The Mercenary       The Soul          The Fire          Welcome to Darkschunt...      Fire Poppies        Power             The Warrior      The House   The Guardian 
& The Lover                                                                                                                                   & Grief                                       of Justice            of Fire         

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Anyway, the first thing I want to talk about is SweetRhapsody's birthday!!! It was on the 28th of June and it was her 22nd birthday. All the hoohah actually happened on the day before. I had planned to buy her a cake for her birthday and so had the Colored Fringe, only he had planned on making, not buying her a cake, to add a bit of a personal touch to it. As everyone who knows me knows, my cooking skills are *ahem* limited, but as the Colored Fringe was there, I felt reassured. We bought some cake mix and he did most of the work mixing and stuff ( I don't have an electric mixer) and we finally got the cake into the oven and he left me to watch over the cake while he went home for a shower and stuff. The directions on the box said that it would take about 55 minutes to bake but horror of horrors, after about half an hour or so, the entire flat was filled with a very strong smell of chocolate cake. I was talking to Screaming Sour online then and I said "hang on, I'm just going to check on the cake to make sure it's not burning." ScreamingSour laughed. I went out to find Moon Von and her sister, who had just returned home, staring at the oven. One look at them made me realize: THE CAKE WAS BURNT.
I must say though that it looked very good burnt black. Like a fruit cake or coffee cake (or at least what I'd imagine a coffee cake to look like.)
Anyway, I went into hysterics immediately. What are we going to do? What are we going to surprise SweetRHapsody with? How could I have burnt the cake? HOW COULD THE CAKE HAVE BURNT? What did I do wrong? What did the instructions say? Why did they say fifty minutes when the stupid thing burnt in thirty? I did everything to the letter! Where can I find Betty Crocker and what is the most painful way in which I could kill her? Where am I going to find another cake? Coles is closed!!! What is the Colored Fringe going to say? He's going to kill me!!!!!!!!
Luckily Moon Von and her sister were there to calm me down! (Better Crocker, take note, Moon Von and her sister have saved you from death in an oven of cake mixes). We decided to go down to the gas station where they might sell cake mixes. SweetRhapsody called just then to demand that I come down to her flat. Half hysterical and half guilt-ridden, I babble something incoherent about Moon Von having a personal problem which needed my attention at once and hung up on her. We run down to the gas station. While running past SweetRhapsody's flat, I see her standing at the kitchen window, washing her hands or pans or whatever and looking out the window directly at me. She looked very scary and suspicious. I think I looked very guilty.
The stupid gas station did not sell cake mixes! What gas station does not sell cake mixes? Don't they think that the people of the world who needs gas might need cake mixes too?
Luckily, Moon Von remembered that there was a convenience store in the city near the restaurant where she works which might just be open at this late hour. We immediately call a cab from the gas station. Lousy Swan Cab staff members are not too sure where the Shell Station in the K suburb is located. I scream out directions while hoping that my operating a handphone in the middle of a Shell gas station would not set off a spark in their fuel tanks or whatever and cause the station to go up in flames. The cab does not come! I nearly go into hysterics again. Moon Von calls another cab, this time from the Black and White Cab Company. They are far more dependable, they know where the Shell Station in the K suburb is. Both cabs arrive at the same time. We stare haplessly at both cabs then make a run for the Black and White cab while I shout out lies to the Swan cab about there being another group of people earlier at this station who had just left in another cab. The driver in the Black and White cab talks about natural medicines and herbs. Does he not realize I am about to fall apart? Don't talk natural herbs to me when I'm thinking cake mixes. Better Crocker might very well die from natural herbs. In chocolate cakes.
We make it to the convenience store and bought two cake mixes (just in case the next cake meets the same fate as the Better Crocker one). This one is Silver Wing or Silver Bird or something. We buy the mixes just before the store closes. The cashier lady stared at us in a very rude way.
The natural medicine cab driver hands us over to another cab (he has to go and pick up someone else at some other spot at the very same time). This is all irrelevant to the cake mix mess. We reach EUH and run home to make the cake. Moon Von and her sister assisted, the darlings. We put the cake in the oven. I smoke a cigarette on the flat balcony to calm myself down. Moon Von felt mischevious and scared me into thinking the cake had burnt when I re-entered the flat. We continued to check on the cake. This cake is also suppose to bake for 55 minutes but it too was ready by thirty minutes. Betty Crocker's life is saved, the maker of my oven will not be so lucky but we will save that for another story another time. The cake is a success. We put on the icing. I breath a sigh of relief. I call the Colored Fringe to tell him the good news. (I had finally mustered up the courage to call him while at the gas station waiting for a cab.) He comes over with the Dervish and the Silent Walker. We make candle arrangements. I kick them out of my flat. I run off to collect my laundry and take a shower and get cake mix smell out of my hair. I call them back into my flat. By now it is nearly twelve and SweetRhapsody is probably making voodoo dolls of me because I have abandoned her the entire day. Louise comes over. Everyone else is in SweetRhapsody's flat. We light the candles and go down and ring the doorbell. She opens the door and I snap a picture of her shocked face. I don't think she likes that picture very much but she liked the cake and the surprise!!!!!!! :D

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