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& The Lover                                                                                                                                   & Grief                                       of Justice            of Fire         

Saturday, June 04, 2005

"Go, girl, seek happy nights to happy days." - Romeo and Juliet.
So yesterday the Duchess and I were completely hyped up because it was the last day of classes! Hooray!!! The only thing that put a slight damper was the fact that we hadn't bothered finishing up our last two assignments (we're going to hand them up at the crack of dawn on Monday). But we couldn't care less - it's the end of the semester!!!
The tav at the uni was jumping yesterday. We dragged the Philosopher and his friend there - this friend by the way, spouts the most amazing rubbish, it's definitely one of those people that I enjoy talking to and spouting rubbish with. Anyway, after that, we skipped home and I helped SweetRhapsody out with her script for a while before I crashed in my bed because I hadn't had any sleep the night before. Later that night, the Duchess cooked us butter chicken and rice and we stuffed ourselves silly before getting ready to go out to this party that this guy was giving down on this street. It's actually on the same street that my sister lives on and that Banana Gal used to live on and that the Colored Fringe lives just off, but we couldn't walk down to the place because just as we started out it started raining! So, anyway, we ended up sitting in the Tall One's flat, waiting for a cab to come. The mood dampened a little because of the long wait and because a couple of our crowd weren't feeling too good and so on and on but the spirit of moi, the Queen, is undefeatable and the cab finally came and we piled in and finally showed up at the party.
And it was fun - there were tons of people and good music, on the other hand, most of the drinks were already gone but someone miraculously produced some Smirnoff and club soda out of nowhere. SweetRhapsody took off with the Colored Fringe and I met lots of sweet guys and caught up with some *recent acquintances* and danced and the Duchess spotted a couple that I thought would be the least likely ever to happen!!! I'm still kind of shocked over it!
Well, anyway, we left around two-ish because the Philosopher was completely trashed by then. I got home at the same time that Von did and we ended up sitting in her room swapping stories over what's been going on with each other - for a pair of flatmates, we haven't spent much time together this semester! And then I fell asleep because I was just way too exhausted!

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