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Monday, June 19, 2006

Hey, hey, hey.
Like I said on my last entry, I've been running around on errands and the like. Also, a lot of shopping. There's a city-wide sale going on right now!!! Portmans is selling stuff for twenty bucks or less, which is a hell of a lot cheaper than their usual prices! I'm losing weight just running from shop to shop, mall to mall, bus stop to bus stop. My wallet has also lost a lot of weight.
I have also lost a LOT of blood. Because I have three piercings, the health experts have deemed that I must have a blood test. This is the second time my blood will be taken from me (the first was to determine if I had chicken pox earlier this year, when good old Aik contracted the damn virus and very nearly spread it to me, subsequently forcing me to obtain vaccines which are very expensive and not covered by my health insurance). In the Malaysian national anthem, there's one line that, when roughly translated, goes "The land my blood spills on". Australia has seen way more of my blood than Malaysia ever has, what with all these blood tests and the constant scraping of myself against the cave walls that pass for proper walls in my flat.
It was exciting, though (the blood test). This time, I actually watched as the nurse stuck the needle into my vein and the thick crimson liquid filled up in the needle. I was most fascinated. Drawing blood, I find, hurts much less than injecting things into yourself. I was also summoned into the doctor's for a proper health examination, which was more like doing calisthenics. You know those gentle warm-up exercises that you're forced to do in high school gym classes? Roll your head, roll your eyes in every which way, lift your arms, lift your legs one by one, bend and touch your toes? That was what my health examination basically consisted of. And it's tough in its own way - try bending over and touching your toes while keeping your robe - a white flimsy thing that the clinic has forced on you which only has ties at the back - from exposing your butt. Hrmphh.
I also had X-rays taken! From what the doctor says, all seems to be in good health. Whew! I wish they would let me see the X-rays, but they were sealed in a big red and white folder which I had to cart around the city with me, appearing to all and sundry as if I was some seriously ill chica who had escaped from the hospital to go shopping. They didn't even offer to let me take a peak. Hmph again.
Also went to Hillarys (yup, that's how it's spelled, with no apostrophe before the s) Harbor for seafood with the Duchess and a couple of other peeps, including this one cool chica who has a really nice house that's filled with every cow motif imaginable. We then went to Subi, to the Llama Bar and Sapphire. It's been ages since I've been to Subi! Sapphire wasn't much, but I appreciated it for the warmth (I was freezing in my dress and heels). Llama Bar was pretty nice, though. Subi is fun for people-watching, eyeing hot guys, and hanging around, just listening to the music and chilling out and having a few drinks, but if you really want to get down and dance, it's probably better to go to NB for that, however sleazy NB is. Anyway, there are a couple of sleazes hanging out in Subi as well too, so that makes no difference! But it was a nice change from the usual.
I've also made use of the campus library by attacking their fiction shelves. Every semester, I ignore the library completely (except for necessary research books) until the end of the sem when I actually hunt through their shelves and realize they have some really great books and wonder, why didn't I check out these books earlier? They have some awesome books there minus the horrific prices that all book stores usually charge these days. I got Of Love and Shadows by Isabel Allende, Living to Tell the Tale by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood. I've been dying to read The Blind Assassin for ages and now this is my chance! I've finished Of Love and Shadows now, and am on page 64 of The Blind Assassin right now.
Speaking of books and all things cultural (ho, ho, ho) and entertainment, the Duchess and I also decided to indulge in movies last week. We saw the Break-Up, which was like sitting through therapy for Jennifer Aniston after her own breakup with Brad Pitt. You know how singers like Justin Timberlake and Eamon churned out songs like "Cry Me a River" and "(Fuck It) I Don't Want You Back" after they've had break-ups? Well, this was the movie/actor equivalent of Cry Me a River. And Vince Vaughn co-wrote the story, so it was kind of like his gift to Jennifer Aniston, like it was written with her and her recent break-up in mind. Now, as we all know, Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn are said to be dating. So...put two and two together. But I did like the movie, even though it was Jennifer Aniston therapy. It was a pretty nice movie, though it's not the romantic comedy that the trailers made it out to be.
We also saw X-Men 3. Now that was a pretty good movie! I loved Jean Grey's hair and clothes there - and I bet any Goth chica who saw the movie would too. I didn't like so much the fact that so many people died/lost their powers. Oops, spoiler! Hehehe. But hey it ended in such a way that there'd be room for an XM4 - even though the director did say he didn't think there would be one. So, you never know. Mutants could be resurrected. Their powers can be restored. Rouge might actually regain the strong personality she displayed in the first X-Men movie instead of being such a wuss as she was in the XM3. They might finally decide to put Gambit (yummy!) in the movie too, which would delight any chica.

the blind assassin.. i love that book :)..
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