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Monday, February 09, 2004

Polytheism versus Monotheism versus Atheists.
Speaking of Hindhuism, I was just thinking about my opinion on religion. Everyone's always blabbing on about how their religion is better and every one else are heathens. Isn't that like the antithesis of all religions (except the satanic ones?) I mean it doesn't matter wether you're a christian or a buddhist or whatever. God is god. The problem with everyone is that they're too simple minded to realize that it doesn't matter which channel you go through, you still get through to the same god.
And what's the deal with blaming god for everything? For crying out loud, you were given the choices, you made the choices, and now you gotta live with it. If you weren't given those choices you'd be a lot worse off then you already are!
But I digress. Back to that "my religion is better than yours" stuff. Let's talk about polytheism versus monotheism. The thing with this issue is that everyone's making such a hoo-hah over this when the answer is so simple and so clear. I was in the car with a Hindhu friend and a Christian friend once. For some reason we started talking about theology and the Christian one couldn't understand how the Hindhu one could pray to so many "heathen" gods (or something like that). And the Hindhu one mentions that for her, her personal god is Ganesh, the elephant god, because he's suppose to be a special patron god of children (or something like that, I have a short-term memory). And she feels safe with him (or something like that) and that's why she prays to him. And i had this sudden epiphany. You know, all those different gods of one religion are like the different sides of the same god. That's just that religion's way of differentiating the many different sides of god. Okay, I don't know if I'm explaining this very well.
Another example: Take taoism. They don't have any gods, which sets them entirely apart from that mono/poly stuff. But the basic thing to remember is that: they still promote goodness. The way of the tao doesn't teach killing your neighbors, et. cetera, they place importance in developing virtue and being kind to others without expecting rewards and so on. And since god is suppose to be the epitomy of love, goodness, kindness, etc., then taoism is, in its own way, worshipping god, except that the taoists don't bother to manifest goodness and love as a godlike being. Having no god doesn't make them heathens just as much as having a lot of gods or one god makes other religions heathens. God is god is goodness and kindness towards others.
So the bottomline is that it doesn't matter which religion you are, if you're going to be disrespectful to other religions and shake your head and say "man, they are so wrong" (and i have lots of friends who do that, which is sooo annoying, even when they're in the same religion that i am), you're not exactly endearing your religion to others. All religions teach the same thing; they just happen to have different ways of teaching. (except, you know, satanism and that, but that's a different topic for another day. And, you know, satanism is like the darker side to balance things out. Anyone saw Bedazzled starring Liz Hurley and Brendan Fraser? I like what they said about the devil and god at the end of the movie in the courthouse). And to end this, it doesn't matter wether a religion is poly, mono, or atheistic-like, all that matters is looooove. If you don't have the love, then you're not too high up the ladder of humanity.
I was just looking at a list of articles on the web where people with religions that have a god are busy ranting about atheists. See! They're making such a fuss when the real thing that matters is wether you're a good person or not. That's what I call misguided.

Lorne's head: "Where is the praising and extolling of my virtues? Where's the love?"
- Angel Season Two, Episode 22 "There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb".

Jasmine: No. No, Angel. There are no absolutes. No right and wrong. Haven't you learned anything working for the Powers? There are only choices. I offered paradise. You chose this!
Angel: Because I could. Because that's what you
took away from us. Choice.
Jasmine: And look what free will has gotten you.
Angel: Hey, I didn't say we were smart. I said it's
our right. It's what makes us human.
- Angel Season Four, Episode 21 "Peace Out".

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