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& The Lover                                                                                                                                   & Grief                                       of Justice            of Fire         

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Sigh....what a stressful day....
First headed for my class with the postgrads...and everyone was just talking and talking and I was like "Ack! Everything sounds so intelligent and insightful!" Luckily the other guy sitting next to me looked just as lost as I felt...
And there was this huge guy sitting behind me and for some reason he just kept pushing his desk forward so it was straining at my chair and i was practically squashed between his and my chair...and i'm like "what the hell! There's plenty of space behind you!" and he kept breathing heavily and had B.O. and I'm like "aaaargh!" and leaning forward as far as I could go...
And i was pretty sleepy because I hardly had any sleep the night before so I was trying not to fall asleep...and when I finally tried to contribute...I got shot down right away as my tutor goes "No, that's wrong!"
Thanks a lot!
Anyway...I go off shopping in the city with Moon Von and we met up with SweetRhapsody and Flat 8 Girl whom we should call that because I can't come up with a nick for her right now. And I had gotten my hair trimmed but I was wondering if I should go back and have it further layered and my kind-of fringe a little shorter because I was aiming for a Milla Jovovich/Mila Kunis like look. So I go back with SweetRhapsody who has her own hair cut (I directed the stylist on how to cut her hair!) and she ended up looking really pretty! But then the stylist starts on me and doesn't listen to me at all and I end up with an entirely different look from what I wanted! And I was really sad and stressed and panicky because that is how I am over my hair until I finally gaze in the mirror and realized that it's not too different from my own hair style and that I'll have fun styling it and I still look good. Yay! :) So instead of my Milla Jovovich/ Mila Kunis look I ended up with a kind of rock-chick/elvish girl/Jennifer Garner in Elektra look.
And SweetRhapsody and I went to watch Bride and Prejudice while Flat 8 Girl went to watch Constantine and Moon Von headed home. It's so corny and funny! I loved their outfits and dances.
And after the movie we headed for the bus stop where this guy and girl makes out while the guy looks at us over his girl's shoulder and this drunken guy walks up to us and starts making conversation, saying things like "Hey, lovely ladies! So you're going home now to your comfy bed? Well, while you're in your comfy bed, remember that I'm sleeping on the cold concrete floor here out in the open." And I give him the once-over, taking in the shades on his head, the unshabby clothes, the boots, and I think, "Yeah right! As if you're poor!" But I don't say anything because I don't want to encourage him to talk further. LOL.
And then we made it home at last...and we sat in the Little Pony's flat and chatted for a while while I surreptiously stole some of the Pony's, Pumpkin's and the Ninja Crisis's dee-licious salad. And then i go home and take a hot shower and finally settle down with scented candles to chill...and that's when Louise pops online to ask "Are you ready for the quiz tomorrow?"
"What QUIZ?!?" I shriek, my heartbeat count racing to a record number.
And it turns out there IS no quiz, but honestly, she shouldn't do that to me. I've had a long day! I was about to chill! There was no need to give me a heart attack.
And now, i AM going to chill. So, good night folks! Have happiness tomorrow!

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