Monday, July 09, 2007
Book Review

Another book I got out of the library was The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories by Susanna Clarke. I couldn't believe my luck when I found it in the shelves. Obviously, the library just got it in and it just so happened to be in a rare moment between loans when I discovered it. Naturally I grabbed it at once.
Now I'm wondering if I can steal it from the library without getting my membership revoked. I must say, I love, love, love the cover. It is so soft and lovely and has these beautiful pink foxglove flowers on a gray background and the prettiest lavender-grey ribbon to keep your place in the book. And the stories themselves are all great. My only complaint is that there weren't enough stories. It was over too quickly.
These stories are all based on the world of Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, Clarke's bestselling debut novel about an England where magic and fairies are part of the world's past and present. For those of you who haven't read it, I absolutely recommend it. Read it before reading The Ladies of Grace Adieu. The Ladies of Grace Adieu, in particular, brings me back to the days of good old-fashion English fairytales, told in the style of Enid Blyton and all her English-ness, but without the racial and gender prejudices of Blyton's day, and with a zesty adult tang to the stories.

Another book I got out of the library was The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories by Susanna Clarke. I couldn't believe my luck when I found it in the shelves. Obviously, the library just got it in and it just so happened to be in a rare moment between loans when I discovered it. Naturally I grabbed it at once.
Now I'm wondering if I can steal it from the library without getting my membership revoked. I must say, I love, love, love the cover. It is so soft and lovely and has these beautiful pink foxglove flowers on a gray background and the prettiest lavender-grey ribbon to keep your place in the book. And the stories themselves are all great. My only complaint is that there weren't enough stories. It was over too quickly.
These stories are all based on the world of Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, Clarke's bestselling debut novel about an England where magic and fairies are part of the world's past and present. For those of you who haven't read it, I absolutely recommend it. Read it before reading The Ladies of Grace Adieu. The Ladies of Grace Adieu, in particular, brings me back to the days of good old-fashion English fairytales, told in the style of Enid Blyton and all her English-ness, but without the racial and gender prejudices of Blyton's day, and with a zesty adult tang to the stories.
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