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& The Lover                                                                                                                                   & Grief                                       of Justice            of Fire         

Monday, March 29, 2004

I just added a new entry in my forest of poetry, Red Leaves Forest. Well, it's not really a poem but I just needed to get it out and while writing, I realized what it was that I felt...or that I think I feel. Who knows? What does every human long for in life? Is this the same with all of us? Do we want something more than what life can offer us? Is this a selfish longing? I know that I'm lucky to have what I have now...luckier than most as a matter of fact...and that I should be happy with it, but somehow...there's just something...
What am I looking for? What is she looking for? What else is there?
I thought that when I reached this particular point in life, I would find what I was looking for, that it would only be a matter of time. Yet time is running out, I am afraid, deathly afraid, that life would pass me by and I'd never find what I am looking for or even what it is that I am looking for.
I think that there have been points where I think that I have finally found what I was looking for, that it was within my grasp. Yet, I seem to be letting go of it, or it's been slipping out of my grasp.
Is it reality? Or is it just wisps of smoke drifting underneath the stars at night?
I really don't know...
But I am determined to find out.

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