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Friday, August 31, 2007

Some things have happened since the last time I've blogged, not least of all the fact that I have turned 23!

Ick. That is so old.

But the girl who washed my hair at the hair salon thought I was like 18 or 19. Still young...

Oh yes, I have also cut my hair, well not really, mostly trimmed and re-shaped so it looks much better now, and I have dyed it too, a warm chocolate brown with golden streaks running through. It's really nice. I wanted it to be a more obvious brown, maybe lighter and warmer. This shade looks more black when it's not under lights but I guess I will have to deal with it until the next time I colour my hair. It's still really lovely. I love my hairdresser.

Anyway, for my birthday, we had a party with the theme of pirates and gangsters. But hardly anyone came dressed up except for a few fun people! But it was really good - my pina coladas were a big hit with all the girls except one who had an allergy to pineapples - whoops, it's a good thing I told her what was going into the drink before I gave it to her! But it was really fun. When everybody gathered round and sang happy birthday and I had the cake, I felt like crying. It was awesome!

And it was definitely a good birthday, mostly because for most of this year I didn't think I would have a good birthday at all. I always put so much stock - way too much stock, the Gutter Philosopher says - in things like new year's and christmas and birthdays so I often end up disappointed. I'm trying not to do that now. But this birthday was definitely a good one. When else do I start the day off with a present of a free pole-dancing class and end by falling onto the ground with a lesbian on top of me? Ha ha, no, it's not as bad as it sounds! The class was a gift from the Gutter Philosopher because I had said I won't mind trying pole dancing classes but I am a bit miffed since I will have to go to the class by myself whereas these are the kind of things you should go to with your girl friends and have a laugh at. Boys never understand girls. And the lesbian thing was just Cindy being drunk and leaning on top of me like I was an umbrella stand and my high heels giving way. I was up again in less than two seconds because I had on a new dress and the ground was wet, wet, wet! (We were all outside then smoking and drinking and waiting for taxis and sorting out cars to go clubbing). Still, it's a good way to tell people how the night was when they ask about it, ha ha !

Speking of presents ... Last year, most of my presents consisted of perfume. This year, it's alcohol. Lots of yummy girly wine. I can't wait to crack open a bottle. I'm making spaghetti with a creamy egg bacon sauce (out of a jar, naturally, since I'm certainly not motivated enough to actually make a sauce from scratch) with chicken and mushrooms plus garlic bread for the Gutter Philosopher and myself on Saturday night and I am going to have the Brown Brothers white wine with it. Yum yum yum ...

But back to the night of the party, we decided to go clubbing after that and had all kinds of adventurous plans to go all the way to the other side of town or to the casino but then fell back on good old dodgy Varga instead. But when we arrived, I got tired and the Gutter Philosopher got horny (or so he says) and we decided to go on home. What do you now but there was absolutely NO cabs around so we had to get into line at the taxi stand that had wound all the way down the block. And worse of all it started raining. It was a good thing I still had my gangsta gurl fedora hat on. But I was also just wearing a little black dress and heels so I practically froze to death. Swore several times and made friends with the couple behind us. Nothing like rain to bring strangers together.

Well, the rain and the fact that most of my party was also spent outside in the evening between drizzles (not good weataher for a birthday party) because everyone was drinking and smoking and thought they were warm when in fact, it was probably below ten degrees outside, it was not good for the cough that I had been developing. Now it is an official full-blown cough and I can barely talk. I cough so much, I sound like I have that horse flu that is taking over the whole country and sending horses in a tizzy at the moment. My colleagues probably hate me because I can't stop coughing and I think I have more or less passed it around because everyone else around me is coughing and sneezing though not as badly as I am. Urgh. I hope I get better soon. So this weekend, I'm probably staying home and resting as much as I can. Oh no, I have to work at the art gallery this weekend! I'm probably going to infect everyone there too.

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