Monday, June 06, 2005
What a weekend! Phew!
I just finished all my assignments and ran to uni in the dawn's cool morning light with the Duchess to hand it up before the office opens so that they will think that we handed it up on Friday. And now we are all completely DONE! HOORAY!
Well, erm, I am done anyway. SweetRhapsody and the Duchess still have work to hand up tomorrow but that's THEIR fault; they should have started working at the same time I did instead of watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding on TV. Now I'll take this oppurtunity to lounge around and laugh in their faces. Hehehe.
I tried to sleep but I don't know why, I can't seem to. I've got so much energy buzzing through me. I thought it was because of all that work I had to do over the weekend but it hasn't subsided yet. I got up a couple of times this morning and finally got up and cleaned my room - which is in an entire mess because of all the work I've been submerged in - and now I'm just sitting down here, listening to music and generally being pleased with myself. Hehehe.
So anyway, I think I already told you guys about the party on Friday night and on Saturday, I slept, got up, worked on my assignments, then headed down for dinner which was fried rice and vegetables courtesey of SweetRhapsody. The Duchess brought down her chocolate cake too but we were all too full for that. I headed back up to my flat to contine working - see how hardworking I am??? - and ended up chatting on the phone to my mother who was shocked to discover that I was heading out later that night even with all the assignments due. I ended up having to reassure her about my grades and work but she still wasn't happy so I changed the subject and we talked shopping. Hahaha! Anyway, we finally got off the phone and the Roaring Lion called me up and told me stuff that surprised me and then I finally started getting dressed because me, SweetRhapsody and the Duchess were planning on heading to Metro for like the first time ever this year since it got closed after all those rugby players stabbed one another there earlier this year or something. And can you believe one of those players who was on trial for the stabbings is going to be up for some national rugby award or something, something really prestigious. Talk about honoring potential killers. Yeah!
Anyway Metro was pretty fun, it wasn't as crowded as it used to be. We got a few drinks, started dancing, when Hollaback Girl started playing, we were like "This is the Pothead Teddy's song!!!" and we ended up bumping into him and the Quiet Pothead and The Duchess's friend was there as well and he bought us all drinks, the sweetie, and we just generally danced and had a really good time!!!
And on the way to Metro in the cab and on the way back in another cab, we talked the most outrageous things and I think our cab drivers must think we're mad!
Finally, we stumble out of the cab late at night and bump into some American guy smoking outside EUH - apparently we all know one another and we ended up telling him about the differences between stilettos and high heels before heading home and making ourselves a late night supper while watching music videos on TV. The Duchess eventually fell asleep and me and SweetRhapsody were so exhausted we kept saying "We have to get to bed" but everytime we say that a new video that we haven't seen yet comes on and we just had to stay on to watch it! Anyway, the videos finally stopped playing and it was almost dawn so we got up and roused the Duchess and all headed to our bed!
Sunday was pretty irrelevant - I slept, I woke, I did my work, I had dinner at SweetRhapsody's, I listened to all kinds of rubbish that the DESIS were talking about, and then I went back to work.
AND NOW I'M FREEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a weekend! Phew!
I just finished all my assignments and ran to uni in the dawn's cool morning light with the Duchess to hand it up before the office opens so that they will think that we handed it up on Friday. And now we are all completely DONE! HOORAY!
Well, erm, I am done anyway. SweetRhapsody and the Duchess still have work to hand up tomorrow but that's THEIR fault; they should have started working at the same time I did instead of watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding on TV. Now I'll take this oppurtunity to lounge around and laugh in their faces. Hehehe.
I tried to sleep but I don't know why, I can't seem to. I've got so much energy buzzing through me. I thought it was because of all that work I had to do over the weekend but it hasn't subsided yet. I got up a couple of times this morning and finally got up and cleaned my room - which is in an entire mess because of all the work I've been submerged in - and now I'm just sitting down here, listening to music and generally being pleased with myself. Hehehe.
So anyway, I think I already told you guys about the party on Friday night and on Saturday, I slept, got up, worked on my assignments, then headed down for dinner which was fried rice and vegetables courtesey of SweetRhapsody. The Duchess brought down her chocolate cake too but we were all too full for that. I headed back up to my flat to contine working - see how hardworking I am??? - and ended up chatting on the phone to my mother who was shocked to discover that I was heading out later that night even with all the assignments due. I ended up having to reassure her about my grades and work but she still wasn't happy so I changed the subject and we talked shopping. Hahaha! Anyway, we finally got off the phone and the Roaring Lion called me up and told me stuff that surprised me and then I finally started getting dressed because me, SweetRhapsody and the Duchess were planning on heading to Metro for like the first time ever this year since it got closed after all those rugby players stabbed one another there earlier this year or something. And can you believe one of those players who was on trial for the stabbings is going to be up for some national rugby award or something, something really prestigious. Talk about honoring potential killers. Yeah!
Anyway Metro was pretty fun, it wasn't as crowded as it used to be. We got a few drinks, started dancing, when Hollaback Girl started playing, we were like "This is the Pothead Teddy's song!!!" and we ended up bumping into him and the Quiet Pothead and The Duchess's friend was there as well and he bought us all drinks, the sweetie, and we just generally danced and had a really good time!!!
And on the way to Metro in the cab and on the way back in another cab, we talked the most outrageous things and I think our cab drivers must think we're mad!
Finally, we stumble out of the cab late at night and bump into some American guy smoking outside EUH - apparently we all know one another and we ended up telling him about the differences between stilettos and high heels before heading home and making ourselves a late night supper while watching music videos on TV. The Duchess eventually fell asleep and me and SweetRhapsody were so exhausted we kept saying "We have to get to bed" but everytime we say that a new video that we haven't seen yet comes on and we just had to stay on to watch it! Anyway, the videos finally stopped playing and it was almost dawn so we got up and roused the Duchess and all headed to our bed!
Sunday was pretty irrelevant - I slept, I woke, I did my work, I had dinner at SweetRhapsody's, I listened to all kinds of rubbish that the DESIS were talking about, and then I went back to work.
AND NOW I'M FREEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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