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Friday, July 22, 2005

It has really been ages since I've blogged!!!!!
So most of my time has been spent sleeping away in bed or over at the Gutter Philosopher's flat, just sitting around and drinking and smoking (erm, a bit too much smoking!), watching movies with Moon Von and listening to her little life dramas or clubbing, and also finding out about the tragedy that's happened in A3's life, the poor guy. There were also a couple of barbeques at the Philosopher's place too. That's pretty much what my past two weeks have consisted of.
The cinema in the city which SweetRhapsody, the Duchess and I go to every Tuesday for our movie day was bombed! At least that's what Moon Von says. It looked fine today when we walked past it. Moon Von and I went shopping and bought eyeliners each. Sadly I lost my MAC eye liner last week when I got completely smashed on Wednesday night. All I remembered was downing tequila shots before leaving the house - and that's it! And the next day - poof! no eye liner! Aaaah!
I got an Estee Lauder one this time. Forest Writer or something. It's supposed to be a deep green but it looks more like black.
The new flatmate has arrived. She's this small sweet-looking innocent girl. Moon Von and I are deeply disappointed that it's not a cute guy.
And Moon Von and I got manicures! This girl snatched us the moment we got off the escalator at David Jones. It was only five bucks per person. Moon Von got hers in white and I got mine in a very natural French pink polish. I love it. Mmm. My first manicure ever. Woot.

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