The Mercenary       The Soul          The Fire          Welcome to Darkschunt...      Fire Poppies        Power             The Warrior      The House   The Guardian 
& The Lover                                                                                                                                   & Grief                                       of Justice            of Fire         

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Sigh...okay, i'm back home... and missing everyone and everything very much! Maybe it has to do with the flu that I came down with since I got home and am only just recovering from and maybe it's just because I do miss everyone very much! Anyway, gosh, it's been AGES since I've typed any entries for this space. What with running back and forth everywhere, packing up and moving out of EUH to spend the last couple of weeks at the Gutter Philosopher's and Pharrell's new house (where they have no Internet connection yet, the horrors!) and flying home where I've been waylaid with the flu...pah...
Anyway, I'll try to catch you all up on what's been going on with my life...though i'll probably forget to add some stuff and will try to do that later... hmm...well a few weeks back, headed out for dinner with the Duchess, Tom Thumb Hairdryer, his friend S, and S's girlfriend. S's girlfriend knows a friend who knows about this little pizza place that's suppose to serve the best pizza ever. So we ended up through this really long dark journey in the car, going through all these kind of creepy forests and roads and tiny towns - if u can call them towns. And we'd thought we must have missed it or gone past it or it doesn't exist or something after driving for ages when we finally came upon the place. And it does serve really yummy pizza! I'm still thinking about that apple strudel pizza we had for dessert...yumyum... apparently the place serves "the world's best pizza". It's on top of a hill (which explains why our ears were popping while we were driving through the forests) and it's really nice to check out the city lights as we were driving back. After that we wanted to go clubbing so we headed to Varga Lounge and the Church.
What else happened? Well, I was rudely awakened at 2 am in the morning by Sheryl, the Tall One, and the Philosopher all claiming that the Philospher had been arrested and taken to jail. The fool wasn't actually arrested but he had been stopped by the police. He and Pharrell had gone out drinking with another Seychellois friend earlier that evening and the fool had gotten stinking drunk and Pharrel had been driving his car in which they had all been sitting in without using seatbelts (not that I am a stickler for seatbelts but in that city you can actually get done in for not using your seatbelt). Anyway, the police slapped a yellow sticker on his car, rendering it "unsuitable for driving in the streets" because it had a broken tail light, his driver's seat had to be kept upright by this wooden stick that would be great as a stake in Buffy or Angel. And for something else too, but I can't remember what it is. Anyway, they managed to get it back to EUH and it's been there ever since. King's suppose to drive it over to the Philosopher's house but at the mo, the keys seem to be missing and now I don't know what's happening since I'm back here. Keys are always missing around the Philospher, lol.
Also, we've been kept pretty busy cleaning our flats and stuff. Went over to the Brothel Flat to help 'em out - gawd I swear I did more cleaning over there than in my own place. Those drawers are dees-gusting. And with the shifting and all...i felt like a hobo with all my boxes and bags full of stuff. Except a hobo never had so many boxes and bags as I did. And saying good-bye was sad... the Pothead Teddy was leaving for good and he got all sentimental saying goodbye to me, which was a real surprise since he's never been anything but sarcastic, and it made me all sentimental and sad too...awww!!!
We had an early Christmas lunch the other week too... which became a dinner as it turns out because everyone overslept and couldn't be bothered waking up in time to roast a turkey and collect the food and so on. I ended up peeling potatoes with a knife which was actually quite fun. I think this is like the second time I've ever peeled potatoes, lol. After dinner, the Tall One went off to drive the Columbian home while the Swedes and German Boy and the Philosopher had a bunch of smokies out in the backyard and me and Sheryl got drunk in the living room. We thought there was a party going over at the Philospher's brother's place and went over there but turns out there was naught but a bunch of people sitting around talking and sipping baccardi and beer. The party was, in fact, due next week, when we were all gone.
We also celebrated Gretchel's birthday recently...went over to the restaurant that King works sat, which is by the riverside and really quite nice. Yummy oysters! The Philospher and I bought her some Dusk candle stuff which was really nice.
The flight home was in a word claustrophobic. The airplane seemed to be so much smaller than I remembered and everything just seemed so CRAMPED. I somehow managed to get on the plane with a blade in my bag - they seemed to have missed out on that. I could have been the world's next terrorist! But I chose to sit quietly and have a glass of cheap white wine instead. Nice little me. Purrr.

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