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Saturday, March 05, 2005

Loners on the Steps and Pseudo-Hungarian Girls Waiting for Buses.
This evening felt like one long wait for a bus. First we spent ages waiting for a bus to get into the city. Then we got to the restaurant only to find it was closing. So we got on another bus to McDonald's and after dinner, waited for ages again for another bus. Only that wait wasn't so bad because we sat on a coffin slab in the middle of the city and watched cute guys pass by in cars and let the wind play with our hair and I spouted all kinds of rubbish to the guy who still thinks I'm Hungarian. I have discovered what most con artists have known is true all along: you can get away with anything as long as you do it with lots of CONFIDENCE.
Now I must go find out all kinds of facts about Hungary in order to continue my con artist impersonation. Then I will go over to the others' flats to spout more rubbish.
Just now I passed by this guy on my way over to the Curly Pumpkin's flat. And he was just sitting on the steps, smoking and looking so like a loner. And on my way back he was there and he wasn't too bad looking so I stopped and spoke to him: "Are you some lost and abandoned person?"
And he laughed and said, "yes that's me, lost and abandoned."
"Cool," said I. Then because I was in a hurry to get home and wash all the smog off of me, I continued, "Well, I'm sure someone will find you sooner or later."
"Yes," he said, "find me sooner or later."
"Yep," said I cheerfully, "Just keep on smoking those cigarettes like you do!"
And I wished him good bye and went on my way home!
And my Elizabeth Arden nose strip smells like coffee. Shouldn't it smell like, I don't know, Ribena berries or oranges since it's supposed to be packed full of Vitamin C?

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