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& The Lover                                                                                                                                   & Grief                                       of Justice            of Fire         

Thursday, January 05, 2006

So merry christmas and happy new year! Oops, a little too late to be saying that right now but it's hard when your laptop has deserted you in your time of need and your little brother is on the only other available computer 24/7 and your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere next to a banana plantation on a family trip and you are forced to wait ages for a tow truck and then again wait ages in a tiny little town out of nowhere and sit on a dust-covered sofa in the mechanic's office that stains your white top (horrors!) and then on yet another road trip you find yourself driving through storms and hoping your car makes it through the flooded roads...
Hmm...I think i got a little off-track there but you get the general idea.
And yours truly has developed a permanent case of the sniffles due to all the pollution back home. Both myself and my sister have gone through at least five boxes of tissues (maybe more, I haven't kept count) since we've gotten back. There are only one and a half boxes of tissues left in this house, to my knowledge, and we must must must run out and buy at least another dozen if we want to survive! We're also currently drugged up on some pills to prevent the sniffles... antihistamines or something. Sounds like amphetamines. It's a drag. Note to self: must boost up immune system.
It's been a movie week! I watched The Promise and it wasn't very promising at all. I think it should have been called The Runner instead because they have this guy in the movie who zooms up and down all over the place and then runs so fast he can run backwards in time. But for some reason while he is fast enough to run back into the past, he can't change his tragic childhood past yet he's able to carry people on his back and take them back into the past where they get to change their decisions and thus their future. So why couldn't he do the same thing? How come there was some kind of time wall blocking him and not them? Explain please, somebody!
Also, finally managed to see King Kong! Truly, that is a story of two star-crossed lovers. Even Romeo and Juliet cannot compare to the tragedy of Naomi Watts and Kong! At least R & J were humans and had a chance at marriage and a normal life and all that. What kind of future will there ever be for Naomi and Kong? Naomi could never survive living on that island (where every dinosaur seems intent on eating her, though I don't see how she could constitute for more than just a single hors d'oveur for them) and frankly, I can't see King Kong holding down a job in New York. They'd have a tough time finding an apartment in the city and everyone knows it's not cheap to rent in NY. Maybe King Kong could get hired as a bouncer at some swanky night club. Heaven knows he'll never have trouble with the drunks and the riffraff.
Let's talk about books! Drove to desperation over a shortage of reading material, I have decided to reread Pride and Prejudice. No, it's not because of that new movie with Keira Knightley in it. Actually, it's because of that Karen Joy Fowler book, the Jane Austen Book Club. It just made me want to re-read all the Jane Austens. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring the JABC home with me, so I can't read the Jane Austens, then read the part in JABC where they discuss those books. Oh, well! Anyway, I'm in the middle of Pride and Prejudice and it keeps making me think of the movie Bride and Prejudice. It's like a triple commentary in my head - one track is on Austen's Pride and Prejudice, another is on the JABC, and another is on Bride and Prejudice replay. It's a good thing I haven't see the Keira Knightley movie yet or else my brain will be running on four tracks. And while we women are known for our multi-tasking skills, I think reading Pride and Prejudice while a voice chants out certain choice quotes from the JABC and another voice is singing "No life! Without wife!" is quite enough for me!

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