Tuesday, December 30, 2003
I nearly ran over a bunch of carolers on my way home today. They were all just standing around on the road and I was like practically more than twenty feet away from them with my headlights turned on and everything so you'd think they had plent of time to get out of the way, but no, they just kept standing there and staring at my oncoming car like they were suicidal carolers or something, especially this guy who was just clutching his guitar and staring like a deer. i felt like accelerating and running them all over but they finally came to their senses and jumped out of the way. when i got home, i found my parents waiting for some caroling group to come by and what do you know, they were the very same carolers i nearly ran over.
funny, aren't they a little late in the month to be caroling? maybe that explains their slow reaction to jump out of the way. everything they do is late.
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funny, aren't they a little late in the month to be caroling? maybe that explains their slow reaction to jump out of the way. everything they do is late.
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Thursday, December 18, 2003
it's the last day of work today! and tomorrow i get to go thailand! happy happy joy joy i'm going to thailand to buy an elephant and a whore!
i used to want to go backpacking in thailand but my mother wouldn't let me because she was afraid that it was too dangerous. also nobody else wanted to come with me and i had no money either.
penang was cool. the beach was so great. the buses that took farah, constance, josephine and moi to penang and back were surprisingly comfy but the trip took forever. i thought penang was like only an hour away from kl but it turned out to be at least 3-4 instead. duh brain moi. farah and i went jet-skiing and it was so cool. i saw these huge pink jellyfish in the ocean! unfortunately our hotel was on the bay and way on the other side of the ocean from town so we couldn't get a taxi to take us into town at nite to go clubbing and the strip of shops near our hotel had just one "kind-of" club which was completely devoid of ppl. we stepped into the place and immediately went, "oh my god, this place is too happening. so happening we just have to get out of here." hahah!
so what we did was to take our vodka (i had gotten a bottle of absolute vodka duty free courtesey of john paul, the only pope i ever know who is also an amateur bartender :) and farah had also brought along half a bottle of vodka so we weren't exactly destitute at night) to the poolside by the hotel. the last thing i remember was downing my third glass of vodka and the rest of that night was in bits and pieces. woke up the next morning to find that i had puked on the carpet by constance's bed, was sleeping in an armchair because i had apparently refused to sleep in the bed, and had called like half a dozen people on my handphone to either insult them or tell them i love them. according to constance and josephine, farah and i had been shouting by the poolside all night long, scaring other hotelgoers passing by, and we had thrown our drinks into the pool. farah woke up to find her entire bed wet and to discover she had spent the whole night going in and out of the shower in various outfits so her entire wardrobe was dripping wet. and somehow she had a cut lip and jaw and bruises all over from beating herself up! and according to constance, apparently i had shepherded her and josephine into our hotel room by brandishing one of my knives at them and had also pushed her into the pool before running away when the security guard came (the pool's off-limits at nite). checked the vodka bottles the next day and discovered that we had each downed at least a minimum of ten shots each except for josephine who doesn't drink (thank god or there would be no one to tell us what had happened the next day). i don't think the hotel housekeeping likes us very much anymore. farah and i were so out of it the next morning that we ended up going down to the hotel lobby and spending rm38 each on a lousy buffet breakfast which turned out to be a real waste of money but definitely keep us from feeling too nauseous. we spend the rest of that day visiting all the temples in penang (repenting for the night before hahah) and taking pictures of ourselves in weird poses in front of all the huge buddhas and fierce monster statues. a lot of religious old ladies glared at us. i also wasted a lot of small change on the prosperity and happiness bowls and most of them ended up in the fountain anyway.
all in all penang was pretty fun. too much of a small town for me to live in but for a holiday it was pretty fun. and the food was great, especially the prawn noodles and the kuay teoh, before i threw it all up over the hotel carpet. :0 will definitely come back one day when i have more money and will definitely stay in the city so that we can go clubbing next time. but for now i am practically peniless!!!
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i used to want to go backpacking in thailand but my mother wouldn't let me because she was afraid that it was too dangerous. also nobody else wanted to come with me and i had no money either.
penang was cool. the beach was so great. the buses that took farah, constance, josephine and moi to penang and back were surprisingly comfy but the trip took forever. i thought penang was like only an hour away from kl but it turned out to be at least 3-4 instead. duh brain moi. farah and i went jet-skiing and it was so cool. i saw these huge pink jellyfish in the ocean! unfortunately our hotel was on the bay and way on the other side of the ocean from town so we couldn't get a taxi to take us into town at nite to go clubbing and the strip of shops near our hotel had just one "kind-of" club which was completely devoid of ppl. we stepped into the place and immediately went, "oh my god, this place is too happening. so happening we just have to get out of here." hahah!
so what we did was to take our vodka (i had gotten a bottle of absolute vodka duty free courtesey of john paul, the only pope i ever know who is also an amateur bartender :) and farah had also brought along half a bottle of vodka so we weren't exactly destitute at night) to the poolside by the hotel. the last thing i remember was downing my third glass of vodka and the rest of that night was in bits and pieces. woke up the next morning to find that i had puked on the carpet by constance's bed, was sleeping in an armchair because i had apparently refused to sleep in the bed, and had called like half a dozen people on my handphone to either insult them or tell them i love them. according to constance and josephine, farah and i had been shouting by the poolside all night long, scaring other hotelgoers passing by, and we had thrown our drinks into the pool. farah woke up to find her entire bed wet and to discover she had spent the whole night going in and out of the shower in various outfits so her entire wardrobe was dripping wet. and somehow she had a cut lip and jaw and bruises all over from beating herself up! and according to constance, apparently i had shepherded her and josephine into our hotel room by brandishing one of my knives at them and had also pushed her into the pool before running away when the security guard came (the pool's off-limits at nite). checked the vodka bottles the next day and discovered that we had each downed at least a minimum of ten shots each except for josephine who doesn't drink (thank god or there would be no one to tell us what had happened the next day). i don't think the hotel housekeeping likes us very much anymore. farah and i were so out of it the next morning that we ended up going down to the hotel lobby and spending rm38 each on a lousy buffet breakfast which turned out to be a real waste of money but definitely keep us from feeling too nauseous. we spend the rest of that day visiting all the temples in penang (repenting for the night before hahah) and taking pictures of ourselves in weird poses in front of all the huge buddhas and fierce monster statues. a lot of religious old ladies glared at us. i also wasted a lot of small change on the prosperity and happiness bowls and most of them ended up in the fountain anyway.
all in all penang was pretty fun. too much of a small town for me to live in but for a holiday it was pretty fun. and the food was great, especially the prawn noodles and the kuay teoh, before i threw it all up over the hotel carpet. :0 will definitely come back one day when i have more money and will definitely stay in the city so that we can go clubbing next time. but for now i am practically peniless!!!
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Friday, December 12, 2003

Which [Rainbow Colours] are you?
tee hee...how cool is that? guess i'm true to nature after all...since red is my absolute favourite color and fire is my absolute favourite element! but the quiz said not to take this seriously! serious or not, it's still pretty cool! ;)
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Which [5 Elements] are you?
oooh...like i said...once a pyromaniac, always a pyromaniac...;) that's why fire always was my favorite element baby...
back in high school my best friend amy and i used to sit at the bus stop outside the tailor's shop and while waiting for the tailor to finish up our home-ec sewing assignments, we'd create little bonfires out of matches. and once, when amy's kitten died, we took it to the playground and set it on fire to cremate it. i still wonder if any kids who poked through the ashes the next day found any uncharred remains of the kitten...
that reminds me. my mom sent me an e-mail today warning about the hazards of lighting candles in an air-conditioned room. whoops. guess i'd better stop doing that.
personally, besides fire, the coolest element was milla jovovich's character leeloo in the movie "the fifth element". well, basically she was the love element but luc besson seemed to have built her character more on lust than love haha...
i have to finish up an essay that is way overdue but i'm just so lazy!!! procastination has always been one of my worst points. the good news is that i finally finished those two articles i was working on yesterday. i finally got inspired towards evening (i knew i always worked best at night or close to night!) when all the peeps at work suddenly came back from writer's bloc and asking me "why are you even at work? so hardworking!" and making me feel like such a nerd. why is it that i'm always being made to feel like either a complete procastinator or a complete nerd? i think it depends on who you talk to just like how people are always divided between how fierce/meek, good/bad, or loud/quiet i seem. my personality seems to be permanently stretched in extreme ends. is that good or bad?!? does that mean i'm never in the middle? does that mean i'll never be balanced?!? or does that already mean i'm balanced? physically i'm already unbalanced. i think i never really learnt how to walk properly when i was a kid. i'm always stumbling over my feet even when i walk barefoot. and mentally...well, a lot of people don't think i'm balanced there either. oh my.
that just brings me to another point. i've been reading loads of people's journals online and i noticed one thing: those who religiously blog nearly every day are usually subject to bouts of severe depression and self-pity all the time. maybe we should start a depressed bloggers anonymous. but that probably wouldn't work because everyone would sit around complaining about how everybody else isn't paying attention to them. hahah! lighten up peeps no matter how tough your problems are they're not as tough as the problems people are having in third world countries! and they got no blogs to complain to the world about! :)
devon aoki is so cool. fact. and so is kate moss. no wonder they're good friends.
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Thursday, December 11, 2003
poor marcus. i don't know how he's going to survive now. he'll probably have to use a surgical knife and a syringe to get his feed now.
It's my oldest friend, Ee Lin's birthday today!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY EE LIIIIIIIIIN!!!!!!!!!!! May you receive a real bear for your birthday present!!! If not, I'll bring you back an elephant from Thailand!!!
i am experiencing writer's block right now. it seems that everyone experiences writer's block when they're working on a deadline. when you're not on a deadline then it's all la-dee-da. a matter of mind over matter?
I have discovered exactly how dangerous it is for a girl to walk around the dark streets of KL at night alone. Extremely dangerous!!! I kept putting my hand in my pocket for my blade everytime i see a motorcycle coming. From now on I shall only drive or take a taxi. And even then I'll still carry my blade.
How come I have no problem writing this but I get stumped everytime I so much as take a look at my article? :(
The moon is almost full! The moon is almost full! The moon is almost full! It's like, one cake slice short of being full! It'll probably be full this weekend. Cool - I'll be in Penang sitting on the beach watching the full moon! Werewolves watch out - arrwho arwhoo arwhooooo!
Gwyneth Palthrow is pregnant with Chris Martin's child! This morning I said to my sister, "Gwyneth and Chris's child is probably going to.." and before I could finish she said, "be some weird old ugly alien baby?" well, I was going to say "is probably going to have some super-long super-elaborate completely uncommon name" but she's right too.
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poor marcus. i don't know how he's going to survive now. he'll probably have to use a surgical knife and a syringe to get his feed now.
It's my oldest friend, Ee Lin's birthday today!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY EE LIIIIIIIIIN!!!!!!!!!!! May you receive a real bear for your birthday present!!! If not, I'll bring you back an elephant from Thailand!!!
i am experiencing writer's block right now. it seems that everyone experiences writer's block when they're working on a deadline. when you're not on a deadline then it's all la-dee-da. a matter of mind over matter?
I have discovered exactly how dangerous it is for a girl to walk around the dark streets of KL at night alone. Extremely dangerous!!! I kept putting my hand in my pocket for my blade everytime i see a motorcycle coming. From now on I shall only drive or take a taxi. And even then I'll still carry my blade.
How come I have no problem writing this but I get stumped everytime I so much as take a look at my article? :(
The moon is almost full! The moon is almost full! The moon is almost full! It's like, one cake slice short of being full! It'll probably be full this weekend. Cool - I'll be in Penang sitting on the beach watching the full moon! Werewolves watch out - arrwho arwhoo arwhooooo!
Gwyneth Palthrow is pregnant with Chris Martin's child! This morning I said to my sister, "Gwyneth and Chris's child is probably going to.." and before I could finish she said, "be some weird old ugly alien baby?" well, I was going to say "is probably going to have some super-long super-elaborate completely uncommon name" but she's right too.
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Monday, December 08, 2003
The moon is getting fuller!!!
It was half-full at the beginning of last week and has been slowly appearing more and more. When it's completely full then that's the time to celebrate again!!! Things always happen during a full moon!
Just finished reading Eliot Pattison's "Water Touching Stone". It was an incredibly beautiful and sad book. I wanted to cry so many times while reading it! I think the saddest story of all was between Jakli and Nikki...I wanted them to have a happy ending so much but as it turned out...
I was reading the end of the book while lying on my parents' bed on Sunday afternoon...my sis was sleeping in our room and my grandma downstairs while everyone else was out so the whole house was very quiet and peaceful...from where i was lying i could see nothing but the blue sky through the windows and with the sun shining down it feels as if i was floating really high up in the sky or something...then when I got nearer to the end of the book and things started getting more and more tragic, the weather suddenly changed and began to rain and it rained throughout the whole night up till the moment I finished the book and it suddenly stopped.
Just watched the movie "Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World" the other day. I watched it more because of Nina's fetish with Horatio Hornblower got me all curious about the movie. But it turned out to be pretty good. And I didn't know that Paul Bethany was in the movie! He's definitely one of the best actors ever.
I'm all alone in the office this week because everyone's gone to this Writer Bloc camp thingie that our newspaper is sponsoring in Port Dickson. At first I said I didn't want to go but then I found out that everyone was going and started to have second thoughts...until all the assignments that nobody else could take because they were all going to Writer's Bloc landed on my lap. All right! Because of this I get to go watch a screening of Coldplay Live 2003 two-disc later tonight! And get paid for writing about it! And this weekend I'm heading down to Penang with friends anyway so I don't really care if I don't get to go to PD.
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It was half-full at the beginning of last week and has been slowly appearing more and more. When it's completely full then that's the time to celebrate again!!! Things always happen during a full moon!
Just finished reading Eliot Pattison's "Water Touching Stone". It was an incredibly beautiful and sad book. I wanted to cry so many times while reading it! I think the saddest story of all was between Jakli and Nikki...I wanted them to have a happy ending so much but as it turned out...
I was reading the end of the book while lying on my parents' bed on Sunday afternoon...my sis was sleeping in our room and my grandma downstairs while everyone else was out so the whole house was very quiet and peaceful...from where i was lying i could see nothing but the blue sky through the windows and with the sun shining down it feels as if i was floating really high up in the sky or something...then when I got nearer to the end of the book and things started getting more and more tragic, the weather suddenly changed and began to rain and it rained throughout the whole night up till the moment I finished the book and it suddenly stopped.
Just watched the movie "Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World" the other day. I watched it more because of Nina's fetish with Horatio Hornblower got me all curious about the movie. But it turned out to be pretty good. And I didn't know that Paul Bethany was in the movie! He's definitely one of the best actors ever.
I'm all alone in the office this week because everyone's gone to this Writer Bloc camp thingie that our newspaper is sponsoring in Port Dickson. At first I said I didn't want to go but then I found out that everyone was going and started to have second thoughts...until all the assignments that nobody else could take because they were all going to Writer's Bloc landed on my lap. All right! Because of this I get to go watch a screening of Coldplay Live 2003 two-disc later tonight! And get paid for writing about it! And this weekend I'm heading down to Penang with friends anyway so I don't really care if I don't get to go to PD.
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Thursday, December 04, 2003
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
Yesterday one of the gals from my office, Nina, got an assignment to interview Maksim, that croatian piano player guy. of all the luck! gah! i want to interview him too! instead i get stuck interviewing bratty teens who do nothing but giggle and talk in stupid foreign languages that i don't understand when i ask them a simple a question. fuck you all you assholes! dintcha mother teach you to talk to strangers?!? plus the first roll of film that i bought somehow got exposed and i had to buy another which left me with zero cash for lunch for the rest of the week. blergh. i came back to the office all pissed off but suddenly Nina shows up and drops a piece of paper in front of me. Maksim's autograph!!! to me!!! okay so he has no idea who the hell i am but who cares?
my sister is coming back from aus today. i spent the last three days cleaning up our room. everytime i pick up something i get so exhausted it takes me another fifteen minutes before i can go on to the next item. i hate cleaning. when i get my own house i'm going to get an army of maids or live with a friend/boyfriend/husband who is a cleaning maniac. she was due back at seven thirty this morning and by ten thirty my mother called me at work. "she's not back yet. where could she be?" i assured her that she was probably having breakfast or at her boyfriend's house or something but my mom was still worried. she probably got stuck at the transit in Singapore and is trying to get a sampan to take her to melaka or johor or something. then i could have an extra day to finish cleaning our room.
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my sister is coming back from aus today. i spent the last three days cleaning up our room. everytime i pick up something i get so exhausted it takes me another fifteen minutes before i can go on to the next item. i hate cleaning. when i get my own house i'm going to get an army of maids or live with a friend/boyfriend/husband who is a cleaning maniac. she was due back at seven thirty this morning and by ten thirty my mother called me at work. "she's not back yet. where could she be?" i assured her that she was probably having breakfast or at her boyfriend's house or something but my mom was still worried. she probably got stuck at the transit in Singapore and is trying to get a sampan to take her to melaka or johor or something. then i could have an extra day to finish cleaning our room.
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