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Monday, May 21, 2007

Letter to my Joy (oh how I think of you as I toil! / in the soil).

Circley Square, first of all, I went to look at your website and I love it with that adorable cow with its teats hanging out and all those white loopy writing on the top. You should definitely get a job as one of those people who design websites for other people - I don't know what they call them these days. A WebMistress. Very dominatrax-y and sadomasochistic, which we all know will suit you! And I hear that these website designers charge shitloads for making just one webpage - so there could very well be lots of money in this for you!

Second of all, if you ever do the live-fish-preservation thing, yeah, tell me what happens!

Third of all, I would be posting all this in a comment on your blog but now it's a battle between me and the comment part of people's blogs. I've been trying to read thousands of comments on other people's blogs but for some reason they will never load on my computer, so that sucks ass, and yours loaded but Blogger told me it was an e-mail, and I wasn't sure if I would be sending you an e-mail or a comment, and then it got all to much for me, and all the fearsome IT-ness of it all scared me so I just went quietly back to my own blog and am now writing this post just for you. :)

Awwwwww! I love that poem. So original, so timeless!

YOU KNOW YOU CAN ALWAYS EMAIL ME!! But I like this, a public declaration of your eternal love for me, of sorts! ;PP

I will definitely let you know, but it's likely we will be trying it together cos that's just the type of thing we do (not really but it's likely!)

Also, I love my cows and all but I am so shit when it comes to the what's what in designing websites, so that's a no-go for me. Maybe I can be a consultant and tell them when their ideas are shit! Hmm.. and make them pay through their nose, ass and various other orrifices! ^-^

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