Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Too much sun, cheese and Australian transvestites.
Yesterday everyone here was in a bad mood - and it could possibly be from too much sun, too much stress, or too little drugs.
And everyone was shouting at everyone over five slices of cheese and I was trying to finish my readings before my class with the postgrads tomorrow and steadily losing my mind and finally I lost it and shouted at SweetRhapsody and possibly Flat 8 Girl (hereafter known as the Duchess), I'm not sure if she was in SweetRhapsody's room then, and then I shouted at the Dervish who immediately reverted into a sulking. All that shouting and making people sulky made me feel better. And then I started yakking with ScreamingSour who drew me pictures of stick people and big cheeses and stick me with red hair that made me laugh and then we started talking about finally killing Clara with our pool sticks when we're old ladies and how Clara still owes Potatos money and how Potatoes will be a shylock and cut a pound of flesh and his diaphragma out of him and then ScreamingSour drew another stick picture of us beating poor Clara and a tiny Potatoes dancing around with her knife and poor Clara's blood on it which made me laugh even more:

I thought that we were stabbing him because that is what we do, but ScreamingSour says, "No, we are *beating* him" and I'm like "Oh, right, we'll beat him and *then* we'll stab him!" She says, "I'll stab him in the front and you'll stab him in the back." "Great," says I, "that way we'll get him in one go!"
This is one conversation we'll always think about the next time Clara innocently gets into a car with all three of us (ScreamingSour, me, and Potatoes).
And I managed to finish my readings while talking to ScreamingSour but could barely remember a thing and finally went to bed and dreamt about a terribly bitchy Australian transvestite who hadn't completely finished his sex-change operation yet and was horribly rude to me, especially even after I had rescued his stupid ballpoint pen, and so I shouted back at him and he was about to run after me and kill me or something so I burst out of the room and down the hallway and that was when I woke up in another bad mood and all sleepy and groggy and five minutes late for my class. And there was NO way I was in a mood to face all these postgrads especially after that dream. So I was like "screw it" and just went back to bed to beat up that transvestite. And now here I am, refreshed, better, and erm, just basically in only a slightly better mood than yesterday.
Hrnnt. I say, what we need are some drugs!!!
UPDATE: I have decided to go out with guys who are my age and nothing else. Hereafter, they must be born between the months of January 1984 and August 1984. If any guy wants anything to do with me he must whip out his birth cert and show me his proof of age. This way, we also get to censure any illegal immigrants as they would not have their proper papers with them. Hahaha!
Yesterday everyone here was in a bad mood - and it could possibly be from too much sun, too much stress, or too little drugs.
And everyone was shouting at everyone over five slices of cheese and I was trying to finish my readings before my class with the postgrads tomorrow and steadily losing my mind and finally I lost it and shouted at SweetRhapsody and possibly Flat 8 Girl (hereafter known as the Duchess), I'm not sure if she was in SweetRhapsody's room then, and then I shouted at the Dervish who immediately reverted into a sulking. All that shouting and making people sulky made me feel better. And then I started yakking with ScreamingSour who drew me pictures of stick people and big cheeses and stick me with red hair that made me laugh and then we started talking about finally killing Clara with our pool sticks when we're old ladies and how Clara still owes Potatos money and how Potatoes will be a shylock and cut a pound of flesh and his diaphragma out of him and then ScreamingSour drew another stick picture of us beating poor Clara and a tiny Potatoes dancing around with her knife and poor Clara's blood on it which made me laugh even more:

I thought that we were stabbing him because that is what we do, but ScreamingSour says, "No, we are *beating* him" and I'm like "Oh, right, we'll beat him and *then* we'll stab him!" She says, "I'll stab him in the front and you'll stab him in the back." "Great," says I, "that way we'll get him in one go!"
This is one conversation we'll always think about the next time Clara innocently gets into a car with all three of us (ScreamingSour, me, and Potatoes).
And I managed to finish my readings while talking to ScreamingSour but could barely remember a thing and finally went to bed and dreamt about a terribly bitchy Australian transvestite who hadn't completely finished his sex-change operation yet and was horribly rude to me, especially even after I had rescued his stupid ballpoint pen, and so I shouted back at him and he was about to run after me and kill me or something so I burst out of the room and down the hallway and that was when I woke up in another bad mood and all sleepy and groggy and five minutes late for my class. And there was NO way I was in a mood to face all these postgrads especially after that dream. So I was like "screw it" and just went back to bed to beat up that transvestite. And now here I am, refreshed, better, and erm, just basically in only a slightly better mood than yesterday.
Hrnnt. I say, what we need are some drugs!!!
UPDATE: I have decided to go out with guys who are my age and nothing else. Hereafter, they must be born between the months of January 1984 and August 1984. If any guy wants anything to do with me he must whip out his birth cert and show me his proof of age. This way, we also get to censure any illegal immigrants as they would not have their proper papers with them. Hahaha!
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