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Friday, August 05, 2005

What a week!
I have been driven to exhaustion just listening to everyone go on about their classes the whole week. I have been driven to exhaustion looking for parties that don't seem to exist. I refuse to ever go over the road to KJ on Wednesday nights for parties that always never happen!
Just came back from my first class of the week, of the semester, of the rest of the year! It's Advanced Radio News and I thought it was four hours but we were dismissed after two hours. Hooray! And apparently, it's only suppose to last two hours anyway. Hooray!
That leaves me two more hours to have lunch and a nap. Hopefully, we will do away with the lecture later on as well and that will leave me THREE hours for lunch and a nap. Hooray!
BEcause I arrived five minutes late for class I got to sit in the front and stare up at my lecturer with huge eyes. I could feel my eyebrows constantly rising and I couldn't stop it. This often happens if you stand directly in front of me and go on and on for ages and I'm having a paranoia claustrophobia moment. And I couldn't stop thinking about removing my lecturer's eyes and keeping them as marbles in a jar. I have been having a thing about removing people's eyes for marbles lately. Somebody keep me away from the eyes!
What else did I do this week? I had a very deep and meaningful lunch with my sister. I actually turned down tickets to Cirque du Soleil! Don't shout at me! I just didn't want my sister to spend so much money on me! Basically, I have been bumming around EUH most of the time, 'specially over at the Duchess's new flat. Flat 17 has turned into a brothel. They have a red light up, and all the boys come and stand outside on their balcony with their cigarettes and shisha, and it looks like they're there on display for customers to pick and choose. The young boys of Flat 17 and the Tall One can be their mamasan. Hahaha.
Have been driving the Duchess crazy with my emotional distress situations as well. Also have been driving Moon Von crazy. My neighbor has gone crazy too. I'm not sure if it's a man or woman, and he/she had stacks of short logs in front of his/her house the other day. I watched him/her rolling the logs up and down his/her lawn while smoking on my balcony. Then, the other day, the logs had all disappeared and he/she was watering his/her garden. It was all very strange. Where have all the logs gone? What was the point of rolling the logs up and down the garden? And why water your garden when you have a reticulation system for that?

I miss Australia so much omfg you having so much fun without me :((

I bet they were rolling the logs to even out the grass before they watered it. Or they're just a transexual psychopath. WATCH YOUR BACK!!!!!!

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