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Thursday, October 07, 2004

Bread, Chicken, Ice-Cream, and, er, Braids.
I've been down in the library today trying to track down law journals which deal with the Bread Manufacturers' Defence but I've found nothing, nothing, at all to deal with the lousy little defence, and the so-called helpful librarians weren't helpful at al. Somebody, anybody, who knows anything about any law journals which discusses the Bread Manufacturer's Defence, please please please help meeeee! The best I got was a whole bunch of media law textbooks and a huge craving for bread which I went home, disappointed and tired and cold, to satisfy with a whole loaf of oven-warmed garlic bread. Mmm-hmmm.
Oh, and Bundles has just gotten chicken pox! OMG! Chicken pox! And she's covered with spots all over from top to toe! And I wish that I could be at home so she could infect me and I would finally get the damn pox and get it over with and then we could hang out together in all our chicken pox glory! And then I wouldn't have to do this stupid presentation on Bread Manufacturer's Defence!
By the way, a couple of nights ago I had the strangest dream. Part of it was that everybody had turned into zombies and the only way you could identify them was that they had strange jester-like smiles on their faces like clowns or something so we, the non-zombified minority, had to go around stretching our lips in big grins in order not to be identified by the real zombies. And I don't know what happened but later in my dream, I had just purchased an ice-cream cone in a shop and just as I left that shop I happened to glance over my shoulder and notice 2 guys loitering behind me and I KNEW they were going to rob me but it was too late to duck back into the shop and they KNEW i KNEW they were going to rob me so they both started running after me and slammed into me, knocking over my ice-cream cone at the same time. One of them sprayed mace into my eyes so I couldn't see and I didn't dare to run because obviously I wouldn't be able tknow where I was going so I stood perfectly still with my eyes closed with both my arms clutching my red East India bag to me. One of the guys had run on ahead for some reason but the other one was tugging at my bag trying to get it away from me and I just stood there hugging my bag to myself and I whispered, (I don't know why the hell I was whispering), "Pleeease don't rob me, there's nothing to rob, I'm already broke AND i already got robbed the week before." and the guy was like, "what? you were robbed before?" and I think he felt sorry for me because he just let go of my bag and moved on, shouting to the other guy, "hey, she already got robbed!" And i just kind of stood there in relief and hoping that they wouldn't notice that while I was broke and robbed, I had the cash to buy an ice-cream cone, the one which they had just knocked from my grasp onto the road earlier.
"Oookay," you might say, "what kind of a weirdo dream is that?" but it's not really, because if you think about it, I really AM broke in real life, though I still spend money on food as if I don't realize the edge of my financial world is slipping out from under me, and I have been having major cravings for ice-cream and the dream was probably a guilt trip about my buying ice cream for not just myself but Darsh (who is ALSO broke!) as well the other day, not to mention the fact that CC just got robbed by two guys last month and EUH has been having a bigger spate of robberies than usual...only thing I don't know where the zombies fit in. Wait, I do. It's because I've been obsessed with watching Resident Evil: Apocalypse. Only the zombies in my dream were more Shaun of the Dead zombies then RE:A zombies.
Fashion Report!
Anyone who's been reading this blog probably knows about this week being Braid Week! Monday was high braid with red shoelaces dangling down in goth-scorpio style, worn with black sweater, faded stonewashed jeans and red snake-skin high heels. On Tuesday it was a braid coiled into a bun (a sort of Sporty-Stylish look) with white shirt over green army tube top, blue jeans and black high heels with ballerina-style black ankle ribbons. Wednesday was braid from top of the head over white topless hat (what do u call those hats? the kind that Fergie from Black Eyed Peas wears), black and white Nike top, blue jeans, black boots and black jumper.
Today, however! I took pity on my hair for being resigned to continuous prison in tightly coiled braids and allowed it a respite and did my hair in...long pigtails at the nape! Wore black MNG empire-waist top today and blue jeans with black low heels (the feet needed some rest).
But the one complain I have is that...the weather is a deceptive bitch. On Monday I was all prepared for the cold weather and it turned out to be one of the warmest days we've had. On Tuesday it wasn't so bad because I was Neutral Aka Prepared for Either Weather but Wednesday I was all prepared for a warm day out Cooking Onions when torrents of wind and rain just blew in (thank god for the sweater) but today! Aaargh-the wind!
On the good side, it was reasonably sunny and warm in the afternoon and as I was making my way to the library you could hear strains of soothing guitar music coming over the green lawns and I was craning my neck to try to figure out where it came from (at first I thought it was coming from the Blood Suckers down at the edge of the lawns) but then I realized it had come from two people who had set up their guitars and amps down at the edge of the lawns as well. And it was soo sweet...it made me want to lie down on the grass and look up at the sky and treetops and listen to the music as well but...ah...I had to go enter the Library Dungeon.

Whаt a data of un-ambiguity and prеseгveneѕs of valuable familiarity concerning unexpectеd feelings.

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