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& The Lover                                                                                                                                   & Grief                                       of Justice            of Fire         

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I'm such a bad blogger, aren't I? I hardly ever update my blog these days!
And I hardly ever go on msn anymore but I just took a quick trip there the other night and guess who I meet? ScreamingSour aka CirclesforSquare! I miss ya! and a big shout out (does this sound like the radio?) to everyone else too! I miss ya guys so much! And i'm so sorry i'm so bad at keeping in touch! I'm still alive, I promise!
Well I am now that I'm working my way to get out of this Asian slave labour. I swear, guys, never ever will I work for an Asian person and especially not someone who hails from China. From the mentality of my bosses, I swear they think they're still running sweatshops or something. Believe me. The shittiest bosses I have ever known. I wouldn't trust them with my life, let alone five cents.
Oh, I suppose there are some pretty fair and decent ones out there, but the ones I know are just rude and irresponsible and completely unfair. I'll be sorry to leave the work but I won't be sorry to leave them and these horrible working conditions.
Anyway, enough work gripes. Bundles, if you come across this, I am so sorry for leaving the country without calling you and I plan to call you once I get long-distance minutes again or e-mail you the minute I'm done with this week! I swear, the past three weeks have been like Meet the Parent Weeks. I've met the Gutter Philosopher's mum (who is way cool, we kill plenty of bottles of wine together), I've done dinner with Sheryl's parents and now my own parents will be floating into town on, of all days, Valentine's Day. (Like, could the timing be worse?)
And, OMGOMGOMG, CONGRATULATIONS to Circleyforsquares and Sydneyboy who have gotten *eep* married!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I know you keep saying it's not really marriage but it IS. According to the law and the rest of it. OMGOMGOMG! I am still in shock. *faints*
And this post is also for the Lost Smoker who complains that my site is boring. Hmph. Yah fool.
I was just going through all my junk mail and there was this one with the subject title: Caught Another Father Today, That Makes Seven.
Jeez. Like, what the hell was that about? Is this some guy that goes around murdering fathers and he's done a total of seven or something? Creepy but I didn't bother opening it to find out if there's anything up with it; I'm too scared of viruses.
Anyway, I'm at work and really should be getting back to finishing everything up so I can get the rest of the week off free so ciao, guys!
All right, I'm at work now and really shouldn't be doing this so ciao guys!

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