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Wednesday, February 04, 2004

The Foolish Fears and the Shame of Me.
Today I added a new link to this page - the International Campaign for Tibet link. Now the first thing I want to establish is that freedom for Tibet is something which I care very much about - and the second thing is that yes, I am Chinese. I love being Chinese. I know that there are Chinese who think Tibet is a part of China. But I believe that they are wrong - and that if Tibet wants to be its own independent country - let them!!! Let these people have their freedom!!!
For some reason which I cannot understand myself, I have always loved Tibet. I don't know why; I have never been to the place before. Strange as it seems, I loved it even before I knew it existed. And just one day, I picked up a newspaper and saw an article about Tibet, and somehow I knew that I had always loved this place all along.
And when I discovered what the Chinese - my own people - had done to the place, let's just say that I very strongly feel that it isn't right. Since then, I have been doing my best to find out all I can about Tibet. I've written a paper on Tibet's right to freedom in college and will be putting it up shortly and hopefully it will do something to bring awareness about the country.
Also, another reason for writing this post was to talk about my mixed feelings while I was deciding on a link to a Tibetan website for my blog. I already knew I wanted to put a link up, the problem was that when the time came, I got a little apprehensive - all right, I was scared. I've read things written on the Internet - how strongly some people believe that Tibet is a part of China. How hostile some people can get when it comes to this issue. I may love Tibet, but I also love China and all things Chinese. I'm scared of hostilities from other Chinese who feel that Tibet rightfully belong to China. And it is a stupid fear! And one which is irrational and foolish and makes me disgusted with myself. Think about all those people who get tortured and killed for what they belive in! And I get scared just putting up an innocent link on my blog??? What kind of extremely cowardly pond scum am I? How am I suppose to make a stand about something I truly care about when I can't even do this one small thing?!? I've always prided myself in doing what I believe is right, no matter what other people think or say, but right now I find myself doing exactly the opposite and over just one tiny thing like this. It's embarassing and shameful. So, enough with fear. I don't care about these hostilities now - I have to follow what I believe in. And one of the things which I believe in strongly is that Tibet should be a free and independent country. And I'll do anything, no matter how big or small (like just putting up one tiny link in a blog practically nobody goes to), to support that belief.

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