Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Kate Moss has launched her new and eagerly awaited Top Shop range today, which is causing serious fashion frenzy in London.
It's causing a little frenzy over here too, in my little fashion-hungry heart. If I was in London, I would be one of those fans queuing up and getting giddy over how I was going to lay my hands on something designed/inspired by Kate Moss.
In case you haven't noticed, I looove Kate Moss. When I was a kid, there was this little quiz in, I think it was Clotheshow, and it was called 'What Supermodel are You Most Like?' Anyway, I was apparently most like Kate Moss. At that time it annoyed me because I didn't really know who she was then and would rather be more like Claudia Schiffer or someone else. Then I saw her in that famous Calvin Klein ad. Then I saw more pictures of her.
God, does that woman have style! It's a fact: Kate Moss has style like no other woman. It's completely effortless. Sienna Miller is nothing compared to her - in fact, I never was taken with Sienna's style because I've always suspected Sienna is more of a trend-follower rather than a trendsetter. That's always a little *a little!!!* try-hard effect about her that Kate Moss so does not have. I mean, come on. When Kate puts on a pair of boots, people rush to buy them so that (I think it was Vivienne Westwood), who had initially taken those boots off the line, had to put them out again because just so many people want them. And it's not just boots but tops, dresses, sunnies, etc. I don't remember Sienna ever inspiring that kind of fashion craze, at least not in the way Kate has.
Sadly, though, I have to admit that I don't enjoy seeing fashion shots in magazines of Kate as much as I used to. I love those old pics of her back in the nineties, especially those that Corinne Grant took of her. The new ones aren't so awesome. I can't put my finger on what it is exactly but I do suspect that it may be because she doesn't have that dewy-fresh quality she used to have as a teenager. I also suspect it might have a lot to do with her party-heavy lifestyle. I've seen pictures of Claudia Schiffer that were taken just last year and Claudia looks exactly as she used to back in the old supermodel days, her skin looks awesome, and let's admit it, Claudie doesn't smoke, drink, stay up late or party hard. Or maybe it's the tan, I'm not too fond of how tanned Kate is these days. But despite all this, I do still like the papparazzi candid shots of Kate. It's true what they say, you can never make Kate look as good as she does in real life.
Anyway, back to Kate Moss's Top Shop range. The Brits love it though the Americans are apparently not so into it. But I have to agree with Telegraph writer Hilary Alexander who says they're just missing the point. Also, British and American cultures prompt different opinions sometimes. Elizabeth Jagger, in an article on her wardobe with Vogue, once said she could put together a little pelt mini she had with leggings and high heels (or something to that effect, it was a while since I read that article and I don't have it with me right now, so please mind the inaccuracies) and walk down London and it would be okay whereas if she wore it in New York, they'd think it was a trashy look. Of course, as I said, the article was written a few years ago and now the leggings look is everywhere so that may not be the case but my point is: there are cultural differences.
So what's great about Kate Moss's new Top Shop range? From what I've read, there's a floral print dress that everyone is snapping up. I've scrolled through the offerings on the Top Shop website and I like the bias cut satin skirts and the waistcoats. The waistcoat would be so great for winter over here in Perth.
Here's to Kate Moss!
It's causing a little frenzy over here too, in my little fashion-hungry heart. If I was in London, I would be one of those fans queuing up and getting giddy over how I was going to lay my hands on something designed/inspired by Kate Moss.
In case you haven't noticed, I looove Kate Moss. When I was a kid, there was this little quiz in, I think it was Clotheshow, and it was called 'What Supermodel are You Most Like?' Anyway, I was apparently most like Kate Moss. At that time it annoyed me because I didn't really know who she was then and would rather be more like Claudia Schiffer or someone else. Then I saw her in that famous Calvin Klein ad. Then I saw more pictures of her.
God, does that woman have style! It's a fact: Kate Moss has style like no other woman. It's completely effortless. Sienna Miller is nothing compared to her - in fact, I never was taken with Sienna's style because I've always suspected Sienna is more of a trend-follower rather than a trendsetter. That's always a little *a little!!!* try-hard effect about her that Kate Moss so does not have. I mean, come on. When Kate puts on a pair of boots, people rush to buy them so that (I think it was Vivienne Westwood), who had initially taken those boots off the line, had to put them out again because just so many people want them. And it's not just boots but tops, dresses, sunnies, etc. I don't remember Sienna ever inspiring that kind of fashion craze, at least not in the way Kate has.
Sadly, though, I have to admit that I don't enjoy seeing fashion shots in magazines of Kate as much as I used to. I love those old pics of her back in the nineties, especially those that Corinne Grant took of her. The new ones aren't so awesome. I can't put my finger on what it is exactly but I do suspect that it may be because she doesn't have that dewy-fresh quality she used to have as a teenager. I also suspect it might have a lot to do with her party-heavy lifestyle. I've seen pictures of Claudia Schiffer that were taken just last year and Claudia looks exactly as she used to back in the old supermodel days, her skin looks awesome, and let's admit it, Claudie doesn't smoke, drink, stay up late or party hard. Or maybe it's the tan, I'm not too fond of how tanned Kate is these days. But despite all this, I do still like the papparazzi candid shots of Kate. It's true what they say, you can never make Kate look as good as she does in real life.
Anyway, back to Kate Moss's Top Shop range. The Brits love it though the Americans are apparently not so into it. But I have to agree with Telegraph writer Hilary Alexander who says they're just missing the point. Also, British and American cultures prompt different opinions sometimes. Elizabeth Jagger, in an article on her wardobe with Vogue, once said she could put together a little pelt mini she had with leggings and high heels (or something to that effect, it was a while since I read that article and I don't have it with me right now, so please mind the inaccuracies) and walk down London and it would be okay whereas if she wore it in New York, they'd think it was a trashy look. Of course, as I said, the article was written a few years ago and now the leggings look is everywhere so that may not be the case but my point is: there are cultural differences.
So what's great about Kate Moss's new Top Shop range? From what I've read, there's a floral print dress that everyone is snapping up. I've scrolled through the offerings on the Top Shop website and I like the bias cut satin skirts and the waistcoats. The waistcoat would be so great for winter over here in Perth.
Here's to Kate Moss!
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