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& The Lover                                                                                                                                   & Grief                                       of Justice            of Fire         

Friday, January 27, 2006

So anyway, since I've told you about Anthony and Sebastian, now it's time to move on to the rest of what I've been doing. Um...what have I been doing? Well, there's been the movie marathons over at Bundles's house. The other day we watched a total of three chick flicks in one afternoon: Ice Princess, Cinderella Story and The Perfect Man. Oddly enough, after a serious dose of chick flicks, instead of feeling lovey dovey and wailing "I want the perfect guy!!!" I felt a serious dose of girl power fire up in my veins. It was more like "I don't need a guy!!! We're independent women here!!!" Now ScreamingSour and Potatoes joke that I need to watch some action movies to get me to soften up and realize I need boys! Maybe I need to watch Doom and realize I need a man like...um...the Rock! Lol!
We also watched "Drink Drank Drunk" which is this Chinese movie about a girl who can drink everyone under the table. She then falls in love with this guy who so totally can't hold his licquor. It was a pretty sweet movie, actually. On that same day, we headed over to Taylor's, our old college, so I could pick up my air tickets (I'll be leaving on the 2nd! Sniff!) and mosey along to the old ADP campus to check it out and savour some nostalgia. The old walls which looked like hospital waiting rooms have been redecorated. Now they have these murals of strange faces and loads of handprints so they look kind of like the walls of high schools instead. I think we need some serious redecoration in that college. After that, I didn't want to go home because I had been rudely awakened by a load of construction workers barging into my room "to fix the leak in your bathroom ceiling" so rather than endure the flying dust and plaster, I went over to Bundles's to watch "Drink Drank Drunk" and admire Daniel Wu as he spouts French in a very sleazy voice which I suppose is meant to make him sound as if he was inebriated.
Last Friday night, ScreamingSour, SydneyBoy, Potatoes, and I drove over to Hartamas to meet up with the Kelvinator and Bananas. We parked in the very same parking lot where my car was once broken into (they stole Constantly's backpack). The jockey of the parking lot was this badass guy in a wifebeater with a shaven head and a cigarette in one hand and he kept looking as if he wanted to kill me as he directed me into a parking spot. After I had parked the car, he started yelling at me as soon as I got out of the car. "Do you want other cars to hit your car as they drive be?" he yells at me in Malay. "Get back in! I'll direct you to a proper spot!"
I'm confused. Didn't he just tell me that it was okay to park my car there? Didn't he direct me to that very spot himself? But I obey him because he looks like he might kill me otherwise. And the spot to which he then directed me to next was a spot where I would have had to run him over with my car in order to get to had I drove up to it in the first place. Erm, I'm confused!
Anyway, after a final nod and a swift cutting glare at me, he stalks off and we get out of the car and head over to the stall where he and his friends are sitting to pay them so that they might "look after" the car. Look after it, my ass. I bet they were the ones who stole Constantly's backpack that night a year ago. Anyway, as the wifebeater dude's friend was digging around for change for my ten bucks, the wifebeater suddenly asks me (translation of following conversation from Malay to English): "Are you married?"
Er, wasn't he ready to kill me just now?
Keeping in the mind the fact that dear Sebastian would be under their watchful eye for the next few minutes, I say carefully, "Um, oh yeah, I am!"
He laughs and goes, "Can I have your number?"
"Um, I don't have a telephone!" I answer. While praying my mobile doesn't go off in my bag at the same time.
He laughs and says to his other friend, "She's a snob."
Keeping in mind the fact that they may slash my car tires if I piss them off, I interject, "Oh, no, I'm not a snob, I'm just married!"
Anyway, that seemed to put them in a good humor and I beat a hasty retreat with Potatoes and ScreamingSour and SydneyBoy once I got my change.
And no car tires were slashed, so all is good!
Anyway, that night with Kelvinator and Bananas was pretty good. We had drinks and smoked shisha (which took forever to arrive) and the Kelvinator and Bananas were in top form gossiping, lol. Potatoes and I got startled when we came across a guy admiring himself in the mirror of the women's rest room. It was pretty fun that night.
What else? On Saturday night, Backstabbed, ScreamingSour, SydneyBoy and myself headed out, originally intending to head to Rush (Potatoes was to come too, but she had a headache, poor thing). Due to the crowds and the overpriced cover charge, we headed to Bangsar instead, which was completely dead, and ended up in Absolute Chemistry where I think I had one too many tequila shots. The bartenders all looked as if they had just come from an audition for a Bollywood movie. And they were all wearing shades - in a dark, smoky nightclub/bar at one in the morning! The bartender in a tight little t-shirt and Brylcream hair with wraparound shades was just staring at me in this totally blur way as I leaned over the bar, asking him for a Corona. It was as if he was trying to read my lips over the music to figure out my order, but because he was wearing shades in the dark, he couldn't figure out if I was even there or not. For goodness sakes, take those shades off! You'll ruin your eyes!
Oh, and while we were there, Backstabbed demonstrated some of the maddest dance moves ever! The spur-of-the-moment double-shuffle moonwalk! I'll never forget that! :o
Monday was once again a movie day. Bundles and I headed to 1u to watch Pride and Prejudice. We got the one with the American ending. According to my sister, Pride and Prejudice had two different final scenes, for different countries. The British got the movie with the final scene where Keira Knightley and whoever was playing Darcy didn't kiss while the Americans got the one with Keira and Darcy kissing. It seems that while they were playing the movie for test audiences, the Brits preferred a final scene similar to the book where the couple did not kiss whereas the Americans preferred the Hollywood-ized version (no surprises there). Anyway, we got the American one where they kissed but I do wonder how the British non-kissing version was like.
And what was that about the fetish for butts in that movie? I swear, in the scene in the ribbon shop where Wickham goes to gives some money to Lydia/Kitty/I can't remember which of them to buy some ribbons, you could see Keira Knightley/Elizabeth Bennett surreptitiously eyeing his ass from behind. And later, as Keira/Elizabeth is walking around in Darcy's house, admiring his art collection and sculptures and paintings and whatnot, she comes across this statue of a nude lying on its side and the camera is running over the length of the nude, implying that Keira's running her eyes over the nude, admiring its workmanship, and the camera just HAD to run around the front of the nude to the back and very obviously and prominently display its butt to the movie audience. Maybe the director of the movie had a total fetish for butts!
Later that evening, I met up with Kelly-Mandy and Dizzy Lizzy, who have finally taken time off from their busy schedules (Kelly-Mandy from flirting and baking pineapple tarts and Dizzy Lizzy, from studying) to meet up with yours truly. OMG, that was one hell of a crazy night. And also the first time I have ever seen Kelly-Mandy drive! She got way huffy over mine and Dizzy Lizzy's indecisiveness about where we should go for dinner. We drove, like, everywhere before we ended up at the 24-hour McDonald's at CentrePoint, which has been renovated and expanded so much that Dizzy Lizzy and I were both absolutely dazzled by the sight of it. We then spent the rest of the night talking about boys (heehee) and catching up on each other's love lives and munching on nuggets and refilling Cokes (MacDonald's has a free refill policy just like Burger King now! Yay!) and taking pictures with Kelly-Mandy's phone camera. Dizzy Lizzy was never satisfied with any of our pictures and we kept taking pictures until we realized we probably looked like a bunch of bimbos posing with our camera phone in MacDonald's, lol. We finally left about 2.20 in the a.m. and ended up sitting in Kelly-Mandy's car, filling out a questionnaire about what we thought about her for her business communications class. We had to answer things like what we thought were her three best skills ("Um, baking pineapple tarts? But we haven't tried your pineapple tarts yet! No, flirting! Yeah, flirting! Um, driving?") while we sat there in her little car on that dark road. Dizzy Lizzy was nervous because we were just these three chicks sitting in a car in the middle of a dark road despite the fact that we had locked all the doors. I flipped out my knife to reassure her but the sight of me waving my knife in her face seemed to make her even more nervous. Hmph. That girl has no trust.
Speaking of cars, as we had been walking towards MacDonald's from the car earlier on, we all got a major heart attack at the sight of this family sitting in this car not far from ours. They were just sitting in the car, staring straight ahead, with NO expression whatsoever on their faces. They were like waiting for someone or something but they were not talking among themselves or even moving! That creeped the hell out of us. We wondered if they were real or alive. They looked as if they were trying to kill themselves by suffocating in the car and we wondered if we should go knock on the window or tell someone in case they really were attempting suicide. Anyway when we got back from MacDonald's hours later, they were gone, so I guess it wasn't a suicide attempt.
Tuesday arrived and I re-watched Memoirs of a Geisha with Bundles and the Crazed Dentist from Adelaide. Alleya was suppose to come as well but she couldn't get over to the mall in time so it was just us three. The Crazed Dentist from Adelaide was leaving the very next day to Adelaide once more. Apparently, the dentists' university semester begins much earlier than every one else's - and what's more, they apparently keep pushing the first day of the semester forward every year because of the increased amount of work. Poor dentists! Well, I guess they earn that much more money when they start their real practice after graduation. I miss her. Hope you're having a good time back in Adelaide, gal! And for heaven's sake, don't drill out anyone's gums by mistake!

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