Friday, June 10, 2005
It's been a busy week!
And it's been raining loads too!
And we've been seeing lots of movies. First we went to watch the Upside of Anger on Tuesday, which is a little slow but was really sweet and sad. And it got me all depressed and stuff, what with the rain and all. On Wednesday we watched A Lot Like Love which is sooo sweet and a little sad too and we did loads of shopping on those two days as well. Then we went to the Waterford pub that night and after that we headed to Margeux where we met up with the Duchess's friend, B. For some reason, the Philosopher and the Soft-spoken Socializer tagged along as well. Anyway, we all had a few drinks and were sitting around talking and we hadn't even gotten up to dance yet when they turned on the lights! So we decided to head down to the Post Office, another club - weird name, huh? Of all the names for a club... it made me think of the Pharmacy at home! Gawd, that was the one that took the cake.
And it wasn't too bad there - they had a great band at first playing all these old high school songs and I was just jumping along and singing and the Philosopher tried to make me drink these foul-tasting shots but i was like "NO" and ran off with the beer. And SweetRhapsody got totally drunk and we spent part of the night in the bathroom urging her to throw up while all these other sweet girls gathered around to help out. And lots of other things happened that night as well which made me laugh. Anyway, we finally got her out and into B's car and we drove home and somehow got her all the way into her bed and she was being really demanding! Then the Duchess and I made ourselves a snack and just hang out and laughed about the night and then we went to bed!
Anyway, the next day was Thursday and I slept in really late only to be awakened by SweetRhapsody on the phone. "I'm still sleeping, call back later," I mumbled and then hung up on her and turned over. Right away, I think, "waaait, she may be calling to see if I wanted something for lunch, I should call her back and send her to get something for me" and that's when she calls back on the phone and screams to me "TV News! We're suppose to head down to the TV news station tonight to watch them produce news! We have to get going or it'll be too late!" so I had to stumble out and of course my hair is all stinky from last night and I had to shower and pull on something warm since it's all cold and raining outside. Ran in and out of SweetRhapsody's flat twice to change jackets (i changed from my deep magenta jacket with the sequinned patterns here and there to my long green coat) and bags while the Turbanator watched with puzzlement as he chopped onions in the kitchen. Finally we managed to get a move on, grabbing a burger and nuggets from BK on the way to munch on since we were both starving. We finally arrived at the station and we had to wait outside in the freezing cold but luckily we bumped into some of the other people from our classes and sat in their car to wait until we could finally go inside. It was pretty fun, we got to see them producing live and it was really cool. After that, we got a ride to the city from one of the girls from my class and then went to watch Mr and Mrs Smith with the Duchess. B was supposed to come as well but he decided not to in the end. The show wasn't too bad - it was so sweet, the two of them. Hahaha! After the movie we stopped by McD's so the Duchess could grab a burger and watched drunken hobos shout and kick at trash cans outside McD's. Then we grabbed a cab home, arrived shortly after midnight, hung around with the Pothead Teddy and the Quiet Pothead in the Transit Flat until the Colored Fringe showed up. Then I headed home and fell into bed. I was way too tired!
And it's been raining loads too!
And we've been seeing lots of movies. First we went to watch the Upside of Anger on Tuesday, which is a little slow but was really sweet and sad. And it got me all depressed and stuff, what with the rain and all. On Wednesday we watched A Lot Like Love which is sooo sweet and a little sad too and we did loads of shopping on those two days as well. Then we went to the Waterford pub that night and after that we headed to Margeux where we met up with the Duchess's friend, B. For some reason, the Philosopher and the Soft-spoken Socializer tagged along as well. Anyway, we all had a few drinks and were sitting around talking and we hadn't even gotten up to dance yet when they turned on the lights! So we decided to head down to the Post Office, another club - weird name, huh? Of all the names for a club... it made me think of the Pharmacy at home! Gawd, that was the one that took the cake.
And it wasn't too bad there - they had a great band at first playing all these old high school songs and I was just jumping along and singing and the Philosopher tried to make me drink these foul-tasting shots but i was like "NO" and ran off with the beer. And SweetRhapsody got totally drunk and we spent part of the night in the bathroom urging her to throw up while all these other sweet girls gathered around to help out. And lots of other things happened that night as well which made me laugh. Anyway, we finally got her out and into B's car and we drove home and somehow got her all the way into her bed and she was being really demanding! Then the Duchess and I made ourselves a snack and just hang out and laughed about the night and then we went to bed!
Anyway, the next day was Thursday and I slept in really late only to be awakened by SweetRhapsody on the phone. "I'm still sleeping, call back later," I mumbled and then hung up on her and turned over. Right away, I think, "waaait, she may be calling to see if I wanted something for lunch, I should call her back and send her to get something for me" and that's when she calls back on the phone and screams to me "TV News! We're suppose to head down to the TV news station tonight to watch them produce news! We have to get going or it'll be too late!" so I had to stumble out and of course my hair is all stinky from last night and I had to shower and pull on something warm since it's all cold and raining outside. Ran in and out of SweetRhapsody's flat twice to change jackets (i changed from my deep magenta jacket with the sequinned patterns here and there to my long green coat) and bags while the Turbanator watched with puzzlement as he chopped onions in the kitchen. Finally we managed to get a move on, grabbing a burger and nuggets from BK on the way to munch on since we were both starving. We finally arrived at the station and we had to wait outside in the freezing cold but luckily we bumped into some of the other people from our classes and sat in their car to wait until we could finally go inside. It was pretty fun, we got to see them producing live and it was really cool. After that, we got a ride to the city from one of the girls from my class and then went to watch Mr and Mrs Smith with the Duchess. B was supposed to come as well but he decided not to in the end. The show wasn't too bad - it was so sweet, the two of them. Hahaha! After the movie we stopped by McD's so the Duchess could grab a burger and watched drunken hobos shout and kick at trash cans outside McD's. Then we grabbed a cab home, arrived shortly after midnight, hung around with the Pothead Teddy and the Quiet Pothead in the Transit Flat until the Colored Fringe showed up. Then I headed home and fell into bed. I was way too tired!
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