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Thursday, March 03, 2005

Damnit Janet!
Last night we watched the Rocky Horror Picture Show! My God, Susan Sarandon! It was hilarious to see how she had gotten her start in movies! And what serious roles she plays now! Hahahaha! And the Ninja Crisis fell asleep in the middle of the movie like usual!

And on a more serious note, I, SweetRhapsody, Curly Pumpkin and the My Little Pony went to watch Million Dollar Baby on Tuesday. We spent nearly an hour trying to find the cinema which all of us walked right by except for the Pony because the entrance to the cinema was like a crack in the wall. And then we finally settled down to watch the movie. And the ending WAS SO TRAGIC. I couldn't believe it ended like that! Curly Pumpkin hated the movie because of the ending. I was in shock. I think SweetRhapsody cried. It is TRULY TRAGIC. And now I understand why Million Dollar Baby beat the Aviator for the Academy Awards. I understand why Hilary Swank got the Best Actress Award and Clint Eastwood got the Best Actor Award. But I don't understand why Morgan Freeman won the Best Supporting Actor Award. He didn't do much except sat around and later knocked out a "young 'un." He had a better role in Nurse Betty. Hahah.

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