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Monday, March 28, 2005

What a surprise.
I just got a long-distance call from Haiti. Never expected to hear from Marcus so soon. Usually he sents a postcard after a few weeks. Never in the first two weeks, always before the first month is over. In that way, Marcus is so predictable.
But apparently Marcus is in jail for stealing diamonds, which is such a weird coincidence seeing that I just spoke about Marcus and diamonds in the same post a few posts earlier. Maybe I am psychic. I mentioned it to him over the phone and he was *not* pleased. Apparently being stuck in a Haitian jail overnight doesn't make you a nicer person.
I told him I didn't know there were diamonds for the stealing in Haiti, since it was such an impoverished country. Apparently that makes things worse, if you steal the only diamonds worth stealing in Haiti. And get caught doing so.
"Why didn't you chew your way out of jail?" I asked.
"Are you crazy? In Haiti? This is the land of the undead. I don't want to reveal anything that'll get me revealed," he snapped back.
"Well, that's your own fault," I say pleasantly.
He snarled a few threats and curses down the phone line at me and then asked me to wire down some bail money.
"I'm a student," I say even more pleasantly. "I don't think I'm equipped with sufficient funds to wire down bail money to a diamond thief in Haiti."
He snarled even more and mentioned something about having my throat the moment he gets out of jail. I promise to try my best to do something and then hung up after wishing him a pleasant stay in Haitian prison. The last I heard is that he's still sitting in the corner of his cell, waiting for the bail money while sniffing a few lines of coke he had somehow smuggled in with. Honestly. If he could smuggle coke into his cell why couldn't he arrange for his own bail money to be smuggled in as well? I don't see why I should do all the work when he's having a ball over there and I'm struggling with work here.
As of this moment, I haven't decided what I'll do yet. I'll decide later this evening.
Stay tuned for the next episode of Marcus's Unfortunate Unlife.

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