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& The Lover                                                                                                                                   & Grief                                       of Justice            of Fire         

Monday, December 06, 2004

Shop Music: Switchfoot - I Dare You To Move.
I'm thinking of sunset-washed oceans by shores that lie far away. I'm thinking about getting away.
As much as this place holds a lot of familiar memories, there's this sudden longing to pack my bags and leave.
What??? you may ask. You just got here!
I know, and it's not as if I'm having a great time here, it's great to see old friends, visit old places, I haven't had a single free moment to myself here and all that, but it's just not the same. Something is missing.
Like I said, I'm thinking of sunset-washed oceans by shores that lie far away.
Moving on, moving on.
Don't mind me, I'm just in a bittersweet melancholy mood tonight at this late hour of this late night. And the only wine in the house is the bottle I bought home which I'm not suppose to open yet.
I think I'll go write some poetry.
By the way, I came across this line in one of the blogs which I like to visit a lot, www.merrymaudlin.blogspot.com - this chick has some of the best quotes on her sidebar, my particular favourite is "Let us so live/ that when we come to die/ even the undertaker would be sorry" - and she added some new lines and this one went "The real reason for not committing suicide is because you always know how swell life gets again after the hell is over." That spells out my feelings exactly! Everytime you reach that point of suicide, the only thing that stops you is knowing that there IS sunshine just ahead. Well, me, anyway. A true thought. :)
Okay, I will stop this and go vent in poetry.

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