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& The Lover                                                                                                                                   & Grief                                       of Justice            of Fire         

Monday, December 06, 2004

Weather: Humid
Shop Music: Green Day "American Idiot"
I'm baaaack....a Ryan returning to Chino from the O.C.
After a loong time! Since I arrived home in what is probably the most polluted valley in the world, I have been busy busy meeting up with old friends and finishing that very last assignment for Debut (mmm, interviewing young male pilots!), being robbed and stabbing people, not to mention it took a while to figure out how to hook up the home internet connection to my laptop. But all is well now! I have a feeling this will be a fairly long entry, though, since i haven't been blogging in ages and anyone who reads this blog knows how long my normal entries can get! Aaaah....I miss blogging! Does that make me a computer nerd? Who cares? As long as I'm a pretty computer nerd *preens and ignores the usual chorus of rolled-eyed sighs*
Anyway! How should i describe my feelings returning home? Home? It doesn't feel like home here anymore. Everything seems smaller, not as great as I thought it would be. Maybe my expectations were too high. I don't know. Maybe I should have expected it. We knew even before we left a year ago that it was the time to move on already, that we could never look back and return to what was. I should have known better than to expect things to be the same. And even though I keep inadvertently referring to the most isolated city in the world as home now (which often earns me dagger stares from mom who demands "whaddayamean? isn't THIS polluted valley isn't ur home now?!?"), I know that Isolated City won't permanently be my home any more than Polluted Valley is my home. Life will always change, you'll move on, here is where i call up one of my favourite mottos: "Never look back. Always look forward!" But then again, this STILL is the place i came from and i still DO love this little polluted valley. ScreamingSour, you are right, we are like the great oak trees that hippies chained themselves to, it's time for us to continue growing and spreading our branches all over the world, but we can never forget where our roots come from!!!!!!!!!
Okay, enough of this moving on sentiment. My "old home" has not disappointed me! Less than a week of coming home, my car has been broken into - although by great lockpickers who left my lock undamaged and my car untouched and unfortunately stolen Constance's backpack -, Constance's promise to take me clubbing ended with us in some new club "recommended" by her boyfriend which turned out to be full of ecstacy-high shrill-pitched ah bengs, I've been getting lost on all the new roads which magically sprouted up while I was gone and being harrassed by ugly losers at every corner of the road. Ah, KL, i've missed you!
What else? To make up for the bad clubbing experience with Constance, the Pope got me into the VIP section of Novou and Potato took me to Bar Flam for some whiskey cokes with her colleagues. Ah, life as a working girl for her! 1u didn't disappoint me - still love that place! - Farah is wearing a headscarf, and me and the Iced Milo Bear are taking hour-long walks everyday in a fitness attempt but I think our mouths are getting a better workout than our legs. *grins*
What else? Alexander is probably one of the most boring movies ever made - Iced Milo Bear fell asleep in the middle of a fight scene! a fight scene! that should be proof of how boring it is! - and speaking of movies, they were showing the Terminal on the flight home which I think is really a bad idea considering that we were on a PLANE heading towards a TERMINAL, Catwoman could have been better. In fact, Without A Paddle is probably the best movie I've seen since leaving Isolated City! I think that's because I needed a laugh after all the bloody depressing movies I've been watching since I got back - Terminal, Little Black Book, Alexander, Catwoman, Troy... or maybe it's just me projecting my this-isn't-home-anymore emotions...
Right....I should quit while I'm ahead and while my laptop battery is still running (there is no place to fit my charger in here!) Au Revoir, everyone, until later! *Kisses*

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