Monday, June 12, 2006
Isn't it amazing how everyone is progressing in their lives and getting jobs and actually becoming Real Life Adults and all? I'm just so overwhelmed and excited by the fact that, once again, we are all at the crossroads of our lives. Last time it was us trying to figure out which college to apply for, what course to take. Then, it was some of us moving overseas to study, and some of us getting jobs and some of us deciding what course to take after foundation year. And now, most of us are getting jobs or already working in jobs and doing Real Life Adult stuff!
I was just talking to Bundles just now (I miss ya so much, gurl!) and she was telling me about how she's getting her very own car! Like, paying for it and taking out a loan and everything all by herself! And I was just thinking about it...about how we're actually doing all the things we've always talked about and dreamt of in high school and college. Bundles is buying her very own car, Potatoes is of course one step ahead of us and has already bought her own apartment and is just only waiting for it to be built so that she can move in with Bobby and Carrots and furnish it just the way she likes and everything, CircleySquare is working in Channel V, the Duchess has a job and an apartment all ready and waiting for her (along with boyfriend, dear Porn Star) in KL, which also signifies quite a brand new start for her since KL isn't her home country and all, the the Lost Smoker is working on all those music projects of his, Mystery Wolf has graduated as well, Refugee is still working along on his band and his job and getting that new CD of his out, the Dancing Queen is graduating too, and getting her PR and settling into her new job and new home here, Backstabbed is, um, well I'm not sure what he is doing but I assume he is getting or has gotten a job or taking care of those kindergarden children! Constantly is getting a job and standing up for herself to her boyfriend and his family (you go, gurl!), BananaGal is lounging around at her cushy office job ;), the hunnypox is still flying the skies, MandyKelly is gaining new opportunities for herself as well, not to mention making and selling yummy pineapple tarts! SweetRhapsody has a great boyfriend and an awesome job, the Ninja Crisis is with her boyfriend in Brisbane, the Curly Pumpkin and CC have gotten jobs as well, Tom Thumb Hairdryer has finished, or is almost finishing, his thesis, and various other people are going to London, America, South America, etc., and I'm trying to get a PR, a new home to rent, a job and a book published (oh, dream of all dreams)!
We're all at that one major crossroads in our lives, where we are starting to do Real Life Adult Stuff and, you know, the part that comes after our studies are over, and we have to really look out for ourselves now. This is it, the real part of living life, where there are no more safety straps, no more seat belts, no more mum and dad holding onto you to make sure you don't fall over. This is where we experience real problems, the question of living, how to live, how do we want to live? The real money problems, the real question of what kind of job do we want and whether we can get it, of experiencing life. Some of us already know what we want and are grabbing it with one hand, the rest of us are still testing the waters, trying everything and seeing what we can do. Whatever it is we're doing, it's something that will really, truly allow us to be ourselves or, at least, take us another step down that path which would lead us to finding out what we want and what we can become. It's exciting, wonderful and scary.
Please wish us all the best of luck! Hugz!
I was just talking to Bundles just now (I miss ya so much, gurl!) and she was telling me about how she's getting her very own car! Like, paying for it and taking out a loan and everything all by herself! And I was just thinking about it...about how we're actually doing all the things we've always talked about and dreamt of in high school and college. Bundles is buying her very own car, Potatoes is of course one step ahead of us and has already bought her own apartment and is just only waiting for it to be built so that she can move in with Bobby and Carrots and furnish it just the way she likes and everything, CircleySquare is working in Channel V, the Duchess has a job and an apartment all ready and waiting for her (along with boyfriend, dear Porn Star) in KL, which also signifies quite a brand new start for her since KL isn't her home country and all, the the Lost Smoker is working on all those music projects of his, Mystery Wolf has graduated as well, Refugee is still working along on his band and his job and getting that new CD of his out, the Dancing Queen is graduating too, and getting her PR and settling into her new job and new home here, Backstabbed is, um, well I'm not sure what he is doing but I assume he is getting or has gotten a job or taking care of those kindergarden children! Constantly is getting a job and standing up for herself to her boyfriend and his family (you go, gurl!), BananaGal is lounging around at her cushy office job ;), the hunnypox is still flying the skies, MandyKelly is gaining new opportunities for herself as well, not to mention making and selling yummy pineapple tarts! SweetRhapsody has a great boyfriend and an awesome job, the Ninja Crisis is with her boyfriend in Brisbane, the Curly Pumpkin and CC have gotten jobs as well, Tom Thumb Hairdryer has finished, or is almost finishing, his thesis, and various other people are going to London, America, South America, etc., and I'm trying to get a PR, a new home to rent, a job and a book published (oh, dream of all dreams)!
We're all at that one major crossroads in our lives, where we are starting to do Real Life Adult Stuff and, you know, the part that comes after our studies are over, and we have to really look out for ourselves now. This is it, the real part of living life, where there are no more safety straps, no more seat belts, no more mum and dad holding onto you to make sure you don't fall over. This is where we experience real problems, the question of living, how to live, how do we want to live? The real money problems, the real question of what kind of job do we want and whether we can get it, of experiencing life. Some of us already know what we want and are grabbing it with one hand, the rest of us are still testing the waters, trying everything and seeing what we can do. Whatever it is we're doing, it's something that will really, truly allow us to be ourselves or, at least, take us another step down that path which would lead us to finding out what we want and what we can become. It's exciting, wonderful and scary.
Please wish us all the best of luck! Hugz!
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