! And this other girl whose blog I visit a lot, has been deleting the names of some stuff like restaurants or street names or people names and replacing them with a dash or a false name because she had noticed that her blog was getting almost hundreds of visitors every day and she figured it was probably not a good idea to allow other people clues as to where she lived and so on in case one of these visitors is a psycho stalker that decides to stalk her or her friends! Which pretty much makes sense, really.
On the working side, which was the focus of the article I mentioned earlier, remember that blog that was on Blogger's top ten list of blogs for a while, Belle in the City or something like that? It was about a girl working in New York, and I was reading a post about one of her superiors having a coke habit. Like I said, it is really safe to write about such things on a blog?
Oh, well. To each their own!
I just settled down on the couch in my lounge, the blinds drawn back to allow late morning sunshine to flood into the room, an apple in a hand and my new Cleo mag in my hand. And I flip the mag open and it falls to an article that reads "Can a blog get you fired?"
What's this? The article's about a few chicks who got fired because of their blogs. For example, there's one about an airline employee who got fired because she had uploaded photos of herself posing in a plane in her uniform. And another one was the beauty editor of the mag Jolie in NYC, who had wrote her observations about celebrities and the perks she got from her job. She quit her job but from what the article says, she couldn't get another job because her other future employers had heard about what had happened as well.
Blogging's not safe! LOL. Well, that should be pretty obvious since just about anyone can read the stuff you're putting out. This is why I put nicknames for most people that I write about - because I know some of them may not appreciate having other people read about them and know their real names, although knowing some of you guys, I know you won't mind having your real names on my blog! :p And there are also a bunch of things going on in my life that I would never put down in this blog because, erm, it's probably best not to! :p Who knows, we might get arrested because of our blog one day! And this other girl whose blog I visit a lot, has been deleting the names of some stuff like restaurants or street names or people names and replacing them with a dash or a false name because she had noticed that her blog was getting almost hundreds of visitors every day and she figured it was probably not a good idea to allow other people clues as to where she lived and so on in case one of these visitors is a psycho stalker that decides to stalk her or her friends! Which pretty much makes sense, really.
On the working side, which was the focus of the article I mentioned earlier, remember that blog that was on Blogger's top ten list of blogs for a while, Belle in the City or something like that? It was about a girl working in New York, and I was reading a post about one of her superiors having a coke habit. Like I said, it is really safe to write about such things on a blog?
Oh, well. To each their own!
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