Friday, December 12, 2003

Which [5 Elements] are you? i said...once a pyromaniac, always a pyromaniac...;) that's why fire always was my favorite element baby...
back in high school my best friend amy and i used to sit at the bus stop outside the tailor's shop and while waiting for the tailor to finish up our home-ec sewing assignments, we'd create little bonfires out of matches. and once, when amy's kitten died, we took it to the playground and set it on fire to cremate it. i still wonder if any kids who poked through the ashes the next day found any uncharred remains of the kitten...
that reminds me. my mom sent me an e-mail today warning about the hazards of lighting candles in an air-conditioned room. whoops. guess i'd better stop doing that.
personally, besides fire, the coolest element was milla jovovich's character leeloo in the movie "the fifth element". well, basically she was the love element but luc besson seemed to have built her character more on lust than love haha...
i have to finish up an essay that is way overdue but i'm just so lazy!!! procastination has always been one of my worst points. the good news is that i finally finished those two articles i was working on yesterday. i finally got inspired towards evening (i knew i always worked best at night or close to night!) when all the peeps at work suddenly came back from writer's bloc and asking me "why are you even at work? so hardworking!" and making me feel like such a nerd. why is it that i'm always being made to feel like either a complete procastinator or a complete nerd? i think it depends on who you talk to just like how people are always divided between how fierce/meek, good/bad, or loud/quiet i seem. my personality seems to be permanently stretched in extreme ends. is that good or bad?!? does that mean i'm never in the middle? does that mean i'll never be balanced?!? or does that already mean i'm balanced? physically i'm already unbalanced. i think i never really learnt how to walk properly when i was a kid. i'm always stumbling over my feet even when i walk barefoot. and mentally...well, a lot of people don't think i'm balanced there either. oh my.
that just brings me to another point. i've been reading loads of people's journals online and i noticed one thing: those who religiously blog nearly every day are usually subject to bouts of severe depression and self-pity all the time. maybe we should start a depressed bloggers anonymous. but that probably wouldn't work because everyone would sit around complaining about how everybody else isn't paying attention to them. hahah! lighten up peeps no matter how tough your problems are they're not as tough as the problems people are having in third world countries! and they got no blogs to complain to the world about! :)
devon aoki is so cool. fact. and so is kate moss. no wonder they're good friends.
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