Friday, June 08, 2007

It's been cold lately but I'm still refraining from turning on my heater. Yesterday was REALLY windy and I was glad I wore my little black gatsby cap that I only got for about $4.95 or something. I bought it when I was going through a time where I was thinking maybe I shouldn't get any more of these because I have a Kangol one from England like years ago when Kangol was really popular and a cute pink checkered one from Hong Kong recently but I still wasn't too happy with either both of those and thought that maybe my face shape doesn't suit those kind of hats or something.
But I couldn't pass up this little black one because it was so exactly like what I always wanted and it was so CHEAP so I thought "what the hell" and bought it and wore it a couple of times before putting it back on the cupboard. (It's kind of like the one above which Keira Knightley is wearing, except mine doesn't have the stripes and not so stiff.) Anyway, after I got my hair trimmed and shaped recently, I put it back on and hey, it looked pretty fine after all. So I've been wearing it a bit lately and it's great when it's windy and cold so hooray!
Speaking of fashion and the like, the other day I saw this old woman, a real elegant woman, wearing a long red coat. I don't know what the material is so I can't describe but it was like something you usually only see grande dames in New York or something wear, and it was a bright red. Anyway, it looked good on her, made her look elegant, and she stood out amongst the crowd. I wished I had a camera and dared to ask her for her picture.
Another classy woman in red too: I was on the bus, maybe on the same day or the day before. And this woman got on the bus with her two little kids. From where she got on the bus and the way she was dressed and certain things like that, you can tell she's not rich or anything but she caught my eye because she had class. She had red lipstick and just the way she had of pinning up her gorgeous dark hair and the way she was dressed, you could tell she was one of those rare women who just has that innate sense of class and style, you know? They are born with it. You can tell no matter where this woman goes, into a Prada shop or a thrift shop, she'll know just what to pick that will suit her exactly. She was wearing this red dress and I think a red coat too, though not bright red like the old woman in the paragraph above. And she was really beautiful too. She wasn't totally made up or anything, except for the red lipstick and you could tell she was a woman who took the time to take care of herself. But she was really beautiful, like beauty that you are born with. Like she could be model or actress beautiful. I couldn't take my eyes off her in the bus.

I've been reading Agatha Christie novels - again, I had the good luck to find a story of hers that I haven't read yet! And the people in her book, particularly the girls and how they are "smartly dressed" reminds me of Emma Peel from The Avengers (the British TV show, not the Marvel comics!) and how I loved her clothes - plus, she's got beauty, brains and can kick some ass! I saw the series when Diana Rigg was acting in it and she's my favourite of the actresses who played Emma Peel. She was also in that James Bond movie, On Her Majesty's Secret Service, but I don't like her character there so much. Emma Peel and John Steed (played by Patrick MacNee)- one of my favourite TV couples! I got the picture above from the website Mrs Peel...We're Needed! on
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