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Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Continuation of the Coffin!
I'm not done telling all of you about my very trying day today yet!
Speaking of claustrophobia and coffins, our tripod came in this long green bag while our video cam and microphone and headphones came in this rectangular silver box which caused me to say, "Hey, doesn't that look like a body bag and a coffin?" Especially the coffin, which looked like it came out of the Rocky Horror Show.
Anyway, after the show, we all headed for lunch where an evil vending machine (yet another coffin) stole my two dollars, well, actually SweetRhapsody's, and I gave another dollar to a pirate promoting children's hospital charity because he was much friendlier then the Minnie Mouse.
Then I went off to the bank to grab a cheque for my uni fees, where I spent not one, but TWO hours waiting at the bank! I stared at the TV screen for ages until my eyeballs were ready to pop up from constantly rolling upwards. They played the lousiest R.E.M. songs. But then they played old Cranberries songs which always reminds me of my primary school days so yay. Then they finally called my number. Then, after grabbing my cheque and sobbing over what little is left in my bank account, I spent another half an hour waiting in the line at the student services office. Aaaaaaargh! I was never so glad to finally get out. I wanted to throw myself on the huge grassy square by the JC gallery and just stare at the blue sky. But I was thirsty so I dragged myself home.
And just as I had almost reached the safety of my flat, the danger wasn't over yet! I got ambushed by a crowd of DESIs swarming from the side of my vision all too suddenly! I tried to skirt around them and run off unnoticed but Shuddup saw me and started doing some monkey imitation to get my attention and then they were suddenly all around me and some other guy starts shouting, "Hey, it's Hungary! It's the Hungary Chick!" I don't remember him but he must be one of the guys whom I was telling outrageous lies to at the tav the other day when we were all semi-drunk. I said I was from Hungary and half-gypsy. They asked me to say something in Hungarian. Figuring they don't know hungarian themselves I spouted some rubbish confidently. Then they asked me what was the capital of Hungary. I didn't know it was Budapest so I pretended not to hear them and ran off after a jug of beer.
Anyway I quickly and skillfully entangled myself from the swarm of DESIs and, still in a daze, made my way to my flat. And here I am, recuperating and, hopefully, with all my facilities intact!

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