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& The Lover                                                                                                                                   & Grief                                       of Justice            of Fire         

Monday, March 28, 2005

My jewelry box is in a TT. That is, Total Tangle. The Harry Winstons have mated with the Van Cleef and Arpels and it doesn't look like they'll be extricating themselves any time soon.
And before any of you go into a tizzy and try to climb into my room tonight to do a bungle, I have to say I really do wish that it was the Harry Winstons I was trying to undo rather than a bunch of black ribbons and some rusty pseudo-silver necklaces. Oh, to be rich.
All I wish is that I hadn't said no to all those product-of-slave-labour diamond jewelry that Del tried to persuade me to take. I wish Del had been more persuasive. I wish I was more easily persuaded.
I know that Marcus would agree with me - in fact it was he who nearly threw the pear ornament at me when I came home and told him I had rejected Del's jewelry. He had been hoping for a new motorbike and I knew he had had his eye on the smallest diamond necklace. Once I asked him, "Marcus, have you no sentimentality when it comes to friends like me?" But I realized it was useless. When it comes down to Marcus and sentimentality, he has no sentimentality when it concerns getting what he wants. And when it comes down to Marcus and shame, Marcus HAS no shame. And that is why I carved out his fang and why he forgave me for that.
Dear Marcus.

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