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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Yesterday, something *horrible* happened which nearly ruined my perfect sunny week.
As most of whoever's been reading this blog may know, I've been trying to get people to sign a petition to save Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, a Tibetan monk, from being sentenced to death for doing *nothing wrong*. Now, most people don't mind signing this (with the exception of TurbanA who talked my ears off before he finally signed it) because it's for a good cause and they don't lose anything - it's not as if I'm asking for money or something. But then...yesterday...i asked a friend, whom I shall not name, to sign it and she just looked at it and looked at me and said, "He supports the Dalai Lama?" I said "Yes." And she said "I'm not going to sign in."
I was so blown away for a moment, I could only sit there.
"WHY?????" I said. And then we launched into a whole argument.
I mean - for godsakes! This is what I hate about Christians! (Those who have cell groups and stuff, you know who you are) I'm all for loving God and not being ashamed of it and living your life according to the way God wants you to, but THIS IS NOT LIVING YOUR LIFE ACCORDING TO THE WAY GOD WANTS YOU TO. I don't know how but the way I see it, these Christians are growing even further from God, not closer. From what I can see, these type of Christians are growing arrogant. They sneer and shake their head at other religions. They are becoming like the arrogant Jews which Jesus, their own savior, did not want them to be like in the first place! And one thing which I noticed about them is that they are easily taken in by stories of mysticism and satan. The fact is, they want to believe that everything not-Christian is satanic and evil and, well, I have nothing to say to that but *FOOLS!*
But i'm digressing again. For godsakes, all I wanted her to do was sign a petition to save an innocent man's life! When it comes down to it, that's all - *to*save*an*innocent's*life. When it comes down to something as sacred as life, I cannot believe you would not put aside other things, even religion, to save a life. You're not practicing religion properly if you price its restrictions over an innocent's life. I HAVE read the Bible and what i CAN tell these hypocritical Christians is that there is nothing their God would price more over life itself. And yet here they are using His name as an excuse to not save an innocent man's life. AN INNOCENT MAN'S LIFE. When it comes down to it, THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS. Nothing else. If you refuse to save someone's life because they wouldn't believe in the same religion as you, well, I'm sorry, you're as bad as the terrorists, you are as bad as satan himself.
And anyway, it's not even as if I'm asking her to denounce her religion or anything! It's just a damn signature who wouldn't hurt anyone and would help someone who desperately needs help! Isn't that the basis of all religions? And then she throws me another tidbit - she *won't* help because something happened to her family before which is involved with Tibetan Buddhism and being spiritually posessed. I'm sorry, but what I saw before me was a Christian talking about things she doesn't know about except for the urban legends she heard about it which she was only too willing to believe because it would fit in with everything she *wants* to believe and is not necessarily true. And even if it is true, I can assure her that Tenzin Delek Rinpoche and the Dalai Lama would have nothing to do with it because *they* do not believe in hurting or controlling or forcing people - for godsakes, that's the whole reason now why they need our help! Because they DO NOT BELIEVE IN HURTING PEOPLE, even if people hurt them! This monk who needs her help has absolutely nothing to do with what happened to her family and yet she would make him pay with his life for it! This is the kind of time where we need to put aside all our differences to be able to gain some peace in this world, to just save an innocent man's life. But no, she can't even do that. Christians who are reading this, I can assure you this: that is not what God would have wanted you to do. If you believe I am wrong, well, all I can say is that I think you need to have a look at the direction you are going because you're only doing the same things which those Jews were doing which Jesus felt was wrong. You're becoming arrogant - you think you're honoring your God by following strictly what he tells you in the Bible but the fact is that God never wanted you to follow what He said so strictly that you would be rude and arrogant and disrespectful of other people and other religions, that you would put God before someone who needs your help.
She asked me if I was disappointed in her and angry at her. I wouldn't lie to her, I was. I still don't want it to spoil our friendship though, I refuse to let things like difference of religion get in the way of friendship. And I'm not going to MAKE her sign, because she's entitled to her own beliefs and opinions and the whole crux of the matter is that I won't force her to do what she doesn't want to do. But I was just so blown away by the fact that a friend of mine could become so cruel and foolish and blind because of her religion. I knew it was possible, but it still hit me hard when that happened. This is what religion becomes which it was never meant to be. It's like terrorists who believe they're acting in the name of God, killing people. When you think it's right to hurt people, or to not help people, in the name of religion. Out there, there is someone, who has been hurt, who has no sign of help or friends, who knows he is going to die and knows his death is coming closer by each day. And you wouldn't help him. When it comes down to it, that is the thing that truly matters in the end. Not anything else. Not anything else.
Postscript - when I was rereading what I just wrote, I noticed one thing, it's similar to what Jesus went through. he knew his death was coming. He was scared. He knew no one else could help him. Tenzin is going through the same thing. And you, you Christians who call yourselves the people who loved Jesus and would have helped him, you wouldn't help someone else in the same predicament. And it's not even someone who has done evil things, it's someone who has never hurt anyone else in his life either. Take a long hard good look at your life. If you don't think you need to change it, then, well, I would find it hard to believe that you are being a true Christian.

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