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& The Lover                                                                                                                                   & Grief                                       of Justice            of Fire         

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Well, so anyway classes have begun! So far, there hasn't been much for me to do, but I'm so not looking forward to the busy production weeks. At the moment I am just laaa-zy but there is so much ahead for me to do - like journals for my industry placement (GAAAK! I totally forgot about those journals!) and that damn essay and I really should be getting a job...
But at the moment, I'm just being lazy me. Like usual.
Friends had come over to the Gutter Philosopher's house on Saturday night to help me shift my stuff back to EUH but I stepped out of the room for ten minutes to take a shower and when I came back, everyone had gone. "Where's everyone?" I asked the Gutter Philosopher.
"Oh, they've gone back home to change. We're all going clubbing," he answered.
"What!?!" I shrieked. "But what about my things?"
"Oh, we'll help you move them tomorrow."
Move them tomorrow, my ass! Everyone was way too exhausted to wake up in the early morn to help me move my stuff (we were out until four, and even then Pharrell was too hyped up and was running around on the fourth floor of the parking lot because he refused to come back with us and the Soft-Spoken Socializer and Gretchel had to chase him down and force him into the car and hold him down all the way back, especially at red lights) and no one got to bed until about five am and I had to leave before noon anyway because the Duchess and I were going to...yes...yes...you guessed it! Two Tribes!!!
Ew. I just glanced up for a second and accidentally made eye contact with this guy. And now I think he thinks I'm into him. Like, ew. Ew.
Anyhooow, the Two Tribes was fantastically fun. It started at about twelve, I think, and it was majorly, majorly hot at first. The lines at all the free water points were really looong. It was on the big grassy field at the city across the road from the river, and right behind the Justice Courts. (I wonder how the government buildings enjoyed the rave, hehe). And then it went on until ten pm. It was so fun! I met a lot of really nice people, and Estelle PY was there too, and so was the Slacker King. There was just such a good vibe in the air, I really enjoyed it. Not so much later that night, as both the Duchess and Lost Smoker (who has gotten his hair cut! WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOUR CURLS?!?) can attest to. But it was fantastic, nevertheless!
The next day was pretty much a slow day. I was recovering from my rather exhaustive weekend and was barely alive in class for our editorial meeting. Also had major fight with Gutter Philosopher. There was a lot of shouting and screaming and running and driving. And because of this, I missed the Academy Awards on TV last night and the whole red carpet-dress-watching part of the Academy Awards (I always seem to end up missing that part, for some reason) and because of that I missed out on two questions of the current affairs quiz today: 1) Who was the Australian who won an Academy Award last night? and for what category? and 2) Who won best supporting actor in the Academy Wards last nigh? The first one was some guy whose name I can't even remember now, who won the cinematography award for Memoirs of a Geisha and the second was George Clooney. George Clooney! I didn't even know he was up for a nomination! What movie was he nominated for?!? Syriana?!? ER?!???
Anyway, speaking of class, I think I'm really enjoying my print production class. At first I was all like, "Erm...what should I do?!? How am I going to be an editor for other writers?!? I don't even have enough confidence to edit my own stories!" But the other day as I was editting a bunch of stories from the last few semesters, which we had been given just to see how it is like to copy taste, I realized I could actually do it. And it was actually fun. And I'm really starting to think, "Hey, I really can do this. And I really do like it." So, yaaaay.
It's really hot today. Matter of fact, it's been really hot for the past four days. And it's not getting any cooler, I hear.
I just read an article on peanuts and kissing. Apparently, people who are allergic to peanuts shouldn't kiss their boyfriend/girlfriend if they have just eaten peanuts, because the peanut bits lingering in saliva glands or whatever can get passed on from mouth-to-mouth and set off an allergic reaction as well.
I know all about this. I have a boyfriend who refuses to kiss me after I eat fish because he's allergic to fish. It's a good thing I'm not that big a fan of fish. Sometimes, when I get mad at him, I want to put fish in everything he eats. But I don't. Because I'm nice. ;)
Oh, I'm just looking through the "Sixteen Academy Awards moments you never saw". And George Clooney really did win for Syriana. Hmm.
And speaking of which, these are some of the funniest unseen moments ever. Read this funny one:

What you saw: Philip Seymour Hoffman says he is "overwhelmed" by his best-actor win for his role as the author of In Cold Blood in Capote and pays tribute to his mom, who raised four kids alone and took him to his first play.
What you didn't see: Much to his chagrin, Hoffman realizes he forgot to thank his girlfriend, Mimi O'Donnell, when he heads off the stage. Presenter Hilary Swank, who famously didn't thank her husband, actor Chad Lowe, when she won her first Oscar for 1999's Boys Don't Cry, comforts him, saying, "You can't kick yourself over it." Swank thoughtfully leaves out the fact that she and Lowe are now separated.

And this one, I just thought was so sweet...

What you saw: The French makers of documentary winner March of the Penguins holding stuffed versions of their stars.
What you didn't see: The filmmakers responsible for March of the Penguins were still clutching their stuffed penguins backstage. Producer Emmanuel Priou said that their distributor in Japan "made them and sent them for good luck. They were right, because we have had a lot of good luck tonight."


So that I don't get my ass sued, all that came from this: http://news.yahoo.com/s/usatoday/20060306/en_usatoday/theacademyawardsshowyouneversaw

Sorry. I'm too lazy to make the link nice and html-ed.

Anyway, that's it! Bye, folks!

Boooooooooooo i wanna be studying still. Working is like... damn headache la. :(
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