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& The Lover                                                                                                                                   & Grief                                       of Justice            of Fire         

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Phew. It's been ages since I've blogged, isn't it?
The weather was a bit wild and windy this week but since yesterday it's cleared up and it's all sunshin-y and pretty. Hooray! Let's hope it stays like this for the whole of next week. Keep your fingers crossed, everyone. ;)
Guess what, folks! I have a cigarette holder! It's black and classy and I got it courtesey of the Lost Smoker. Whoot! Such a nice boy!
Everyone's been in a more or less hibernating mood since the weather turned cold which is a little sad. *Sniff*
The Duchess is busy working right now, as we speak. She's coming up with an advertising strategy for a product. She went around asking everyone to help her come up with a product. She rejected MoonShine dishwashing liquid and genetically engineered turtles for flying scooters. Flying scooters! I don't know what century she's living in. She's gone into the future.
Strange people have been clamoring to get onto my msn. All friends of friends that I have apparently met once or twice before but I don't remember. I'd better put a stop to this!
The crazy neighbor that was rolling logs down his/her lawn has put up his/her house for sale. I only wonder what he/she has left behind in the basement. If there is a basement!
I feel like a pizza now but I have no strength to call Domino's. Eurgh...
Guess what, the Hungry Ghost Festival occured this week. I had NO idea, I had thought it would have been much later in the year, round Halloween or something. But I was wrong! And I didn't even know about it until the day after the Festival was over. Bundles told me! And after a moment, I realized: oh, this must be the reason why I had that dream about my grandmother.
Things are falling into place!

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