Monday, June 20, 2005
I think i am rambling right now. I can't think of anything to write yet I must write! Et tu Brutus? Maybe I AM losing my mind. But the Duchess says not to worry, we'll all get it back. I blame it all on the aftereffects of the ghost dream last night. But was it last night? It was early this morning. Philosopher would say it's due to the drugs but I haven't been able to find my hypodermic syringe ever since I cleaned my room. I must write to Marcus and ask him to send me a fresh one but I fear that that would bring him to my doorstep. I wonder what I should do? I should go to bed but I can't! I will have to wake in about two or three hours. It's evening! It's too cold to go smoke on my balcony. Whatever should I do? Oh, look at the sky! Something strange is happening and yet it is not.
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