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Friday, June 02, 2006

The past two weeks have just been a haze of alcohol, really.
Last week, on Tuesday, the Duchess had a shoot to do for her wine documentary for her film and tv class. Her other flatmates are apparently a little flaky and didn't get enough actors for the shoot as they promised to so the Duchess asked moi and the Lost Smoker and Amr and Phill Pill if we would like to come along and dress classy and sip free wine for a shoot. Would we love to! So we all headed down to the Brisbane Hotel bar that evening. It's not a bad place...pretty nice, actually and a whole lot more classier than either the Waterford or Como, lol. It would have been a nice place to chill out. It was mostly working peeps who were relaxing after their day at the office. There were some really nice art prints on the walls, you know, like those Andy Warhol black-and-white prints of Marilyn Monroe, those kind of styles, and the usual low and comfy couches. All in all, it looks pretty much like any "classy" bar would look like, actually, with not much to differ it from one bar to the next. But a nice place, nonetheless. I would recommend the house wines because they were pretty nice...much better than the glass of white wine I had at first which wasn't exactly spectacular...
After the shoot, we were all starving so we headed to an Indian restaurant in Northbridge for dinner. I think it was the Golden Court or the Golden Century or something. Golden anyway! The food was pretty good, though rather heavy on the sauces, creamy like usual. I was a little disappointed with the desserts though. They had all these really delicious-looking tiny desserts - mocha chocolate balls and caramel surprises and yummy ice cream-y stuff and I had a really hard time choosing which to have. But when the caramel surprise came, it was frozen solid and well, not too appealing. Perhaps it was because we were the last ones in the restaurant and they were about to close, but nonetheless I expected something much better. Oh, well.
The next day, the Lost Smoker and I got a bottle of vodka and orange juice and made ourselves screwdrivers while playing Monopoly. How fun was that! It's been ages since I'd played monopoly and I couldn't remember the rules but the Lost Smoker explained everything to me again and soon we were busy buying up everything. The Lost Smoker bought just a few streets and put up lots of houses, and then hotels, bankrupting me when I landed on his streets! I bought up loads of streets but didn't have enough cash to buy many houses after that...ended up heavily mortgaged and lost. Hmph. Well, now I know enough of the game to understand how to strategize properly...just you wait, Lost Smoker. I thought he was supposed to be a socialist but as history has demonstrated, any socialist that falls into power with loads of cash turns corrupt, just like anyone else would! Hmph.
Anyway, we finished that entire bottle of vodka that night and I think the Duchess and Mystery Wolf were very amused by us, especially my ramblings that night! Oops. Went to bed with a book of the Lost Smoker's, Kurt Vonnegut's Galapagos. It was interesting enough and Vonnegut is a good writer, but I was depressed enough as it is lately and it didn't help that Galapagos is extremely depressing, well, at least to me because Vonnegut's narrator in the book does not have much faith in humanity, rightly so when it comes to the other characters in the book. It's a nice book to read but don't do it if you're already feeling depressed!
Oh yes, why am I depressed? Well, I don't know. I guess we all have our ups and downs and that week was a particularly down week for me. It was any number of things, I supposed, I wasn't eating well or sleeping well (that damn insomnia has come back to haunt me again), was still trying to wind down from a stressful week of uni work and was still busy with personal projects. I also had a fight with the Gutter Philosopher that night, which didn't help things either. And winter is here and it is absolutely freezing cold. I swear it is much colder than it was last year. The Lost Smoker doesn't think so, but the Gutter Philosopher does, and everyone else is pretty much split on that issue. Anyway, I'm fairly sure my resistance to the cold has gone way down since I went home to Malaysia for Christmas. Also, I've been listening nonstop to Nitin Sawhney and certain choice songs from Faithless which, although they are absolutely fantastic tunes that I would definitely recommend to anyone, are not the happiest tunes around. Yes, well, it was not the best situation for me to be in while reading Galapagos. No, sir!
I like the ending though, the very last couple of pages. It was a sweet story. Sentimental.
Anyway, back to the alcohol week listing. Woke up the next day with an incredibly severe hangover, swearing to myself NEVER, EVER to drink so heavily again. Survived just barely. Just in time, in fact, for the Roaring Lion's birthday party on Friday night!
Yes, the Roaring Lion has turned 22! Happy birthday, boy ;) Oh, and that reminds me, a long-belated fact to note, LO has gone to Japan to be an English teacher! It's really cool, and that reminds me too, I have to write her an e-mail soon! Miss ya, LO, glad to hear you're having a great time in Japan! :)
Well, anyway, was planning to head to the Roaring Lion's party with the Duchess and Sheryl and DRINK IN MODERATION. But Sheryl pulls up, shouting "we're gonna get drunk tonight, girl!" and off we go to buy a bottle of whiskey. (Well, what's a girl to do? When her friends say "we're gonna get drunk", of course we're gonna get drunk! Talk about obliging happily, lol.)
The guy at the licquor store immediately sensed the impending danger of the night, saying to us, "Oh, man, three girls and a bottle of whiskey? That's going to be real dangerous..." Laughing, we drive off and get to the party and start drinking with Nicotine and Mike. Loads of hilarious things happened, lots of skulling, and then the bottle was over before we were getting started so we drove off, most of us tipsy but we were still able to drive - well, one of us was, anyway, while the rest sat in the back and drank beer. It was a good thing no cops stopped us that night! We got lost on the way and had to call out to some amused guy in the car next to us at a traffic light for directions to the bottle shop. Anyway, got the alcohol and headed back to the party. Halfway through the second bottle, Sheryl disappears with good old Tall One (who is bald! Apparently, he tried to give his hair a close shave, hit the wrong settings on the razor, and accidentally gave himself a bald stripe down one side of his head, so now he has totally shaved it all off. Lol. When we asked him what had happened, he grinned and said "don't ask" but I just got the story out of Sheryl last night). Anyway, that left me and the Duchess with the rest of the bottle. Allow me to tell you - three girls with two bottles of whiskey does a dangerous situation make. Definitely. Dancing Dude came to pick us up later and was totally amused with our situation.
Woke up early the next morning, as anticipated, with yet another severe hangover. (SUCH a familiar situation to be in). Groaned several times while asking myself, "Why, WHY do I get myself into such situations?" After much drinking of wonderful water, I managed to get back to bed and woke up much revived later. The Duchess did not fare well either. We had a big lunch to get ourselves back on our feet while swearing to do things in moderation from now on. Erm, let's hope that happens!
Well, anyway, I've been pretty good so far except for last night when I went over to the Swedish guys' house with Sheryl and Kat and a bottle of Chivas. The first one got broken by Finn so we had to go back and get another one! Poor Finn, he gave us the cash for another bottle, even though he doesn't drink himself. The Tall One said, "This is what happens when nonalcoholics hold alcohol." The bottle shop guy must have thought we were freaking alcoholics, coming back so soon for yet another bottle! We then settled down on the couches in the freezing cold outside to drink and smoke with Morgan and Finn and Elyssa, who also showed up. We girls ended up talking about waxes, which made the guys cringe and pretend not to hear, then moved on to Swedish swear words. The guys taught us how to say "I fuck well" and "You fuck well" and "Cunt!" in Swedish, it was a very useful lesson, hehehe. Cunt is fitta, it sounds like feta, as in feta cheese, lol. I would have to remember that one! The Swedes are leaving after this semester, it's sad. Will miss them! We also wondered what happened to good old German Boy. He took all our e-mail addresses down when he left earlier this year but we never heard a peep from him since then. We speculate that he is now trapped in some jail in Thailand for soliciting hookers and pot or something, lol.
Anyway, made it through that night without getting drunk. Was pleasantly tipsy - just the right level of drunkenness! Whew! Although I may have smoked one too many cigarettes. Got home around three-ish and went to bed around six - I couldn't sleep so thought I'd do some work.
Oh, and I saw the Da Vinci Code this week as well! As everyone told me(with the exception of Ryan who has no taste anyway, hehehe), it wasn't as great as I thought it'd be. For one thing, why did they dumb down Sophie? She was far more intelligent and sophisticated in the book and in the movie she was hanging around like a dead weight most of the time. And then they had to go and make Tom Hank's character much smarter and smoother than he was in the book, which didn't make him so likable in the movie. Guys, I thought this was a story about celebrating feminity! Why are you dumbing down the female and making the guy more intelligent, then? What's the point then? You're basically reversing the point of the book. Frankly, I'm surprised Dan Brown agreed to that. (Did he? I have no idea but he must have some say in how the screenplay was written). And why did they imbue Langdon with so much skepticism of the Mary Magdalene theory in the movie when he was practically rooting for it in the book? Were they afraid of upsetting the Christians? Well, for one thing, the Christians were already pretty much enraged by the movie anyway, and secondly, I'm Roman Catholic myself but I'd much rather watch a beautifully executed movie with a proper storyline and screenplay rather than the tripe I saw in the cinema this Tuesday. If you want to do something, do it properly. Go with the whole hog instead of just halves and halves, all hesitant and everything. And why did they make Bezu Fache so much dumber? He was more intelligent in the book, and I think the book was fairer on everyone - from the pagans to the Christians to Opus Dei. The movie was too one-sided. The only person I liked in the movie was Silas. Go, Paul Bethany! In fact, right before the movie we saw the new James Bond trailer with Daniel Craig in it. Now, I like Craig in Layer Cake but it was pretty odd watching him as the new James Bond. He's suppose to be Bond as a young agent but he looks way older than Pierce Brosnan or Roger Moore or the rest of those guys who played James Bond before! Still, we'll wait until the movie comes out before passing judgment. But the point is, when I was watching the Da Vinci Code and admiring Paul Bethany, I thought, hey now, we should have gotten him to play James Bond! With the white make up still on him and everything. Let's get an albino James Bond in the next movie. I think it'd be pretty cool!

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