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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I've been sick for the past three weeks and it has been a real drag. Coughing all day and night, going to work with a touch of the flu, feeling completely worn out. I haven't had the energy to cook so I've just been eating junk food and instant food all the while. I've also had no energy to exercise and my body is just crying out for vegetables and exercise this week. Seriously. So it's vegetables, chicken and salmon this week. I can't even eat chocolate or junk food, which I usually love, just looking at it makes me sick, that's how sick I am of junk food right now. I don't even want to look at bread.

I'm still sick, as well, which is a drag, though I'm not coughing all the time as I have been over the past few weeks. Just occasionally. And I think I must have slept wrongly or something because I woke up yesterday with the back and the left side of my head aching. The pain was really killing at my left temple and my left cheekbone, as if I had bashed myself in the face while I was sleeping or something. I haven't figured out what I did to myself yet, but the pain is still there, although sometimes it lingers. I could barely sleep last night for the bloody pain. I'm wondering if it is a toothache, because a couple of my left teeth are aching too, or if the toothache is the result of sleeping wrongly. Urgh.

Well, I'm done complaining about that. :) I've been watching music videos to cheer myself up. I love Nelly Furtado's No Hay Igual and, especially, her Explode video. I'm wondering if it is a new song or a song she recorded in the past that I just haven't had of. It's mind-blowing! And so is the video. You should check it out on YouTube. I've also noticed on all Nelly's videos that there is usually a shaven-head hot guy on her video. I'm not complaining ... :)

Speaking of hot guys, I saw the Bourne Ultimatum this weekend and I must say all the professional killers that were sent after Bourne were pretty hot and fit too. Yum yum.

Spring is here, although it feels more like it's winter most of the time. What I love is coming out in the sunshine to find flowers have sprouted up all over the neighborhood. I walk through a carpet of green grass, yellow flowers and little purple ones everyday to get to my bus stop. But by the time night comes, they'd have all either died or closed up to survive the cold. But when the sun comes out again the next day, they'll be back in full force.

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