The Mercenary       The Soul          The Fire          Welcome to Darkschunt...      Fire Poppies        Power             The Warrior      The House   The Guardian 
& The Lover                                                                                                                                   & Grief                                       of Justice            of Fire         

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Today as I sat on my bed reading in the evening, my windows were wide open and curtains pushed back, and dusk was creeping over the world, the "dim" as L.M. Montgomery put it. The most you can see from the bed is the roof of the back porch of the house opposite, red-tiled and supported with black beams, and its windows loit with a soft golden glow, along with the thick green leaves of the trees hovering over the back walls, and it jst gives you a sense of hovering int he sky, balanced in the open air, as if my room was not part of a house but flying in the sky, or set among the high trees. A Dusk candle burns on my desk by the window, the soft warm golden light washing over old books and papers and pens and ginitng off my gold lantern, reflecting off the rosewood top of my desk. There is music playing, "I Dare You to Move", by Switchfood, and the air is cool, there is a sense of old magic, of balancing between this world and the next, like in my childhood.
In the distance, there is the sound of dogs barking and the clinking silverware of neighbors sitting down to dinner.
I like the evening.

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